
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    It can be a real struggle trying to learn a new language. I had always enjoyed learning languages in school, but only recently did I start learning German. I found that I could understand and learn individual words easily, but when it came to literature, I really struggled. That was when my tutor at university suggested reading some children's books printed in the target language.

    At first, I felt a bit silly going on a hunt for a book designed for someone half my age, lout then I realised that everyone has to start somewhere. As children, we are given these basic texts to familiarise our brains with certain vocabulary and writing structures, and from there, we can learn and develop. I started with books which are taught to us as children in the UK. I managed to find Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.

    The beauty of reading books that were introduced to you as a child is that you are already familiar with the plot. As a result, you can work out some of the definitions of words with your prior knowledge of the story. At first, I used to read with the book in one hand and a dictionary in the other, but this method did not work well for me. The method I would recommend is to read a chapter of your chosen children's book and at the end of that chapter, highlight the words you do not know and then look up the definitions. If you can wait a bit before you use a dictionary, you may be surprised what you can get merely from the context of the sentence in the story. Additionally, a lot of children's books have pictures which may give you a clue as to what or to whom the passage is referring.

(1)、Why was the author advised to read children's books?
A、Because she was weak in reading great works. B、Because she was slow to learn language. C、Because she liked children's literature. D、Because she couldn't remember any words.
(2)、What can kids get from children's books according to the passage?
A、Vocabulary and listening skills. B、Learning methods. C、Words and structures. D、Designing skills.
(3)、What causes the author feel surprised while reading children's books?
A、Grasping the context from the pictures. B、Looking up the definitions of words from a dictionary. C、Getting familiar with the plots of the story. D、Understanding the words simply from the context.
(4)、What can be the best title of the passage?
A、Reading Children's Books B、The Way of Learning Languages C、The Method of Using Dictionary D、My Good Reading Habits

    At the end of every year, Time picks the best 25 inventions that are “making the world better and smarter”. Here we have picked three of this year's inventions that could be a part of your life in the near future.

The levitating(悬浮的) lightbulb

    This special lightbulb was invented by US artist and scientist Simon Morris. He got the idea of making a lightbulb float from hoverboards(悬浮滑板),which he used to dream of having as a kid.

    But the floating is not the most amazing part. The rejection force between the opposite ends of the magnets(磁铁),which were put in the bottom of the bulb and in the wooden base, does the job. What's new here is a technology called induction (电磁感应). It allows the lightbulb to get power from the base even they are not in contact.

Shoes that tie themselves

    They're not what you think-shoelaces that tie themselves in the way we tie them. Instead, the new shoes have small motors that control their laces. When you step in them, your feet will hit a sensor(传感器)in the shoes and the motor will automatically tighten the laces.

    But the shoes weren't just designed for lazy people's needs. They could actually give athletes an advantage during competition. They are also useful for people who cannot move their arms or fingers easily.

The no-touch thermometer

    Taking your body temperature usually means putting a thermometer (体温计) in your armpits (腋窝) and staying still for minutes. It may be easy for you, but it's an impossible task for little kids.

    Now, with the new thermometer, users can simply put it 2.5 centimeters from a patient's forechead and press the button, and it can get the reading in two seconds.


    A 16-year survey on the arctic Norwegian island of Svalbard found the reindeer(驯鹿)there have declined in weight by an alarming 12 percent. The reduction in average body-mass is being blamed on global warming.

    In research presented lately at a meeting of the British Ecological Society in Liverpool, scientists will explain how rising temperatures are making female reindeer difficult to obtain nutrients during important periods of being pregnant.

    Snow in Svalbard typically covers the ground for eight months of the year, which, combined with low temperatures, limits grass growth to June and July. But as summer temperatures have increased by around 1.5℃, grasslands have become more productive, allowing female reindeer to gain more weight by the autumn and therefore to conceive(孕育)more calves.

    However, warmer winters have brought with them greater rainfall which freezes when is settles on the snow, therefore locking out the reindeer from the life-supporting food below. As a result, female reindeer are becoming starved, causing them to give birth to much lighter young. The average mass of an adult reindeer in 1998, when the survey began, was 55kg, but by 2016 IT had dropped to 48kg.

    Professor Steve Albon, an ecologist at the James Hatton Institute in Aberdeen , said that, because the mammals have a relatively high surface-area-to-volume ratio(表面积与体积比), they are no particularly energy efficient.

    Reindeer can often access the inadequate food sources beneath the snow by clearing IT away with their antlers(鹿角), but they cannot break through the hard ice. Without access to the food in winter, calves are being born far lighter than they should be. Numbers of reindeer have also increased rapidly in the past 20 years, meaning that those which are born are facing greater competition for food. “The implication(含义)are that there may well be more smaller reindeer in the Arctic in the coming decades, but possibly at the risk of catastrophic die-offs because of increased ice on the ground,”said Professor Albon Despite the gloomy findings, reindeer appear to be suffering less from the impact of climate change than some other arctic species.


    On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released two proposals to improve food safety. The regulations are a response to a series of recent foodborne illnesses. The FDA hopes these new rules will prevent problems of food in the earliest period of production, before the contaminated(受污染的)food causes consumers to get sick.

    Over the past decade, foodborne illnesses have caused many people to get sick. Food like spinach(菠菜), ground beef and cantaloupes(甜瓜)has been sent back to producers, because it is bound to contain germs and bacteria that cause illnesses.

    Among the most common problems are dangerous bacteria that cause stomach pains and food poisoning. Often these illnesses occur when food is undercooked or improperly prepared. While not all illnesses are reported, the FDA estimates that nearly 130,000 Americans a year are hospitalized for food-related problems.

    The two new rules proposed by the FDA are called Preventive Controls for Human Food and Standards for Produce Safety. Each rule is described in detail on the FDA's website. Readers can submit comments, which the FDA will use as feedback to mike future adjustments to the proposals.

    The first rule demands manufacturers should have formal plans for preventing contamination and for fixing problems when contamination occurs. This regulation is applied to food produced in the US and overseas.

    The second rule k specific to food that is eaten raw. It requires strict standards of growing harvesting, and packing fruit and vegetables. Workers must make sure the materials used in soil are safe and free of contamination.

    The FDA believes these new rules will not just improve Americans' health but also make a positive economic impact. The regulations can lead to major savings in medical costs for people who get sick because of the contamination food.

    If manufacturers are able to fix problems at source, they will prevent future issuer However, putting the proposals into action will lake lime and money.


Best Inventions

    Sun Power

    People who buy solar panels (嵌板)for their home hope to help the environment and save some money. But they end up with large metal boxes on their roof. Tesla, a car company, solved the problem. The solution is the Solar Roof. It is a series of tiles (瓦) made to look like traditional roofing material while using the power of the sun. Tesla developed it with SolarCity, a longtime provider of solar panels. It is now available to the public.

    Talking Tech

    Echo gives users the ability to talk to their tech. Apple's Siri and Microsoft's Cortana do that too. But in many ways,Amazon's version,Alexa, which is built into Echo,is more powerful. Alexa has grown since it was put on the market in 2014, and today, you can use it to turn on the lights, order a pizza, and more. Echo costs $ 180. Amazon recently developed a junior version, the $ 50 Echo Dot.

    Spin and Roll

    Goodyear is reinventing the wheel. It introduced its Eagle 360 spherical tire (球形轮胎) in March, 2016. The tires allow cars to move in many directions, including sideways, and at angles to handle slippery surfaces. The key is magnetic levitation (磁悬浮). Tires are fixed to cars, but Eagle 360s float beneath them. They're meant for self-driving cars of tomorrow.

    Cycle Safety

    Jeff Woolf had a serious bike crash. If he hadn't been wearing his helmet, he would have been badly hurt. He wondered why so many riders didn't wear helmets. That turns out it was mostly because helmets were big and hard to carry around. Woolf, an engineer, came up with Morpher. The helmet is made from interwoven plastics (交错编织的塑料). It is strong, but it's also flexible enough to fold almost totally flat. That makes it easy to carry. Morpher is priced at $ 119.


                                                                                           Taktak tabulaba?

    You probably don't know how to answer that question ─ unless you happen to be one of the about 430 people in the world who speak a language called Matukar Panau. Then you would know it means “ What are we doing?” Matukar Panau is one of the world's rarest languages. It is spoken in just two small coastal villages in Papua New Guinea.

    Several years ago, David Harrison, a language expert, didn't know much about Matukar Panau either. No one had ever recorded or even studied its words and rules. With so few speakers, the language risked disappearing soon. It was endangered.

    Harrison didn't want that to happen to Matukar Panau. So in 2009, he set out for Papua New Guinea. His goal: use modern technology to help the remaining speakers preserve their native tongue.

    But Matukar Panau is not the only language facing loss. Studies suggest that by the end of this century,nearly half of the 7,000 languages now spoken worldwide could disappear. They're in danger partly because the only people left speaking them are elderly adults. When those old men die, their language will die with them. In addition, children may discard a native language and instead use more common global languages, such as Chinese, English or Spanish.

    In the United States alone, 134 native American languages are endangered. “Language hotspots” exist all over the world. These are places with endangered languages that haven't been recorded. They include the state of Oklahoma, pockets of central and eastern Siberia, parts of northern Australia and communities in South America.


    Wondering what to see and do in India in November? November is an excellent month to visit India. Here are the best festivals in November, 2018 in India.

    International Yoga and Music Festival

    Organized by Nada Yoga School every year since 2008, the International Yoga and Music Festival features 50 of the best professional yoga teachers Ayurvedic(印度草药按摩)doctors, dancers, musicians, and philosophers from Rishikesh and abroad. Free classes and lectures are held with topics including yoga, Ayurveda, philosophy, and Indian classical music. There's an Indian classical music concert in the evenings as well.

    Time: November 1-7, 2018. Location: Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.

    Wangala Festival

    Also known as the 100 Drum Wangala Festival this is the biggest harvest festival of Meghalaya's Garo tribe in northeast India. Held in honor of the Sun God of fertility, the festival marks the end of the seeding season and agricultural year. It's celebrated by the beating of drums, blowing horns, and traditional dancing.

    Time: November 6, 2018. Location: Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Bandra Wine Festival

Being popular with local people for six years, the Bandra Wine Festival is a fun opportunity to sample the best wines in India. In addition to tasting wine, there are market stalls, food stalls, live music in the evenings, and dancing.

    Time: November 7-8, 2018.

    Location: D'Monte Park, Bandra West, Mumbai.

    Pushkar Balloon Festival

    The International Hot Air Ballooning Festival is an added attraction at the Pushkar Camel Fair. Similar to the Taj Balloon Festival in Agra, it's hosted by Sky Waltz, and features hot air balloons from around the world and a Night Glow Music Concert. Accommodation and balloon flight packages are offered to visitors.

    Time: November 21-23, 2018. Location: Pushkar, Rajasthan.

