
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    With modern technology, much written communication tends to focus on the keyboard, but handwriting is still a necessary and important skill.Here are some tips for you to improve your handwriting.

    Examine Your Handwriting

    Look through your writing to decide what makes it difficult to read or what makes it unattractive. Perhaps you write your letters too small. Check on spacing of letters and words, and proper formation of letters. If your letters are small, put more effort into writing larger letters. If certain letters trip you up, practice those letters separately and within words.

    Write Correctly

    Positioning and technique play a role in how your handwriting looks. Hold the pen between your thumb and first two fingers so that it rests against your fingers. Hold it firmly enough to control the tip but not so hard that it hurts your fingers. Lighter pressure on the paper helps you create smooth lines and focus on your letter formation.


    Letters are formed from several basic strokes(笔划). Practice those strokes separately to get your hand used to forming them. Strokes found in letters include vertical lines, horizontal lines, and circles. Build on those to practice specific letters.

Write for a Purpose

    Teach young children handwriting in meaningful contexts. Use that same idea by picking up a pen to write lists and notes by hand instead of typing. Keep a journal daily with slow, correct strokes.These true and sincere writing opportunities make the practice meaningful.

A. Build on Basics.

B. Practice makes perfect

C. Focus on improving your correctness instead of speed

D. Writing at a slower speed also helps you focus on letter formation

E. Put a handwritten letter in the mail to surprise a friend or a relative

F. Handwriting requires your brain, eyes and hands to work together to form letters.

G. Before you can improve your handwriting, you need to know where you're falling apart.


Attraction of the Minions

When it comes to film, people usually favor good over evil,focus on the hero and ignore the supporting characters. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Originallycomedic background characters in the film Despicable Me(卑鄙的我), these yellow pill­shaped nuts, havetotally stolen the show and turned into a popular figure. This summer thecharacters debuted(首演)in their own self­titled movie in theaters abroad, having the second biggestopening weekend of all time for a cartoon film according to USAToday.Recently, McDonald's has been including Minion toys with kids' meals in someareas, causing loyal fans to flock to the restaurant to collect them all. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Themovie's huge popularity even surprised its writers.“We never knew the Minionswere going to be so popular.It just became a force of nature,” the film's co­writer Cinco Paul toldthe LosAngelesTimes.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}For many, the appeal is obviously their cuteness.Their simple nature can easilysurpass cultures and age groups.Even children can draw them.Thousands ofexamples of fan­made Minion art from fingernails to Halloween clothes arevisible on global social media platforms.

Butthere's more to the phenomenon than just cuteness.US entertainment website HitFix explains that their way of communicating makes the creatures influential aswell. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But it seems everyone can understand them through theirexaggerated(夸张的)movements and expressions.

Moreimportantly, their childlike mannerisms is a brand of humor that winshearts.“Clumsy, foolish Minions are recognized as the ultimate betapersonalities,”wrote Peter Debruge of US entertainment magazine Variety.

Theydesire nothing more than to serve their most despicable master. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}“Perhaps we love Minions because they remind us of ourselves,” HuffingtonPost associate Web editor SaraBoboltz wrote, “or an evil version of ourselves.”

A.So what makes the banana­lovingMinions a big hit?

B.Besides, their childlike mannerentertains fans more.

C.And this evil characteristic arousessympathy among humans.

D.Related video games, toys and othergoods are sweeping the world.

E.Minions is a 2015 American 3Dcomputer­animated family comedy film.

F.But when it comes to the Minions,these conventions go right out the window.

G.The largely speak in nonsense wordswith the occasional recognizable terms like “potato”.


    What do the world's most successful people all have in common?

    By examining the work habits of over 150 greatest writers and artists and scientist,the researchers including Stanford Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer found that high achievers like Robert Moses turn out to be all alike:

    Busy! Busy!

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}In a study of general managers in industry,John Kotter reported that many of them worked 60 to 65 hours per week―which translates into at least six 10-hour days.The ability and willingness to work difficult and tiring hours has characterized many powerful figures.Energy and strength provide many advantages to those seeking to build power.

    Just Say No!

    The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.And that's what gives them the time to accomplish so much.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}And focus means saying “no” to a lot of distractions.

    Know What You Are!

    Ignore your weakness and keep improving your strengths.Don't waste time exploring skill areas where you have little competence.Instead,focus on―and build on―your strengths{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Create Good Luck!

    Luck is not magical-there is a science to it.Richard Wiseman studied lucky people for his book Luck Factor,and broke down what they do right.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}By being more outgoing,open to a new ideas,following the feeling that something is true,being optimistic,lucky people create possibilities.

    Does applying these principles to your life actually work? Wiseman created a “luck school” to test the ideas―and it was a success.In total,80 percent of people who attended Luck School said that their luck had increased.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Spend enough time improving your weakness.

B. Achievement requires concentration.

C. On average, these people reported that their luck had risen by more than 40 percent.

D. High achievers never stop working and they never lose a minute.

E. Busy people are more likely to be lucky.

F. This means knowing who you are and what you are good at.

G. Certain personality types are luckier because they behave in a way that offers the chance for good opportunities.


    Injuries and deaths caused by driving after drinking are preventable. Sadly, actions by the police can only catch a small number of drunk drivers on the roads. It is up to each person to make the decisions.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}So we should help guide our friends and persuade them to avoid driving after drinking. Here are some tips.Start talking to the person early. With every drink, judgment becomes increasingly uncontrolled.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}So as soon as your friend starts drinking, you should try to persuade him to make a plan to get home safely. Remember, after he gets drunk, he may not listen to you.Help the person realize he is drunk. Talk to him and show him that he is increasingly clumsy.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}For example, ask who you can call to pick him up, or what public transport he would like to use. If he knows he is drunk, he may follow your advice.Make last efforts. If all else fails and a drunk person wants to drive home, threaten to call the police or take his keys.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}When he is not concentrated, take his keys. This may make it easier to convince him to take a cab home. Remember, don't give him the keys even if he's angry.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}If you once drove home after you got drunk, your friend may not listen to you. So in order to succeed in persuading your friend to avoid driving after drinking, you should behave yourself first.

A. Ask him where his keys are.

B. Set a good role model.

C. Give him an alternative way to get home.

D. But it isn't easy to make the right decisions.

E. Make him realize drinking makes him look like a fool.

F. The police will come to help you out once you call them.

G. It means the more one drinks, the less likely that he will listen to you.


    Depression can be harmful to those affected by the disease, but the pain it causes doesn't end there.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} They can see the damage the disease is causing, but may feel helpless orconfused about what to do to assist. Yet there are many ways that friends and family can help.

    Know the symptoms

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} That means learning the symptoms of depression. Also, it means realizing that the individual may not recognize the signs himself or herself. Depression may appear as persistent unhappiness, anger, tiredness or other feelings and emotions that the individual may owe to something other than depression.

    Be sympathetic

    The most important thing is to be sympathetic.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Listen with patience and acceptance. Let the person talk about how they're feeling no matter how sad or negative their comments are. Do not argue about their points or try to convince them to see things in a more positive light, because someone wrestling with depression does not have the ability to do so.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Talk to your physician and share what's going on and ask what they suggest. It won't be the first time they have heard this, and they have resources that will be helpful. For the friend or loved one, the best thing to offer is your understanding and a sense of hope. Let them know that, they will start to feel better and see things differently once they seek help and undergo treatment.

    Support them through treatment

    It can be helpful to point out that depression is not a personal problem or weakness of character but it's a medical condition that responds to treatment, just like most other medical problems. And help your loved one stick with treatment. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Seek your own support.

B. Ask doctors about your symptoms.

C. Friends and loved ones are affected, too.

D. The first step is to recognize that he or she may be depressed.

E. Those with depression are at increased risk of harming themselves.

F. It may take several weeks before the patient sees signs of improvement.

G. Do not suggest in any way a sense of surprise that this person is depressed.


    Is college really worth the cost? Let's explore some of the pros and cons. It takes money to make money.

    Do college graduates make a higher salary? In general, yes. Those with a bachelor's degree make nearly twice the income of someone with only a high school diploma.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Among the majors that make the most money out of college are engineering, math and computer science. Not surprisingly, some of the lowest include art, religious studies, and early childhood and elementary education.


    The average cost of a year of tuition (学费) in the United States is more than $30,000.That's just one year. Because of that, many college graduates come out with debt that annoys them for years after they graduate.

    For many tradesmen, a special skill in their specific field is all that's needed to make not only a fairly good living, but a comfortable one. The average electrician, for example, makes $58,933, whereas the average preschool teacher, after college, makes around $30,000. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    College grads have higher job satisfaction.

    Another plus for going to college? In general, college graduates are more satisfied with their jobs — 57 percent of college graduates are satisfied in their careers as compared to 37 percent of people with just a high school diploma. What's more, college graduates are less affected by job cuts when economy is weak. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    They also have a better social network.

    College also provides numbers of social benefits, providing social networks that stay with people throughout their lives. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The college years are formative years in our lives.

A. But college tuition is pricy.

B. Better universities cost more but bring more.

C. That being said, not all college majors are created equal.

D. They really have a better sense of achievement in their career.

E. They are more marketable and can generally find another job more easily.

F. How many people do you know who met their future wife or husband in college?

G. And that salary doesn't factor in the cost to pay back student loans from four years of college.


A. Eat Healthy Portion Sizes

B. Switch to Healthy Whole Grains

C. The secret to healthy shopping is to plan ahead

D. The changes they make end up being short term

E. Avoid boiling vegetables until they're drained of colour

F. Limit your nutritional intake will only make you feel tired

G. We should form the habit of preparing meals from unprocessed foods

    Many people who struggle with their health or weight say they've tried every diet or food plan under the sun, without any long-term success. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Their old eating habits soon return, leaving them disheartened and frustrated. The key to success lies in developing healthy eating habits. Here are a few eating habits that you should follow.

    ①Eat Healthy Unprocessed Food. Many of the packaged foods we buy today are aimed at convenience but they're not that healthy. They often contain high amounts of preservatives, man-made colourings and other added chemicals. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    ②{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Whole grains offer far more nutrients and fibre than their refined "white" varieties. On the taste side, whole grains have more texture, flavour and nuttiness than refined ones. It is a fast and simple way to improve your eating habits.

    ③Change to Healthy Cooking Methods. The more you "do" to your food, the less it does for you. So avoid things like deep-frying, which drenches your food in unnecessary calories. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. This will sap them of nutrients.

    ④Plan Your Healthy Shopping. It's too easy to eat takeaway if there's nothing in the fridge or put together something naughty when it's filled with unhealthy foods. But if your fridge and pantry are stocked with healthy options you'll be able to make better choices when you're hungry. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

