
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    It takes a special person to travel with kids—a parent. Children have their own needs. Their idea of a vacation is more “adventurous” than a parent's. They need constant inspiration and they can get as tired as they are tiring.

    Make sure you have plenty of room while traveling

    If you are driving, get a mini-van. Sure, you might be more of a “car” type, and you might have resisted buying a mini—van so far. But pick up a rental van for the vacation just to give the kids a little more room for fighting.

    Accommodations along the way can be tricky. Usually it involves a crowded motel for just long enough to sleep, then back in the crowded car. This is not anybody's idea of a home away from home. An accommodation alternative is to camp, but not everyone enjoys a good early morning wake-up wrestle with a bear as much as I do, so a motel might be required.

    Make sure you have plenty of room when you “get there”

    Assuming you are actually heading for a destination, make sure to have lots of room when you get there. This part is easy. But it requires thinking outside the box. Forget hotels, motels, and inns. Look for private rental homes.

    Probably the biggest destination for families is Walt Disney World in Florida. Good news—Orlando, Kissimmee and the surrounding area is full of private vacation homes for rent. In Florida they call them vacation villas, and they offer all the space of home.

    Be prepared for “children being children” events

    Sometimes, stress hits you from behind when the unexpected happens. Like a cut or a scrape…or a child getting sick. Sharon Baillie told me that is why she tells all her villa rental guests where the first-aid case can be found, and exactly where to go for medical attention. This is particularly helpful for her many guests from abroad, who are unfamiliar with the US healthcare system.

    Booking tickets to theme parks and making reservations for just about everything in advance makes the trip less stressful. Try having your children baby-sat. Hire a local baby-sitter once or twice. Vacation Home owners can set this up for you, and some hotels might be willing to, too.

(1)、Where does the author prefer to rest on the way to the destination?
A、In a camp. B、In a mini-van. C、At a motel. D、In a car.
(2)、What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A、Booking tickets in advance. B、Hiring a baby-sitter. C、Making reservations ahead of time. D、Looking for a tour guide.
(3)、What is the purpose of the passage?
A、To introduce ways of travelling. B、To advertise vacation homes for tourists. C、To reduce the stress while traveling abroad. D、To show how to travel comfortably with kids.

    Meet big brother Blue and his sisters Meadow and Little Willow, a family of three blind cats that got adopted by the family Catherine Magno.

    Their story starts just before the Christmas of 2014 when the kittens (小猫) were found in an abandoned house in Dubai. By then they had already lost their sight due to a cat flu that was left untreated by their previous (先前的) owner. After that they came to an animal home. At some point, brother Blue almost got adopted by the previous owner's neighbor, but the poor confused cat couldn't bear living without his sisters and cried all night while searching for them. Soon they were all united in the animal home until the important night of 19 February 2015, when Catherine took under her wing.

    “I had zero experience having adopted my first ever rescue kitten just a couple of months ago,” Catherine said. “But their story touched my heart so much that I couldn't bear the thought of them being put in a cage for a very long time or even worse.”

    Catherine was worried about the special needs of her new pet friends: “My worry was that it's going to not only be challenging but also require a lot of adjustments on my part,” but apparently it wasn't that much different. “The only adjustment early on was keeping everything where it was but they are soon adaptive(适应的).” And as she wonderfully put it: “Blind pets see through their hearts.”



    Have you ever felt like you are not given the kind of respect you deserve? In one way or another, all of us have felt this way. We've yearned(渴望) to be looked at as an authority, someone people look up to and trust. We're not taught in school how to do this and our parents didn't tell us the secret on how to establish our authority. It's something we learn and gain by ourselves. And the answer is as simple as changing our mindset. What? No way! Oh but it is. People tend to underestimate the power of the mind. Change your game by changing your mind.

    Take time to look back and think about people in your life who are an authority or a leader at work, who has more credibility(可信度) than you or who you look up to and inspires you. They are up there not for the reasons you think. If you really think about it, they aren't the smartest of the bunch, not the most educated, and neither are they the best. And in no way do they even call themselves an expert. Instead, they are up there because they are great teachers and advocates(支持者) for the success of their customers or employees.

    Let's take Richard Simmons for example. This famous fitness personality has been a household name ever since he started gaining popularity during the first few years of his career. Stop and think, though, do you really think he is the best person to really get people into shape? Is he the Einstein of fitness and nutrition? Or does he even call himself a master of his craft? Of course not. People look up to him and give him authority because he is a great educator. Instead of sharing information that's far too complicated to understand, he figures out what your problems are and finds out a way to fix them. He even has social media that he updates on a regular basis with topics that are helpful and easy to understand for his fans and followers.

    Depending on the field you're in, you can share with people things you know and that you think they will want to know as well. If you're a nurse, for example, you can make a blog post for common health problems and quick remedies(治疗方法) people can do at home. Remember, the simpler you can make it, the better. People will trust you completely if you give them easy solutions. Like Richard, you'll soon be the expert you'll want to listen to. You can be an advocate also by showing people that you have their best interests at heart. You can also start up conferences to take up people's concerns and try to deal with them the best way that you can.

    So, how will you be viewed as an authority? Make that mind shift. Find out what concerns and troubles your target. Give solutions. Show that you care. And help them climb up that ladder of success. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how it's done.


    Why do you go to the library? For books, yes—but you like books because they tell stories You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someone else's life. At one type of library you can do just that—even though there's not a single book.

    At a Human Library, instead of books, you can "borrow" people. People with unique life stories volunteer to be the "books." For a certain amount of time, you can ask them questions and listen to their stories, which are as fascinating as any you can find in a book. (If you attend, make sure to review the habits that make you a good listener.) Many of the stories have to do with some kind of depressing topic. You can speak with a refugee, a soldier suffering from PTSD (创伤后遗症), a homeless person and a woman living with HIV. The Human Library encourages people to take time to truly get to know and learn from someone they might otherwise make a snap judgement about. According to its website, the Human Library is "a place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered."

    The Human Library Organization came to be in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000. Romni Abergel and his colleagues hosted a four-day event during a major Northern European festival. After the success of this event, Abergel founded the Human Library Organization, hoping to raise awareness among youth about depression, which has been growing ever since.

    Though there a few permanent human libraries, most aren't place at all, but events. Though many do take place at physical libraries, you don't need a library card—anyone can come and be part of the experience. There have been human library events all over the globe, in universities and in pubs, from Chicago to Tunis to Edinburgh to San Antonio. Check out the organization's Facebook page to see when the Human Library might be arriving near you.


    Six months ago,Jack came to china to study.He has heard that Yanghou is famous for its gardens. And he plans to visit some gardens in July, so he has collected information about them online as follows:

    The Slender West Lake named National AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010, includes the Great Rainbow Bridge, the White Pagoda, Five-pavilion Bridge, the Twenty-four Bridge, the Small Golden Hill and so on. The best time to tour the Slender West Lake is in March. During the visit to the park, the boat travels on the water and visitors travel in the picture.

    Ticket: Mar. - May. ¥ 150; Other months ¥90

    Time: 8:30 - 17:00

    Bus: No. 4, 5, 6, 17, 61 buses

    Tel: 0514-87357803; 0514-87370091

    Website: http://www.shouxihu.com

    Ge Garden, one of the four lop famous Chinese gardens, got its name from bamboo. The bamboo in the garden forms the green scenery. The centre of the garden is well known for man-like hills. Four seasons can be experienced here at a time.

    Ticket: Mar. - May. ¥ 10; Other months ¥30

    Time: Mar. - May. 7:15 - 18:00; Other months 7:15 - 17:30

    Bus: No. 8, 30, 61 buses

    Tel: 0514-87935285

    Website: http://www.gy-garden.net

    He garden, the most famous garden in the late Qing Dynasty, is known for its long double-way corridor(走廊), which is regarded as the earliest footbridge.

    Ticket: Mar. - May. ¥ 40; Other months ¥30

    Time: 7:30 - 17:15

    Bus: No. 19, 61 buses

    Te: 0514-87900345; 0514-87222353

    Website: http://www.he-garden.net


    When John was growing up, other kids felt sorry for him. His parents always had him weeding the garden, carrying out the garbage and delivering newspapers. But when John reached adulthood, he was better off than his childhood playmates. He had more job satisfaction, a better marriage and was healthier. Most of all, he was happier. Far happier.

    These are the findings of a 40-year study that followed the lives of 456 teenage boys from Boston. The study showed that those who had worked as boys enjoyed happier and more productive lives than those who had not. "Boys who worked in the home or community gained competence (能力) and came to feel they were worthwhile members of society," said George Vaillant, the psychologist (心理学家) who made the discovery. "And because they felt good about themselves, others felt good about them."

    Vaillant's study followed these males in great detail. Interviews were repeated at ages 25, 31 and 47. Under Vaillant, the researchers compared the men's mental-health scores with their boyhood-activity scores. Points were awarded for part-time jobs, housework, effort in school, and ability to deal with problems.

    The link between what the men had done as boys and how they turned out as adults was surprisingly sharp. Those who had done the most boyhood activities were twice as likely to have warm relations with a wide variety of people, five times as likely to be well paid and 16 times less likely to have been unemployed. The researchers also found that IQ and family social and economic class made no real difference in how the boys turned out.

    Working—at any age—is important. Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competence—the underpinnings (基础) of emotional health. They also help him understand that people must cooperate and work toward common goals. The most competent adults are those who know how to do this. Yet work isn't everything. As Tolstoy once said, "One can live magnificently in this world if one knows how to work and how to love, to work for the person one loves and to love one's work."


    Yesterday I went to the nursing home to visit my grandma. She just got out of the hospital recently where she had some serious operations. I wanted to surprise her after work so I stopped by for a quick visit.

    When I got there she was happy to see me. We hugged, kissed and exchanged greetings. Then I heard a woman crying. It was my grandma's roommate. The curtain was drawn so I could not see her. She started calling out a name that wasn't mine but she was certainly talking to me, begging me to go to her side of the room.

    I ignored her at first and continued visiting with my grandma. Then she started begging and saying, "Please, come to see me!" So I went to see her.

    When I drew the curtain back she looked so old but flashed me the biggest smile! She opened her arms wide for me to hug her so I bent low and gave her a hug. I sat on her bed and talked with her for a few minutes. She kept calling me by the other name but I did not correct her. She told me stories as if I had been there when they happened.

    Finally I went back to talk with my grandma. Then the other woman started crying again, saying, "Please, come back." She finally slept.

    I stopped by the nurse's station and the nurse told me that the lady suffers from Alzheimer's. I mentioned the name she had called me. The nurse told me it was the lady's daughter's name. Then I understood why she wanted me to go to talk with her.

    We will all get old someday. Some of us will have broken minds like my grandma's roommate and some of us will have broken bodies like my grandma. As I was leaving I promised I would go back and visit the lady, even after my grandma moved back to her home.

