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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    "It can't be done." Boyan Slat heard this over and over when he first proposed a way to clean up millions of tons of plastic polluting our oceans. Almost anyone else would have given up in frustration and despair. But 20-year-old Slat hasn't: been discouraged but committed to his dream. "Human history is basically a list of things that couldn't be done, and then were done," he says. Today, slat and his team at The Ocean Cleanup are well on their way to proving the critics wrong. Good news for the planet.


    Slat, who grew up in the city of Delft in the Netherlands, was on a diving trip in Greece three years ago when he was deeply impressed by plastic, "There were more plastic bags than fish," he says. "That moment I realized it was a huge issue and that environmental issues are really the biggest problems my generation will face."

That fall, Slat, then 17, decided to study plastic pollution as part of a high school project. Soon, Slat learned that no one had yet come up with practical way to clean up this massive garbage patches. Most proposed solutions involved "fishing" up the plastic using ships equipped with nets﹣which, as Slat discovered, would likely take more than 1,000 years, cost too much, let off too much sea life along with the trash.

    Slat proposed an alternative that mostly avoided these problems﹣a solar﹣powered system using a floating plastic tube which will go around the garbage and trap it is 600 meters long, A big screen hangs down from it, about three metres into the water. Wind, waves and ocean currents will push the trash toward the tube. (Fish can swim under the screen) A ship will pick up the trash and take it back to the shore to sort and recycle it into oil and other products. Best of all, Slat predicted his system could clean up the North Pacific Garbage Patch between California and Hawaii where a lot of floating garbage exists, within five to 10 years.


    The following, Slat entered the aerospace engineering program at the Delft University of Technology and officially announced his ocean cleanup concept at TEDx Delft. But nothing much moved forward,

    Slat found himself continually absent﹣minded in classes, looking for ways to improve his concept. "It wouldn't let go. I finally decided to put both university and my social life on hold to focus all my time on developing this idea. I wasn't sure if it would succeed, but considering the scale of problem I thought it was important to at least try." He says.

    With this family's blessing, Slat began in earnest organizing a team of volunteers and employees for The Ocean Cleanup, which now numbers about 100.


    In answer to opposition, Slat and his team raised $100,000 from a crowd funding campaign and began testing a 40﹣meter collecting barrier near the Azores Islands last March. In June, they released a 500+ page possibility study.

Over the next three to four years, Slat will push toward a fully operational large﹣scale project by testing a series of longer and longer barriers. He's currently seeking to crowd fund $2 million to finance it. Incidentally, The Ocean Cleanup is also working on a plan to stop plastic from washing into the oceans in the first place. "It's just the other problem that is equally important." Slat says. "It's something everyone is able to help with, and we also have some technologies in the pipeline."

    As for school, Slat doesn't miss it﹣except maybe for the social﹣part, which he hopes to (恢复) a bit once his team takes on more of the workload. "I don't have time for things like that right now, but I really can't complain. I can imagine doing something more fun than being able to have an idea and then actually making it into a reality." he says.

(1)、What is the function of the first paragraph?
A、An introduction to the main topic. B、An overview of the whole article. C、The background information of the story. D、Raising a problem for later solution.
(2)、Which of the following shows the correct order of the three missing subtitles?

a. But is it possible?

b. Drowning in plastic

c. An idea wouldn't die

A、a﹣b﹣c B、c﹣b﹣a C、b﹣a﹣c D、b﹣c﹣a
(3)、What inspired the boy to study plastic pollution?
A、One of his high school projects. B、Others' opposition to his proposal. C、Humans' failure in cleaning up the ocean. D、The shockingly heavy plastic pollution in ocean.
(4)、What can we say about Slat's design?
A、It is powerful but only used in California and Hawaii. B、It is huge but causes great damage to sea lives. C、It makes full use of natural forces and is friendly to nature. D、It was welcomed by all the public and worked very well.
(5)、Which of the following quotes best displays Slat's strong will and confidence?
A、"Human history is basically a list of things that couldn't be done, and then were done." B、"That was the moment I realized it was a huge issue and that environmental issues are really the biggest problems my generation will face." C、"I finally decided to put both university and my social life on hold to focus all my time on developing this idea." D、"It's something everyone is able to help with, and we also have some technologies in the pipeline."
(6)、What does the author mainly do in this article?
A、Explain a creative idea. B、Introduce a fascinating person. C、Describe a social phenomenon. D、Praise a point of view.

                                                          Music for Humans and Humpback Whales   

    As researchers conclude in Science, the love of music is not only a universal feature of the human species, but is also deeply fixed in complex structures of the human brain, and is far more ancientthan previously suspected.

    In the articles that discuss the field of bio-musicology, the study of the biological basis for the creation and appreciation of music, researchers present various evidence to show that music-making is at once an original human "business", and an art form with skillful performers throughout the animal kingdom.

    The new reports stress that humans hold no copy right on sound wisdom, and that a number of nonhuman animals produce what can rightly be called music, rather than random sound. Recentin-depth analyses of the songs sung by humpback whales show that, even when their organ would allow them to do otherwise, the animals converge on the same choices relating to sounds and beauty, and accept the same laws ofsong composition as those preferred by human musicians, and human ears, everywhere.

    For example, male humpback whales, who spend six months of each year doing little else but singing, use rhythms (节奏) similar to those found in human music and musical phrases of similar length—a few seconds. Whales areable to make sounds over a range of at least seven octaves (八度音阶), yet they tend to move on through a song in beautiful musical intervals, rather than moving forwards madly. They mix thesounds like drums and pure tones in a ratio (比例) which agrees with that heard in much western music. They also usea favorite technique of human singers, the so-called A-B-A form, in which a theme is stated, then developed, and then returned to in slightly revised form.

    Perhaps most impressive, humpback songs contain tunes that rhyme. "This suggests that whales use rhyme in the same way we do: as a technique in poem tohelp them remember complex material," the researchers write.


    The main hall of a 135-year old temple in Shanghai will be moved 30 meters to its north in order to create more space for visitors. Thousands of people gather and see the moving of the temple that started on Saturday.

    The Mahavira Hall, of Shanghai's Jade Buddha Temple, was built in 1882. The temple in downtown Shanghai attracts more than two million visitors a year. Daily visitors can reach as high as 100,000.

    A major renovation project started in 2014. The moving of the temple started on Saturday and is set to be finished in two weeks. The main hall of the temple will be relocated 30.66 meters northward within the temple and elevated 1.05 meters.

    Master Jue Xing, abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple and vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, said moving the hall will create more space between buildings and reduce the risks of a stampede as the temple is usually tightly packed.

    Buddhist statues and relics in the hall will also be moved together with the hall, he said.

    Workers pumped cement into the foundation of the hall because the old building's foundation was rather soft, he said.

    Statues and other relics in the building were stabilized and protected with frames to avoid damage, he said.

    The moving will be carried out with the help of relic preservation experts from the Shanghai Museum, he said.

    Shanghai has had several successful projects to move old buildings, including a school in 2009 and a concert hall in 2002. On Aug. 31st, Shanghai Concert Hall began to move 66.46 meters northward after the last concert was held in the previous location and reopened to audience two years later. The moving was recognized as a wonder of construction protection and inspired the experts of the moving of the the Mahavira Hall.


    A world-famous Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, has created the world's first long-distance signing device(装置), the LongPen.

    After many tiring……from city to city, Atwood thought there must be a better way to do them . She hired some technical experts and started her own company in 2004. Together they designed the LongPen. Here's how it works: The author writes a personal message and signature on a computer tablet(手写板) using a special pen. On the receiving end, in another city, a robotic arm fitted with a regular pen signs the book. The author and fan can talk with each other via webcams(网络摄像机) and computer screens。

    Work on the LongPen began in Atwood's basement(地下室). At first, they had no idea it would be as hard as it turned out to be. The device went through several versions, including one that actually had smoke coming out of it. The investing finally completed, teat runs w ere made in Ottawa, and the LongPen was officially launched at the 2006 London Book Fair. From here , Atwood conducted two transatlantic book signings of her latest book for fans in Toronto and New York City.

    The LongPen produces a unique signature each time because it copies the movement of the author in real time. It has several other potential applications. It could increase credit card security and allow people to sign contracts from another province. The video exchange between signer and receiver can be recorded on DVD for proof when legal documents are used.

     “It's really fun”, said the owner of a bookstore, who was present for one of the test runs. “Obviously you can't shake hands with the author but there are chances for a connection that you don't get from a regular book signing..

    The response to the invention has not been all favorable. Atwood has received criticism from authors who think she is trying to end book tours. But she said, “It will be possible to go to places that you never got sent to before because the publishers couldn't  afford it.”

Directions: Read the following passage. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Is Paperless Office Really Paperless?

    A rising economy increased paper sales by 6 to 7 percent each year in the early to mid-1990s, and the convenience of desktop printing allowed office workers to indulge anything and everything. In 2004, Ms. Dunn, a communications supplies director, said that plain white office paper would see less than a 4 percent growth rate, a primary reason for which is that some 47 percent of the workforce entered the job market after computers had already been introduced to offices.

    For office innovators, the dream of paperless office is an example of high-tech arrogance(傲慢). Today's office service is overwhelmed By more newspapers than ever before. After decades of development, the American government can finally get rid of the madness on paper. In the past, the demand for paper has been far ahead of growth in the American economy, but the sales have slowed markedly over the past two to three years, despite the good economic conditions.

    “Old habits are hard to break,” says Ms. Dunn. “There are some functions that paper serves where a screen display doesn't work. Those functions are both its strength and its weakness.” Analysts attribute the decline to such factors as advances in digital databases and communication systems. Escaping our craving for paper, however, will be anything but an easy affair.

    “We're finally seeing a reduction in the amount of paper being used per worker in the workplace,” says John Maine, vice president of a paper economic consulting firm. “More information is being transmitted electronically, and an increasing number of people are satisfied that information exists only in electronic form without printing multiple backups.”

    To reduce paper use, some companies are working to combine digital and paper capabilities. For example, Xerox is developing electronic paper: thin digital displays that respond to a stylus, like a pen on paper. Marks can be erased or saved digitally. Even with such technological advances, the increasing amounts of electronic data necessarily require more paper.

    “The information industry today is composed of a thin paper crust surrounding an electronic core,” Mr. Saffo wrote. The growing paper crust is most noticeable, but the hidden electronic core is far larger and growing more rapidly. The result is that we are becoming paperless, but we hardly notice at all. “That's one of the greatest ironies of the information age,” Saffo says. “It's just common sense that the more you talk to someone by phone or computer, it inevitably leads to a face-to-face meeting. The best thing for the aviation industry was the Internet.”


    Vacation is a time for refreshment. In work, we are often called to think. Sometimes, it's good to give our brains a rest. Without a break, we may not be able to perform up to our potential. This can be a problem, not only for the employee, but for the employer as well.

    "The main benefit of vacation is for the worker to come back energized," says Weaver. "If they haven't had a break, then they're not coming back with new energy. They haven't had a chance to step back and get perspective(远景), and come back with renewed enthusiasm."

    Long working hours without a break, insecurity about one's job, and other work-related worries can lead to burnout and stress. Humans can usually adapt to pressure, but not for a limitless amount of time.

    "It is a problem of relating good workers and having them loyal to the firm while they're there," says David Maume, PhD, professor of sociology at the University of Cincinnati. He says burnout can also affect employees' productivity, creativity, and effectiveness.

    In addition, high levels of stress may lead to depression, which can hit both the employer and employee's pocketbook. Even people who manage to remain productive at work can have problems. If they're always at work, then they're not with their family and friends. If they're working while on vacation, for the time that they're on the job, they're not really present.

    An unbalanced emphasis on work can strain family and social life. When you come up for air, you may see that you're alone, or that your relationships have gone on without you.


    A typical school day in the UK starts around 8:30 am. This is often even earlier elsewhere in the world, with students sitting down to their first lesson at 7:30 am in the US. The average teenager ideally needs eight to nine hours' sleep each night, but in reality a lot of teenagers struggle to get this much. A lot of the problems happen because our sleep patterns are not fixed, and they change as we grow.

    So a later school start time could help to solve this problem, by ensuring to get their eight plus hours of sleep and react properly to their body's natural rhythms(规律). There has been a general change over the past 25 years to shorten the school day. This is not at the cost of teaching time (which has remained constant) but at the cost of natural breaks, which has led to reduced lunch time and lesson breaks.

    Later start times could help teens' grades and health. This is mainly because it makes the management of children easier. Managing hundreds of children "playing" requires effective staffing. And there is always the fear that behavior worsens during breaks. So the theory goes that having them in class and strictly managed must be better.

    But this means that students barely have enough time to absorb what they were doing in maths before suddenly they are forced to study ancient history. And teaching staff also move through from one class to another, with hardly a rest or time to refocus.

    Clearly rethinking the school day could benefit everyone included. Anyway, it could also lead to better achievement in teenagers and less of a struggle for parents in the mornings. For teachers, it could also mean a less stressful day all around and what could be better than that?

