
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Asking a patient to hum(哼唱)piano tunes and play fin instrument while undergoing brain surgery(手术)may sound like a strange request from a doctor.However,that is exactly what a team of brain specialists,led by Pilcher,requested Dan Fabbio to do.

    In 2015,the then 25-year-old musician was diagnosed with a brain tumor(肿瘤),which was located in the part of the brain known to be active when people listen to and make music.“Removing a tumor from the brain can have significant consequences depending on its location,”Pilcher says.“Both the tumor and the operation can damage tissue and affect communication between different parts of the brain.”

    Fabbio,therefore,feared the surgery would cause him to lose his musical ability.To prevent that from happening,Pilcher and his colleague designed many tests,including asking Fabbio to listen to piano tunes and hum back during MRI scans.This enabled the physicians to locate the area that is vital for music and language processing and create a 3-D map of Fabbio's brain.

    Despite the great starting point,it was not a perfect way to prevent possible damage to the.The only way was to keep the patient awake and ask him to hum piano tunes during the surgery so that the surgeons could identify the areas to avoid.While the surgery went smoothly,the real test came when Fabbio was asked to play a song on his saxophone.The tunehad been simplified to ensure that it would not require too much strength and cause harm to the stitches(缝线)in the brain.He played it faultlessly,and when he finished,the entire operating room erupted in applause.

    The researchers say that a year after the groundbreaking surgery,the young musician can once again hear tunes in everything—even his electric toothbrush.

(1)、What can we infer from Pilcher's words in Paragraph 2?
A、Fabbio's brain was seriously damaged. B、The surgery would be a huge challenge. C、Fabbio's brain parts failed to communicate. D、The surgery had to be performed immediately.
(2)、What's the major difficulty in Fabbio's surgery?
A、To keep his brain active. B、To help him overcome fear. C、To protect his musical ability. D、To enable him to play an instrument.
(3)、What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A、Creating a 3-D map of Fabbio's brain. B、Removing the tumor from Fabbio's brain. C、Keeping Fabbio awake during the surgery. D、Listening to piano tunes during MRI scans.
(4)、Why was Fabbio requested to hum piano tunes during the surgery?
A、To save his strength. B、To check the surgery result. C、To make the stitches work easier. D、To locate the vital area for music.

    My father was always a good gardener. One of my earliest memories is standing without shoes in the freshly tilled soil, my hands blackened from digging in the ground.

    As a child, I loved following Dad around in the garden. I remember Dad pushing the tiller(耕作机) ahead in perfectly straight lines. Dad loved growing all sorts of things: yellow and green onions, watermelons almost as big as me, rows of yellow corn, and our favorite — red tomatoes.

    As I grew into a teenager, I didn't get so excited about gardening with Dad. Instead of magical land of possibility, it had turned into some kind of prison. As Dad grew older, his love for gardening never disappeared. After all the kids were grown and had started families of their own, Dad turned to gardening like never before. Even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he still took care of his garden.

    But then, the cancer, bit by bit, invaded his body. I had to do the things he used to do. What really convinced me that Dad was dying was the state of his garden that year. The rows and rows of multicolored vegetables were gone. Too tired to weed them, he simply let them be. He only planted tomatoes.

    For the first few years after he died, I couldn't even bear to look at anyone's garden without having strong memories pour over me like cold water from a bucket. Three years ago, I decided to plant my own garden and started out with just a few tomatoes. That morning, after breaking up a fair amount of soil, something caught the corner of my eye and I had to smile. It was my eight-year-old son Nathan, happily playing in the freshly tilled soil.


Mid-IB at a glance

    The summer vacation is the time to strengthen your learning and prepare for the year ahead. In July and August Oxford Study Courses will once again hold its Mid-IB Summer School for students half way through their IB Diploma(国际预科证书).

    We'll be back giving another generation of IB students a unique opportunity to sample a way of life enjoyed by students at famous universities.

    Students who have completed the first year of their IB Diploma can join us and we can help them prepare for their important second year.

    Students can choose how many subjects they study. Each subject is studied for one week. You can attend up to 5 weeks.

    The Mid-IB Summer School is held at Cambridge University in the UK (between June 20th and August 1 st) and at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)in Boston, USA (between July 6th and July 25th).

Student comments

◆ “The classes have shown me new approaches to learning. I have also learned how to approach exam questions and now feel confident in doing so.”

◆ “It was cool creating tight and close relationships with other students from around the world, realizing we all had a connection to each other.”

◆ “I really enjoyed the level of independence, although I felt like people were watching out for us. I also felt like an Oxford student!”

◆ “I have enjoyed the learning style and the course work has been extremely beneficial academically.”

Enjoy the summer

    Our Summer School gives you an action-packed social scene with visits to the fun places in the area, organized sports and social events, and advice on how to enjoy your free time in these amazing cities with your new friends. Welcome to contact us at ose@ose-ib.com or on +44(0)1865 521802!


    A couple of weeks ago,my 12-year-old daughter Ella,threatened to take my phone and break it."At night you'll always have your phone out and you'll just type,"Ella says,"I'm ready to go to bed,and try to get you to read stories for me and you're just standing there reading your texts and texting other people,"she adds.I came to realize that I was ignoring her as a father.

    Ella isn't the only kid who feels this way about her parent's relationship with devices.Catherine Steiner-Adair,a psychologist at Harvard,wrote The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age.For her book,Steiner-Adair interviewed more than 1,000 kids from the ages of 4 to 18.She talked to hundreds of teachers and parents.

    "One of the many things that knocked my socks off,"she says,"was the consistency(一致性)with which children—whether they were 4 or 8 or 18—talked about feeling exhausted and frustrated or mad trying to get their parents' attention,competing with computer screens or iPhone screens or any kind of technology."

    A couple of years ago,my daughter got a laptop for school.And because she was becoming more independent, we got her a phone.We set up rules for when she could use the device and when she'd need to put it away.We created a charging station,outside her bedroom,where she had to plug in these devices every night.Basically,except for homework,she has to put it all away when she comes home.

    Steiner-Adair says most adults don't set up similar limits in their own lives."We've lost the boundaries that protect work and family life,"she says."So it is very hard to manage yourself and be present in the moments your children need you."

    After my daughter's little intervention(介入),I made myself a promise to create my own charging station.To plug my phone in—somewhere far away—when I am done working for the day.I've been trying to leave it there untouched for most of the weekend.


    One morning, my newspaper wasn't delivered on time. Since I always brought it to work, it upset me that I would have to pick one up on my way to work. After breakfast, I was already running late, but figured I could make it if I hurried.

    As I pulled into the parking lot of the store, I noticed a young man in a wheelchair who seemed to be struggling. “Someone else will stop and help him,” I thought.

    However, no one stopped. I got out, and walked over to see what the trouble was.

    “Is there anything I can do?” I asked. It was then that I noticed he wasn't able to speak, and was still struggling with the chair.

    I looked down at the chair and noticed that the clamps (夹具) holding the electronic keyboard had apparently become loose causing the equipment to slip down, out of his reach.

    I pulled it back into place and then re-tightened the clamps. He hit a key on the keyboard. An electronic voice told me, “Thank you.” He then found the control that steered (操纵) the chair, turned and left.

    I got back in my car and headed off to work, completely forgetting my newspaper. As I drove, I felt a deep gratitude (感激). I was truly blessed to have the physical abilities that allow me to live a normal life. Here was this young man who relied on machines to get around and communicate. He probably dreamed about doing all the things that I thought were normal and simple.

    It's funny; fifteen minutes before that happened, I was whining because my morning paper hadn't arrived on time. I was glad I helped the young man, because he helped me gain a new viewpoint on everything I had in my life.


    In the mid-2000s, Waze Mobile co-founder Ehud Shabtai received a cutting-edge (尖端的) gift from girlfriend: a GPS. The expensive gift was supposed to be helpful. But straight out of the box, it was already out of date.

    Shabtai, a coding enthusiast, had an immediate reaction to reinvent. Shabtai's solution? To build an app. With 80 million monthly active users globally and nearly 400,000 superusers who function much like Wikipedia volunteer editors (editing maps rather than words), Waze Mobile caught the eye of Google as a revolutionary approach to navigation (导航).

    Acquired by Google in 2013, Waze's value mainly lies in its high rate of user involvement. Unlike traditional navigation apps that simply show directions, Waze asks its users to report accidents and other road conditions in real time, so other users can avoid the traffic by using an alternative route.

    The goal behind Waze's approach is an ambitious one: not just avoid traffic, but end it altogether. Waze is finding new ways to put its loyal and active user base to use to make that vision a reality, including a plan to make carpooling (拼车) cool.

    To be sure, traffic jams are troubling people all over the world. Waze has been quietly ahead of the game for some time. In 2013, when Waze was just a small digital-mapping business with limited resources it had something Google Maps and other competitors didn't: richer GPS guidance thanks to its stream of live traffic reports from users.

    These users were the basis of Shabtai's plan to solve for his GPS device's “silent” hardware: he grounded the app in software that could be perpetually updated by users, anywhere and anytime.

    Waze Carpool is going straight to the heart of traffic jams, trying to get more drivers off the road and into carpools. The app has already connected tens of thousands of rideseekers with drivers willing to ferry them along a shared route, and that trend could be the answer to a traffic-free future.


    To be honest, I do not know Sybrina Fulton. Nor can I claim to understand the depth of her pain. Yet, we share a deep connection. A common feature experienced by those women who face the challenge of raising a Black male child in a nation that far too often views Black male bodies through fear. You see, Ms. Fulton is living my nightmare (噩梦). A constant worry that has stayed in the back of my mind since the birth of my eldest son, some sixteen years ago.

    Through the years, I have witnessed the world's reaction to my son evolve as he has grown from a small boy to a young man. In his early years, his easy smile and lovable character were nothing less than magnetic (有磁性的). Complete strangers would approach him in the street, draw him into conversation, and find themselves easily struck by his lively spirit. Even at that time I worried, how would my son react when in the years to come some of those who found themselves so impressed by this cute, intelligent boy, might grasp their purse tighter as he walked by.

    Over the years I have sought to protect his spirit from the hurt that comes from undeserved hatred. I have also sought to arm him with the knowledge that could one day save his life. He knows, for example, that if he is ever pulled over by the police, that he is to keep both hands on the wheel at all times and only reach for his license when the officer is specifically observing his actions. He knows, even in less threatening situations, that rough play and loud interactions with his buddies of any color will be viewed very differently when he does it, than when his white friends display the very same behavior. Still, the truth of the matter is, no amount of advice or voiceless behavior overcomes the physical, immovable fact of the color of his skin. His intelligence, easy smile, and lovable character won't protect him from unfounded assumptions of criminality.

    What makes the Trayvon Martin travesty (歪曲) of justice so painful to me, personally, is the knowledge that Trayvon's mother loved her baby no less than I love mine. The various pictures of moments throughout a happy childhood that have now found a home on nationwide newscasts provides clear evidence of that. Yet no amount of love and care, and no words of advice could have saved her son from the cruel killing he faced at the hands of a self-appointed neighborhood watch-dog. And perhaps even worse, nothing could have prepared her for the inhuman way her son has been treated by officials even in death. To think for three long days, his parents searched for him while officials failed to inform them of his fate and instead, performed drug and alcohol tests on his lifeless body, while failing to do the same for his attacker—the only one of the two who indeed had a criminal past is frankly, unforgivable. To know that the words of her son's killer were given more weight than eye-witnesses and taped evidence of her child's screams and eventual death must be heartbreaking. But to also have to live with the fact that his attacker still breathes free while her son lays buried underground is certainly more than any sorrowful parent should have to endure (忍受).

    It is this type of pain that is not unfamiliar to the Black experience in America, for this is the Black mothers' burden. A burden we have endured for centuries. Yet, there is still the rightful expectation, that in modern-day America, the wheels of justice would not be stopped.

    So today, it is my hope that Trayvon's mother, father, family and friends can take some comfort in the fact that millions of Americans of every color stand with them in their fight for justice. This is a burden no family should have to endure alone.

    We will not give up. We will not forget. We will continue the fight until justice is done.

