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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Fear of missing out

    It's Friday night. While many of your friends may celebrate by going to the movies or checking out a restaurant that's just opened, you've decided to spend this highly cherished night of the week by yourself. The night is yours to enjoy. If you think this sounds relaxing, you're not alone. At least for a little while until you start wondering if you've made the right choice. A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence. Suddenly, the quiet evening you planned for yourself begins to lose its initial appeal, and you find your excitement quickly turns to anxiety.

    Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a common feeling. A recent study defined FOMO as “the uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you're missing out — your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you.

    Fear of missing out often develops as a result of deeper unhappiness. Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO. Further worsening the all- too-common feeling is the rise of social media use. Active users of social media have a higher probability of comparing their achievements with others'. Rather than finding happiness through their own experiences, they begin worrying that theirs aren't objectively better than anyone else's.

    The consequences of FOMO are significant and far-reaching. One study conducted with first-year university students found that fear of missing out was associated with fatigue(疲劳), stress, and sleep problems. Furthermore, in a 2018 study of 1,045 Americans aged 18-34, nearly 40% of participants admitted going into debt just to keep up with their friends' lifestyles, often through increased spending on food, travel, clothes, and electronics.

    So how can you overcome the fear? Begin with gratitude. By reflecting on what you already have, you're less likely to put valuable mental energy in worrying about what you don't. Another alternative?

    Embrace(欣然接受) JOMO, or the joy of missing out. JOMO allows you to shift your focus to what you really want at any given moment, without feeling concerned about what those around you may be doing. So, turn off your phones and tablets, and engage in something you enjoy while resisting the urge to upload and share it. While this may take practice and perseverance(坚持不懈), the results are well worth the effort.

    By embracing the joy of missing out, you make room for all the benefits that come from spending time with yourself and the inner wholeness you contain; you create space to keep up with the things you wish you had more time for — gardening, reading, resting, exercising, cooking, learning, or simply being; and you see yourself in new ways and unearth the talents, fears, joys and quirks that lie beneath the surface.

Fear of missing out

Introduction to FOMO

FOMO is a common fear that others might be having rewarding experiences from which you are . For example, initially, you enjoy spending a Friday night alone in your own way. However, thinking of your friends' possible fun, you begin to have  about your original decision, which makes you.

Causes of FOMO

*People are not really happy and even feel with their life.

*The use of social media may result in FOMO, especially when people make negative between themselves and others.

Consequences of


*It can contribute to people's physical and mental .

*It can cause people to money to keep up with others' lifestyles.

Approaches to overcoming FOMO

*Befor what you have now.

*Embrace the joy of missing out, on what you want without trying to seek attention.

Benefits of embracing


*It allows you to have time alone to do whatever you enjoy doing.

*It gives you a chance toyourself better.


    Thinking about a career in public safety or law enforcement? Statistics show that these careers are growing, have great benefits, and can be very rewarding. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But there are hundreds of public safety jobs to think about-everything from police officer who protect people to driver's license examiners who test driving skills.

    For example,Angela Bloom is an animal control worker for the city.She and her co-workers pick up animals that are lost, sick, or dangerous. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For this job, being in good physical condition is important and a high school diploma is required.It may be necessary for candidates to have received on-the-job training and hold certification.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}He looks for health problems in places where people prepare and serve food.There are many kinds of jobs for inspectors.For example,public safety inspectors look for safety violations or dangerous workplaces and fire inspectors look for problems in buildings that could cause fires. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}A college degree is often necessary. Actually, applicants with a bachelor's or master's degree,related experience or training in a foreign language may have the best job prospects.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}For those interested in working in this dynamic and rewarding field,a wide variety of options are available.So remember,if you like working with the public,and are looking for a good job,a career in public safety might be perfect for you.

A.Martin Lee is a health inspector.

B.You can come and apply for the degree.

C.They also investigate reports of animal abuse.

D.These are only a few of the job options available.

E.Problems solving skills are important for these jobs.

F.Their job is to find a person to adopt the homeless animals.

G.Police officer and firefighter are two of the most popular safety jobs in this field.


    It's no surprise that sports can greatly benefit a child physically, psychologically, and socially. A 2008 Women's Sports Foundation Research Report concluded that children's athletic participation is also associated with increased levels of family satisfaction, great achievement in study, and an overall better quality of life for children. And a study published in last month's American Journal of Preventive Medicine showed that kids who are active at age 5 wind up with less body fat at ages 8 and 11.

    But one hotly debated discussion focuses on the kinds of sports kids should play, with parents mistakenly thinking, "Lizzie is so quiet, we should let her join in basketball and soccer to try to get her to open up." But increasingly, experts are suggesting the healthier instinct (直觉) might be, "Lizzie is so quiet. Maybe we should see if she likes playing with a big team like softball or if she likes ballet or swimming, where she can work more on her own terms."

    “Participation in any sport is going to provide kids with life skills—the ability to focus and to concentrate, the ability to handle pressure in tough situations, the ability to stay calm when things aren't going just right,'' explains Orlando-based youth sports psychology expert Patrick Cohn. Those lessons will carry over into future, non-sports attempts.

    Team sports certainly offer benefits not as easily obtained via individual activities, as players leant how to communicate and work with others, and there's the potential to develop leadership abilities. Team sports also help kids develop their social identity. Our sense of worth is developed through what we achieve and a sense of belonging.

    Individual sports offer unique advantages, too, like developing a child's sense of independence. “Hero, you don't depend upon teammates," says Cohn. "You take full responsibility, whether you do well or perform poorly." Many of Cohn's young clients complain about pressure from team mates or coaches to make zero mistakes or carry more of the team than they may want to; these kids may enjoy a solo sport like tennis or gymnastics.

    Individual activities keep kids away from comparing themselves to the best players on the team, a habit that does little to help confidence levels. Instead, it encourages them to compare their skills to their own past performances. With individual sports like swimming or track, it's easier for the child to participate on his own, at his leisure(闲暇), without having to round up a bunch of like-minded peers.

    Above all, while some children enjoy the excitement of competition, others are more likely to benefit from the freedom of individual sports, and finding the right balance can be necessary for children's enjoyment. What parents think is encouragement, children often consider as pressure. So try to understand what they want from sports.


Team sports and individual sports

Sports benefit


• Sports can greatly benefit children physically, psychologically, and socially.

• Sports are associated with increased levels of family satisfaction, {#blank#}1{#/blank#} achievement and better quality of life for children.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} ideas

• Parents usually want their children to lake part in the team sports which don't {#blank#}3{#/blank#}their children's character.

• Experts think that any sport will {#blank#}4{#/blank#} children to focus, handle pressure, stay calm when things are going {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

Team sports

• Children can learn how to communicate and work with others.

• Children will have the potential to develop leadership abilities.

• Children will develop their social {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

Individual sports

• Individual sports may help develop children's sense of independence and {#blank#}7{#/blank#}.

• Children tend to compare their skills to their own past performances and are likely to {#blank#}8{#/blank#} comparing themselves with the best players.

• Individual sports also seem to be more {#blank#}9{#/blank#} to children.


• Finding the right balance is a {#blank#}10{#/blank#} for children's enjoyment.

• Parents should try to understand what their children really want from sports.


    Most of us lead unhealthy lives; we spend far too much sitting down. If in addition we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become loose and fatty and our systems slow moving.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}I am thinking of such features of modern city life as pollution, noise, rushed meals and stress. But keeping fit is a way to reduce the effects of these evils. The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take up some sport or other. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them.

    For those who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports—{#blank#}2{#/blank#}—there are such separate activities as cycling, walking, jogging and swimming. What often happens though is that you do them in such a leisurely way, so slowly, that it is doubtful if you are doing yourself much good, except for the fact that you have at least managed to get up out of your armchair.

    Even after you have found a way for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics, {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, because, according to the experts, you must also master the art of complete mental and physical relaxation. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Yoga, as practiced in the West, is the most widely known and popular of the systems for achieving the necessary state of relaxation. It seems ironical (讽刺性的), though, that as our lives have improved in a material sense we have found it increasingly necessary to go back to forms of activity—{#blank#}5{#/blank#}—which were the natural way of life of our forefathers.

A. be active and practise Yoga

B. There are some aspects of our unhealthy lives that we cannot avoid.

C. and it is especially difficult to do so if you are not good at them

D. physical effort on the one hand and relaxation on the other

E. they spent most of the time out of doors

F. you are still only half way to good health

G. It has to do with deep breathing, emptying your mind of all thoughts, meditation, and so on.

Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much?

    Many children spend a lot of time watching or playing with electronic media—from televisions to video games, computers and other devices. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Perhaps parents now should ease up on their concerns about screen time, at least for older boys and girls.

    Until last year, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggested that children and teenagers have no more than two hours of screen time a day. It also suggests that parents balance a child's screen time with other activities.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Christopher Ferguson, who teaches psychology at Stetson University in Florida, notes a lack of evidence supporting reports that too many hours spent playing video games or watching TV is truly harmful.

    Ferguson seems interested in one idea: the link between video games and violent or risky behavior. When he saw results from a recent British survey on screen time, he wanted to know more. The British study found a small negative effect—about a one percent increase—in aggression and depression among children who had six or more hours of screen time a day. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} So, Ferguson and his team examined answers from a survey on risky behaviors. The study involved about 6,000 boys and girls in Florida, whose average age was 16.

    Data from this survey found that American children are also fairly resistant to the negative effects of electronic media. Among those who used screens up to six hours a day, the survey found: a 0.5 percent increase in criminal behavior; a 1.7 percent increase in signs of depression; and a 1.2 percent negative effect on school grades. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} To further argue his point that screen time is not harmful, Ferguson adds that children should become familiar with screen technology. Electronic devices, he says, are a part of our everyday lives.

A. Some negative experiences on social media can and do affect some children.

B. However, some experts question claims that too much screen time is harmful.

C. He wanted to see if there was a similar effect among young people in the United States.

D. So, it is natural that parents should wonder about all the time children spend looking at a screen.

E. The researchers found no increase in risky sex or driving behaviors, use of illegal substances or eating disorders.

F. The researchers suggested that for those children, technology use might get in the way of taking part in other important activities.

