
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    A teacher affects eternity(永久):no one can tell where his influence stops. ——Henry Adams

    Mrs. Barrow, room 501, room 501, I repeated to myself as I scanned the hallways looking for the room number. It was my first day fifth grade and I was really 1.

    I came to the end of the hall and found an open door. Stepping into the room, I suddenly felt out of 2. I tried to act normal, but Mrs. Barrow saw right through me.

    “Good morning, Courtni. You may pick your 3. ”

    I 4 about the room and took an empty seat near a girl named Wendy Barer. As the year slowly 5, Wendy and I became good friends. I felt no closeness to Mrs. Barrow, 6.

    Mrs. Barrow had us write a paper on what we wanted to be when we grew up. Some kids asked7. She explained that when her former students8, she liked them to come back and share their fifth-grade dreams together, as a9 of their childhood. I10right then and there that I like Mrs. Barrow.

    Then, my grandmother, who lived with us, was diagnosed with cancer and about a month later died. Losing her was 11 for me. At the funeral, I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself12 I looked up and saw Mrs. Barrow standing there. She13me by reminding   me that now Grandma had no more pain or suffering. It had never occurred to me that it was 14for my grandma this way. All I thought about was how sad it was for me.

    After the15, we went to my aunt's house to see the flowers that had been sent. My mom handed me a pretty ivy plant in a pink pot. The attached card16

    Courtni, I'm sorry about your grandmother. Never forget, I love you. You are like one of my children.

With love,

Mrs. Barrow

    I never thought a teacher could care that much about her17:now I know. I say this with all my heart:Anyone who is lucky enough to have a teacher like Mrs. Barrow in their life, even for a short while is privileged 18words. She may not know it, but she means more to me than she'll19 know. I can only hope this gives her inspiration and20 to her a tiny portion of what she has done for me.

    To Mrs. Barrow—love you very much. You're much more than a teacher—you are like a mother to me.

A、nervous B、depressed C、disappointed D、unaware
A、curiosity B、place C、control D、respect
A、seat B、desk C、locker D、book
A、ran B、glared C、glanced D、thought
A、promoted B、changed C、departed D、progressed
A、furthermore B、though C、therefore D、otherwise
A、why B、how C、when D、where
A、graduated B、worked C、married D、grew
A、gift B、reference C、memory D、monument
A、declared B、decided C、recognized D、responded
A、reliable B、unforgettable C、unpredictable D、unbearable
A、when B、as C、unless D、while
A、warned B、refreshed C、informed D、comforted
A、wiser B、better C、worse D、safer
A、incident B、conversation C、meeting D、funeral
A、printed B、wrote C、read D、carved
A、students B、friends C、children D、colleagues
A、except B、beyond C、despite D、without
A、even B、still C、never D、ever
A、inspires B、urges C、repays D、recommends
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    One day while I was on the road, 1 a corner with flowers and a flag where somebody special got  2 .

    The next day when I passed this accident site again, I simply had to stop an  3 a prayer and since I had some flowers in my car, I put them down next to all the other flower 4 . 5 I went back in my car I asked myself: “Why am I stopping here? I do not even know this person?”

That night I had a very 6 dream. All of a sudden this young handsome man 7 to me and said: “Hello! I am Rocky—please tell my mom that I am OK and that I 8 her” and then he disappeared.

    When I woke up, I could not get this young man and his  9 out of my mind. I do not know Rocky and neither do I know his dear mom—so how in the world may I  10 his message to his mother? I asked God to help me.

    About two weeks later I went to  11 up my car at a nearby gas station. When I paid for my gasoline, I  12 the lady's necklace which was 13 like a star. When she took my money, she said that the  14 of her son are in there.

    I will never  15 this moment when everything became still and so  16 . I put my hand on hers and asked her: “What is your son's name?” and when she said “Rocky”, our eyes connected  17 and were filled with tears. I was  18 and not able to respond.

    I drove home sobbing. What I did should  19 the young man's dream into reality. I then wrote a note for Rocky's mom, telling her that her 20 'baby boy' visited me in my dreams and the he wanted me to tell her that he is OK and that he loves her.


    I never thought I would be a “runner”. I was the girl who 1 slowest in the PE class. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of 2  in the Race for the Cure, a 5km race designed to 3 money for the fight against breast cancer(癌), 4  one lady caught my 5 .

    She was one of the weakest-looking women I've ever seen. She must have been close to seventy years old, 6  a T-shirt with the word “Survivor”. She was so small that it seemed as if she could even be 7  by a strong wind. But, she was running. And she was 8  me and my group of friends. She ran slowly, but 9  —as if each step pushed her cancer further into her past. Right at that moment, I10  that in the next Race for the Cure, I'd be running along with her.

    A week later, I found myself in the 11 , running on the treadmill(跑步机). Three minutes after I started, my face was bright red. I felt like my lungs were going to burst. I 12  slow down to a walk. I thought of the 13  at the race. I kept it up. I was able to go a little 14  each time. Three and a half minutes. Four minutes. Five.

    A year later, I was 15  at the Race for the Cure, but this time, I 16  with the runners. When the race started, the other runners passed me by. I ran forward. I wondered if I'd be 17  to do it. But then, I remembered the brave woman. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finish line. I had just 18  my first race! I 19  down at my legs, amazed. They had done something I'd never thought 20 . I have never felt stronger than at that moment. And, I knew that I wanted to do it again.


    One cold December morning, my dad and I were walking along the road to a store to buy Christmas presents. Suddenly a car ran to us out of 1. Pushed away by my dad, I was 2 while he was unable to escape and injured. My dad 3 unconditional love to me when faced with the accident. Since that day, I have 4 the power of love and the 5it can teach to those who take anything for granted, as I did everything before.

    People wander into our lives for various reasons, but each one has something to 6, even the driver who caused the 7. He helped me a lot. Whether our 8is entirely good or not, there remains something to be gained from every person we 9. I have come to view 10 in this way. Sometimes, when schoolwork gets tough and I lack 11, I remind myself that I am here to make use of every lesson that I have been given. What a 12 it is to be able to acquire knowledge!

    This unconditional love I have for 13allows me to see the world through what some may call rose-colored glasses, which helps me to love and be loved in complete confidence as well. 14, it offers me the power to see things clearly in the15 changing world and 16myself to overcome difficulties in my life. I am 17 to learn, and because of my ability to love, I 18 the challenges that will help me grow. I approach everything with interests, and 19 an opportunity for education on every page of my books, and even with difficulties and 20.


    Last summer, I travelled to Meixian County with my friends. It is a small county at the foot of Taibai Mountain in Shanxi Province. We stayed there for one week and I1 my vacation because of the beautiful scenery at the top of the mountain.

    I will2forget the day when we climbed the main peak(山顶). The3in that area changes very quickly: it was sunny in the early morning when we set out,4it began to rain heavily when we were only halfway up.

    Soon, we were all5and some of us wanted to go home. They said, "There is nothing6here. We came to see the scenery,7the pouring rain!" However, the guide8, "Since we have got wet already, why not just go on with our journey?"

    So we carried on up the mountain and,9we even noticed, the rain stopped and the sun was smiling again. When we reached the top of the peak, the view was unique (独特的).

    Up there, it was bright and clear. The sky was10and the air was fresh. The gentle wind made us feel cool. All the clouds were just like waves in the ocean,11and falling under our feet. We could only see the peaks of mountains, as if they were12floating sparsely (稀疏的) in the ocean. It was a really magical experience.

    While we were enjoying the scene, the guide said13,"You see, I knew that there would be no rain above the clouds."

    It is14. While it may rain below the clouds, the sun is still there above them.

You will never see the sun15you don't try your best to climb to the top of the mountain. If we had stopped and gone home when the rain was very heavy, we would never have seen the beautiful scenery16the clouds. I think this is also true in17.

    As the song says, "You won't see the rainbow unless you have gone through the thunder and storm." I think in the18, whenever I have any difficulties in my life, I will remember the19from the top of Taibai Mountain and the20which touched my heart deeply: There is no rain above the clouds.


    Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a famous concert. After they were seated, the mother1a friend and walked over to greet her. Seizing the2to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy got up and explored his way3a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE (禁止进入)". When the lights became less bright and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her4and discovered that the child was missing.

    Suddenly, the curtains5and the lights focused on the stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard,6Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

    At that moment, the great piano master, Paderewski,7on the stage, quickly went to the piano and8in the boy's ear, "Don't9. Keep playing."

    Then, leaning (倾斜) over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began10in a bass (低音的) part. Soon his right arm reached11to the other side of the child and he added a beautiful piece of music.12, the old master and the boy13a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative14.

    That's the way it is in life.15we can complete on our own is16noteworthy (值得注目的). We try our best, but the17aren't exactly graceful or flowing music.18when we put our trust in the hands of greater power, our life can be truly beautiful.

    The next time you set19to create great performances, listen carefully. You can hear the20of the master whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing."

