
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In 1996, someone found some very old clothes in an old mine in Nevada, USA; they included a pair of dirty old jeans. Today, those jeans are very valuable, and they are now in the Levi Strauss Archival Collection in San Francisco. The jeans, which are over 120 years old, are the oldest pair of Levi's 501 jeans in the world.

    They are almost the same as a modern pair of 501's; there are just some small differences in the detail. For instance, today's 501's have two back pockets, while the old pair just has one.

    In 1853, a young tailor from Germany, called Levi Strauss, began working in San Francisco; Levi sold thick canvas(帆布) to miners; the miners used the canvas to make tents.

    One day, a miner told Levi that he could not find trousers that were strong enough for work in the gold mines. Levi decided to make some trousers out of canvas. Very soon, he sold all the canvas trousers he had made! They were just what miners wanted.

    However, the canvas was rather heavy and stiff(坚硬的). Levi therefore began to look for a different textile(织物). Soon he found a heavy textile from France; it was denim(斜纹粗棉布). Denim was a bit lighter than canvas, but it was very strong. It was ideal for miners.

    However, original denim was almost white, and miners did not like the color! Their denim trousers got dirty as soon as they began working! Levi Strauss therefore decided to use colored denim, and he chose dark blue. In 1873, he began to make denim trousers with metal rivets(铆钉) to make them stronger. “Blue jeans” arrived!

Levi's jeans were so popular that his company got bigger and bigger. Soon, other firms were making blue jeans too. Miners liked them, but so did cowboys and other working men. Blue jeans became classic American working trousers. After the Second World War, jeans became popular all over the world. Today, blue jeans are made all over the world.

(1)、What are the old jeans found in Nevada like?
A、They are very heavy. B、They have unique and valuable decorations. C、They are very much like modern jeans. D、They have two black pockets.
(2)、How were Levi's canvas trousers?
A、They were very popular. B、They were easily broken. C、They were too expensive. D、They were quite comfortable.
(3)、What were the problem with original denim?
A、It was too soft. B、It got dirty too easily. C、It was not strong enough. D、It was not bright enough.
(4)、For whom were blue jeans first designed?
A、Tailors. B、Miners. C、Soldiers. D、Cowboys.

    By 2050, a completely new type of human evolve as a result of extremely new technology, behavior, and natural selection. This is according to Cadell Last, a researcher at the Global Brain Institute, who claims mankind is undergoing a major “evolutionary transition”.

    In less than four decades, Mr. Last claims we will live longer, have children in old age and rely on artificial intelligence to do ordinary and boring tasks. This shift is so significant, he claims, it is comparable to the change from monkeys to apes, and apes to humans. “Your 80 or 100 is going to be so radically different than your grandparents,” Mr. Last says, who believes we will spend much of our time living in virtual reality. Some evolutionary scientists believe this age could be as high as 120 by 2050.

    Mr. Last claims humans will also demonstrate delayed sexual maturation, according to a report by Christina Sterbenz in Business Insider. This refers to something known as life history theory which attempts to explain how natural selection shapes key events in a creature's life, such as reproduction. It suggests that as brain sizes increase, organisms need more energy and time to reach their full potential, and so reproduce less.

    Instead of living fast and dying younger, Mr. Last believes humans will live slow and die old. “Global society at the moment is a complete mess,” he told MailOnline. “But in crisis there is opportunity, and in apocalypse (启示) there can be transformation. So I think the next system humanity creates will be far more sophisticated, fair, and abundant than our current civilization.”

    “I think our next system will be as different from the modern world, as our contemporary world is from the medieval (中世纪的) world. The biological clock isn't going to be around forever,” he added, and said that people could pause it for some time using future technology.

    The change is already happening. Today, the average age at which a woman in Britain has her first baby has been rising steadily stands at 29. 8. In the US, just one percent of first children were born to women over the age of 35 in 1970. By 2012, that figure rose to 15 percent.

    “As countries become socio-economically advanced, more and more people, especially women have the option to engage in cultural reproduction,” Mr. Last added. And as well as having more child-free years to enjoy leisure time, he believes artificial intelligence will make up the need for low-skill jobs. We may also spend a large amount of time living in virtual reality. “I'm not quite sure most people have really absorbed the implications of this possibility,” Mr. Last said.

    His views are detailed in a paper, titled “Human Evolution, Life History Theory, and the End of Biological Reproduction" published Current Aging Science.


    Awarding wining film Ballad From Tibet(《天籁梦想》) by Chinese director Zhang Wei is scheduled to premiere in New York City on Saturday, March 10.

    The film, which tells the story of four visually impaired kids from China's Tibet autonomous region embarking on a journey for their dreams, will be presented at the Bronx Library Center on Saturday, at Mid-Manhattan Library on Sunday, at Lehman College and Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan on Tuesday, and at the Museum of Modern Art on Wednesday.

    Based on a true story, Ballad from Tibet is about the four 1ibetan kids—Thupten, Sonam, Kelsang and Droma—achieving their dreams against all odds.

    Thupten is a 10-year-old boy partially sighted in one eye and blind in the other. His doctor says that there is a chance he could completely lose his sight, but there is an operation that could offer a 50 percent chance of saving his vision.

    His teacher firmly suggests that he should have the operation right away, but Thupten is afraid and wants to see the world before his life is plunged into total darkness.

    Along with his three friends who also suffer from blindness, Thupten embarks on an exciting adventure. Together they decide to go to Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province, a city more than 37,000 km away from Tibetan regional capital Lhasa.

    The reason for the children's decision to go to Shenzhen is their love of music. They are all talented and want to sing their hearts out in front of national audience by participating in a Shenzhen-based reality show.

    The foursome's trip is indeed fun, but also turns out to be dangerous as well. Luckily, help is on hand along the way in the form of a wandering family, a shepherd, a motorcycle club, and a TV producer's assistant.

    Ballad From Tibet has won the award for Best Children's Feature at the 13th China International Children's Film Festival in November 2017, and earned nominations at 17 different international children's film festivals in Germany, Canada, Japan, Greece, Australia and India.


    Stefano Boeri, the Italian architect, famous for his Bosco Verticale, a group of tree-covered skyscrapers in Milan, introduced his new plans to pioneer a similar project in the Chinese city of Nanjing.

    The Chinese version of Boeri's Bosco Verticale, or vertical forest, will be his first project in Asia. The project will consist of two neighboring towers that will be coated with 23 different species of trees and more than 2,500 kinds of bushes hanging down the sides of the buildings. The structures will be built with the ability to house offices and will feature a 247-room luxury hotel, as well as a museum and even a green architecture school. The towers are currently under construction and are set for completion within the next year.

    But two buildings aren't enough for the ambitious Boeri as he now has even bolder plans for China to create “forest cities” in a country that has become known as an urban center choking on poisonous gases and dust.

    In an interview about his plans to “greenify” the city and country Boeri said, “We have been asked to design an entire city where you don't only have one tall building, but you have 100 or 200 buildings of different sizes, all with trees and plants on the sides.” Boeri continued, “We are working very seriously on designing all the different buildings. I think they will start to build at the end of this year. By 2020 we could imagine having the first forest city in China.”

    Although these towers will lend a huge hand in decreasing air pollution in China's eastern city, Boeri has said, it will take more than a pair of tree-covered skyscrapers to really solve China's pollution crisis. This is why the Italian architect hopes to repeat his design in other parts of the country, as well as in other places around the world.


    Years ago parents worried their children would learn the truth about Santa Claus(圣诞老人)from others, but now they have a new problem—the Internet.

    A recent study from Hide My Ass! Shows 1 in 8 American parents said the Internet told their children the truth about Santa Claus. 44% of parents thought Google was a danger to this Christmas story, as children searched for Santa and found pages explaining he is not real. About 34 percent of children questioned Santa Claus after seeing ads online for gifts they had asked for in their letters to the North Pole (北极). Sadly,one in three children said their Christmas spirit was dead after reading a post saying Santa wasn't real.

    Before the Internet, the only way children found out their parents bought their gifts was if they were in a bad hiding place. Today, two-thirds of parents never clear their browser (浏览器) history, making it easy for kids to find out the gifts under the tree weren't put there by a happy man and his little helpers.

    To keep Mr. Claus alive, “Keep Believing in Santa”, an organization created by Hide My Ass!, helps kids believe in Santa. Parents receive free software from the organization that monitors all online search results and web pages that could tell kids the truth about the man who lives in the North Pole, by hiding any information that may suggest he doesn't exist.

    However, there is still a higher possibility of the Internet now being the main cause of a child's belief in Santa ending, and it can also result in kids finding out sooner than for those born before the digital age.

    ''With this organization, we wanted to give parents a new tool that would allow them to keep the magic of Christmas and the mystery of Santa for that little bit longer,” Cian  Mckenna-Charley, marketing director at Hide My Ass!.


Free Online Courses

Reading in the Digital Age

This course is for people from all walks of life who enjoy reading and would like to know how literary scholars understand texts in the digital age. It introduces you to a variety of ways of understanding texts. Through the course, you will become familiar with professional reading practices as well as newer, computer-driven reading skills.

Duration: 6 weeks                4 hours pw                        2 August

Exploring English: Shakespeare

This course is aimed at high school students and university students who wish to learn more about Shakespeare. The first week will look at Shakespeare's life and times. For the rest of the course, we will look closely at a different play each week. Shakespearean actors will help us explore the universal themes in Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest and Macbeth. Our video tutor (辅导员) will guide you through the course and look at the words and phrases that Shakespeare introduced to the English language.

Duration: 6 weeks                2 hours pw                         16 July

The European Discovery of China

This course is aimed at anyone with an interest in Chinese, European or world history. It focuses on when and how the West first approached China. We will look at China's place in the world and connections to the West via the Silk Road, the rise of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, and finally the Ming dynasty. We'll know this period of Chinese history through the eyes of Western travellers from the 13th to the 17th century. What these Western travellers saw, what they didn't see — that's the story that we will uncover in this course.

Duration: 8 weeks                6 hours pw                         6 July


    Recently a movement was launched by Charity Cycling UK to raise awareness of dooring after discovering that many people don't know what it is. Dooring is when a driver or passenger opens the door into another road user—typically a cyclist—without looking for other road users.

    Cycling UK Chief Executive Paul Tuohy told Gloucestershire Live: "Some people seem to see car dooring as a bit of a joke, but it's not and can have serious consequences. Cycling UK wants to see great awareness made about the dangers of opening your car door carelessly,and people to be encouraged to look before they open."

    The charity says 2,009 of the 3,000 injuries happened to cyclists, resulting in five deaths but says this might not be the full extent of the danger.

    Cycling UK says not all car dooring incidents will be attended by police, so the charity has written to transport minister Jesse Norman calling for a public awareness campaign urging all car occupants, not just drivers, to look before opening vehicle doors. One of the ways the charity suggests is the "Dutch reach", where people leaving a vehicle reach over and use the non-door side hand to open the door.

    Cycling UK also suggests harsher laws and advice on safer road positioning for people who cycle.

    Mr Tuohy said: "In the Netherlands they are known for practising a method,known sometimes as the 'Dutch reach', which we think could be successfully encouraged in the UK."

    "Cycling UK has written to the Department for Transport asking them to look into this, and highlight the dangers of "car dooring" through a public awareness THINK style campaign."

    If you're really concerned about opening a door into the path of a cyclist coming behind you, consider using what's known as the "Dutch reach" to open the door. That will naturally turn you in your seat and give you a much better view of what's coming up alongside the car.

