
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Do you still remember the haze (雾霾) in the winter? So many people got terribly ill during or after the haze. Here is advice for you to protect yourself in hazy weather.

    Spend less time outdoors. This is the most effective way for self-protection in such bad weather. With PM 2.5 increasing 103mg per cubic meter, residents will risk a 2.29% increase of death, which experts found out in 2013. If you have to get out, avoid riding bicycles.

    Close your windows. Experts advise residents to avoid opening windows at home if you have to, avoid the time when smog is at its densest (浓的) Besides, you can keep plants with broad leaves at home to absorb dusk, and use air purifiers.

    Smoke less. In hazy weather, smoking would be even more harmful. Smokers are advise to keep their distance from cigarettes before the weather gets better.

    For example, wear special masks outside to avoid breathing in PM2.5. Then take off your coat after getting indoors and keep it away from your other clean clothes. Don't forget to wash your face, rinse your mouth, and clean your nasal cavity (鼻腔) to clean the particulate matters(颗粒物) that fall on you. Last but not least, keep off stimulating foods.

A. Pay attention to other daily things.

B. Wear masks.

C. That's because haze does harm to the health of people.

D. Also avoid rush hours, when pollutants will be denser.

E. For residents who use air-conditioner, make sure your apartment has enough oxygen indoors.

F. Take more fruits and vegetables instead, which are good for lung, spleen and kidney.

G. Cigarettes could cause more particulate matters, which are included in PM 2.5.


                                                                                      Pronunciation Tips

           These English pronunciation tips will help you get the most out of your Pronunciation Power program.

★ {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    For example, “threw” and “through”, although spelled differently, are pronounced the same. Also, identical(相同的)letters or letter clusters(字母组合) in words do not always produce the same sound. For example, the “ough” in “though” and “through” represents a different sound in each word.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

★ Imagine a sound in your mindbefore you say it.

    Try to visualize(想象))thepositioning of your mouth and face.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

★ Listen to and try to imitate thePronunciation Power instructor.

    In addition to listening for specific sounds, pay attention to pauses, the intonation(语调) of the instructor's voice and patterns of emphasis.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

★ The English language has manydifferent dialects, and words can be pronounced differently.

    It is important, however, that you pronounce words clearly to ensure effective communication.

★ Finally, the Pronunciation Powerprogram is a tool to help you.

    But you must practice what you are learning! Remember that you are teaching your mouth a new way to move. You are building muscles that you do not use in your own language.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Use the program to exercise yourmouth a little bit each day.

a. Read these words over and over againand try to learn them by heart.

b. This can be just as important as the pronunciation of sounds.

c. Learn to practice what you hear, notwhat you see.

d. So you should force yourself to dowhat you really don't like to do.

e. Do not confuse pronunciation of words with their spelling!

f. It is like going to the gym andexercising your body.

g. Think about how you are going to make the sound.


    When it comes to the Internet, passwords which people often use are under fire.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Research has shown that passwords are not a very good way to protect sensitive information.

    People would use some random characters, numbers and symbols. Furthermore, a unique password would be used for every site or application the user uses. Unfortunately, the more complex they become, the more people are likely to forget their passwords. The longer the passwords are, the more easily forgotten they are.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Google is trying to kill off the password on Android devices by introducing the Trust API, which does what simple passwords cannot. It gives developers a framework for securing their applications using a number of security systems and metrics (指标) on the device. A Trust Score will be generated based on the metrics the device gathers.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    The Trust Score will be generated based on both metrics like your device location, face scanning, fingerprint and so on. Taken one at a time, these metrics are not secure. But taken together, these metrics will help define the real “you”.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}This summer, Google will be running tests with some banks to see if Trust API meets their needs before rolling out to all developers later this year. It may take another year for apps and popular sites to start using the Trust API.

This is a pretty exciting change. Passwords have been around for long and although the security of systems has been improved, the convenience of systems hasn't been improved much.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Maybe that never-ending conflict between security and convenience will be able to take a break once the Trust system comes out.

A. Google appears to have the best of them.

B. Actually it's been under fire for a long time.

C. People tend to care more about its advantages.

D. Google has already been testing this on the real world.

E. Google has proved that the system is more convenient.

F. Therefore, they use the same password for each application.

G. It'll allow or refuse your application based on your trust score.


How to read more and learn more

    These days, more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone. It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends. But I think I should read more books besides the textbooks, the more, the better. It can broaden my mind and improve my language skills.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here are some tips for you.

    Clear your purpose for reading.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Most people read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge. Clearing about your reading purpose can not only help you choose the books you really need to read, but also remind you why reading the book is important to you, so you will keep reading and complete the book faster.


    No matter what you are reading, it is important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may tell you the books they love, but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy.

    Give up books that you don't enjoy.

    You may have chosen books that you are interested in, and they are right to your purpose. But while you are reading them, there may still be some books that you don't enjoy reading. Whenever you realize that you aren't enjoying the book you are reading, give it up.


    Set a reading goal.

    It is interesting that I read the books borrowed from libraries faster than those I bought. The reason is the books I bought don't have a due date! I don't need to return those books.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Before you read each book, ask yourself what time you need to complete this book by.

A. Read only what you are interested in.

B. Read the books borrowed from others.

C. Remember reading shouldn't be a chore.

D. Of course, it also can help me to get good grades.

E. We need to get the latest news and communicate with friends.

F. Before you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book

G. Having a reading goal helps you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day.


    Any woman can be strong. I don t just mean strong in mental aspect.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}You may think that strong women are born, not made. You may be thinking of Olympic weightlifters lifting dozens of kilos over their heads, or of bodybuilders posing.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It is a requirement for everyday life. Strength is what you need if you carry your luggage. You need to be strong to pick your child up off the floor. And, most of all-especially as you get older-you need strength simply to stand up without falling over.

    As we age, we progressively lose muscle mass, which can make us weaker.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} We might have trouble going up and down steps, picking up something heavy, even standing up from a seat. But while ageing is unavoidable, building muscle through strength training is meaningful.

    A programme that is becoming more and more commonly used is Starting Strength. The basic Starting Strength programme consists of four different lifts. Trainees learn these lifts step by step.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Three times a week they perform three of the lifts. If they are successful in a period, they then add 2.25kg in the next period.

    But barbell (杠铃) lifting doesn't just offer physical strength; it also gives women emotional and mental confidence.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. But strength is not just about appearances.

B. I mean simply being able to fight against gravity.

C. Being strong doesn't mean having a stony heart, either.

D. However, this condition can be improved by working out.

E. Most people begin to learn the lifts using an empty bar weighing 20kg.

F. In daily life, the actions we take for granted become more and more difficult.

G. However you feel about your body, you can become the strongest version of yourself.


    Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

    You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective(选择性的) process.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    The following methods may work best for you.

    Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

    Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

    Write your notes in your own words.


    Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

    As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand (速记).When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Otherwise (否则), you may not be able to read your notes later.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.

D. Use words, not complete sentences.

E. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

F. You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

G. You must write your notes on separate paper.


    People generally desire to age gracefully(优雅地)and live a long and healthy life filled with good friends, family, and plenty of activity {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, it's far from being a fantasy. The fact is, many seniors do it. So what are their secrets?

    ●Avoid stress. Studies show that people who are under lots of stress are at a 20% increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Because of this, avoiding stress as much as possible is one of the best ways to live a happy and healthy life for many years. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. it's quite useful to learn stress-management techniques to deal with it better.

    ●{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. You must know that your friends can make you feel happy, but are you aware that they can help you live longer, too? Many studies have found that being alone as you age is a great risk in everything from early death to heart disease and stroke.

    ●Set daily goals. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. And purposeful living can reduce chances of being depressed. In places like Japan where there are many centenarians(people who live beyond 100 years), there is a lot of emphasis on living a life of purpose. Try to plan what you will do the next day before going to bed.

    ●Exercise. Studies show again and again that exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind fit as you age. In addition to helping you avoid physical diseases like heart disease and diabetes, daily exercise can also help you stay away from mental diseases and will contribute to keeping your body fit, healthy and capable throughout your golden years. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Find someone to love

B. Keep a healthy social life

C. While it's impossible to cut stress out of life entirely

D. Although this is something that many people dream of

E. Though these tools help reduce the stress of modern-day living

F. Besides, it's a great way to meet new people and learn new things

G. Having something to look forward to every day will keep you motivated

