
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Experts have recently found that making conversation plays an essential part in connecting with people and building closer relationships. Although most people can hold a conversation, only a few are smooth when they talk. If you have dreamed about being a good talker, or you just want to make some change, then listen up!

    Talk slowly

    Generally, good talkers don't rush into a conversation. They act as if they have all the time in the world. This makes them come off as centered and collected. Model this way of talking and you will create the same effect.

    Hold more eye contact

    Most people keep eye contact about 2/3 of the time or less when they talk. This will convey confidence and interest in interacting with them.


    People with good conversation skills are more likely to notice the kind of things that the average person doesn't notice, and to bring such details into the conversation. They may notice and point out an interesting ring on the other person's hand, a certain foreign accent, or a certain voice tone they use when saying a name. All these details help to leave a deep impression.

    Express Your emotions

    Express your feelings about those facts. Keep in mind that it is at the emotional (情感) level that people connect best.

    Use the best words

    The ability to talk smoothly has a lot to do with choosing the precise (精确的) words to convey your precise feelings or thoughts. It will help you develop a way with words and allow you to express yourself more easily.

    Conversational skills don't improve just like that. It takes time, practice and the ability to learn at a rapid rate from your own experiences.

A. Notice the details.

B. Offer interesting news.

C. Improve conversational skills.

D. Don't just present the facts—you're not a newspaper.

E. It's a very good idea to hold eye contact just a bit more than that.

F. Develop your vocabulary and practice communicating as accurately as possible.

G. They take their time when they think over something and when they say it out loud.


    Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn't mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you'll have to stand up and say – problem, I don't want you in my life.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children – the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.

    But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.

    Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Talking helps you move on and let go.

    Write your problems.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.

    Don't lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don't lose faith and hope. Even if you lose all your money, family… you should still have faith.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Your problems aren't the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there're another one million people whose problems are huger than yours.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.

    Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.

A. But the truth is that when you talk about it, you're setting free the negative energies have been gathering within you.

B. When we have a problems, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?

C. Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can't I?

D. Of course, we've been fighting troubles ever since we were born.

E. We can often overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.

F. Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don't want a real person to talk with.

G. With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything that you lose.


    English has been called one of the most difficult languages for non-native speakers to learn. One reason is that English has so many rules.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Sometimes, this leaves learners confused(混淆). For example, the order of words in a sentence can be tricky.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The pronunciation of English words cannot always be judged by their spelling. For example, there are at least six ways to pronounce the group of letters spelled o-u-g-h. And, maybe the worst thing of all is that there are many idioms, or expressions, in English.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    So, it is comforting to know that learning root words can help a non-native speaker use English.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Root words can help you to break down large, new words into smaller units to discover their meanings.

    Learning just one root word can help you understand several words in English.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Then where can a root be found? A root can be any part of a word that carries meaning: the beginning, middle or end. Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are types of roots. The prefix appears at the beginning of a word, the base in the middle and the suffix at the end.

A. A root word is the most basic form of a word.

B. The English have always been fond of all kinds of rules.

C. You could say we use idioms like they're going out of style.

D. And there are almost as many exceptions(例外)of those rules!

E. Most English root words came from the Greek and Latin languages.

F. Another reason why English is hard to learn is the pronunciation of its words.

G. So, by learning 20 or 30 root words, you can increase your vocabulary to hundreds of more new words.


    Snowblind—it's a frightening word. Thankfully, it's a condition that is totally preventable.

    Snow blindness is a painful, temporary loss of vision due to overexposure to the sun's UV rays. Essentially, snow blindness is caused by a sunburned eye.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Though it is commonly called snow blindness, the condition can (and often does) occur in the absence of snow.

    The terms “snowblind” and “snow blindness” have become popular because snow is highly reflective of ultraviolet radiation.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Also, skiing, mountain climbing and snowboarding usually take place at relatively high altitudes, where the sun's UV rays are stronger. Combined, these factors can double your risk of getting sunburned eyes, compared with being outdoors at lower altitudes in the summertime.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Television journalist Anderson Cooper experienced snow-free snow blindness first-hand a few years ago when he spent a couple hours on a boat in Portugal without sunglasses and ended up “blind for 36 hours,” according to his report of the incident.

    Not only can you become snowblind without snow—it can happen without sunlight, too!{#blank#}4{#/blank#} For example, sun lamps can cause temporary “snow” blindness if proper eye protection is not used.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} To relieve pain or discomfort from snow blindness, stay indoors and wear sunglasses. Keep your eyes well-moistened with artificial tears. For additional relief, use over-the-counter pain relievers. Be sure to use only pain relievers you know you can take without worry of an allergic reaction. You also may find that placing a cool, dampened washcloth over your closed eyelids is comforting.

A. You don't need snow to become snowblind.

B. It will likely affect those traveling in snowy conditions.

C. To prevent snow blindness on the slopes, wear sunglasses.

D. Sometimes it occurs from mail-made sources of ultraviolet radiation

E. In fact, snow can reflect over 80 percent of the UV rays that fall upon it.

F. Snow blindness is scary, but usually it's temporary, and there are ways to relieve the discomfort.

G. But water and white sand also are highly reflective of the sun's UV rays, thus increasing the risk.

     Oral English, also known as spoken English, is the form of English that is used when people are speaking to one another. Students who are learning English as a second language often feel uncomfortable using oral English because they fear that they will not be understood. It is important that a person who is learning to speak English practice using the language. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}    
       Listening is important to learning spoken English. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Pay attention to conversations that happen around you while you are shopping. Watch the news every evening while you have supper.     Part of learning spoken English is in understanding how English words are formed. Watch the mouths and tongues of native English speakers carefully.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Notice how the lips form certain sounds. Imitate(模仿)what you see.

    Rent movies over the weekend. Try to follow the story line of comedy shows.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Not having to respond in English lets you concentrate on simply understanding what is being said. Understanding how English is used in conversation will help you to better communicate in the language.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}When you are reading, pay more attention to the correct pronunciation of the words you are reading rather than comprehension of each word. Read easy books that were written for children. Reading simple books takes away the frustration of sounding out hard words.

A. Read out loud for twenty to thirty minutes every day.

B. Listen to English radio while getting ready in the morning.

C. Observe how much the mouth is opened to say certain words.

D. Find a friend or teacher who is willing to help you learn English.

E. Repeat the conversations several times to increase your speaking speed.

F. Watching TV shows and movies allows you to hear English used in conversation.

G. The more a person practices his or her skills, the easier speaking English will become.


How to Survive High School

    High school can be a terrible phase if you get it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.

    ⒈Be Yourself.

    High school is a fun time to make new friends, meet new people, date and socialize. Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with. Most peer pressure cases are because of the weak image created by freshmen. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Don't give in to anyone's wants.


    Choose your friends carefully and make sure you won't get influenced by anyone. Socialize, but by judging who you can connect to. You will find friends, but stay away from the ones who don't want to be your friends as a bad company is tempting, but the good one is true.

    ⒊Be Optimistic.

    There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Don't be afraid to make friends, don't get aggressive or personal with anyone and treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the same in return.

    ⒋Be Confident.

    When you believe in yourself, others believe in you. Talk, walk and address people confidently and this will create a strong image about you. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Be creative and unique and learn to set trends. Confidence is one quality you grow with, and people respect you for that.

    ⒌Love High School.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Make the most out of it, and you will never get those moments back. Come up with frank ideas, get a detention(留堂), top your class, make the best friends, drink, go to prom, party, but just make as many memories as you can!

    With these tips to survive high school, you will surely be proud of graduating as an all-round approaching adult carrying the best roots. So, when you throw those hats in the air, feel the freedom and remember every moment you spent in "High School".

A. And always wear your smile.

B. Keep Good Company.

C. Just be yourself and create a strong self-image.

D. Practice positive thinking.

E. Do your thing, and don't imitate others.

F. Fall in love with it.

G. Study as hard as you can in your spare time.

