
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Rich and Famous

    Twenty years ago the most common ambition of American children was to be a teacher, followed by working in banking and finance, and then medicine. But today's situation is quite different. Instead they most commonly say they want to be a sports star, a pop star, or an actor—in other words, they hope to become a celebrity.

    According to experts, young people desire these jobs largely because of the wealth and the fame. Let's take athletes and singers as an example. Their careers are short-lived. Many athletes' best time only lasts a few years and singers can have a very limited career. The field that was once the focus of their lives becomes something they have little or no involvement in. As a result, they'll have a feeling of worthlessness and a lack of control. The truth is quite simple: they have been so far removed from it for so long.

    In spite of these disadvantages, there is greater ambition than ever among young people to achieve that status. They are not satisfied just making a living—they want to be rich and famous. Globally, more and more TV shows provide talent competitions where winners can achieve their goals in just a few weeks or months. They unrealistically believe that this lifestyle is easily obtained and leads to great satisfaction.

    While many people argue that there is nothing wrong with having such ambitions, others feel that this trend will finally lead to dissatisfaction as more and more people are unable to reach their goals. That means they ignore the simple fact that great effort is needed before success. As a result, many people won't realize their childhood dreams, which could have a negative effect on their happiness.

A. In many ways this has been brought about by the celebrity culture.

B. People no longer have a sense of satisfaction once their goals have been achieved.

C. Besides, it can be difficult for them to adapt back to a normal everyday life.

D. The younger generation don't favor these professions any more.

E. Unfortunately, they do not always have a positive effect on people's life.

F. The reason is that they don't realize it takes talent and hard work to be rich and famous.

G. This quick way of gaining wealth and fame creates a celebrity culture among people.


Attraction of the Minions

When it comes to film, people usually favor good over evil,focus on the hero and ignore the supporting characters. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Originallycomedic background characters in the film Despicable Me(卑鄙的我), these yellow pill­shaped nuts, havetotally stolen the show and turned into a popular figure. This summer thecharacters debuted(首演)in their own self­titled movie in theaters abroad, having the second biggestopening weekend of all time for a cartoon film according to USAToday.Recently, McDonald's has been including Minion toys with kids' meals in someareas, causing loyal fans to flock to the restaurant to collect them all. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Themovie's huge popularity even surprised its writers.“We never knew the Minionswere going to be so popular.It just became a force of nature,” the film's co­writer Cinco Paul toldthe LosAngelesTimes.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}For many, the appeal is obviously their cuteness.Their simple nature can easilysurpass cultures and age groups.Even children can draw them.Thousands ofexamples of fan­made Minion art from fingernails to Halloween clothes arevisible on global social media platforms.

Butthere's more to the phenomenon than just cuteness.US entertainment website HitFix explains that their way of communicating makes the creatures influential aswell. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But it seems everyone can understand them through theirexaggerated(夸张的)movements and expressions.

Moreimportantly, their childlike mannerisms is a brand of humor that winshearts.“Clumsy, foolish Minions are recognized as the ultimate betapersonalities,”wrote Peter Debruge of US entertainment magazine Variety.

Theydesire nothing more than to serve their most despicable master. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}“Perhaps we love Minions because they remind us of ourselves,” HuffingtonPost associate Web editor SaraBoboltz wrote, “or an evil version of ourselves.”

A.So what makes the banana­lovingMinions a big hit?

B.Besides, their childlike mannerentertains fans more.

C.And this evil characteristic arousessympathy among humans.

D.Related video games, toys and othergoods are sweeping the world.

E.Minions is a 2015 American 3Dcomputer­animated family comedy film.

F.But when it comes to the Minions,these conventions go right out the window.

G.The largely speak in nonsense wordswith the occasional recognizable terms like “potato”.


    One of the common complaints we hear from the people around us are problems they are facing. Every day and everywhere there are problems. Many times we find it hard to stay happy. When one problem is solved, another one comes up. How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis. The three steps are:

Get the facts

    Why is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts, you can't possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently. Without the facts, all you can do is wondering around in confusion. It is not an easy job to get facts. When you are worried, your emotions are riding high. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    When trying to get the facts, you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree. Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case. You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.


    Whenever you are worried, write down the questions that make you worry. And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step. For example, what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I'm going to do about it. After carefully weighing all the facts, you can calmly come to a decision.

Act on that decision.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy . Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you know a situation is beyond your power, say to yourself: “It is so; it can't be otherwise.” Don't permit little things to ruin your happiness. Try to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

A. Analyze the facts.

B. Accept what can't be avoided.

C. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth.

D. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence.

E. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back.

F. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

G. Unless you take your action, all your fact-finding and analysis is a sheer waste of energy.


Participating (参与) in Class

    Class participation is a valuable part of learning. Many students are unwilling to participate in class{#blank#}1{#/blank#}  Other students participate in class, but do so not correctly. Here is some advice that can help you become an effective class participant.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Do all tasks and readings and go over your notes from previous class periods. This will help to prevent you from making uninformed ( 无知的) comments or asking unsuitable questions. As you get ready for class, think about important questions and concerns that may appear in class. Be sure that you are prepared to deal with these.

    Try to sit close to the front of the class{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Besides, you can hear what the teachers say clearly.

    Listen to what the other students say. You can then build on their comments to make your own. Be active when you respond to something another student says. You can disagree, but don't go into an “attack mode”.

    Don't be afraid to be wrong{#blank#}4{#/blank#} You can learn from being wrong. Don't be afraid to ask questions. This is a good learning skill. Also, the chances are that other students in the class have the same questions as you do, and they will appreciate your asking.

    Be sure that your questions and comments are closely connected with the class topic.

    Don't waste the time of the teacher and other students by going off way. Don't take it in person if others disagree with what you say{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Creating a personal connection helps you feel more comfortable about participating in class.

B. Be confident that your opinions will be valued by your teacher and other students.

C. It's hard to stay unconcerned when you are near to the teacher.

D. Be sure that you are well prepared before coming to class.

E. This may be because they are shy or fearful of being judged and criticized (批评).

F. Your class should be a good place for giving opinions and taking advice.

G. Learning is a change in behavior based on experience.


Meat-free Mondays

    In the United Kingdom, vegetarianism (素食主义) is becoming very popular, with around 3 million people in the UK vegetarian.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}However, here in France, I often struggle to find a meat-and-fish-free choice on a menu, which can make eating in restaurants a bit of a challenge.

    People are often curious why I choose to limit my diet in the way I do. There are many reasons why people may choose to be vegetarian. Many people give up meat or fish simply because they do not enjoy the taste. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They believe it has a bad effect on the environment or it is bad for health. Furthermore, many people are vegetarians to avoid wasting food. In addition, some religious beliefs forbid eating certain meats. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}However, although sometimes vegetarian food requires a little more creativity, it is very easy to enjoy a healthy and balanced diet as a vegetarian especially when meat substitutes (替代品) are becoming much easier to get.

    Meat-free Mondays is a campaign (运动) to encourage every family to eat just one main meal a week which does not contain meat or fish. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}This is a great challenge for anyone who would like to try out some vegetarian cooking and is a wonderful way to contribute to slowing down climate change.

A.   Young kids prefer meat and fish than vegetables.

B.   Some feel that killing animals for meat is wrong.

C.   Vegetarian food can be delicious and easy to prepare.

D.  The city where I grew up is known as the „vegetarian capital' of the UK.

E.   Overall, vegetarians usually have different reasons for choosing their lifestyle.

F.   The purpose of the campaign is to protect the environment and to improve health.

G.  A common misunderstanding about vegetarian food is that it is not tasty or healthy.


    Driving is absolutely a necessary skill in today's world. What you need before you master it is a driving license(驾驶执照). {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But before it becomes a time saver, it is a very time-consuming (耗时的) thing. Without proper practice you cannot learn this skill.

    First of all, for lack of driving knowledge or skills, many people die of road accidents every year. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}If you are brave and scream “I would”, then I highly advise you to reconsider your attitude towards driving. Your driving can be much safer for both yourself and other people if you always keep to the speed limit and traffic rules.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} There are a lot of courses, but generally we divide them into four types. The first type is the most typical one that takes place in a classroom. The second and third types are driving simulations — learn how to drive on line. The last type is the best because it is simply practice. Your coach will teach you how to drive a car while you are driving on the road.

    When choosing the right course, you need to consider the cost. If you have enough money, you can take practical lessons or the ones that take place in a classroom. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Free materials about driving are easy to find on the Internet. Remember that practical experience is a must if you are serious about your health and safety.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Bad preparation for driving may result in hurting yourself or ever others. Attend driving courses and treat them seriously as they matter a lot to you.

A. Being able to drive can save you a lot of time.

B. Who would enter a car after bottles of beer?

C. You're never allowed to drive without a driving license.

D. It's necessary to treat driving courses seriously.

E. You can also learn these courses online if they cost you too much.

F. A lot of time and money are needed to get a driving license.

G. You need to complete the driving courses to know the basics of driving.


    As you enter a university, you turn to a new page where life is quite different from before.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} As far as I can see, there are several aspects you should pay special attention to.

    Manage your free time well. Since there's plenty of spare time every day, a good time-management becomes vital. When free, you can devote yourself to study or go out to visit some scenic spots nearby. If you have special skills or interests, there are various clubs for you to join. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} At the same time you get the chance to make friends with other students.

    Develop self-discipline(自律).College life is nearly completely up to yourself instead of the teachers compared to the high school. So self-discipline makes much more significance. In university the teachers' job is to give classes. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It is your choice to do them independently or copy. You're supposed to hand in the assignments (任务) punctually. You're also expected to stick to your timetable, keep a balanced diet, etc.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} This is the person who will help you with course conflicts, adding or dropping courses, scheduling classes for future terms and deciding on majors. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} He /She should be the person you turn to with any academic issues or conflicts. And don't be afraid of requesting another adviser if you can't contact the first one.

    Bear these tips in mind and I'm sure it can be beneficial to you in the long run.

A. To well adapt yourself to the new environment is of great significance.

B. Get to know your academic adviser.

C. It's where to show your talent.

D. As for the assignments, it is your work.

E. This person is a key resource for you.

F. Buy a calendar to know when assignments are due.

G. Find a perfect place to study in.

