
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Cold weather during winter months may keep many people from leaving home and running in the open air.

    However, a new study shows that the drop in temperature is a good reason to run. In fact, researchers say, running in cold weather helps improve one's performance.

    Many people say running in the winter can be difficult. Two reasons are the low temperatures and bitter winds. Yet many runners might find it easier than running in hot weather.

    That could be because lower temperatures reduce stress on the body. When you run in cold weather, your heart rate and the body's dehydration (脱水) levels are lower than in warmer conditions. The body needs less water on a cold day than in warm weather.

    This information comes from sports scientists at St. Mary's University in London. John Brewer is a professor of applied sport science at St. Mary's.

    For this study, he and other researchers put a group of people into a room they called an "environmental chamber." The researchers then recreated summer and winter weather conditions in the room. The test subjects were asked to run 10,000 meters under both conditions. Brewer says he and his team recorded biological measurements of the runners.

    "We've got a group of subjects into the environmental chamber, we've changed the conditions to replicate the summer or winter and we've got them to run a 10km under both of those conditions and taken various measurements on each runner while they've been completing their 10km."

    Brewer says every movement runners make produces heat. He explains that one way in which we lose heat is by sweating. The body loses heat through droplets of sweat. He says the body also loses heat by transporting the blood to the surface of the skin.

(1)、What can we know about running in winter?

A、It increases pressure of the body. B、It improves the function of body. C、It makes your heart rate higher. D、It needs more water than in summer.
(2)、What can we know about the research according to the text?

A、Researchers interviewed the subjects B、Subjects were asked to run in winter and summer. C、Subjects built the "environmental chamber". D、Biological measurements of the runners were recorded.
(3)、Which of the following can replace the underlined word "replicate" in Paragraph 7?

A、Combine. B、Remember. C、Copy. D、Decorate.
(4)、What's the best title for the passage?

A、Environmental Chamber B、The Way of Losing Heat C、Running in Cold Weather Improves Performance D、Biological Measurements of the Runners

    We do not know when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. Historical evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over 3,000 years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to preserve (保存) the dead.

    Stealing salt was considered a major crime (罪行) during some periods of history. In the eighteenth century, for example, if a person was caught stealing salt, he could be put in prison and his ears could be cut off.

    In the Roman Empire, one of the most important roads was the one that carried salt from the salt mines to Rome. Guards were stationed(安置) along the route to protect against salt thieves, and they received their pay in salt, thus bringing the English word, salary. Any guard who fell asleep while on duty was thought to be “not worth his salt”, and as a result he would get a little less salt on his next payday. The expression, “not worth his salt”, is still used today in English.

    In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table. It is used in making glass and airplane parts, in the growing of crops, and in the killing of weeds (杂草). It is also used to make water soft, to melt (融化) ice on roads and highways, to make soap, and to fix colors in cloth.

    Salt can be got in various ways besides being taken from mines underground. Salt water from the ocean, salt water lakes or small seas can be used to make salt. Yet, no matter where it comes from, salt will continue to play an important role in the lives of people everywhere.


“How's it going? ” I ask the barista(服务生). “How's your day been?”

    “Ah, not too busy. What are you up to?”

    “Not much. Just reading. ”

    This,small talk, is one of the key rituals(规矩)of American life. It has taken me only a decade to master.

    I immigrated to the United States in 2001, for college. I brought only my Indian experience in dealing with shopkeepers and tea sellers. In Delhi, where I grew up, when doing business, people don't ask each other how the other's day has been. They might not even smile. The customer doesn't tremble before complaining about how cold his food is. Each side believes the other will cheat him.

“God, Mahajan, you're so rude to waiters!” Tom, an American friend, said, laughing, after he watched me ordering food at a restaurant, in the West Village, years ago. Considering myself a mild and friendly person, I was surprised. Tom always asked servers how they were doing or praised their shirts or made jokes about the menu. At that time, this seemed dishonest to me. Did he really like what they were wearing?

American life is based on a principle that we like one another but won't violate one another's privacies. This makes it a land of small talk. Two people greet each other happily, with friendliness, but might know each other for years before asking basic questions about each other's backgrounds. The opposite is true of Indians. At least three people I've sat next to on planes to and from India have asked me, within minutes, how much I earn as a writer (only to turn away in disappointment when I tell them).

Living in Brooklyn and then in Austin, Texas. I made coffee shops the places of my movements. Meeting the same baristas day after day produced context, and I got practice. I was beginning to fit in. It felt good and didn't seem fake anymore.


Family Fun

    Not only is Buffalo family-friendly, we're also family-fun! If you have yet to pack the car, here are four activities to plan for your next family adventure in Buffalo.

    Animal House

    Take a walk on the wild side and visit with our animal friends! You can have some facetime with river otters (水獭) at the Buffalo Zoo. Get up close and personal with animals on a tour at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, and develop your child's sense of wonder at Tifft Nature Preserve, a place that's great for bird-watching. And don't leave town without a visit to the Aquarium of Niagara to see the penguins (企鹅)!

    Make a Splash

    Buffalo is surrounded by water and plenty of chances to make a splash. Head to Canalside and ride on a water bike or take a sunset tour on the Miss Buffalo II. Have fun in the water park at Fantasy Island or jump on a Whirlpool Jet Boat or a Niagara Jet Adventure tour for a wild ride on the Niagara River. Welcome to our water world.

    Hands-On Experiences

    Throw the textbooks aside and introduce your little explorers to hands-on experiences. Raise a future paleontologist (古生物学者) with a visit to Penn Dixie where the kids can dig for fossils (化石). Head to East Aurora where learning feels like play at Explore & More Children's Museum.

    Make History

    There's plenty to inspire the imagination of the history lovers in your family on a trip to Buffalo. Appreciate art at the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum. Pick up a souvenir at the Kazoo Factory Museum or experience life in the 19th century at the Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village. It's time to make history in Buffalo!

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

After months of expectation and secrecy, the official mascot (吉祥物) of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games-a giant panda-inspired cartoon character-made its first public debut with cheers at Beijing's Shougang Ice Hockey Arena.

The panda is named “Bing Dwen Dwen” in Chinese. Bing means “ice” in Chinese, while Dwen Dwen suggests “health and cleverness”-characteristics also shared by pandas. Pandas are perhaps the most recognized animal species in China, organizers said.

“Pandas combine China's traditional culture and its modern appearance together with winter sports elements in a fascinating image (形象) that shows our great expectations for the Games and shows that we welcome the world,” said Beijing Mayor Chen Jining, who also serves as an executive president on the organizing committee.

“I have already seen the mascot and from what I've seen, it's a wonderful choice,” IOC President Thomas Bach said before introducing the character.” “The mascot really takes in the best elements and characteristics of China and the Chinese people. It will be a great ambassador (大使) for the country and the 24th Winter Olympics.”

The ring of light surrounding the mascot's face is suggestive of ice and snow tracks, as well as the flowing “ribbons” of the National Speed Skating Oval. The oval is one of two new competition sites in downtown Beijing expected to become a landmark of the Games, according to its chief designer Cao Xue.

The introduction of the mascots marks the key point of a journey that began in August 2018, when Beijing organizers started a global design competition for the mascots. A total of 5,816 designs were received from 35 countries, and were reviewed by Chinese and international experts in a comprehensive evaluation and selection process.

The new mascot will serve as spirited symbol of the Games that will take place in the three zones of downtown Beijing, the suburban district of Yanqing and co-host city Zhangjiakou in surrounding Hebei province.

