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  • 1. 完形填空

        A lot happened to me while I lived on Thirteenth Street. I 1 school at Miss Marie Purkins' School for Little Folks kindergarten which I loved until I broke my leg one day 2  rope. And it wasn't3  a moving rope. One of the rope ends in the playground was tied to a tree, the other end to a swing set. The kids would  4  on one side and take turns running and jumping over it. All the other kids5 the rope.

        But I had no6I was a little short and fat anyway, and I was so slow that I was once the only kid at an Easter egg hunt who didn't get a7egg, not because I couldn't find them but because I couldn't get to them 8enough. On the day I tried to jump rope but I was wearing cowboy boots to school. Like a fool I didn't9the boots to jump. My heel 10  on the rope, so I turned, fell and hurt my leg. I lay in11on the ground for several minutes while Daddy12over from his company to get me.

        I had broken my leg above the knee, and13I was growing so fast, the doctor was 14to put me in a cast up to my hip.  15  he made a hole through my ankle, pushed a stainless steel bar through it. And then he 16 it to a stainless steel horseshoe, and 17 my leg up in the air over my hospital bed. For two months, I had been lying on my 18 feeling both foolish, waiting to return to my19 . I missed my playmates so much.

        After I got out of the hospital, my folks bought me a bicycle,20I never lost my fear of riding without the training wheels. No wonder people say, "Once bitten, twice shy."

    A . valued B . left C . started D . ended
    A . jumping B . stepping C . holding D . waving
    A . still B . already C . even D . also
    A . hold on B . check in C . try out D . line up
    A . covered B . cleared C . Found D . picked
    A . strength B . score C . sign D . luck
    A . single B . large C . ripe D . round
    A . slowly B . far C . fast D . eagerly
    A . take off B . put on C . throw away D . break down
    A . hid B . slipped C . pressed D . caught
    A . silence B . pain C . worry D . peace
    A . walked B . looked C . raced D . argued
    A . because B . although C . in case D . even if
    A . satisfied B . uncertain C . patient D . unwilling
    A . Therefore B . Instead C . Otherwise D . Fortunately
    A . separated B . compared C . exposed D . attached
    A . hung B . dried C . raised D . sent
    A . hand B . back C . leg D . head
    A . home B . company C . school D . community
    A . and B . but C . for D . so


  • 2. 阅读理解

        The announcements that follow inform you of various First Presbyterian Church programs and events to which you are invited. Please save this publication, take it home and keep it for easy reference.

        Summer Musikgarten—Today

        Musikgarten is for infants (VL) through three years old, but if you have older children, bring them with you during the summer. We don't want to leave anyone out! We'll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes in Room 307 at 9:20-9:50 AM today, and on June 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 13 and 20. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (kmidd@mchsi.com; 563-505-0471).

        BTC Book Club Bonus—Monday

        Join us for dessert and a discussion of the book, The Traitor's Wife, by Allison Pataki, led by Lois Boyer-Fitzpatrick. We will meet Monday, June 19 at 12:30 PM in the Parlor. For more information, contact Carol Phoenix (563-332-0980).

        Performing Arts Series—Saturday

        The twenty-fifth anniversary season of the Performing Arts Series concludes with two performances of the classic Broadway musical, My Fair Lady. Lerner and Loewe's most successful collaboration, My Fair Lady has delighted audiences for decades, and we look forward to producing it for you. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students, and can be purchased on the church's website or by calling the church office.

        Tabitha's Circle—Sunday

        All those who sew and make some simple dresses and shorts can join us in Fellowship Hall. The clothes we make are sent to children in Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Haiti. Please bring your own sewing machines and invites others who would like to participate. We will have refreshments. Contact Rosen Paulsen (563-355-3165) for questions about this outreach project.

    (1) If you value the children education, which event is your best choice?
    A . Summer Musikgarten B . BTC Book Club Bonus 19 C . Performing Arts Series D . Tabitha's Circle
    (2) You can contact all of the four events by       
    A . making phone calls B . visiting the websites C . inquiring in person D . writing letters
    (3) According to the third section, we know My Fair Lady      
    A . is free for young kids B . has been popular for years C . was starred by Lerner and Loewe D . was one of the longest classic Broadway musicals
  • 3. 阅读理解

        A woman lost the sight in one eye after going swimming in a pool at a hotel wearing contact lenses(隐形眼镜). Jennie Hurst, from Southampton, suffered from a rare and painful infection caused by amoeba(变形虫)in water. The infection causes people to be sensitive to light and the 28-year-old said she had to stay in a dark room for three months. She is now warning of the dangers of swimming or showering wearing contacts.

        Ms Hurst experienced four operations and a treatment in which she had eye drops every half hour. "During that time I stayed in my bedroom with black curtains at the window. The only thing I could do was to listen to the radio. One evening, I was so eager to look out of window to get a look of the outside world that I opened my curtains in the middle of the night. As soon as I did this the moon shone in my eyes and it really hurt. I didn't do that again. I have been left with no sight in my left eye and the damage to my right eye could be lasting," she said.

        Ms Hurst had been wearing contact lenses for five years. "I don't even like swimming,"she said. "My friends were quite surprised that I had gone swimming and probably thought that I had been a bit lazy. I wasn't aware of the problem at all — it didn't even enter my brain to take them out. I felt responsible that I had let it happen when actually I could have just taken my contacts out."

    (1) What's the text mainly about?
    A . The woman losing sight while swimming. B . A rare infection caused by contact lenses. C . An accident happening in a hospital. D . The trouble of staying in a dark room.
    (2) Amer the operations, Jennie Hurst felt     
    A . frightened B . calm C . regretful D . anxious
    (3) What does Jennie Hurst mean in the last paragraph?
    A . She used to go swimming very often. B . She has also been hurt in her brain. C . She will be busy with her work in future. D . She might be more careful when swimming next time.
    (4) What's the purpose of the text?
    A . To analyze. B . To explain. C . To warn. D . To encourage.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Most people know that listening to music when they are feeling down or depressed can encourage their spirits.

        However studies have also shown that music, especially certain tones can reduce stress. Music can change brainwave patterns, deepen breathing, and bring on a totally stress-free and more open mindset(心态). Using music to relax when considering a particular problem may not only raise your mood, but also could help you reach that "a-ha"moment and find a solution.

        Music has also been shown not only to make you feel good, but also, to be a great motivator. For example, during exercise, listening to music can keep you going, or get you to exercise more by helping you to ignore negative feelings of tiredness and focus on the pleasurable feelings you get from being absorbed in the music.

        Music is mainly used to record emotion. When we listen to a piece of music we share the artist's feelings on a visceral(本来的)level. That can be sad, and who among us hasn't put on a painful love song to share in the misery after a bad break-up? On the contrary, we can share in the delight of songs of joy and happiness, or any song or piece of music that reminds us of a particular happy time in our past.

        So next time you are feeling down, put on Beethoven' s Ode to Joy, I bet you will feel a lot better about whatever it was that was bothering you!

    (1) We can infer from the first paragraph that music can      .
    A . benefit you in many ways B . promote you to find more questions C . change the patterns of your lifestyle D . influence your attention to a problem
    (2) The author wrote the second paragraph mainly to      .
    A . tell us a story B . make some comments C . give us an example D . list some facts
    (3) When we enjoy a piece of sad music,      .
    A . we'll share the artist's feelings deeply B . we may recall our miserable past C . we may be reminded of particular joy D . we'll show mercy on the artist' s life
    (4) What's the best title of the text?
    A . What music means to a music lover B . Why people love happy music C . What kind of music is popular D . How music changes your life
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Dry Ice is a unique substance which has many uses. Essentially, dry ice is frozen CO2. The first report of what we now call dry ice came from the French chemist Charles Thilorier in 1834. In 1924, the Drylee Corporation of America named the solid form of CO2 as "Dry Ice", which is what it is popularly called today.

        At normal atmospheric pressure, CO2changes directly from solid to gas. It skips the liquid phase(阶段)which makes regular ice wet. Frozen CO2is also much colder than regular ice. But regular ice freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, CO2 changes from gas to solid at -109.3 degrees Fahrenheit. This extremely cold temperature makes it very dangerous to handle with bare hands. It can cause frostbite in a very short period of time.

        Dry ice has been used for a variety of purposes throughout the past century. Its primary use is to refrigerate food when electrical refrigeration isn't available. Through the process of sublimation (when CO2 changes from solid to gas), it can maintain cold food for a long time.

        If you've ever been to a play and seen heavy fog on the ground, it is likely that you have seen dry ice in action. This effect can be achieved because CO2 is heavier than air, so evaporated (挥发的)CO2 will sink and accumulate on the ground.

        Another interesting use for this substance is to bait(诱杀)insects like mosquitoes. These insects have sensors which guide them to CO2. They find the high concentration of CO2 in dry ice quite attractive.

        Mars has long been a mystery for human beings. We have been looking for evidence of life on Mars. In the 1960s scientists guessed that the polar ice cap of Mars was made of frozen CO2. More recent observations have shown that while the topmost layer consists of frozen CO2, the most of it is probably regular frozen water.

    (1) Frozen CO2 gets its name of "Dry Ice" mainly because      .
    A . it is very easy to make it dry B . we can't melt it and it doesn't get wet C . it looks like ice at a low temperature D . it is solid like ice at -109.3 degrees Fahrenheit
    (2) The underlined word "frostbite" in the second paragraph probably means      .
    A . the shakes caused by cold B . damage caused by freezing C . a fever caused by being cold D . a sharp pain caused by bums
    (3) According to the passage, dry ice can be used to      .
    A . freeze most of food in the next century B . increase the production of farming C . make a vivid fog effect on stages D . help to improve the environment
    (4) What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A . Dry ice on Mars is near the polar. B . Not much dry ice has been found on Mars. C . The polar ice cap of Mars is unique. D . No frozen CO, on Mars can be melt.


  • 6. 任务型阅读

        Experts are always advocating the health benefits of biking. And while the barrier to entry is low-pretty much all you need to know to start cycling is how to ride a bike itself-people often ask me if I have any tips for beginner bikers.

        Below, a few things I've learned along the way that help make for a safer and more joyful ride:

        Follow the rules of the road. Brake at yellow lights, stop for pedestrians and maintain a solid distance from cars.Therefore, never fly through stop signs, approach too close to the front vehicles or shout at cars.

        A British doctor recently made headlines when he claimed that wearing a bike helmet is actually more dangerous than traveling without one, but most research suggests otherwise. A full 98 percent of bike commuters (上班族)own a helmet, so you'll be in good company, anyway.

        Make a playlist. Laws against riding with headphones vary from state to state, and it's never proper to listen to music in more than one ear. But cruising around to a soundtrack can be an amazing feeling, so consider buying a wireless speaker you can fix on your frame. 

        Know your rights. If you do end up getting into a collision, stay on the scene until the police come. Cyclists are too often taken advantage of in bad situations, especially if their injuries don't seem to be apparent.

        Find some friends. As great as it can be to bike alone, zipping down the street in a big group is an equally satisfying experience.Various bicycle trips are often organized, which provides opportunities to develop friendship among bikers.

    A.Be sure to get a helmet.

    B.It's necessary you give them an accurate report of the incident.

    C.Most cities have enough resources for the cycling community.

    D.Most of us will feel it obviously safer to ride on a bike than in a car.

    E.Then put together a list of your favorite tunes and get ready to enjoy them.

    F.Pushing to the limit not only gives bikers a bad reputation, but also a great danger.

    G.It' s comforting to know that whatever I need is nothing more than a bike ride away.


  • 7. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改短文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        We are so happy to have Ms Green here to stay with us today. Now I'll make a brief introduce about her. During the period of 1990 and 1996, she studied at Chicago University in America, learn English and the Chinese language. After graduation, she comes to China and has been teaching English in middle schools.

        Ms Green will teach us English for a few year in our school. While stay here, she will help improve your spoken English. Beside, she will tell us more about the education in Canada.

        I hope Ms Green will have good time in our school.


  • 8. 语法填空

        Although I  (grow) up not in the South, but in northern Wisconsin, there are memories that are same. We can all think about the past if those memories give  (we) the strength to live today. Though today is a present and a gift, the  (memory) of our families give us the strength to appreciate this "present". Those memories of my childhood home, across the street from Grandpa and Grandma's home, bring memories of (eat) ice cream cones and swinging on the front porch swing and singing country songs   (happy). There are memories of my dad reading the newspaper and mom, wearing her apron and making doughnuts in the kitchen. Pictures of the family all around are just like I have today in my home. My dad was a quiet man, never bought or borrowed anything unless he could afford it. My aunt lived in the bedroom upstairs and sang Polish and country songs with me. My brother is remembered  my childhood friend when we played in the backyard. These memories are (root) in my heart and run deep. These memories give me  (strong) to carry on the family values. These memories give me a "common" and "solid" ground in my life.


  • 9. 假如你是李华,前天你收到英国笔友Kathy发来的电子邮件,说她很想报名参加即将在当地举办的“汉语民歌演唱比赛(Singing Chinese Folk Songs Contest)”活动,但信心不足。请你给她回复一封邮件,内容包括:

    1).鼓励她积极报名参加; 2).帮助分析参加的意义; 3).给她提几点建议。




    Dear Kathy,

        I am glad to know that


    Li Hua
