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  • 1. 阅读理解

    In the field of educational technology, some apps might be getting too smart. There are more and more apps providing help for students.


    The new, seemingly magic app allows users to take pictures of a math problem, and then receive a step-by-step solution. It is now the number one free app on the App Store. A PhotoMath spokeswoman says educators have welcomed the app with positive reviews, but the software causes a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement. Why? It is because students can use it to cheat when doing their math homework.

    Price: Free


    Whether you're a high school student or a college student, there's one thing you've got for sure: a lot of homework. iHomework can help you keep track of all your homework. It can help you arrange it in a particular order according to types, or based on deadlines.

    Price: Free

    Wolfram Alpha

    Wolfram Alpha is similar to PhotoMath, but it focuses on older students studying high levels of math and doesn't support photos. The service also produces step-by-step solutions to advanced topics, making it a popular tool for college students.

    Price: $2.99

    Homework Helper

    Chinese Internet search company Baidu has launched (发起) an app called Homework Helper with which students can get answers to homework. Users post a picture or type their homework questions onto online forums (论坛), and those who answer the questions can win e-coins that can be used to buy devices like iPhones and laptops. The app has logged 5 million downloads, much to the concern of many parents who argue that the students spend less time thinking about challenging problems.

    Price: Free

    (1) What is the problem of the app PhotoMath?
    A . It can't recognize pictures. B . It doesn't provide a step-by-step solution. C . It encourages students to use smartphones. D . It makes cheating at homework more likely to happen.
    (2) What is the big feature of Wolfram Alpha?
    A . Offering services to office workers. B . Making students organize their school work. C . Helping deal with advanced math problems. D . Creating chances to discuss math online.
    (3) What do we learn about Homework Helper?
    A . It is thought highly of by teachers. B . It is unpopular among Chinese students. C . Many parents think it harmful to children's study. D . Answering questions on the app wastes students' time.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I'm a girl in my late twenties and I live in New York. I go from my 8-hour-a-day full-time job to my part-time job, where I work for at least 4 hours if I'm lucky. I have half an hour to get from one job to the next, and I spend that time driving to the job, changing into my uniform, and eating if I have time. Even on weekends, I work anywhere from 4-9 hours per day at my part-time job.

    Every time I hang out with my friends or family, I'm never fully present. I'm either exhausted (精疲力竭的) or worried about my work. And when I'm with my family, everyone says that I work too much and should pay attention to my health. While I always argue that working hard is extremely valuable and admirable, I also believe that we all need to stop and smell the roses. Throughout the chaos (混乱) of my busy life, however, I've forgotten to do just that. Work has kept me so busy that I've missed everything that's right in front of me.

    Now, I'm making an effort to be present. I leave my phone in my purse when I'm with my friends and only take it out to take a few pictures. Sometimes, I go to a concert, watch movies or take a holiday to treat myself. I visit friends I haven't seen for a while or try to call them, so we can talk for hours and catch up. And I make an effort to spend time with loved ones who I know won't be around forever and I get to know the younger ones. Right now, I'm learning to do everything that makes me happy. I'm completely not guilty about my work-life balance because I know that enjoying life is truly worth my time.

    (1) Why does the author tell us about her work?
    A . To show she lives a very busy life. B . To complain she has a hard life. C . To prove the pace of life is fast in her city. D . To describe the ways to make money are various.
    (2) What does the underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A . Buying roses. B . Enjoying life. C . Working hard. D . Changing work.
    (3) What does the author like doing now?
    A . Working as a leader. B . Learning to take pictures. C . Sparing time for her family and friends. D . Taking long holidays with loved ones.
    (4) What would be the best title for the text?
    A . Learning to stay present in life B . Leading a life without a cellphone C . Stopping feeling guilty about work D . Making use of every day to the fullest
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A 2,300-year-old shield (盾) made of tree bark has been discovered in Leicestershire, Europe. Such type of shield has never been dug out in Europe although shields like gold ones have been found before. No wonder that scientists regard the 2,300-year-old shield to be valuable. "This is a great object used as a weapon(武器) in the Iron Age," said Julia Farley, expert in British and European Iron Age collections.

    The shield was discovered in 2015 by scientists from the University of Leicester Archaeological Service in an "animal watering hole" close to the River Soar. Organic (有机物) objects from the period rarely survive, but the shield was deposited in waterlogged (水涝的) soil that the "animal watering hole" contains. The waterlogged soil tends to cause low temperature underground and poorly-circulated air, which makes it hard for organic things to break up.

    Bark shields of the period were entirely unknown in Europe and researchers had assumed that the material might have been too weak and fragile for use in war. However, experiments to remake the weapon in the same material showed the 3mm-thick shield, though very light, would have been tough enough for battle. It was likely that similar weapons were widespread.

    The shield is made from green bark that has been constructed with many types of wood. One of them is the green wood, which would tighten as it has dried giving the shield its strength and a shape of a figure of eight. The outside of the shield has been painted and given a special decoration. Farley said, "This is a lost technology. Maybe it s a technique that was used for making bark products in many ways."

    "Because so little organic material survives from the period," Farley said, "We are left with the earthworks(土木工程) and some of the ironwork. But we don't really see the everyday world of these people: the wooden houses they lived in and their clothing. So the visual world of the Iron Age is lost to us. But something like the bark shield is just a tiny window into that."

    The shield has been donated to the British Museum. Farley said she hoped it would be seen by the public next year.

    (1) Why is the newly-discovered shield considered to be valuable?
    A . It contains some rare materials like gold. B . It's the oldest shield found in the world so far. C . It's the only example of its kind ever found in Europe. D . It's the only weapon dating from the Iron Age of Leicestershire.
    (2) What can we learn about the "animal watering hole"?
    A . It once lied in a battle field. B . It helped preserve the bark shield. C . It was buried with many artworks. D . It is close to a university.
    (3) What assumption did scientists use to have about bark shields?
    A . They tended to be impractical. B . They were very light weapons. C . They were made as artworks. D . They were made of two kinds of wood.
    (4) What was Farley's attitude to the newly-discovered shield?
    A . Concerned. B . Doubtful. C . Positive. D . Negative.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Birds, butterflies, bats and bees are all pollinators(传粉者). However, bees are classified as the most important pollinators for the existence of plants and harvest of produce worldwide. They contribute a lot to the produce we harvest, both directly and indirectly.

    There are about 20,000 bee species with the most popular being the honeybee. Kept in man- made beehives (蜂巢), they are responsible for 30% of the food production chain for human consumption. In other words, without honeybees, there would it be 30% less produce for consumption.

    Bees have four needs in order to survive and the most important one is having enough food. They should store enough food to get through the drought period. The other three are: approriate climate within the hive, proper living places and available nest-building materials.

    However, in recent years, the number of bees is reducing considerably. There are many factors (因素) that can lead to this: the use of pesticides(杀虫剂), bacterial and parasitic infection and deforestation(滥砍滥伐). It's a mixture of these factors that can cause the bee population to dwindle. The factors should be kept in mind in order to protect the bee populations.

    In Aruba, there are many keepers called "Imkers".Imkers are responsible for the production of honey, but they are also called when bees build nests in unwanted areas. They should carefully move the nest to other locations. There is a preservation program calld "Adopt-a-beehive" at the Cunucn Mondi Fierno. It encourages those who have an available place to make their place available for the temporary relocation of bee nests when needed. Donations are also welcome for this cause. Imkers play a very important role in protecting the bee populations.

    The Department of Nature and the Environmentl calls for the relocation of the bee nests in a natural way, instead of ridding them with pesticides. Only by protecting the bees can we guarantee their existence and their help in the production of fruits and vegetables.

    (1) What do the figures in Paragraph 2 mainly indicate?
    A . The variety of the honeybee. B . The difference between bees. C . The popularity of the honeybee. D . The importance of the honeybee.
    (2) The word" dwindle" underlined in Paragraph 4 most probably means"________".
    A . remain unstable B . become smaller C . expand rapidly D . disappear completely
    (3) What responsibility do Imkers should apart from producing honey?
    A . Relocating some bee nests. B . Repairing nests for honeybees. C . Keeping bee nests away from pests. D . Seeking donations for bee protection.
    (4) What's the author's main purpose of writing the text?
    A . To describe the roles of Imkers. B . To present ways of protecting bees. C . To introduce different functions of bees. D . To stress the necessity of protecting bees.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Jogging can be a great way to lose weight and increase fitness. For jog beginners, it is wise to follow some simple and practical jogging tips before they get started.

    One of the best and most important jogging tips is to buy a good pair of running shoes.Besides, they should not allow the feet to roll in or out too much. Salespeople at shoe stores will be able to assist in choosing a proper pair of shoes.

    Brightly-colored clothing is preferred to make one more noticeable to vehicles, and reflector strips (反光条) should be added to clothes if one jogs at night. If listening to music while jogging, be sure it is not turned up so loud that it is impossible to hear surrounding noises, such as someone yelling or a car honking.

    It is also important to maintain proper form while jogging. Keep the back straight, and do not hunch(耸肩) the shoulders forward. Take measured steps, not large ones that can lead to muscle strain and injury.  Ålways carry a bottle of water and take frequent sips.

    It may be helpful to pace yourself and keep track of distance while jogging.

    A. Remember to breathe as steadily as possible.

    B. Make sure they should be comfortable and fit the feet well.

    C. It is simple to do, and theoretically anyone can start jogging.

    D. There are some tips which will help to ensure safety on the road.

    E. Since jogging is a slower run, groups of joggers may talk to each other.

    F. Many joggers also include mental health as one of the benefits of jogging.

    G. That wạy, it will be easy to see improvement as physical fitness increases.


  • 6. 完形填空

    The music box has been sitting silently on my dresser for years. My husband 1 it at a flea market as a gift to me. The first time I heard its melody (旋律), childhood 2 rushed back to me. I had 3 that song! It was the only Italian song my mother had ever sung. I could always see her 4 the kitchen sink and hear her singing as she washed the dishes.

    After receiving Mike's gift, I 5 brought it to my mother and asked her the 6 of the lyrics (歌词). She said a man is singing about his love for the sea. Her response 7 my curiosity, and I gave it no further thought.

    In 2018, my mother's health started to 8, and most of her memories seemed to have been 9. She had to lie in bed all day and could hardly recognize me.

    I took the music box to her apartment, hoping the melody would help her bring back memories. I sat by her 10 as my daughter Rachelle and my grandson, Nicholas, looked on. I held it to her ear and it slowly played its melody. When the melody 11, she said "Again…"

    "What is the name of the song?" Rachelle asked. 12, no one knew it. We needed the title. Nicholas 13 the challenge. The song was probably passed down from my grandparents a long time ago. Nicholas 14 the melody from the music box and searched the Internet, hitting many 15 ends.

    Then he uploaded a video of the music box to YouTube. Someone 16 it and wrote the title. Nicholas finally 17 the lyrics!

    My mother died at age 96. But in her last days, we played her song, 18 with Italian lyrics. She smiled while listening to it. We had never thought such an old music box would bring her great 19. I imagined she must have felt a special kind of 20 to her mother through the music box.

    A . repaired B . decorated C . bought D . rented
    A . memories B . promise C . imaginations D . adventures
    A . made B . played C . heard D . sang
    A . stopping by B . passing by C . siting by D . standing by
    A . casually B . excitedly C . seriously D . carefully
    A . meanings B . secrets C . symbols D . characteristics
    A . awakened B . satisfied C . sought D . reserved
    A . improve B . bother C . fail D . matter
    A . wasted B . shared C . reminded D . removed
    A . chair B . bed C . table D . window
    A . ended B . continued C . changed D . repeated
    A . Luckily B . Suddenly C . Sadly D . Generally
    A . took away B . set aside C . set up D . took up
    A . learned B . recorded C . enjoyed D . analyzed
    A . special B . smart C . strange D . dead
    A . typed B . consulted C . recognized D . appreciated
    A . found B . spread C . maintained D . shaped
    A . bored B . complete C . familiar D . pleased
    A . confidence B . wealth C . respect D . comfort
    A . closeness B . interaction C . thankfulness D . objection


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Each time I take the underground I find myself  (surround) by dozens of passengers playing smartphones. They almost won't even give a glance at the outside world. You may think it is normal to play smartphones  (kill) time. What's worse, when I talk with some of my friends, they talk as playing, is really an annoyance. 

    I really miss the old days when I  (chat) with some passengers on the train. Now things are different. Everyone just concentrates  their smartphones. When talking with them,  seems that you are disturbing their playing smartphones. I could not just blame them for I am moving to be one like them. Sometimes I just feel we (large) ignore our neighbors and want to keep in touch with  (distance) strangers through the Internet. We care about the things far away but pay no attention to the needs nearby.  ridiculous the situation is! In a way we (control) by smartphones. Are you experiencing the same situation like me? Do you have any ways to avoid that?


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Last week, I watched a movie, naming A Dog's Way Home from Sony Pictures, what mainly tells about dogs at animal shelters. Through the movie, I learned that much of those dogs have to be put to the death if they aren't adopted. The followed day I told my parents that I wanted to visit to the animal shelter in our city and take a dog home. They strong supported my idea of adopting a dog and we choose a brown one at last. I hope that more dogs at animal shelters can find their permanently home. I also hope that dog owner will keep their pets instead giving them up.


  • 9. 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Maria 对中国的传统节日端午节很感兴趣,希望你给她写信介绍端午节。请写一封100词左右的信件,信中应该包括以下几点:





    注意: 中国阴历(the Chinese lunar calendar); 糯米(sticky rice); 粽子(rice dumpling )
