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  • 1. On yesterday's interview, he didn't make a(an) _______ at all; what was the matter with him?

    A . apology B . change C . difference D . appearance
  • 2.

    The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any ______when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009. 

    A . delay B . effort C . schedule D . consideration
  • 3. 一Tell us, Mark ,what is the ____ of the American Civil War?
    一 Well, is it because the black slaves wanted freedom?

    A . effect B . cause C . result D . reason
  • 4. Not having a good ________ of English can be a serious barrier to achieving your goals.

    A . demand B . appreciatio C . command D . experience
  • 5. —Why don't you go to medical college and be a doctor?
    — Oh. It calls for a great deal of _____with long training, which I am afraid I don't have.

    A . strength B . energy C . wisdom D . patience
  • 6. When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his ___ and had a bad fall.

    A . balance  B . chance  C . memory  D . place 
  • 7. He gave himself a new name to hide his ____ when he went to carry out the secret task.

    A . emotion B . talent C . identity D . treasure
  • 8. There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some ______ and then let me know.

    A . thought     B . support        C . protection D . authority
  • 9. One of the most effective ways to reduce         is to talk about feeling with someone you trust.

    A . production B . stress C . energy D .  passive
  • 10. Some schools will have to make ______ in agreement with the national soccer reform.

    A . judgments B . adjustments C . comments D . achievements
  • 11.   —Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave.

                           —I'd like to, but I'm afraid she won't be happy with my ______ .

    A . requests  B . excuses C . apologies D . regrets
  • 12. The failure was a big _____  to him, but he wasn't discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.

    A . blow B . issue C . excuse D . factor
  • 13. This restaurant has become popular for its wide ______ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.

    A . division B . area C . range D . circle
  • 14. My view on the project is the very ________ to yours.That's to say, I don't agree with you at all.

    A . similarity B . opposite C . option D . difference
  • 15. —Everybody knows smoking is harmful to health,but still so many people smoke.

    —Exactly!So our country is planning to start a________against smoking.

    A . war B . campaign C . motion D . struggle
  • 16. Male nurses are difficult  to hire as many men reject this______ out of the long-existing discrimination.

    A . concept B . responsibility C . identity D . personality
  • 17. At the end of the historic area, Wilmington displayed its____ as a working port city: large ware-houses and a few other dated office buildings.

    A . achievement B . reputation C . character D . standard
  • 18. It is important to pay your electricity bill on time , as late payments may affect your ______.

    A . condition B . income C . credit D . status
  • 19. The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight _____ of rain later tonight.  

    A . effect B . sense C . change D . chance  
  • 20. — Can you tell us your _______ for happiness and a long life?

    — Living every day to the full, definitely.

    A . recipe B . record C . range D . receipt
  • 21. A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities, where there are a lot of         , like convenient transportation, more opportunities and better equipment.

    A . amusements B . attractions C . challenges D . achievements
  • 22. What is known to all is that up to now China has made a great ___________ to preserving the peace.

    A . conclusion B . comment C . campaign D . contribution
  • 23. We should learn to communicate more and put ourselves in others' ______instead of blaming each other.

    A . clothes B . shoes C . situation D . room
  • 24. In order to _______ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school.

    A . require B . inquire C . acquire D . address
  • 25. The new discovery of oil is of great ______ to this area's economy.

    A . performance B . significance C . satisfaction D . assumption  
  • 26. This book contains a ________ of several articles in nuclear physics so you can read it before you read the book in detail.

    A . digest B . digestion C . preview D . manual
  • 27. My teacher often says that success in making money is not always a good ______ of success in life.

    A . belief B . element C . criterion D . instance
  • 28. —Was the proposal passed at yesterday's meeting?

    —Yes, but some members of the committee expressed ________.

    A . association B . reservation C . authority D . corporation
  • 29. He broke the law,and now he must face the ______ of his actions.

    A . judgement B . morality C . advances D . consequences
  • 30. Mike bought an old car cheaply,cleaned it up and sold it at a ______.

    A . benefit B . bargain C . profit D . prize
  • 31. One should take ______ of his strengths to make up for his weaknesses.

    A . advantage B . benefit C . profit D . use
  • 32. Examtakers' “virtue” will be taken into ________ in the future nationwide public servants' exam.

    A . focus B . target C . consideration D . contribution
  • 33. It made our head teacher angry ________ Wang Lin,without the ________ from the school,was absent from class for a week.

    A . that;permission B . which;permit C . which;permission D . that;permit
  • 34. The teacher ____________ the exam marks on the wall so that the students could see them. Actually, I didn't quite like this ____________, though I was among the top students.

    A . put up; practice B . put on; improvement C . take down; performance D . take off; scene
  • 35. The car burned more fuel,but taking all things into______,it is still a good car.

    A . expectation B . consideration C . solution D . inspection
  • 36. —Shall we have a talk with her and tried to persuade her not to see a movie tonight?

    —There is no ____ talking to her. She never listens.

    A . good B . value C . point D . worth
  • 37. Over years,scientists have made a great________in the treatment of cancer.

    A . break­in B . breakthrough C . break­up D . breakdown
  • 38. Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered      by a robot.

    A . scissors B . section C . skin D . sympathy
  • 39. If they are close to the cinema entrance or        ,it is easier for disabled people to get to the film in comfort.

    A . educator B . exit C . eruption D . existence
  • 40. Claire went into the city and bought curtains,     , a carpet and bedding.

    A . cushions B . carriages C . cupboards D . conflicts
  • 41. She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and suddenly reached for his hand. She was amazed by his     and the softness and warmth of his skin.

    A . fingernails B . fountain C . fuel D . figure
  • 42. As a          Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more graceful.

    A . firm B . firework C . favour D . fax
  • 43. Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an         .

    A . affair B . assistant C . aspect D . attraction
  • 44. Tony gave Claire a new          and changed the makeup she wore.

    A . housewife B . haircut C . handle D . helmet
  • 45. It can be difficult if the only disabled toilet in the       a long way from where the film is showing.

    A . basement B . branch C . boot D . bank
  • 46. Gandi insisted on winning independence  by peaceful struggles,not by ___.

    A . power B . strength C . energy D . force
  • 47. The explorer got a disease in blood for ________of fresh vegetables and fruit.

    A . sake B . lack C . ignorance D . knock
  • 48. Also she felt her home wasn't         enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position.

    A . elegant B . endless C . evident D . efficient
  • 49. People with simple names enjoy quicker career advancement because names which are hard to pronounce inspire negative _______ from superiors.

    A . consideration B . consequences C . expectations D . reactions
  • 50. We are born to win! The _____ to success is in our genes, say scientists.

    A . drive B . gravity C . request D . squeeze
  • 51. Remember that ______ is better than cure, so brush your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist for regular check-ups.

    A . priority B . privilege C . principle D . prevention
  • 52. This ______ of culture between Europeans and the Romany led to many nations taking action against them, even banning Romany groups from entering.

    A . collision B . switch C . surplus D . dimension
  • 53. He turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror with a serious, studied ______ that soon changed into a smile.

    A . impression B . expression C . conclusion D . information
  • 54. Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are open to visitors free. However, free ______ might lead to some social problems as well.

    A . accommodation B . attraction C . admission D . adjustment
  • 55. The ______ among the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.

    A . prejudice B . reputation C . discrimination D . consensus
  • 56. I don't think you realize the ________ of the situation, or else you wouldn't feel so relaxed.

    A . gravity B . assessment C . framework D . similarity
  • 57. To be an artist is not easy, but sometimes dreams can be a rich source of ________—for an artist.

    A . occasion B . identification C . inspiration D . occupation
  • 58. When I came back home, I wrote him a letter to show my ________ of his thoughtfulness.

    A . appreciation B . agreement C . attention D . achievement
  • 59. In my opinion, what he told us just now about it simply doesn't make any _______.

    A . thought B . idea C . sense D . point
  • 60. If you are in _______, you will feel your heart _______ much faster.

    A . fear; beating B . danger; striking C . trouble; hitting D . fright; jumping
  • 61. After the usual greetings and some ________ about the weather, the men got down to their own business.

    A . statements B . declarations C . remarks D . expressions
  • 62. It is a golden rule in international trade that if you export nothing but raw materials, you're at the ________ of world prices.

    A . risk B . expense C . mercy D . cost
  • 63. As a public _______, Yao Ming knows what to do in face of this kind of thing.

    A . character B . figure C . person D . opinion
  • 64. —He tried his best to make the________of the famous professor and persuaded him to be his tutor.

    —May he succeed.

    A . decision B . function C . acquaintance D . friends
  • 65. Although it is not our normal ______ to give a discount in our shop, this time we will consider the matter more closely.

    A . hobby B . behavior C . practice D . intention
  • 66. Her team failed in the competition.She is trying to get to the ____ of why some members gave up midway.

    A . bottom B . floor C . result D . effect
  • 67. Each of us is likely to develop a personal _______ for certain types of entertainment.

    A . preference B . interest C . habit D . feature
  • 68. A sense of ________ is _____ it takes for a comedian to perform well in a comedy.

    A . humor; what B . humorous; what C . harmony; that D . harmonious    ; that
  • 69. President Xi addressed on 50 years China—France ties to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ____ of diplomatic relations between China and France.

    A . assignment B . distribution C . establishment D . acquaintance
  • 70. He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. It's just a matter of ________.

    A . luck B . value C . time D . fact
  • 71. As a matter of fact, scientists discovered no ______ of life in the Mars.

    A . signal B . mark C . sign D . symbol
  • 72. One advantage of living on the top floor is that you can get a good ______.

    A . sight B . view C . scene D . scenery

