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  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Teacher and student. B . Parent and child. C . Boss and employee.
    (2) How does the woman most likely feel?
    A . Annoyed. B . Let down. C . Sorry
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What are the speakers planning to do?
    A . Go to a yoga class. B . Go on a hike. C . Have a race.
    (2) What is the woman worried about?
    A . The snakes. B . Getting lost. C . Getting too tired.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What does the man always get from the food truck?
    A . A burger. B . Bacon jam. C . A cheese sandwich.
    (2) What was the woman doing around 8:00 a. m. ?
    A . Working. B . Having breakfast. C . Enjoying a morning coffee
    (3) Why do the speakers need to hurry up?
    A . Because there will be food left. B . Since they're already late. C . Because they won't miss too much work
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who ranked the number one hotel in the world?
    A . A popular website. B . A famous newspaper. C . A high-quality magazine.
    (2) What do all the rooms in the hotel have?
    A . Balconies. B . King-size beds. C . Direct access to private pools.
    (3) What do people mainly go to the hotel for?
    A . Shopping. B . Relaxing. C . Enjoying the club.
    (4) What may have changed the woman's mind about the hotel?
    A . The area around the hotel. B . The price of the rooms. C . The food that is available.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the weather like in the Southern states?
    A . Sunny. B . Snowy. C . Rainy.
    (2) How much rainfall has been reported in some Texas stations?
    A . 2 inches. B . 15 inches. C . 24 inches.
    (3) In which state is the temperature rather high according to the talk?
    A . Florida. B . Arizona. C . Texas.
    (4) What can we infer from the talk?
    A . The weather in the USA is very pleasant now. B . The weather conditions are very poor in the USA C . The weather conditions vary greatly in the USA


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Belgium is the land of music festivals. There are rock, pop, world, electronic music festivals and more, so you're sure to find a festival that suits your taste.


    Groezrock could be considered the opener of the festival season in Belgium. This festival grew from a small event to an international festival that had 33, 000 visitors in 2016. If you're into the harder stuff(东西), this is where you need to go.

    When? April 29-30, 2017. Where? Meerhout. Music? Punk, emo, ska and rock in all its variations. Free? No.

    Sfinks Mixed

    Sfinks is a world music festival that focuses on bringing culture together. There are also plenty of things to do besides watching the performances. Good to know for families: Sfinks is a kid-friendly festival, with workshops, storytelling and performances aimed at children.

    When? July 27-30, 2017. Where? Boechout. Music? World. Free? The festival is free; the camping is not.

    Graspop Metal Meeting

    If Groezrock doesn't seem rough enough to you, Graspop Metal Meeting might. As the name says, this festival is all about metal, rock and punk. In 2016 the festival received 140, 000 visitors who came to watch the more than 100 bands performing.

    When? June 16-18, 2017. Where? Dessel. Music? Metal. Free? No.

    Genk on Stage

    Genk on Stage is a pop musical with not only a lot of Belgian artists, but also some international names. 80, 000 people attended Genk on Stage in 2016.

    When? June 23-25, 2017. Where? Genk. Music? Pop. Free? Yes.

    (1) Which may kick off the festival season in Belgium?
    A . Groezrock. B . Sfinks Mixed. C . Graspop Metal Meeting. D . Genk on Stage.
    (2) What do we know about Sfinks Mixed?
    A . It enjoys worldwide popularity. B . It's mainly targeted at kids. C . It combines fun with culture. D . It features certain types of music.
    (3) Where are crazy metal music enthusiasts most likely to go?
    A . Meerhout. B . Boechout. C . Genk. D . Dessel.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    When newspapers and radios report the damage caused by a hurricane (飓风)called Hazel, girls named Hazel are probably played a joke on by others. To keep out of trouble, the Weather Bureau says," Any resemblance(相似)between hurricane names and the names of particular girls is only accidental. "

    Some women became angry because hurricanes are given their names, but many other women are proud to see their names make headlines. They don't even care that they are the names of destructive storms. Because more women seem to like it than dislike it, the Weather Bureau has decided to continue using girls' names for hurricanes.

    In some ways a hurricane is like a person. After it is born, it grows and develops, then becomes old and dies. Each hurricane has a character of its own. Each follows its own way through the world, and people remember it long after it has gone. So it is natural to give hurricanes names, and to talk about them almost as if they were alive.

    (1) What happens to the girls named Hazel when hurricane Hazel is reported?
    A . They suffer from hurricanes. B . The Weather Bureau looks for them. C . Others often make fun of them. D . They can't find boyfriends.
    (2) The underlined word "They" in the second paragraph refers to _______.
    A . the reporters B . the headlines C . some women who become angry D . some women who are proud
    (3) Public opinions make the Weather Bureau ______.
    A . stop naming hurricanes after women B . go on naming hurricanes after women C . name hurricanes after men D . look for a new method to name hurricanes
    (4) According to the passage, which is more reasonable?
    A . Some women feel unhappy because hurricanes are given their names. B . All the hurricanes are caused by women. C . Many women want to be reported by TV and newspapers. D . A hurricane grows and develops in the same way as a person.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be in the dark. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the motion picture camera and 1, 200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new.

    Thomas Edison was born in 1847. He attended school for only three months. His mother taught him at home, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. He started experimenting at a young age.

    When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train. He did experiments on the train in his spare time. Unluckily, his first work experience did not end well. They fired him when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the train. Then Edison worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time in experimenting his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity.

    Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but he thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He always worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.

    Thomas Edison died at the age of 84. He left a great many inventions that greatly improved the quality of life all over the world.

    (1) How often did Edison make a new invention?
    A . About every fourteen days. B . About every seven days. C . About once a week. D . About twice a week.
    (2) The underlined word "fired" in the passage means "______".
    A . gave somebody a job B . set fire to somebody C . let somebody down D . forced somebody to leave his job
    (3) Edison considered his deafness as________.
    A . something bad B . a gift C . a kind of ability D . a disadvantage
    (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A . The function of the electric light. B . Edison and his experiments. C . The importance of inventions. D . The whole life of Edison.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Emily and Alex were happy when their family moved to a house with a very big garden. They could climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton. They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden. They even started to put food out to attract more birds.

    Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window. Emily went outside and found a small bird dead on the grass. Its neck seemed to be broken.

    "It must have flown into the window," Alex said when his sister Emily called him to have a look. "Ah, yes, look here. You can see the mark where it hit the window. There are a couple of tiny feathers stuck (粘贴)on the window."

    "Poor thing!" Emily said.

    During the next month, five more birds died in the same way. "Why would they fly to the windows?" they wondered. Finally they found out the truth. When the birds were flying, they couldn't see into the rooms. All they saw was the reflection (反射)of the garden. They thought that they were flying into trees because they saw trees reflected by the window.

    "Something has to be done to save the birds," the parents decided.

    At first, the family tried keeping curtains(窗帘)across the windows, but this made the room dark. Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shape of a hawk(鹰). They made six hawks—one for each window. They stuck the hawks to the windows. They looked pretty and did not keep out much light. When the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away.

    After that, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.

    (1) They put food out to attract birds because they _________.
    A . had a special garden for birds B . wanted to see more birds flying in the garden C . had too much bird food to feed the birds D . wanted to catch some birds in the garden
    (2) _________ birds died in the garden.
    A . 4 B . 5 C . 6 D . 7
    (3) The birds flew to the windows because they ________.
    A . found the windows very clean B . fought for more food C . thought there were more trees ahead D . wanted to go into the room
    (4) The story is mainly about _________.
    A . why the birds died in the garden B . the family were good at paper-cutting C . the family had a very big new house D . how the family saved the birds in the garden


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    How to Become a Lifelong Learner

        Learning doesn't stop just because school does. Making a commitment to yourself to learn something new every day, you will not only enjoy what you discover, but you will be able to apply your knowledge and become a teacher to future generations. Here are some steps to become a life­long learner. 

        Learn how you learn.Note what learning techniques are most efficient for you and use them as much as is practical, such as viewing online tutorials on websites like YouTube if you're more of a visual learner. 

        Try many different things so that you don't box yourself into believing you're only good at a few things. It's probable that you're good at many things, but you won't know until you've tried. 

        Look at learning as an exploration and opportunity, not a chore (琐事).Don't just force yourself to learn things because they are important or necessary.  Follow your heart, as well as your sense of duty. Do you remember the 8th grade history that you hated so much, with all those names and dates that seemed to mean nothing? The point was to bring you to learn details now, which will knit chunks of information together later.   

        Read, read, read.Reading is a gateway into other worlds and into the minds of your fellow human beings. And reading will help you to learn the discoveries and mistakes of others who have gone before you; reading is, in effect, a shortcut so that you don't have to learn things the hard way. 

    A.Learn where your talents and interests lie.

    B.It was a chore then, but it makes sense, now.

    C.Recognize the educational value in whatever you read.

    D.Determine your own preferred learning style or styles.

    E.Their ways of learning might help you to improve your own.

    F.Make friends with your local library and new and used book sellers.

    G.Instead, learn things that you need to learn alongside things you love to learn.


  • 16. 完形填空

    The other day, my husband and I took the kids for dinner at a branch of Pizza Express. There was a very friendly lady 1 alone at the next table. When the time came for her to pay the 2, her bank card was declined. The waitress told her, in a very kind way, that there was a 3 but that she would call her manager for help. Seeing this, my husband 4 got up and told the waiting staff that we would pay for the lady's meal. 5, when the manager arrived, he explained to the lady that although she couldn't use her 6, there was no need to 7. Pizza Express authorizes(授权) the restaurant to 8 two free meals per month and on this 9, they would like to provide her with a free meal.

    She was extremely grateful and apologetic that she had been 10 to pay. We were relieved that the lady had been 11 with dignity instead of being placed in a 12 position.

    Then, the manager 13 our table. He said that, 14 we had shown such generosity, he would like to donate the second free meal that the restaurant was able to 15 to us! We were absolutely 16! I had never heard of any chain restaurant behaving in such a(n) 17 way. We were quite 18 with gratitude. I made sure that the lady was able to get home OK, and then we 19 the staff and left ourselves. I was really impressed by how the restaurant had treated this 20 case.

    A . waiting B . dining C . ordering D . working
    A . menu B . recipe C . service D . bill
    A . problem B . solution C . disadvantage D . technique
    A . cautiously B . bravely C . immediately D . slowly
    A . However B . Finally C . Actually D . Therefore
    A . cash B . check C . phone D . card
    A . pay B . help C . worry D . bother
    A . give away B . pick up C . let out D . take on
    A . condition B . occasion C . moment D . demand
    A . ready B . likely C . unable D . unwilling
    A . appreciated B . encouraged C . treated D . pleased
    A . dangerous B . pleasant C . painful D . difficult
    A . approached B . removed C . noticed D . cleaned
    A . if B . after C . as D . when
    A . share B . offer C . spare D . cover
    A . annoyed B . astonished C . interested D . confused
    A . strange B . awkward C . abnormal D . generous
    A . filled B . equipped C . supplied D . burdened
    A . praised B . met C . greeted D . thanked
    A . unique B . regular C . special D . complex


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.

    Are you facing a situation that looking impossible to fix?

    In 1969, the pollution is terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It (be) unimaginable that it could be ever be cleaned up. The rive was so polluted that it  (actual) caught fire and burned. Now year late, this rive is one of most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

    But river wasn't changed in a few days even a few months. It took years of work (reduce) industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is(clean) than ever.

    Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit  is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don't know how to control your credit card use. When you face such impossible situation, don't you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

    While there are(amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be(patience)


  • 18. 假定英语课上英语老师要求同桌之间互相修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。







    This morning I found red wallet on the campus. Girls usual like red, so I believed the wallet was belonged to a girl student. I opened it, try to find out whose it was. Therefore, I found nothing but 300 yuan in it. I was wondering what to do with it while suddenly my classmates Chen Yang passed by. She suggested she put up a Lost and Found notice and I did so. I wrote down my telephone number and ask the owner to call me after she saw it. Later, a girl came to claim it on 3 o'clock this afternoon.


  • 19. 近年来,越来越多的城市开始规定春节期间禁止燃放鞭炮。假设你是李华,今年是你过的第一个没有鞭炮的春节请你就这一事件写一篇英文日记要点如下:






