
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Belgium is the land of music festivals. There are rock, pop, world, electronic music festivals and more, so you're sure to find a festival that suits your taste.


Groezrock could be considered the opener of the festival season in Belgium. This festival grew from a small event to an international festival that had 33, 000 visitors in 2016. If you're into the harder stuff(东西), this is where you need to go.

When? April 29-30, 2017. Where? Meerhout. Music? Punk, emo, ska and rock in all its variations. Free? No.

Sfinks Mixed

Sfinks is a world music festival that focuses on bringing culture together. There are also plenty of things to do besides watching the performances. Good to know for families: Sfinks is a kid-friendly festival, with workshops, storytelling and performances aimed at children.

When? July 27-30, 2017. Where? Boechout. Music? World. Free? The festival is free; the camping is not.

Graspop Metal Meeting

If Groezrock doesn't seem rough enough to you, Graspop Metal Meeting might. As the name says, this festival is all about metal, rock and punk. In 2016 the festival received 140, 000 visitors who came to watch the more than 100 bands performing.

When? June 16-18, 2017. Where? Dessel. Music? Metal. Free? No.

Genk on Stage

Genk on Stage is a pop musical with not only a lot of Belgian artists, but also some international names. 80, 000 people attended Genk on Stage in 2016.

When? June 23-25, 2017. Where? Genk. Music? Pop. Free? Yes.

(1)、Which may kick off the festival season in Belgium?
A、Groezrock. B、Sfinks Mixed. C、Graspop Metal Meeting. D、Genk on Stage.
(2)、What do we know about Sfinks Mixed?
A、It enjoys worldwide popularity. B、It's mainly targeted at kids. C、It combines fun with culture. D、It features certain types of music.
(3)、Where are crazy metal music enthusiasts most likely to go?
A、Meerhout. B、Boechout. C、Genk. D、Dessel.

    Singapore is building an airport where indoor trees, waterfalls and a 'rain vortex' sit alongside check-in queues, waiting rooms and baggage carousels(传送带).

    Where once sat a car park, there will soon be thousands of trees and plants across 22,000 square metres of landscaped indoor parklands. This will be joined by a 40m-high indoor waterfall, expected to be the world's tallest. These are the plans for the new 3.5 hectare 'Jewel' development at Singapore's Changi Airport, scheduled to open in 2018; a five-story, 134,000 square metre complex, mixing natural outdoor plants with modern airport facilities.

    “The aim behind the introduction of such lush(茂盛的) landscaping is purely to provide all visitors with a memorable experience, one where they are surrounded by nature and greenery,”says Philip Yim, Chief Executive Officer of Jewel Changi Airport Development.

    Promised sustainability(持续性) measures include “extensive usage of photovoltaic panels(光电板)”to produce renewable energy, as well as encouraging the use of natural lighting and a “high efficiency” air-conditioning system.

    The indoor waterfall, named the “Rain Vortex”, will make use of special lighting effects to change at night into what is promised to be a dramatic light and sound show. “The Rain Vortex is one example of how sustainable design plays an important role in the planning of the attraction,” says Yim. 'In the event of a rain storm, the power of the rain water will flow naturally through the oculus. The excess rain water collected will be used for irrigation of the landscaping at Jewel.'

    Yim quotes the popular reputation Singapore enjoys as “the garden city”, where greenery is recognised as an essential part of the urban landscape, an attractive image which clearly inspires Jewel's design.

    However, it remains to be seen whether, beyond the aesthetic (审美的) appeal, Jewel can add genuine environmental things to something as un-environmental as an international airport.


    Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

    Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he is sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.

    The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others' stare at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

    Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to move his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.

    However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.

    If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you will feel uncomfortable. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. Quite the contrary.

    In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.

    Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.


    I'm a strong believer that learning different languages makes you look incredibly good when you're in a foreign country and can understand and speak the language. The list below is 4 apps that will help you learn a foreign language! You can download them for free.

    Babbel – Learn Languages

    Babbel is an excellent language tool to help you progress step by step with learning a new language. It helps you learn grammar along the way as you work your way through the tasks and assignments. The downside is that for full access to everything you need to pay a monthly subscription, but this will still be cheaper than taking physical lessons with a tutor!

    Duolingo: Learn Languages Free

    The app has many languages to choose from and will work through the basics all the way to advanced words and sentences. It's all completely free too! It's incredibly well designed, looks great and will help you learn, remember and progress with just a little bit of time every day.

    Tandem: Language Exchange

    Rather than have you work through tasks and memorize different things, the app lets you match with people who share your interests but speak the language you want to learn. You can then have text, voice and video conversations with people who want to learn your native language, and in return you learn theirs, all by simply communicating with each other. It's a great way to learn with only $1 a day.

    Learn English – busuu

    This app is perfect if you want to learn English. There are all sorts of audio and visual learning aids. You'll find yourself working through interactive tests and learning tools for vocabulary and dialogue.


    Visit the Newseum During "Museum Day"!

    Museum Day is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. The Museum Day ticket provides free admission for two people.

    Here is some information about a popular museum — the Newseum.


    Registration: free tickets will be available for the public to download on December 15 via the link: https://www.smithsonianmag. com/museumday/museum-day-2018/.

    Advanced registration is requested so that the museum sites know how many people to expect. If you don't register beforehand you may still be admitted the day of the event, but no guarantee for admission. All are welcome to attend including children and groups.

    Meeting Point #1: From 7:45 – 8:00 some volunteers will be in the Starbucks at 325 7th St NW before walking 2 blocks to the Newseum.

    Meeting Point #2: Outside the Newseum's Pennsylvania Avenue entrance. The Newseum opens at 9:00 am. However, as this is an extremely popular event we highly recommend arriving as early as possible, by 8:15 if you can, to bypass the masses that will show up later in the day.

    Meeting Point #3: Once the museum opens we recommend immediately heading to the 6th floor to avoid the masses since most people start on the 1st floor. On the 6th floor, the Hank Greenspun Terrace, which overlooks Pennsylvania Avenue and the U. S. Capitol, has one of the best views in Washington, DC. After that you can proceed through the museum's exhibits starting on the 6th floor and working our way down. The Newseum is open until 5:00 pm and guests are free to arrive and depart whenever they like.


    Children exposed to "safe" levels of air pollution in the womb(子宫) develop brain damage that damages their concentration, a study has shown.

    The research is the first too link common pollutants such as nitrogen(氮) dioxide and soot(油烟) to changes in the brains of unborn babies that mean they may struggle to focus at school in later life. The findings suggest that even comparatively clean city air could lead to worse academic performance and an increased risk of mental health problems such as addition or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(缺陷多动障碍).

    In recent years scientists have found that children who grow up surrounded by air pollution are more likely to have a broad range of "neuro(神经)­developmental" difficulties, including autism and various kinds of cognitive(认知) damage. However, only a handful of studies have looked at the ways in which the poisonous gases and microscopic particles(微粒) that mothers and young children take in affect the brain during critical stages of its growth.

    A group led by Monica Guxens, of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, found that exposure to air pollution before birth appeared to have slowed the development of several brain regions that play an important role in people's capacity for self­denial and sustained effort. This lack of inhibition could in turn cause "cognitive delays" when the children get older, the scientists argue in Biological Psychiatry.

    "We need this function in our daily life," Dr. Guxens said. "It controls our impulses(冲动) and our selective attention. Children need it to learn and for making decisions in later life. We're interested to see what will happen: is there going to be an impact on their academic work, are there going to be clinical implications? It might be that this will lead to problems later."

    The results were drawn from MRI scans of 873 children between the ages of six and ten in Rotterdam. Even though 99.5 percent of their mothers had lived with nanoparticle pollution levels well below EU legal limits while they were pregnant the pollution still appeared to have taken its toll(伤亡人数).

    Children who had been exposed to more pollution in the womb did worse on a test of their ability to block out irrelevant stimuli(刺激). They also had thinner outer layers in the precuneus(楔前叶) and the rostral middle frontal regions of their brains, both of which are involved in cognitive inhibition, which refers to the mind's ability to tune out stimuli that are irrelevant to the task at hand or to the mind's current state.

    Experiments on animals show that so­called fine particles are able to pass through the placenta and affect the brain of the fetus(胎儿). Dr Guxens said there were probably no such thing as a safe concentration of air pollution.

