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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Narayana Peesapaty was sitting on a flight when he noticed a passenger trying to reach food with a biscuit after breaking his spoon. At that moment, the researcher's mind gave birth to a simple yet revolutionary concept — edible spoons.

    How do you like your spoon?

    Peesapaty's company, Bakeys, makes edible spoons mainly out of sorghum(高粱)though rice, wheat and water are also ingredients. They combine to form a dry eating tool that remains hard even when used in moist or hot foods. Bakeys also makes ginger and garlic flavored(风味) spoons to meet specific requests. All spoons are completely natural and acceptable for nearly all diets.

    A rice replacement

    An environmentally-minded water researcher, Peesapaty, designed his spoons to be eco-friendly in several ways. Sorghum was chosen as the main ingredient of the spoons instead of rice, which requires 60 times as much water. Sorghum was also chosen for the strength it would lend eating tool, and the grain requires little water, low energy and no chemicals to grow.

    In place of plastic

    The goal that Peesapaty hopes to attain through Bakeys is to prevent plastic from any contact with food. Plastic products can contain cancer-causing substances that come into food, and average plastic bottles take 450 years to break down. In contrast, a Bakeys' spoon is nutritious and break down in 10 days or less if thrown away. Peesapaty admits that using plastic is cheaper, but he also says that his spoons will be equally inexpensive when mass-produced.

    (1) Why is "the edible spoon" called a revolutionary concept?
    A . It is natural and eatable. B . It remains hard in hot foods. C . It offers various flavors. D . It meets all customers' requests.
    (2) What's Peesapaty's main concern when choosing sorghum as main ingredient?
    A . Being delicious. B . Being strong. C . Being nutritious. D . Being eco-friendly.
    (3) What's the main advantage of edible spoons over plastic ones?
    A . Cheaper. B . Breaking down easily. C . Tougher. D . Contacting food directly.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Jack Horner is co-author of the book How to Build a Dinosaur. However, he is most famous for his role as consultant(顾问) on all four Jurassic Park films, including the new film Jurassic World.

    The original film Jurassic Park tells the story of a theme park where dinosaurs live. In that movie, scientists used DNA collected by ancient mosquitoes that had been trapped in amber shortly after they drank dinosaur blood. The scientists used this dinosaur DNA to create baby dinosaurs. The scientists in Jurassic Park created various types of dinosaurs, but in the real world there is one big problem with the story. It turns out that DNA could not possibly survive the 65 million years since the death of the dinosaurs.

    The new movie creates the Indominus Rex. This idea of creating a hybrid species is something Horner has explored before. In 2011, he gave a speech in which he discussed producing a dinosaur by working with the genes of a bird. Modern birds are the closest living relative of dinosaurs.

    The concept of using the genes of different animals to create new animals is called transgenic science. And this type of science has already produced some interesting results — goats that produce spider silk in their milk, cows that produce proteins for medicines that can treat diseases, and a pig that produces less-polluting waste thanks to a bit of mouse DNA. However, none of these examples are close to the dinosaurs in Jurassic World. And for a good reason — genetics is a very complex science. Producing a new species is not as simple as just exchanging a few genes around.

    In the end, Jurassic World is all about fun.

    (1) What do we know from Paragraph 2?
    A . A theme park is built to protect dinosaurs. B . Mosquito DNA is used to create dinosaurs. C . DNA can be well kept for millions of years. D . Creation of dinosaurs in the film isn't scientific.
    (2) What might "the Indominus Rex" be?
    A . A modern bird. B . A goat producing silk. C . A hybrid dinosaur. D . A cow producing protein.
    (3) What can we conclude from the last two paragraphs?
    A . Jurassic World proves a big success. B . Many extinct species will be brought back. C . Hybridizing dinosaurs is no easy job. D . Transgenic science proves a complete failure.
    (4) What do we know about Jack Horner?
    A . He has starred in Jurassic World. B . He has explored a lot about dinosaurs. C . He has directed four Jurassic Park films. D . He has written How to Build a Dinosaur alone.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The Kendama World Cup

    Old-fashioned fun is making a comeback!

    Many kids are putting down their electronic devices and picking up an ancient toy. It is called a kendama, and it possibly dates back to the 16th century.

    The kendama is a small wooden hammer with three cup-shaped ends and a spike on top. A wooden ball with a center hole is attached by string to the hammer. The goal is to make the ball land in a cup or on the spike. It sounds simple, but there are over 1,000 kendama techniques and tricks to master.

    The game's popularity began to grow after the Japan Kendama Association was started in 1975. Today all ages participate in various competitions, including the Kendama World Cup(KWC).

    The two-year-old event, which opens in Hatsukaichi, attracts people from all over the world. Players choose 10 different tricks from an approved list. They are then awarded points corresponding to the level of each trick.

    A new Kendama World Cup winner will be named tomorrow in this popular sporting event.

    (1) What does "old-fashioned fun" in Paragraph 1 refer to?
    A . An old cup. B . An ancient game. C . A clever trick. D . An electronic device.
    (2) What does a Kendama look like?
    A . B . C . D .
    (3) What does the last but one paragraph imply?
    A . Every KWC lasts two years. B . The KWC is held every two years. C . Players can choose tricks freely. D . Different tricks get different points.
    (4) What do we know from the last paragraph?
    A . A new KWC is being on. B . The winner of this KWC is very popular. C . The Kendama is newly-born. D . KWC will be named after the new winner.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Rosie, a first-year university student in Beijing, entered a classroom for her oral English exam and slid her topic across the table to Joe, a foreign teacher. My Story, it read. "In middle school, my classmates laughed at me for having deaf-mute parents," she began softly. "From that moment on, I decided not to tell anybody. But today…"

    It's widely considered taboo(忌讳) in Chinese to discuss the details of an unhappy family life with anyone other than very close friends. However, as Joe has noticed, many Chinese students appear surprisingly comfortable discussing emotional moments from their lives when they speak with foreign teachers in a language different from their own.

    "Speaking English," one of his Chinese students told him, "I feel like another person." When speaking Chinese, he is kind of reserved; in English class, he is more open. English, to the Chinese speaker, may be like a mask, creating a buffer(缓冲物)between speaking the truth and the listener's reaction. Students focus on how to speak rather than what is being said. If there's a misunderstanding, English can take the blame.

    Another reason why Chinese students are more comfortable sharing their secrets during English class may be the distinct approach to teaching used by their foreign teachers. "I always try to come to each student, make eye contact, have a 20-second conversation and see how they are doing," Joe said. Classes taught by Chinese teachers, in contrast, are more formal. Many students said they had never been asked their opinion in class.

    Rosie's English vocabulary is now extensive, but she still can't find the words to describe her feelings towards the English language. "English makes me feel I am different," she said. "English is beautiful."

    (1) Which might be the best title of this passage?
    A . Sharing Secrets in English. B . English Is a Beautiful Language. C . Learning with Foreign Teachers. D . Which Is More Popular, Chinese or English?
    (2) What can we infer from paragraph1?
    A . Rosie and Joe are good friends. B . Rosie will mention her personal affairs. C . Rosie looks down upon the disabled. D . Rosie lacks confidence in the oral exam.
    (3) The underlined word "reserved" can best be replaced by ________.
    A . shy B . curious C . terrified D . distinctive
    (4) What is the main idea of paragraph 3 and 4?
    A . How students feel when speaking English. B . What Joe's approach to teaching English is. C . How Chinese acts as a mask while communicating. D . Why students prefer to share emotional stories in English.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    There are numerous "secrets" out there on attaining success. The vast majority of these so called secrets all have one thing in common – Attitude.


    The key to developing a successful attitude is to decide that there are certain things in life that you need, rather than merely want. For example, do you want a luxury house? Do you want fame and fortune in your career?

    Sure, everyone wants these things.  That is because it's never enough to merely want something. You have to be the type of individual who feels that they need these things in order to survive. This gives you the motivation to work towards your dream and do whatever it takes – except, of course, for breaking laws or hurting people – to get there. And all this must be done with the "fuel" of a positive attitude.

    How do you begin to change your attitude?

    It is always useful to connect with useful resources outside us in changing our attitude for the better.  Try to pay closer attention to your inner thoughts.

    Realizing where negative thoughts come from can help us get to the point where we are able to erase them. Once they are erased, it is vital to replace them with more positive thoughts.

    Perhaps your friends and loved ones will not understand the new you. But you can become a role model for them — and it begins by developing a positive attitude!

    A. What do you need?

    B. Do you want a lot of money?

    C. What is the secret to Success?

    D. Do you find yourself constantly in doubt?

    E. However, the change will always begin inside you.

    F. Problem is, very few people are able to attain them.

    G. This is how we begin to make an attitude adjustment.


  • 6. 完形填空

    When I was a kid, my family didn't live a rich life. As a result, we couldn't 1 to eat out in a restaurant. My mother 2 cooked in the evening after she returned home from work.

    One day, my mother had a very3 day in the office and was exhausted. After work, she went into the kitchen and started preparing supper for us. When she was frying some eggs, she 4 to concentrate on her cooking and the eggs burned. She wanted to throw them away, but eggs were 5 for a family like mine back then. So she placed them in a plate and6to eat them herself.

    After the eggs were put on the table, my father looked at them for a while. But he said 7. He just smiled at my mom and then asked me how my 8 was at school. Then he started eating the eggs. He finished them 9 so that my mother and I wouldn't have to eat them.

    Later that night, I heard my mom 10 to my dad for burning the eggs. And I'll never 11 what he said, "Honey, I love burned eggs."

    The next day, I asked Dad 12 he really liked burned eggs. He held me in his arms and said, "Your mom had a 13 day at work yesterday and she was really tired. I didn't want to 14 her. Besides, a little bit burned egg won't hurt anyone."

    My father was a very 15 man, and I learned to be such a man from him.

    A . agree B . afford C . promise D . prepare
    A . seldom B . even C . always D . simply
    A . tiring B . boring C . exciting D . relaxing
    A . tried B . failed C . refused D . managed
    A . rare B . fresh C . cheap D . delicious
    A . struggled B . started C . hoped D . decided
    A . something B . nothing C . everything D . anything
    A . plan B . day C . status D . reputation
    A . easily B . calmly C . carefully D . completely
    A . lie B . complain C . apologize D . shout
    A . forget B . catch C . accept D . understand
    A . whether B . how C . why D . when
    A . sad B . hard C . romantic D . comfortable
    A . cheat B . lose C . upset D . disturb
    A . modest B . hospitable C . optimistic D . understanding


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Do Yao Ming, Liu Xiang and Justine Henin have anything  common with people like us? You probably answer "NO!"

    It seems that top athletes live in a world that is  (total) different from ours. However, if we could see into their minds,  would be clear that they are actually just like us. Just how they become successful  (mean) examples for us all. To achieve their goals, sportspeople not only have to prepare physically,  mentally.

    We may not be sports stars  (we), but we have to face the same problems. We set goals for ourselves and think about personal  (develop). We have to manage our fears before big exams. We worry about our friendships with both classmates and teachers.

    Like sportspeople, we try  (be) mentally strong and bring out our  (good). There is much we share with sports  (hero).


  • 8. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jean 来信了解中国青少年的上网喜好。请你予以回复,并以自己为例,谈谈你最喜欢的网站或 APP 及理由。


    1)词数 80 左右;



  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

        'Usual boring day!' This would be the answer from Roman if somebody asked him how his day was. These days he found everything boring, nothing excited him.

    One day he was lying in his room as usual. Suddenly light went off. His room was rather hot without an air conditioner. Though he did not want to leave his room, he had to. Unwillingly, he left his room and came to living room. Living room was slightly cool as it had two huge windows.

        His young brother was playing with his friend. They were rolling on the floor. He was looking out for the TV remote, but couldn't find. He got up and searched it everywhere, but remote was nowhere. He looked at his brother who was still lying on the floor playing.

        He asked him, "Where is the remote?" "Under the Sofa," his brother yelled.

    He tried to look through, but it was dark. He put his hand under the sofa. He touched something, grabbed it and took his hand out. OMG! It was a snake in his hand!

    After seeing that his brother started to yell," Snake, snake!" Mom came as soon as she heard their shouting. She too was horrified to see a snake. She was so scared that she even couldn't speak a word. Two kids were trying to hide into each other's back. "What an old trick!" Roman thought and threw it over kids.

        As the snake landed on the floor near to the kids, it started moving from left side to the right. Only then did Roman realize that the snake was real, not a toy. He threw the snake over kids because he thought it was a fake snake and kids were playing some tricks.

        This time mom almost got heart attack. Now he was scared too. The snake was only 10 meters away from kids and was staring at kids. They even couldn't call a rescue team. There might be some deadly damage before their arrival. There was not much time to think. It was the time for a quick action.

    Paragraph 1:

        As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped to the window and grabbed the curtain.

    Paragraph 2:

        After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home.
