北师大版新教材必修二高中英语Unit 5 Lesson 1课时分层作业

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  • 11. 阅读理解

    The Great Barn Adventure

    One morning when I was 11, I explored the town's abandoned round grain barn (谷仓). I found a chained sliding door that was wide enough for me to pass through.

    Inside, there was a heavy smell of dead mice in the dark. After my eyes adjusted, I noticed a shaft (竖井) that rose all the way to the top of the barn. On one side was a one­man elevator with a long rope and roller.

    I stepped onto the platform and gave the rope a drag and the elevator began sliding up the shaft, but stopped halfway. After a brief panic attack, I noticed holes in the wall at regular intervals, forming a ladder. For reasons known only to all 11­year­old, I decided it would be better to go up than down. So, with shaking hands, I began climbing the wall.

    After what seemed like forever, I reached the top of the shaft. I stood up, dusted myself off and found… absolutely nothing of interest. It was just an empty room with a ladder leading up to the roof. I climbed all the way up here for this? Then I noticed a fire extinguisher (灭火器), which I'd always wanted to shoot off. So this was the chance of a lifetime. I tried it, and, much to my surprise, the thing worked! It shot out a thick cloud of powder that instantly filled the room. I couldn't breathe. I was going to choke to death, and they'd probably never even find my body.

    Luckily, I remembered the ladder to the roof. I climbed up, popped the straw roof and saw a bright blue sky.

    I suddenly realised the dust and powder pouring out of the top could draw attention. So when the dust had settled, I climbed down and slipped out of the chained door. I'm not sure if I was more excited about being alive or about not being caught, but I ran all the way back home.

    (1) When the author got inside the barn, he         .
    A . noticed a man on the elevator B . opened the chained sliding door C . saw many dead mice in the dark D . found a shaft leading to the top
    (2) Which of the following is the right order of the author's adventure?

    a. The elevator stopped halfway.

    b. He entered the round grain barn.

    c. He climbed to the top of the shaft.

    d. He found a fire extinguisher and shot it off.

    A . b-a-c-d B . a-c-b-d C . c-a-d-b D . b-c-a-d
    (3) After getting out of the chained door, the author might feel         .
    A . inspired B . relieved C . surprised D . disappointed
    (4) From the passage, we can learn that the author was probably a boy full of         .
    A . passions B . dreams C . curiosity D . imagination
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Dust storms don't just happen in the middle of the desert. They happen in any dry area where loose dirt can easily be picked up. The sand blown into the air by the wind usually falls back down to the ground after a few hours. Smaller bits of particles (微粒) stay in the air for a week or longer and can be blown thousands of miles away. Dust from the Sahara is always blown across the Atlantic and keeps travelling as far as Caribbean.

    The scary thing about sandstorm is that they can spread over hundreds of miles and rise over 10, 000 feet (3050 meters). They also have wind speeds of at least 25 miles per hour (40km). Not strong enough to blow the feathers off a chicken but still something worth avoiding.

    Don't be surprised if you suddenly see a dust storm heading your way. Dust storms usually arrive without warning and move in the form of a big wall of dust. The dust makes driving impossible. Often they only last for a few minutes but storms usually leave serious car accidents behind. If you are in a car during a dust storm, remind the driver to pull over and turn off the headlights.

    In mild (轻微的) dust storms, it's still impossible to walk around although you wouldn't want to. You can't see anything because of the dust particles flying around. It's not just the dust you want to avoid. The wind carrying the dust will leave things as if they were just hit by a tornado. The best thing to do is find a safe place in a building.

    (1) What can we know from Paragraph 1?
    A . Sand blown into the air can float for months. B . Dust storms don't happen in the heart of the desert. C . Dust blown into the air can travel a very long distance. D . Smaller bits of particles stay in the air for only a few hours
    (2) What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
    A . The speed of the wind. B . The harm of dust storms. C . The movement of dust. D . The power of dust storms.
    (3) What should a driver do when he is caught in a dust storm?
    A . Stop by the roadside. B . Slow down a little bit. C . Turn on the headlights. D . Drive along the side of the road.
    (4) Which of the following statement is TRUE when the dust storm is not strong?
    A . You should find a safe shelter. B . You can walk around as usual. C . There is no need to avoid dust. D . People can see everything clearly.


  • 13. 任务型阅读

    Tips for Being a Good Team Member

    Team working is such an important way of completing projects that it's worth developing and improving the skills that will help you make a valuable contribution to whichever type of team you're in. We hear the term "good team player" a lot. But what does this really mean in a business background? What do leaders want from their team members, and how can you make a more valuable contribution to your team?

    ●Don't cherry­pick (精选) projects.  But if you choose more difficult projects, you'll earn a reputation for being a hard worker. Your boss will notice your willingness (乐意) to take on a challenge, and it will pay off in the long term.

    ●Support other people on your team. You can help them by offering positive opinions, and providing help if they need it.

    ●Share information and resources with your team.  If you have past experiences or knowledge that can help others, then offer it. They'll appreciate the help.

     If you complain, delay, or give the tough tasks to others, people will notice and they may start to avoid you. At the same time, a positive attitude can also help others stay concentrated and productive.

    A. Keep a positive attitude.

    B. We offer some tips on how to be a good team player.

    C. Help your team by clearly understanding your role and tasks.

    D. It can be attractive to choose only those projects that seem easier.

    E. Everyone on the team plays a different role, according to their strengths.

    F. Your willingness to work together will make a good impression on both the group and upper management.

    G. Remember, you're all there for one purpose-and by keeping everyone informed, you make contributions to that goal.
