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  • 1. 阅读理解

    It was December 2018. UPS driver Ryan Arens was making his rounds near a pond in Bozeman, Montana, when he heard a strange sound. It came from a brown-and-white hound(猎犬) , struggling to hold on tightly to a thin layer of ice.

    How it got there no one knows, but an elderly man was already on the scene. He'd entered the pond in a rowboat, breaking the ice with a rock to create a path to the dog. It was going slowly, and Arens, 44, thought he stood a better chance.

    “Animals are my weakness," he told the Great Falls Tribune, explaining why he took off his clothes and asked the elderly man to use his rowboat.

    Arens slid closer to the dog and used the other man's rock to smash at the ice. He lifted the stone too high and slipped off the boat, crashing into 16-foot deep cold water. He resurfaced in time to see the dog going under. Using nervous energy to keep warm, he swam about five feet toward it. He grabbed hold of its collar, and pulled it to the ice. He then lifted the dog into the boat and slid back to the shore, where anxious bystanders carried the dog to the home of a retired veterinarian (兽医).

    The next day, Arens was back working the same neighborhood when the dog's owner came over to thank him for saving it. "Would you like to meet it?" he asked. He opened the door to his pickup, and it sprang out. It leapt on Arens and bathed him in wet kisses.

    "That special delivery," says Arens," was the highlight of my UPS career."

    (1) What do we know from the incident?
    A . The dog was hunting before struggling in the pond. B . Arens hated it when seeing any animal suffering. C . The elderly man had a better way to save the dog. D . Swimming to save the dog was Arens's intention.
    (2) What kind of person is Arens?
    A . Manful and helpful. B . Devoted and aggressive. C . Responsible and ambitious. D . Decisive and stubborn.
    (3) What is the best title of the passage?
    A . A dying dog rescued with joint efforts. B . A pond frozen with a thin layer of ice. C . A UPS driver saved by a veterinarian. D . A kind deed done in a special delivery
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When school closes, poor pupils lose the last social institution-one that educates, feeds, and sometimes clothes them-whereas richer pupils are gaining relatively more advantages. Disruptions to schooling tend to lower achievement while increasing inequality.

    A new industry of"Learning Pod", where a group of families pool cash to pay for an in-person tutor, is deepening that inequality. Scoot Education, whose normal business is providing substitute teachers for schools, quickly developed a sideline in learning pods in California. For younger pupils, the total cost of a pod, shared among all parents, is $349 a day, which is beyond what a poor family can afford."Rich families can always find a way to educate their children, even if COVID-19 pandemic had not started," says Sarah Cohodes, a professor at Teachers College at Columbia University.

    Thus, if there would be no extraordinary interventions in the closing of schools, the long-run effects on those poor students are predictable.

    A team of five education scholars recently calculated that American schoolchildren in 2020 learned 30% less reading and 50%less maths than they would in a typical year. Despite that, the top third of pupils posted gains in reading. Data from Opportunity Insights, an economic-research team at Harvard University, shows that after lockdowns began in March pupils from low-income neighbourhoods fell permanently behind on online maths coursework, while those from richer areas quickly rebounded.

    Then there is the problem of access to online classes. Nearly half of native American pupils and 35% of black and Hispanic ones do not have access to either a computer or the internet at home, compared with 19%of whites. Worsening mental health among poorer families will also hurt achievement. Elizabeth Ananat of Barnard College and Anna Gassman-Pines of Duke University surveyed part-time workers in Philadelphia who had young children; half were showing their anxiety or depression for children's schooling.

    (1) What do we know about Learning Pod?
    A . It was started as the key business by Scoot Education. B . Families can afford this teaching model with$349 a day. C . It is a long-existing method to find an in-person tutor. D . It worsens educational inequality to some extent.
    (2) What does the underlined word "rebounded" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A . Learned maths in advance. B . Performed poorly in maths. C . Regained improvement in maths. D . Showed permanent love to maths.
    (3) What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
    A . Effects of educational inequality. B . Psychological problems of the pupils. C . Opportunities to use online resources. D . Low academic achievement of the poor.
    (4) This text is probably selected from        .
    A . a health magazine B . an educational report C . a science textbook D . a learning guideline
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The other day a friend, a sociable man, told me he had found himself alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the" empty" time looking at things. He then felt unexpectedly happy. Suddenly alone, he discovered there was a new self to meet.

    "One alone is never lonely. "There is great difference between being alone and lonely. Loneliness is most strongly felt with other people, for with others, even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of tastes, personalities and moods. The fear of hurting or being hurt in a social situation brings us loneliness. Alone, we can afford to be wholly whatever we are, and to feel whatever we feel absolutely. That is a great luxury (奢侈)!

    I have been alone for the last twenty years and it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days, and I know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog, lie down in the afternoon for a long think, read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness.

    I'm lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when from the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to brimful (满满的) experience that needs to be sorted out. Then I need to be alone to find where my self is hiding.

    It takes a while, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self comes out again from the unconscious, bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood.

    (1) Why does the writer mention his friend in Paragraph 1?
    A . To introduce the topic over being alone. B . To prove that loneliness can bring happiness. C . To describe the state of being lonely and alone. D . To express acceptance of his friend's sociability.
    (2) What can we infer from Paragraph 2 and 3?
    A .  Loneliness never occurs when others are around. B . Loneliness brings the fear of hurting and being hurt. C . Being alone offers one more private time and space. D . Being alone makes one interested in reading and music.
    (3) When the author feels lonely, he will
    A . take a long lecture trip B . meet and talk to people C . stay alone to be refreshed D . be confused with life troubles


  • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    About 5%of all children experience anxiety over school. Not only can this affect their education, but it can also be difficult for you, especially if you have to take time off work because your child won't go to school. Luckily, there are tips that can help you.

    Speak with your child to find out why he is anxious. Your child may have a clear-cut reason for not wanting to attend school and knowing what it is that may help you to ease his anxiety. If your child cannot or will not explain the issue, talk with his teacher, who may also be able to help you develop a solution. What also deserves your attention is any recent change at home that may be causing anxiety. Common changes can be such as moving, the loss of a pet, or a divorce.  

    Encourage your child to return to school

    He may lack the courage to go back to school. So, when you intend to encourage your child, don't ask your child how he feel or place emphasis on his anxiety. Wake your child up at the same time each morning, and encourage him to do the same things in the same order each day. If your child refuses to go to school one day, it's important to avoid anything that makes him want to do it again.

    Promote self-confidence

    This can be achieved in several ways.  Try to get him involved in a club or activity that he can do outside of school hours, or at least arrange a few play dates for your child to help him see that being with other kids is fun. So, your child gets the confidence in joining others. Apart from that, teach your child self-comfort techniques so he may benefit from knowing how to calm himself down. All these do help him build self-confidence.

    A. They may have affected your child

    B. Identify the cause of your child's anxiety

    C. Make him forget about what makes him anxious

    D. Instead, develop a routine to make your child feel safe

    E. Encourage your child to participate in more social activities

    F. As your child is not grown-up, he may have been trying to escape from it

    G. When the cause of anxiety is found, you may consider inspiring your child


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In March, another lung infection attacked me. However, I was1 because I didn't have to go to work.

    My work was more dangerous than my lung infection. My customers tended to be rude. The majority of my co-workers loved gossip and 2。Every night when I began my walk to work, I felt fine. 3 the time I had reached my4 my head hurt and my stomach felt 5 As I walked through the door, I was tense and ready for a 6

    So, when my lung infection calmed down, I7 to find another job. Surfing through employment listings online, I found an ad for a human-only circus. The work was basic and 8within my power. So I 9 my resume. A few days later I 10 an interview and ended up getting hired.

    The pay at the circus was 11The hours were longer. The work was more physically 12However, I loved it. I was in an environment where my colleagues were 13 so I was never tired when I 14 at the end of the day. It took a while for me to fit in. For the first few weeks of work, I was 15 , and I was always looking over my shoulder. I was 16 to befriend my co-workers, for fear that they would17 me later. Despite all these, I began to 18 that I was smiling and laughing at work and that my colleagues and I 19each other. When problems arose, we talked them through instead of slinging mud(血口喷人). I am now so happy that I have made a 20 decision.

    A . upset B . thrilled C . heartbroken D . hopeless
    A . stories B . jokes C . tricks D . plays
    A . By B . At C . During D . For
    A . home B . clinic C . hospital D . workplace
    A . sick B . warm C . full D . empty
    A . talk B . battle C . sleep D . discussion
    A . refused B . promised C . decided D . managed
    A . hardly B . completely C . nearly D . seldom
    A . lifted B . handed C . canceled D . submitted
    A . organized B . missed C . scored D . arranged
    A . higher B . lower C . more D . fewer
    A . demanding B . painful C . attractive D . special
    A . mean B . diligent C . respectable D . devoted
    A . hung out B . checked out C . clocked out D . gave out
    A . overjoyed B .
    C . ashamed D . tense
    A . unwilling B . free C . desperate D . eager
    A . depend on B . look after C . turn against D . deal with
    A . remind B . notice C . recall D . think
    A . made fun of B . found fault with C . looked out for D . put up with
    A . different B . complex C . last D . right


  • 6. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Two wheels good. Two wheels plus a motor better. Vanmoof, a Dutch bicycle-maker,  (know) for its elegant designs and clever advertising. In a television spot for its newest model,  (image) of the evils of car culture-accidents and pollution are projected onto the skin of an expensive car, which melts,  (turn) into one of the company's elegant e-bikes.  

    Electrically  (assist) bicycles are not about to replace cars. But they are booming,  (especial) in Europe, where sales rose by 23%in 2019, to 3 million units. Now, e-bikes are unlocking even saturated(饱和的)bicycle markets like the Netherlands, where the average person already  (own) 1. 3 pushbikes. Last year Deloitte, a company for consultation, estimated the number of e-bikes worldwide at 200 million, and expected it  (hit) 300 million by 2023.

    That may prove to be an underestimate(低估)now. Sales,   stopped in March and April owing to effects of the coronavirus, shifted into  high position when shops opened and supply-chain became stable.  In June, Accell, Europe's biggest bicycle manufacturer, earned 53%more than a year ago, largely thanks  e-bikes.


  • 7. 假如你是班长李华,英国学生 Alex 新学期即将来你班交流学习,请你写一封电子邮件告知他相关信息,内容包括:






  • 8. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    A few years ago, a child was lost in the woods. He was out with his brothers and sisters gathering berries, and was accidentally separated from them, and lost. The children, after looking in vain for some time in search of the little wanderer, returned, just in the dusk of the evening, to inform their parents that their brother was lost and could not be found.

    The woods, at that time, were full of bears. The darkness of a cloudy night was rapidly coming on, and the alarmed father, gathering a few of his neighbors, hurried to search for the lost child. The mother remained at home almost distracted with suspense(心神不宁)。

    As the clouds gathered, and the darkness increased, the father and neighbors with highly excited fears went across the woods in all directions and raised loud shouts to attract the attention of the child.

    But their search was in vain. They could find no trace of the wanderer and as they stood under the branches of the tall trees and listened, they wished they might hear his weak voice. However, no sound was brought to their ears, but the strong wind as it swept through the thick branches of the forest.

    The gathering clouds threatened an approaching storm, and the deep darkness of the night had already enveloped them. It was difficult to imagine what were the feelings of that father. And who could imagine how deep the worry which filled the heart of that mother, as she heard the wind and looked at the darkness in which her child was wandering!

    The search was continued in vain till nine o'clock in the evening. Then, one of the parties was sent back to the village, to collect the villagers for a more extensive search. Every heart sympathized in the sorrows of the anxious parents. Soon groups of the people were seen climbing the hill. Before long, the rain began to fall, but no news came back to the village of the lost child. Hardly an eye was that night closed in sleep, and there was not a mother who did not feel for the parents.






    Paragraph 1:

    The night passed away, and the morning dawned, and yet no news came.

    Paragraph 2:

    About seven in the morning, villagers made arrangements for a final search.
