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  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) How is the weather in Xiangyang?
    A . Sunny B . Rainy. C . Cloudy.
    (2) What should the man wear?
    A . Sunglasses. B . Sports shoes. C . Raincoat.
    (3) How can he go to Gulongzhong?
    A . By bus. B . On foot. C . By car.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) Who will the boy buy fruits for?
    A . For his grandfather. B . For the girl. C . For himself.
    (2) What will the boy buy at last?
    A . Some fruits. B . Some flowers. C . A pubic bike.
    (3) Where is the flower shop?
    A . Near the school. B . Near the hospital. C . Near the park.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What will the boy do this summer?
    A . Stay at home. B . Go to Chengdu. C . Have a rest.
    (2) What's the boy going to do if he can't ride anymore?
    A . Walk back. B . Give away his bike. C . Take the bus back.
    (3) How does the girl think of the boy's plan?
    A . Fun. B . Interesting. C . Crazy.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What color is the wallet?
    A . Orange. B . Brown C . Red.
    (2) What is very important to the woman?
    A . The money. B . The keys. C . The ticket.
    (3) What do you think of the boy?
    A . Helpful. B . Brave. C . Hard-working.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) Which train will the man take?
    A . D5211. B . D3579. C . D2468.
    (2) How much will the man pay?
    A . 19 yuan. B . 90 yuan C . 180 yuan.
    (3) Where are they talking?
    A . In the train station.   B . On the phone. C . In Beijing
  • 11. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What kind of text is it?
    A . A letter. B . A play. C . A story.
    (2) What's wrong with Alan?
    A . She didn't eat anything. B . She argued with her father. C . She didn't pass the exam.
    (3) How many pieces of advice does the speaker give to Alan?
    A . Three. B . Four. C . Five.
    (4) What's the last advice the speaker give?
    A . Talk to someone. B . Try to solve it. C . Forget them.
    (5) Who is the speaker?
    A . Alan's father. B . Alan's teacher. C . Alan's mother.


  • 12. —Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy a           ?

    — Sure. There's a bookstore at the first crossing.

    A . T-shirt B . stamp C . dictionary D . bread
  • 13. —Look at Tom, he looks so upset!

    —Let's do something to           .

    A . cheer him up B . let him down C . take him down D . wake him up
  • 14. —Is your answer correct? It's too important for us.

    —Yes, I will be            for what I said.

    A . proud B . responsible C . used D . thirsty
  • 15. —You have a nosebleed, what happened?

    —Bad luck! I            the tree while I was walking and watching my phone in the street.

    A . cut down B . walked into C . ran over D . fell over
  • 16. —That new-opened restaurant is very beautiful, and the food is very delicious.

    —Really? That            great!  Let's go there for dinner this evening.

    A . sounds B . smells C . tastes D . looks
  • 17. —The new high-speed train "Fu Xing" ran at the speed of 350km/h           .

    —Great! China has been had great            in building the high-speed railway.

    A . successful; success B . successfully; successes C . successful; successes D . successfully; success
  • 18. —          Mr. Wang            his daughter is interested in the movie "Amazing China!"

    — I think it's one of the most popular movies in 2018.

    A . not only…but also B . both…and C . neither…nor D . either…or
  • 19. —Li, your homework isn't           . What's wrong?

    —I'm sorry, Mr. Wu. I have tried my best, but I don't have           .

    A . tidy enough; time enough B . enough tidy; enough time C . tidy enough; enough time D . enough tidy; time enough
  • 20. —I have            information about James after we graduate.

    —Me, too. We haven't seen each other for            years.

    A . a little; a few B . little; a few C . a few; a little D . few; a little
  • 21. —What are you going to do this weekend?

    —We will go to the mountain unless it            this Saturday.

    A . doesn't rain B . will rain C . won't rain D . rains
  • 22. —The old woman            for several years and her son looked after her all the time.

    —Her son is great. I'd like to learn from him when my parents are old.

    A . fell ill B . is ill C . has been ill D . will be ill
  • 23. —It's 12 years since Wenchuan had that terrible earthquake.

    —Time flies! Now great changes have            during the past 12 years.

    A . happened B . been happened C . taken place D . been taken place
  • 24. —Dad, I can't find my school card!

              . How could you have lost it again?

    A . It depends B . It's no big deal C . It's a piece of cake D . It serves you right
  • 25. — You see, "Food Safety" receives millions of Internet hits a day.

    — It's clear that it has become one of the            themes recently.

    A . interesting B . hot C . most interesting D . hottest
  • 26. —Pardon me, please? It's too noisy here, I can't hear you clearly.

    —I asked           .

    A . when did you plan to go the park B . where will we meet this weekend C . how many dishes I should take to the picnic D . whether you will ride your bike


  • 27. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。

        "How are you?" is a nice question. It's a friendly way that people greet each other, but when a person says "How are you?" he expects to hear the answer "1," even if the person's friend isn't fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn't really a question, and "fine" isn't really a (n) 2. They are 3 ways of saying "Hello" and "Hi".

        Sometimes people also don't say 4 what they mean. For example, when someone asks, "Do you agree?" the other person may be thinking: "No, I don't agree. I think you are 5." But it doesn't sound very polite, so he may say, "I'm not so sure." It's a 6 way to say that you don't agree with someone.

        People also don't say directly what they are thinking. For example, when a person wants to 7 talking with other people on the phone, he 8 say "Let's stop now", sometimes he will gives a (n) 9 instead, "Someone is at the door", "Something is burning" so on. The excuse may be real, or it may not. It's a polite way to stop a 10 and it doesn't hurt the other person's feeling. It's an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it's a part of the game of language.

    A . Fine B . Not fine C . Bad D . Terrible
    A . excuse B . reason C . answer D . word
    A . amazing B . common C . quick D . strange
    A . politely B . carefully C . loudly D . exactly
    A . fine B . right C . fun D . wrong
    A . worse B . nicer C . funnier D . sillier
    A . start B . continue C . finish D . begin
    A . must B . won't C . should D . needn't
    A . excuse B . joke C . answer D . result
    A . meeting B . competition C . greeting D . conversation


  • 28. 阅读理解

        The third season of Marathon(马拉松) race in Xiangyang will be held on October 27th, we need some volunteers for this big game, do you want to join us?

    Group 1

    Jobs: Guide the players to the right area.

    Workplace: Zhuge Liang Sports Center

    Number: 40


    1. For both boys and girls.

    2. Need to work from 7:00 to 11:30 in the morning.

    3. Outgoing and easy to get on with.

    Tel: 0710-3456789

    Group 2

    Jobs: Serve water to the players while they are running.

    Workplace: Along Chang Hong Road.

    Number: 80


    1. For only boys.

    2. Have a good health.

    3. Work for the whole day. Can't leave until the race is over.

    TEL: 0710-3456677

    Group 3

    Jobs: Guide the foreign players to live in the hotel, and give them help when necessary.

    Workplace: The Hanjiang International Hotel

    Number: 20


    1. For only girls.

    2. Can speak English well.

    3. Work in the afternoon and evening.

    TEL: 0710-3458899

    (1) What's the passage about?
    A . A news. B . an AD. C . A story. D . A postcard.
    (2) How many boys do they need?
    A . Less than 120. B . More than 120. C . At least 40. D . At least 20.
    (3) My sister can speak English well. She should call               for the job.
    A . 3459876 B . 3456677 C . 3457788 D . 3458899
    (4) Li Fen is a volunteer that morning. She may work             .
    A . in Zhuge Liang Sports Center B . along Chang Hong Road. C . in Hanjiang International Hotel. D . in Chang Hong Sports Center.
    (5) Zhu Jianguo is outgoing and good at English. He can             .
    A . serve water to the players. B . guide the players to the right area. C . guide the players to live in the hotel. D . cheer up the players in Chang Hong Road.
  • 29. 阅读理解

        In May 21st, Mr. Liu, the captain(机长) of the flight 3U8633, drove the plane to Lhasa from Chengdu as usual. There were about 187 passengers and 12 staffs on the plane.

        After an hour's flying, a terrible thing happened. One of the windows in the flight deck (驾驶舱) was broken. A big jolt (颠簸) passed along the whole plane quickly. A lot of things dropped down on the floor. Everyone in the plane was panicky and nervous. Some of them began to shout and cry.

        Mr. Liu was scared, too. He knew the plane was in great danger, and he must do something to save all the passengers and the plane. First, he checked the equipment (设备) to make sure it could still work. Unfortunately, some of them was broken by the strong wind. So he had to control the plane by hands. Next he sent a special number 7700 to the airport to ask for help from the radio. Then he asked the stewardess (空姐) to calm the passengers down. At last, he and another three pilots tried their best to drive the plane back to the nearest airport.

        Twenty-eight minutes later, the plane landed on the Shuangliu airport safely. All the passengers were saved. They said they were so unlucky to meet the terrible accident, but they were so lucky to meet a hero captain.

    (1) Where was the plane flying to?
    A . Chengdu B . Lhasa C . Shuangliu D . Beijing
    (2) The plane was in great danger, which of the following is NOT the reason?
    A . One of the windows of pilothouse was broken. B . There was a big jolt along the plane. C . Some of the equipment stopped working. D . The plane couldn't land.
    (3) How many things did Mr. Liu mainly do after the accident according to the passage?
    A . Two B . Three C . Four D . Seven
    (4) What does the underline word "panicky" probably mean?
    A . 恐慌的 B . 紧张的 C . 兴奋的 D . 急切的
    (5) What do you think is the most probably ending of this event?
    A . The plane will fly to Lhasa again at once. B . Mr. Liu will fix up the broken window so that they can fly again. C . All the staffs in the plane will get praise because they saved all the people. D . All the passengers will go to Lhasa by train because the plane was broken.
  • 30. 阅读理解

        Now 3D technology is widely used in many areas, such as cinema, television, hospital, school and so on. When you watch 3D movies, you will be given special pair of glasses. The glasses can make the pictures out of the screen, just like they are there really around you. It will make you more exciting, especially when you see the action movies. Maybe you will ask: How does it work?

        3D technology is similar to the way that the human brain and eyes work. Because the pupils (瞳孔) of a person's eyes are about 6. 5 cm apart, when we look at something, each eye sees it from a different angle (角度). Our eyes send the two pictures to our brain, and the brain puts them together. The small difference between the picture from the right eye and the picture from the left eye allows us to see depth (立体感). So a 3D movie needs two film players. One shows a left eye picture, and the other shows a right eye picture. The 3D glasses allow us to see a different picture in each eye. Without the glasses, you can't see the pictures clearly.

        While one is watching 3D films, he feels that he is actually in the same environment as the things he's watching. However, it also has its disadvantages. People with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies.

    (1) The writer said 3D technology is used in many areas EXCEPT ________.
    A . hospital B . school C . library D . cinema
    (2) Why 3D movies can make you more exciting?
    A . Because the movies are very interesting. B . Because 3D glasses can make the movies clear. C . Because each of your eyes can see different pictures. D . Because you can feel the things in the movies are really around you.
    (3) Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
    A . 3D movies have two players. B . 3D glasses are not necessary for 3D movies. C . 3D glasses can make you feel that you're in the movies. D . 3D technology is the same as that the human brain and eyes work.
    (4) What's the disadvantages of 3D movies according to the passage?
    A . It can cause the eye problems. B . It may cause the headache. C . It may cost too much money. D . It's not clear with 3D glasses.
    (5) What's the best title of the passage?
    A . 3D Television. B . 3D Movies. C . 3D Technology. D . 3D Pictures.


  • 31. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(选项中有一项为多余选项。)

        Do you like to visit the museum?  If your answer is "Yes", please read the following words.

        Uniform is the best choose to wear. You'd better not wear the informal clothes such as strange T-shirt or jeans, it will be impolite. In some special museum, colorful clothes are also not allowed, people should wear the dark clothes instead.

        Keep quiet. Just like the library, museum is a serious place. We should keep quiet when we talk or walk.

        People often can't help touching the things which they are interested in, but you can't do that when you are in the museum, even though how much you love it.

        At last, don't take photos. Many of the things in the museum has been covered underground for thousand years, they're all very valuable., so the camera is not allowed to be taken into the museum.

    A. Use your eyes, but not your hands.

    B. You should wear general clothes.

    C. Do you know how to visit the museum?

    D. The bright light from the camera will be harmful for them.

    E. Do you want to know the museum manners?

    F. It's rude to shout or make big noise in the museum.



  • 37. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在短文空白处填入一个恰当的词,使短文内容完整、通顺。

        When teenagers grow older, they try to understand who they are. Children start c their clothing styles, hobbies, interests and friends when they begin to find out who they are. They think they are no longer children.

        Teenagers begin to understand the world athem. They no longer just listen to their parents. They start to have the desire(欲望) to find answers in person. And they won't f the rules set by parents or teachers.

        Sometimes, they are also confused(困惑的)about t. They can't make their own choices and d in life like adults, but they are not really the children who depend on others c.

        At this time, teenagers still need help. They need to have a good rwith their parents, but not just be told what to do or not to do. They need to be eto go for their own dreams. They should be g more freedom(自由) to deal with something themselves. However, the freedom needs boundaries(界限). They need s in their lives that can help them when meeting difficulties.


  • 38. 疫情期间,你的同学李华在家里上网课,但随着时间的增加,他感到越来越焦虑。一是因为他父母都在医院工作好长时间了没有回家,他很想念他们,也很担心他们。二是不太适应网上学习,遇到很多学习问题,成绩下降。三是长时间宅在家里,缺少运动,吃饭也不好,身体也越来越差。请根据上述情况和下列要求,给他写一封信为他提一些建议和鼓励。








    Dear Li Hua,

        I'm very sorry that you meet some trouble.
