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  • 1. 阅读理解

        The history of mankind has seen some of the most influential people in various areas, and here are some of them:

        Maya Angelou

        Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928〜May 28 , 2014) , an African-American, was an award­winning author, poet, dancer, singer and movie actress. She became a writer after trying her hand at several occupations like a fry cook and a nightclub dancer. The first out of her seven autobiographies, I Knoxv Why the Caged Bird Sings , describes her life from the age of three to seventeen.

        Steve Jobs

        The biography of Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs was published in 2011. Jobs was the co-founder and the CEO of Apple Inc. It's the story of Steve Jobs' rise from being a college dropout to one of the greatest entrepreneurs (企业家)of the 20th century. It takes us into his journey from founding the NeXT, Inc. to his return to Apple, through a series of interviews with him, his family, friends, and colleagues.

        Walt Disney

        Walt Disney (December 5 , 1901 December 15 , 1966) was an American animator, producer, director, and voice artist. He's famous as the founder of cartoon films and more importantly, as the creator of Disneyland. Walt Disney : The Triumph of the American Imagination was published by Neal Gabler in 2006 and describes Disney's journey from being a contributing cartoonist for the school paper to the creator of Disney.

        Audrey Hepburn

        Audrey Hepburn (May 4, 1929~January 20, 1993) was an award-winning actress, and fashion model. After working in many British movies, she rose to fame with a lead role in Roman Holiday in 1953. Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn was published in 2006. The biography provides details of her upbringing, her dancing career, and eventually her rise to stardom (明星地位).

    (1) What can we learn about Steve Jobs?
    A . He left Apple Inc. at one time. B . He built Apple Inc. alone in the 20th century. C . He graduated from college with high grades. D . He wrote and published his biography in 2011.
    (2) Which book is about the growth of a film star?
    A . Steve Jobs. B . I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. C . Enchantment: The Life o f Audrey Hepburn. D . Walt Disney : The Triumph of the American Imagination.
    (3) According to the text, all the other three persons except Steve Jobs       .
    A . got well-known in the field of literature B . were the pioneers of their age in their field C . faced hardships due to their mistakes in life D . were involved in the film industry
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Two years ago, photographer Gen started his latest project visiting local communities in Latin America. The photo that gave birth to his "You are beautiful "project was entirely unplanned.

        In January 2017, Gen was in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico. He had been trying to get his female subject to feel more comfortable before his camera, and when a request for her to smile didn't quite work, he found himself telling her she was beautiful. The result of his shot was so sincere and heartwarming that he decided he had found the concept of his new project. Gen is still on his journey to capture the power of this compliment (赞美). The photos he's already published on his website, however, show the unbelievable effect these simple words can have.

        When asked to have her photo taken, Mathilda from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, said, "I don't have any teeth. Please don't make me laugh. "After being told she was beautiful, she didn't seem to mind anymore. She and I laughed a lot. It was a nice moment, " Gen said.

        Margarita was selling fruit on a street in Otavalo, Ecuador , when Gen approached her. She agreed to pose for a picture after the photographer bought some of her fruit, but still didn't smile when he asked her to. Her smile was genuine, though, when she heard the compliment.

        Gen met Juliana in a village in northern Colombia where desert meets the Caribbean Sea. The region is extremely dry, with some months seeing almost no rain, and Juliana wore a mask to protect her face from the sun. She was selling handicrafts when Gen approached her, and smiled happily when she received the compliment.

        Mimba and baby Maya are from Brazil's Marubo tribe. Mimba was shy, and it was only on the second visit to her home that the photographer finally got her permission to take her photo. She seemed to relax, though, when he paid her a compliment.

    (1) Where was the inspiration for Gen!s latest project from?
    A . shooting experience. B . His love for photography. C . Praise for his photos. D . His unplanned travel.
    (2) Who did Gen meet twice?
    A . Juliana. B . Mimba. C . Mathilda. D . Margarita.
    (3) What do the examples convey?
    A . Gen thought highly of his subjects. B . High praise makes successful shots. C . Women are nervous when having photos taken. D . Complimenting applies to nearly all women.
    (4) Why did the author write the text?
    A . To introduce the effect of photography. B . To provide some advice on complimenting. C . To show the amazing power of complimenting. D . To share his experiences of complimenting.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        New study shows that when teachers participate in a training program focused on prosocial(亲社 会的)classroom behavior,their students are better able to control their emotions, and that children who can regulate emotions are more likely to be academically successful.

        For the study, which appears in Prevention Science , researchers looked at more than 100 teachers and 1,817 students from kindergarten to third grade to see if teachers could support students' emotional and behavioral growth through the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IYTCM) program.

        The program uses videos and training sessions, along with role-playing and coaching, to help teachers learn management skills such as using behavior-specific praise, building positive relationships with students, and considering how to reduce poor behavior. Teachers in the training group increased interactions with students by 64 percent compared with 53 percent for teachers in the control group without the training.

        "Emotional regulation is the ability to recognize what behavior is appropriate in the present situation, says Wendy Reinke, professor in the College of Education at the University of Missouri. "For example, a student might have dificulty controlling the feeling of anger if he or she becomes annoyed with another student But under this program, the teacher encourages them to move to a different spot in the classroom, effectively teaching them that sometimes stepping away and taking a break is a good way to calm down and manage that feeling."

        After one school year of using the program in classrooms, students improved their social ability and ability to regulate their emotions. These improvements resulted in an increase in the tests for students in Incredible Years classrooms vs. students in control classrooms. And this classroom management approach can help reduce the risk for struggling learners early on, which could help prevent more accumulative support needs in a child's future.

    (1) What do the teachers do in the IYTCM program?
    A . Learn how to identify poor behavior. B . Offer the researchers advice on emotional control. C . Take care of kids from kindergarten to third grade. D . Apply different ways to learning how to manage kids.
    (2) What do Wendy Reinke's words suggest in Para. 4?
    A . Now it is hard for students to control their anger. B . A calm manner is an effective way to handle problems. C . Few can realize their behavior is unfit for a situation. D . The program will show how to handle troublesome kids.
    (3) What is the author!s attitude towards the training program?
    A . Positive. B . Negative. C . Subjective. D . Indifferent.
    (4) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
    A . Study results of the program are entirely unexpected. B . The program advances the students' academic performance. C . Students in control classrooms can better control their emotions. D . Students change their bad behavior shortly through the program.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        SACABA, Bolivia ——Julia Flores Colque still sings with joy in her local Quechua tongue and strums(弹奏)the five strings of a tiny Andean guitar known as the charango, despite a recorded age of almost 118 years.

        In her long life, she has witnessed two world wars, revolutions in her native Bolivia and the transformation of her rural town of Sacaba from 3, 000 people to a city of more than 175 , 000 in five decades.

        Her national identity card says Flores Colque was born on Oct 26, 1900, in a mining camp in the Bolivian mountains. At 117 and just over 10 months, she would be the oldest woman in the Andean nation and perhaps the oldest living person in the world.

        But a spokeswoman for Guinness World Records says she's not aware of receiving any application for her and Flores Colque doesn't seem to care that her record hasn!t been confirmed. She hasn!t even heard of the reference book.

        These days, she enjoys the company of her dogs, cats and rooster. She is lucid and full of life, and she loves a good cake and singing folkloric songs in Quechua to anyone who comes to visit the dirt-floor home she shares with her 65-year-old grandniece. "She's always been active, easygoing and fun, " said the grandniece, Agustina Berna.

        Growing up, Flores Colque herded sheep and llamas in the Bolivian highlands until she moved in her teenage years to a valley, where she began selling fruits and vegetables. The produce became her main source of sustenance(生计),and she still maintains a healthy diet though she is addicted to the occasional cake and glass of soda. She never married and has no children.

        The Sacaba mayor's office has named Flores Colque a living heritage. The office and a private foundation have improved her home, building a brick path where she walks, and a shower and toilet with a railing (扶手)so the old woman can safely make her way to the bathroom at night.

        Flores Colque is hard of hearing , but she remains sharp and scolds her smallest dog whenever it tries to rush out into the street. Just a few years ago, she still walked quickly. But then she fell and hurt her back. The doctor said she would never walk again. She proved the doctor wrong.

    (1) How did Flores Colque make a living after she moved in her teenage years to a valley?
    A . By working as a baker. B . By selling fruits and vegetables. C . By doing temporary jobs for others. D . By herding sheep and llamas in the Bolivian highlands.
    (2) What does the underlined word "lticid"in Para. 5 mean?
    A . Able to understand and think clearly. B . Unwilling to change one's mind easily. C . Nervous or worried about something. D . Staying calm and not getting annoyed.
    (3) What is the main idea of Para. 7?
    A . How Flores Colque lives her daily life on her own. B . What contribute to Flores Colque!s living a long life. C . Why the Sacaba mayor's office has named Flores Colque a living heritage. D . How some departments have changed Flores Colque' s living conditions for the better.
    (4) Which of the following can serve as the best title for the news report?
    A . Bolivian woman might be world's oldest at nearly 118 B . World's oldest woman has always been active, easygoing and fun C . 118-year-old Julia Flores Colque still sings with joy in her indigenous Quechua tongue D . 118-year-old Julia Flores Colque has witnessed two world wars.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    How to build your vocabulary fast

        When you think how to build your vocabulary fast, you need to remember something.

         , check to see whether it is of any use to you or not. Sometimes you'll find that it's one that you are hardly ever going to use in the future, and so hardly worth learning. At other times, it might be a word that you can use, but that other people might never understand. This makes it of limited value to you as well.

        Generally speaking, you should ignore new words that you feel you will never use.

        , hunt them out, understand them, create sentences containing them, use them and make them a permanent part of your literary life.

        Even the words are still too many for a single person to learn in a lifetime. , you will develop a vast and certainly effective vocabulary. Also this is the best way to go when you are considering how to build your vocabulary fast. . Therefore, when you develop your vocabulary, you should do it with this thought in mind, and your aim should be how well you communicate using the language.

        Now where do you pick up new words when you go about building your vocabulary rapidly? Well, one of the easiest ways is through websites. . Just open the dictionary to a random page and look up a random word. Using these and other simple tricks, you'll find that you develop a superb command of English, and a comprehensive vocabulary very quickly.

    A. When you first make contact with a new word

    B. You should improve your communicating skills

    C. But by concentrating on these

    D. Another easy way is to skim through a dictionary

    E. All you need to do is make sure that you know what they mean.

    F. As for the words that are both useful and understandable to most people

    G. Remember the reason why you write and speak is to communicate your ideas to others


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。

        It was time that Donovan started his first grade. He was somewhat1. So was I.

        Well, actually, we were both at the same time excited. His teacher is young and energetic and I 2that they will get along very, very well. When I 3him up from school, though, what the first reality of school is actually like was 4. He made it to the car5, without saying much. Then, as we got in and I asked how his 6 was and who his new classmates were, he 7and cried. He said at breaks all of his friends from kindergarten went to play with their new classmates,   which did 8 him deeply.

        When I asked him who it was that he played with, he said, "Nobody. I sat by myself 9 they all had new friends. " That is the point when I could no longer 10 myself.

        However, I did all the 11 things a parent should do. I told him that the first days are really a(n) 12for anyone and that he will make his own new friends in his class but that his kindergarten friends are13his friends . In fact my initial14was to go to the playground and find the little stupid guys who left 15out at breaks and sit in judgement on (评判)them, but I gradually overcame my 16 and settled for(勉强接受)the confidence speech and the hopeful 17 of "tomorrow".

        There is nothing like watching your kid deal with 18problems——partly because as a

        parent, you 19  realize how torturous(折磨人的)and unnecessary it is and partly because

        you know how painful it is. He will 20 it just as we all did.

    A . disappointed B . enthusiastic C . nervous D . stubborn
    A . complain B . claim C . insist D . predict
    A . picked B . brought C . called D . turned
    A . learned B . appreciated C . reserved D . fastened
    A . in peace B . in silence C . in time D . in advance
    A . plan B . sport C . day D . routine
    A . broke away B . broke down C . broke in D . broke off
    A . describe B . guide C . sadden D . inspire
    A . because B . until C . unless D . though
    A . forgive B . contain C . behave D . train
    A . easy B . tough C . complex D . standard
    A . situation B . investment C . challenge D . treasure
    A . still B . only C . even D . rather
    A . experience B . reaction C . impression D . prejudice
    A . them B . it C . her D . him
    A . annoyance B . shyness C . thrill D . fright
    A . safety B . discovery C . harmony D . promise
    A . academic B . social C . physical D . mental
    A . occasionally B . blindly C . eventually D . cautiously
    A . seek for B . come across C . get through D . look into
  • 7. 完形填空

        You never know how far a kind act can go. You don't know who it can 1, either.

        When Gloria Porter and Jeff Reick began 2, they had no idea how much it would 3

        others to shower(大量给予)people with kindness.

        89-year-old Gloria Porter was lying in hospital. She couldn't leave her ward. So to 4 boredom, she would often stare outside her window to watch construction workers building the new front entrance to the hospital. She wasn't expecting one of the 5 to wave to her. She couldn't help but wave back at the kind 6. This was only the start of a special 7 between the two. Jeff Reick knew Porter was 8, so he decided to send a kind 9to her by finding some chalk and writing "Get Well" on one of the beams (梁)faring her 10. "I just thought that was 11," Porter said. "So I should do something to 12  that."

        When Porter saw construction workers working high above the ground one cold, windy day, she grew 13. She wrote "Stay safe" on a piece of paper, which she then14on the window for the workers to see. "When I saw "Stay safe' on a piece of paper, I15and said to my coworkers, "Did you see that?" Reick said.

        The hospital staff took photos of that and16them on social media. The simple acts of kindness17 and many people were employed in similar acts, including one woman who delivered 18  pizza to the construction workers.

        "I just try to lead by example and never expect so much19 ," Reick said. 1 everybody 20  does things like that, the world will be a better place.

    A . disturb B . employ C . affect D . describe
    A . communicating B . singing C . arguing D . explaining
    A . require B . warn C . force D . encourage
    A . make for B . put off C . figure out D . escape from
    A . workers B . nurses C . doctors D . patients
    A . job B . inspiration C . gesture D . favor
    A . business B . connection C . difference D . trouble
    A . lonely B . upset C . ill D . poor
    A . letter B . message C . note D . warning
    A . window B . entrance C . wall D . door
    A . impolite B . necessary C . familiar D . precious
    A . record B . return C . recover D . remember
    A . puzzled B . worried C . thrilled D . annoyed
    A . knocked B . installed C . placed D . drew
    A . came down B . broke down C . showed up D . turned around
    A . shared B . found C . mentioned D . deleted
    A . happened B . succeeded C . spread D . formed
    A . expensive B . free C . ordinary D . cheap
    A . participation B . satisfaction C . solution D . introduction
    A . merely B . apparently C . especially D . willingly

四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Thomas was the first person to I spoke after arriving in Washington D.C. I got off the bus and walked out and there he was,  (sit) by a fountain in the sun. As I got much(close), I could see he was pain and noticed the walking frame next to him. I sat down and we started talking. I asked Thomas whatwas like here being homeless. He(response), "It's been ten years now. When I was in the army, there was no way I could have pictured being here. "Thomas had served in Vietnam for four years, but he didn't want to speak much about that. After a short while, I told him what I did and that I'd love to give him a haircut.(instant) he said, "What, right here? Why not! I am not moving, though. I can't move very well at all anymore. "

        He wasn't kidding. I put my gown (长袍)around him right there where he was lying and started cutting. I loved every minute of this. The sun  (keep) shining as Thomas told me about his early life growing up in West Virginia. With the mirror(hand) to him in the end, he stared at his clear(reflect) for a really long time, then looked up at me and said, "I want to know why you did that for me. "I told him the truth—I love hearing his story. Fulfillment is different for everyone, but for me, connecting with others is what makes me tick.


  • 9. 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Dear Rita,

        I'm glad that you will compete in the final of the Chinese Speech Contest. Congratulation to you! Here are my advice on how to make good preparations for your speech.

        First, pick a interesting topic so that the audience won't get boring. Second, do broad researches on the topic to satisfy the audience!s hunger for knowledge. Then write your speech and turn to your Chinese teachers for help, which advice will be beneficial. Besides, much attention should be paying to your voice or body language. Try to speak as fluent as possible. In a word, you'd better do whatever you can win the contest.

        Where there is a will, there is a way. Looking forward to hearing from your good news.




  • 10. 假定你是李华,得知你的英国朋友Frank暑假不回国,你写信想邀请他到你家乡玩,内容 包括:


