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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Give It a Go! One off Volunteering

        Our One off programme allows you to take part in volunteering activities with no regular commitment such as dog walking, helping your local community and so on.

        Transport is provided from campus when activities can't be reached by public transport or on foot from campus.

        Canley Pop Up Cafe: Chinese New Year Special!

        Date: Saturday 17 July2019


        Help run fun games and activities for Canley citizens.

        Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate (激发) community interaction and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk, share talents, histories and knowledge.

        Dogs Trust Volunteer Day

        Date: Friday 23 July 2019


        Join us for a day with the Dogs Trust. Help exercise the dogs, prepare food and clean the dog shelter.

        Transport and lunch will be provided by Warwick Volunteers.

        Kings Hill Nursery

        Date: Wednesday 16 August 2019

        Time: 09:05—13:15

        Kings Hill Nurseries provide placements, training, work experience and jobs for people with learning disabilities. Volunteers will help support adults with disabilities with gardening tasks. No previous experience required.

        Transport from campus provided.

        Friends of Canley Green Spaces—Woodland Path Clearance

        Date: Saturday 10 July 2019


        Help clean a woodland pathway by removing a mass of dead wood from low lying tree branches. By cutting away the wood, walking along the path will be much easier. A more attractive pathway will also encourage people to explore Park Wood, one of Canley's ancient bluebell woodlands.

        Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and strong shoes or boots that you, don't mind getting a little muddy.

    (1) What is the purpose of Canley Pop Up Cafes?
    A . To improve the neighbourhood. B . To provide jobs for volunteers. C . To ask for help from neighbours. D . To encourage neighbours to buy goods.
    (2) Which activity lasts longest?
    A . Kings Hill Nursery. B . Canley Pop Up Cafe. C . Dogs Trust Volunteer Day. D . Friends of Canley Green Spaces.
    (3) What is the main task in the last activity?
    A . Planting trees. B . Clearing the path. C . Guiding the tourists. D . Widening the path.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the tortoise. In the end ,I said, "Son, remember: Be slow and steady, and that will win the race. Don't you think there's something to learn from the tortoise?"

        Sonny opened his eyes wide, "Do you mean next time when I'm entering for the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy, Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?"

        I was shocked, "But the tortoise didn't wish that the hare would fall asleep!"

        "He must have wished that," Sonny said, "Otherwise how could he be so foolish as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did."

        "He didn't have such a wish," I insisted. "He won the race by perseverance (坚忍不拔的), by pushing on steadily."

        Sonny thought a while. "That's a lie," he said. "He won it because he was lucky. If the hare hadn't happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he'd never have won the race. That's for sure."

    I gave up. Today's children are not like what we used to be. They're just hopeless.

    (1) The writer argued with his son because ______________.
    A . he liked tortoises while his son liked hares B . they disagreed about whether the tortoise was foolish C . he tried to teach his son a moral (品德) lesson but the son had totally different opinion D . he liked the story of the hare and the tortoise while his son didn't.
    (2) Sonny believed that the tortoise ______________.
    A . won the race by his own hard working B . took a risk by agreeing to run a race C . was not given a fair chance in the race D . in fact did win the race luckily
    (3) Billy, Tony and Sandy must be_______________.
    A . boys who were unknown to Sonny's father B . boys who Sonny has run races with before C . boys who Sonny has never raced with before D . boys who Sonny did not expect to race with again
    (4) According to the passage, who do you think learnt a lesson?
    A . The tortoise B . Sonny C . The hare D . Sonny's father
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Earthworms (蚯蚓) often lay on sidewalks or streets after a heavy spring rain, but why do they do this? Researchers give several reasons why heavy rain storms bring earthworms out of their soil homes.

        For years scientists seemed to think the only reason earthworms came to the soil surface after a good rain was to prevent drowning in their water-filled homes. "This is not true as earthworms breathe through their skins and actually require wet in the soil to do so," said Dr. Chris Lowe, lecturer in the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, United Kingdom. Earthworms are unable to drown, and they can even survive several days fully in water.

        Soil experts now think earthworms surface during rain storms for the purpose of moving to another place. "It gives them a chance to move greater distances across the soil surface than through soil," said Dr. Lowe. "They cannot do this when it is dry because of their requirements of wet in the air. "Certain earthworms surface to mate (交配), but only a few of the 4, 400 existing types, making it unlikely that mating is a primary reason for widespread surfacing.

        Another explanation is that rain drop vibrations (振动) on the soil surface are similar to mole (鼹鼠) vibrations. Earthworms often come to the surface to escape them. "Rain can set up vibrations on top of the soil like mole vibrations," said Professor Josef Gorres of the University of Vermont's Department of Plant and Soil Science. "Similar to how earthworms move upwards when mole vibrations are felt." Similarly, humans create vibrations when catching earthworms. To cheat earthworms out of their homes, fishermen run a piece of steel or a saw across the top of a stick, which causes a sound as the stick vibrates. Earthworms then move to the surface, much to the fishermen's delight.

    (1) What do we know about earthworms from Paragraph 2?
    A . They will drown in water. B . They can't breathe in the rain. C . They breathe through skins. D . They can always live in water.
    (2) Why do earthworms surface when it rains according to Dr. Lowe?
    A . Because they want to travel longer. B . Because there is more water inside. C . Because there are more suitable mates. D . Because there are fewer dangers on the ground
    (3) Why does the author mention the fishermen in the last paragraph?
    A . To show that they treat earthworms badly. B . To provide evidence of earthworms escaping. C . To explain why we seldom see earthworms now. D . To show how people's behavior affects earthworms.
    (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A . Why earthworms surface after rain. B . All knowledge about earthworms. C . How earthworms help people. D . Why people love earthworms.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        The sun is going to expand into the orbit of Mercury according to scientific calculations, which will result in the entire Earth catching on fire. Who will save the world?

        This imaginative tale is at the heart of the latest Chinese sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth. Unlike many American space-themed films where the solution to a disaster Earth faces is always fleeing (逃离) the planet in spaceships, this time we're taking the Earth with us. The film, which has made it the country's most successful film of all time, has offered a different and more ambitious idea.

        The "ambition" didn't come from nowhere. For thousands of years, "homeland" has had a soft spot in the hearts and minds of Chinese people. One old idiom that shows a strong feeling that Chinese people have had for their homeland is "luoyeguigen", which means returning to one's homeland in old age, like fallen leaves returning to the roots of their tree.

        "What is Chinese sci-fi?" Guo Fan, the film's director, said in an interview. "A vehicle that really expresses our cultural and spinal core (核心) can be called Chinese sci-fi. Otherwise, we're just following others and telling the same Hollywood stories."

        And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was released on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the hard journey back to their hometowns. So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story. Earth goes wherever humans go, because it's our home.

    (1) The main purpose of the opening paragraph is to ________.
    A . give a brief account of the film B . warn people of the coming threat C . explore ways to avoid the disaster D . introduce the topic of the passage
    (2) The underlined phrase "a different and more ambitious idea" refers to ________.
    A . fleeing the Earth in spaceships B . bringing in huge success C . filling the gap in Chinese sci-fi movies D . helping Earth make its escape
    (3) Which of the following is unlikely to account for (解释) the success of the film?
    A . The rich imagination of the story. B . Hollywood-style space stores. C . The special cultural background. D . The time chosen to release the film.
    (4) What is likely to be title for the passage?
    A . Chinese Sci-fi Catches Up B . The makers of Chinese Sci-fi C . Chinese Sci-fi Sets a New Path D . Chinese Sci-fi Challenges Hollywood


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear people speaking Chinese aloud. After walking into a store, it's possible that you'll see Huawei smartphones for sale. This isn't referring to  China, but Manchester, UK.Indeed, Chinese  products have gone global.

        But to meet local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. "One example is the meat", said Yin Hang, who is studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia. "We like to eat meat with the bone in, but people here don't. So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish."

        In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers, reported Reuters. More than half of US-owned drones (无人机) are Chinese models, according to China Daily. They're not simply made in China, but designed and developed in  the country.

        In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable. But things  have changed greatly."For example, Huawei, one of China's major smartphone makers, overtook Apple in global smartphone sales for the first time in June and July last year," noted consulting firm Counterpoint Research.

    A. Many Chinese brands (品牌) are also becoming more popular.

    B. Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time.

    C. "Made in China" has become cool and more people trust Chinese brands.

    D. Meanwhile, international brands are still enjoying great success in China.

    E. Turning to the right, you may see a Sichuan-style restaurant.

    F. In fact, you might see similar things in many other cities around the world.

    G. What is the biggest problem with many Chinese brands?


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I ran into a stranger as he passed by. "Oh, excuse me please." was my 1 . He said, "Please excuse me, too; I wasn't watching for you." We were very 2 , this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said goodbye. But at home a 3 story is told.

        Later that day, when I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very 4 . When I 5 , I nearly knocked her down. "Move out of the 6 ," I said with a frown. She walked away, her little heart broken. I didn't 7  how harshly (严厉地) I'd spoken.

        While I lay awake in bed that evening, my husband said to me, "While 8 a stranger, you are polite, but with the girl you love, you are 9 Go look on the kitchen floor and you'll find some flowers by the door. Those are the flowers she brought for 10. She picked them herself: pink, yellow and blue. She stood quietly not to 11 the surprise, and you 12 saw the tears in her eyes."

        13, my tears began to fall, I quietly went and knelt down by her bed. "Wake up, little girl." I said. "Are these flowers you picked for me?" She smiled, "I found them out by the tree. I picked them 14 they're pretty like you. I knew you'd like them, especially the blue."

        I said, "Daughter, I'm sorry for the way I 15 today, I 16 have yelled at you that way."

        She said, "Oh Mom, that's okay 17 I love you."

        I said, "Daughter, I love you, too. And I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

        I had got the world 18 again. I'd 19 to be polite to people in the street—good 20 make society work. But a stranger is someone we meet once and then never see again- and family is for life.

    A . response B . sentence C . answer D . speech
    A . careful B . serious C . polite D . unhappy
    A . interesting B . different C . similar D . meaningful
    A . excited B . noisy C . upset D . still
    A . called B . turned C . returned D . removed
    A . way B . space C . house D . area
    A . prove B . care C . realize D . understand
    A . referring to B . dealing with C . listening to D . picking up
    A . anxious B . patient C . disappointed D . unkind
    A . us B . you C . the family D . her friends
    A . ruin B . expect C . announce D . handle
    A . seldom B . simply C . never D . even
    A . By this time B . At one time C . For a time D . At the same time
    A . while B . so C . unless D . because
    A . considered B . developed C . acted D . performed
    A . mustn't B . couldn't C . wouldn't D . shouldn't
    A . Besides B . Otherwise C . Anyway D . However
    A . clear B . right C . clean D . meaningful
    A . begin B . learn C . change D . continue
    A . manners B . habits C . lifestyles D . behaviors


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        It's a touching Christmas story, but not in the  (tradition) way. It's about a seriously ill 5-year-old boy died in Santa's arms in Knoxville, Tennessee, in the United States.

        Eric Schmitt-Matzen, 60, a part-time Santa, received a call  a nurse at a hospital several weeks ago, saying a dying 5-year-old boy wanted to see Santa Claus. Schmitt-Matzen dressed and rushed to the hospital. Walking into the boy's room, he asked people    (leave)  if they couldn't hold back their  (tear). He picked up the boy and held him in his arms.

        "They say I'm going to die," the boy told him  (sad). "What can I tell them when I get to where I'm going?"

        Schmitt-Matzen said. "When you get there, you tell them you're Santa's Number One elf (小精灵), and they will let you in."

        The boy asked, "They will?" Then he (sit) up and gave Schmitt-Matzen a big hug and asked one more question: "Santa, can you help me?" Schmitt-Matzen wrapped his arms around the boy. Before Schmitl-Matzen could say anything, the boy died right there. Santa let the boy stay, hugging and   (hold) onto him.

        Schmitt-Matzen was    sad that he wanted to cry.

        The story was printed, and people were  (move) when they read it.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





        Last weekend, after pay a visit to the city of New York, I visited the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, where lies in Washington D. C.

        The museum, which covers a area of 18,000 square meters, is made of 24 exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles, spaceship of great importance and variously instruments that famous pilots and astronauts used are on display. In addition, I see copies of some satellites and aircraft. More interestingly, I tried operating on some aircraft by myself. During the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.

        This brief visit helped myself learn much about the history of human space exploration. It made me more interesting in science and technology.


  • 9. 假设你是李华。你的两位朋友Tom与 Peter几天前产生了误会。Tom的生日即将来临, Peter想送他一个礼物来缓和关系,修复友情,特地发来邮件寻求你的建议。请你根据以下要点给Peter回一封邮件。



    Dear Peter,


    Li Hua
