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  • 1. —I've been working for ten hours.

    —________ you look tired. You'd better have a rest.

    A . No problem B . No wonder C . No hurry D . No matter
  • 2. Eating too much sugar and salt can ________ health problems while vegetables will benefit you in your daily life.
    A . point to B . agree to C . come to D . lead to
  • 3. He got up late and hurried to the school, ________ the breakfast untouched.
    A . left B . to leave C . leaving D . having left
  • 4. The notice says, "It's cheaper by 20% if you book the tickets ________."
    A . in all B . in addition to C . in addition D . in advance
  • 5. I looked up and all of sudden noticed a cat ________ in from the garden with its breakfast in its mouth.
    A . dashing B . dash C . to dash D . dashed
  • 6. The programme of TRISH & LIU XIN TALK TRADE ________ the world's attention on the relationship between China and America.
    A . fed B . focused C . brought D . spent
  • 7. A good idea ________ on the general engineer that it could solve the traffic problem to build another highway.
    A . crowded in B . gave in C . joined in D . resulted in
  • 8. All the policemen have been trained to ________ themselves against the sudden attacks.
    A . fight B . dress C . defend D . balance
  • 9. When you meet a new word in reading the English newpapers, you can guess its meaning but needn't always ________ the dictionary.
    A . look at B . carry on C . come across D . refer to
  • 10. Not only his children but also the old man ________ himself with welfare projects.
    A . is concerned B . concerns C . are concerned D . concern


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,从短文后面所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I am a successful writer now. However, when asked the secret to my 1, I am always thankful to Ms. Waller.

        I 2 great pride in explaining to the public that I had been 3 to have the most wonderful teacher Ms. Waller in the 5th grade.

        Ms. Waller is a teacher 4 has the courage not to 5 me the standard curriculum (课程) for language arts, but 6 challenged her class to learn Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet to be 7. We not only read the play, 8 understood it. We became 9 about it, and we even performed it. I 10 the role of Lord Capulet, and I will never 11 it. My fondest 12 of my education are studying Shakespeare in her 13 with music playing in the background. 14, I have shown great interest in the Beatles and Shakespeare, and 15 her creativity, belief and support, I am a 16 at present.

        Ms. Waller 17 my life for the better, and fill me with a love of art and culture. I 18 her when I write, I think of her when I am at the opera. And I 19 how lucky I am to have had her influence on my life. I 20 you, Ms. Waller.

    A . advice B . influence C . success D . failure
    A . made B . held C . took D . left
    A . sad B . sorry C . familiar D . fortunate
    A . who B . which C . whom D . whose
    A . please B . teach C . learn D . amuse
    A . instead B . soon C . thus D . then
    A . frank B . honest C . exact D . true
    A . even B . so C . and D . but
    A . particular B . crazy C . worried D . satisfied
    A . showed B . played C . studied D . behaved
    A . forget B . remember C . like D . respect
    A . opinions B . ideas C . memories D . minds
    A . school B . club C . home D . class
    A . At ease B . Up to now C . At a time D . By chance
    A . thanks to B . according to C . as for D . but for
    A . director B . teacher C . writer D . player
    A . preserved B . explained C . admitted D . changed
    A . consider B . think of C . think out D . miss
    A . realized B . expected C . doubted D . missed
    A . beg B . dislike C . show D . love


  • 12. 阅读理解

        Technology can really help you with your language learning. Here are four free apps you can try!

        Google Translate

        This is a very useful app. When you open it, you will notice that there is a camera icon at the bottom. This allows you to translate menus, signs and guides that you may come across when exploring in a foreign country.


        I used this app while at university to practise my French while travelling. All you have to do is select your mother tongue, the language you want to learn (English) then, lastly, you decide how much time you want to spend practising each day (between 5 and 20 minutes). This is a good way to practise your reading and listening whenever you have a free moment and you can also do some speaking exercises.

        Learn English Podcasts App

        This is a good app for getting in some listening and reading practice at the same time. Each part is filled with information on everyday topics which can help you to widen your vocabulary and also help you to get used to the different sounds within different words.

        Nemo Language App

        This app turns your iPhone, iPad or Android phone into your favorite teacher of foreign languages. Learn whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you. It is meant to be picked up and put down throughout the day, whenever you have a few minutes to spare.

    (1) Which app will you prefer if you're having dinners in a foreign country?
    A . Duolingo. B . Google Translate. C . Nemo Language App. D . Learn English Podcasts App.
    (2) What can we learn from the passage?
    A . Google Translate makes you exploring the world harder. B . Duolingo offers you some speaking and writing exercises. C . Learn English Podcasts App is full of information on daily topics. D . Nemo Language App introduces your favourite teachers to you.
    (3) Where does the passage probably come from?
    A . A news report. B . A textbook. C . A travel journal. D . A learning magazine.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        On today's program we talk about the word "field." But which one? There are many different kinds of fields.

        First, we will talk about fields in which you can work. A common question when you first meet someone in the States is, "What field do you work in?" or simply "What is your field?" Work fields are usually general. For example, if you are a doctor you would answer that you work in the medical field. A lawyer is in the legal field. And a marketing specialist's field is business.

        Now, another kind of field is also outside but we use this one for sports activities. And this type of field has led to several common expressions.

        A level playing field is when the conditions of competition are fair or even. Everyone has the same shot at winning. This expression comes from the fact that for a sports field to be fair, it must be the same for both teams. It would be unfair if one team had to play on a rocky part of a field while the other team played on smooth ground.

        Maybe you have heard of this expression before or maybe it came out of left field. "To come out of left field" or simply "out of left field" is another baseball term. It means something is a surprise to you. You were not expecting it at all! Other times it can describe something strange or odd.

        I hope you have enjoyed today's show on field expressions.

    (1) According to Paragraph 2, who works in the news field?
    A . A reporter. B . A lawyer. C . A teacher. D . A doctor.
    (2) How many kinds of fields are mentioned in the passage?
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    (3) What does the underlined word "even" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A . Equally balanced. B . Calm. C . Equally spaced. D . Smooth.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        When we think of the term women of Influence, what comes to our mind? Are they women who have social status and power, whose work brings about great changes for their communities, countries and the world? As women of influence their work is important.

        There are other women of influence whose roles are equally as important but often go unnoticed in social media. The roles our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts play in our lives, influencing the people we've grown to be. These women also lead by example with love, strength, gentleness. They made and continue to make personal sacrifices (牺牲) so that we can be healthy and happy.

        There are many women in my life who have helped me grow into the woman I am today. First my Mom, whose strength and courage showed me how to be strong and courageous too. My memories of her still fill me with love and inspiration. My grandmother taught me by example, how to age gracefully while continuing to stay connected to the world around her even when she became too old to go out.

        I am grateful to many friends of all ages, who share my joys, my sorrows, celebrated my strengths as well as my weaknesses. Without the influence of all these women in my life I would not be the woman I am today. For each and every one of these beautiful women, I am deeply grateful for their wisdom, love and guidance along my life journey.

        I would like to wish all the women of the world a Happy Mothers day. You make a difference to the men, women and children who come into contact with you each and every day. No matter what your role is, you are a woman of influence.

    (1) How is the passage mainly developed?
    A . In order of time. B . In order of space. C . By listing examples. D . By giving explanations.
    (2) What's the author's attitude towards the women around her?
    A . Proud. B . Uncertain. C . Disappointed. D . Thankful.
    (3) What can we infer from the passage?
    A . Women of Influence must make great contributions. B . Women of Influence must have social status and power. C . Women of Influence affect us greatly in our daily life. D . Women of Influence make a little difference to the public.
    (4) What is the purpose of the text?
    A . To encourage girls to be great women. B . To show love to the women around us. C . To explain the phrase women of influence. D . To introduce women of influence in social media.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10分)

    Ways To Celebrate Life

        After Nancy's son, Josh, passed away unexpectedly, she has been seeking a way to honor his birthday. With each passing birthday, she adds one more item to the list.


         If you don't feel good, a smile can trick your brain into feeling better.


        Call someone who is ill or lonely. Listen to their story. Take the time.

        Playing music

        Listen to music that touches your heart and soul. Sing in the shower, or out loud if you are comfortable.


        Re-watch your favorite funny or happy movie in your most comfortable clothes.

        Going outside

        Go outdoors to a natural surroundings. Sit in a comfortable place. Close your eyes. Listen to the world. It's all an extension (延伸) of you!

        Place this list in an envelope and revisit it periodically to see how you are celebrating YOURSELF! If you are good to yourself, you can be much better to those around you.

    A. Making plans.

    B. Looking back.

    C. Tell them your story, if they ask.

    D. Your breath connects you truly to nature.

    E. Take a day, or a few hours to do what you want to.

    F. Smiling makes you and those around you feel good.

    G. Now Nancy would like to share these ways to celebrate life.



  • 21. 每句中有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    (1) It's no use cry over the spilt milk.
    (2) Whomever asks him for help, he is ready to help.
    (3) The young girl devotes all her spare time learning the Chinese paper cutting.
    (4) Know that you are interested in Dragon Boat Festival, I'd like to introduce it to you.
    (5) Phoebe received an e-mail the other day in which said her uncle was coming to visit her.


  • 22. 假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将举办英语作文大赛。你有意参加,请你用英语给负责人Mr. White写一封邮件,询问相关信息。要点如下:





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