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  • 1. 阅读理解

        When you're looking forward to taking a holiday in Egypt, you're certainly not short of choices. The country has so many to see that you'll probably not want to limit yourself to just one city.

        Hurghada-A Water Sports Paradise

        With 250 hotels ranking from comfortable 3-star hotels up to 5 - star accommodation, the main attraction of staying here is the activities in and on the warm waters. It has become an intemational centre for water sports, allowing visitors to take part in surfing, sailing and deep-sea fishing. The waters are also home to a huge variety of coral and fish, making it a dream spot for diving. If all that isn't enough, Hurghada is home to some of the world's finest underwater gardens.

        Luxor-An Open-air Museum of Ancient History

        For those with an interest in egyptian history, Luxor is an excellent place to stay and is built upon the site of the ancient egyptian city of Thebes. If you make this the base for your Egypt holiday, you're basically staying in an open-air museum! The modern city of Luxor has the ruins of Karnak. Across the Nile lie many more monuments, temples and tombs including the Valley of the Kings and the Queens. The Nile sailing is necessary for those with an interest in the country's ancient history.

        Cairo-The Capital City

        Finally, of course, there's Cairo. It's definitely a starting point for most of Egypt holidaymakers. Cairo offers an excellent mix of culture, art, cooking and sightseeing chances. With the famous pyramids, various temples and some fascinating museums, Cairo is a fantastic choice if you can come to the city.

    (1) Visitors flood to Hurghada mainly because it can offer them _________.
    A . an open -air museum B . choices of water activities C . a brief history of Egypt D . the mix of culture and art
    (2) Which of the following cities do most tourists visit first in Egypt?
    A . Cairo B . Luxor C . Thebes. D . Hurghada.
    (3) This passage is most probably taken from _________.
    A . a historical document B . a science magazine C . a travel guide D . a book review
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Have you ever noticed that your fingertips are wrinkled (起皱的) when you've just finished swimming or washing dishes? It seems as if your hands have aged 30 years in a second. But is this an accident? Or is it something that nature has built into our bodies?

        "If your finger's wrinkling up had no use at all, it wouldn't need to." Professor Tom Smulders from Newcastle University UK told BBC News. By studying wet fingers closely, Smulders and his partners found that the wrinkles looked a bit like the patterns on the car tire or the bottom of the running shoes. So they made a guess that wrinkles on fingers might be able to help the hand hold things more tightly.

        To test this, researchers asked 20 people to pick up marbles (大理石) from water with their hands. But before they started, some of the people had to keep their hands in water for half an hour. The researchers found that the people with wrinkled fingers completed the task faster than those with dry hands. But when they were asked to move dry marbles, all the people performed equally well no matter they had the wrinkled fingers or not. Researchers said our ancestors might not have played with marbles but wrinkled fingers could have made it easier for them to climb around in the wet forests and catch fish from rivers. Similarly, our toes also get wrinkled in water. This may have developed from our ancestors need to run on wet ground.

        But the question is if wrinkled fingers are so helpful, why don't our hands just stay that way all the time? Researchers explained that wrinkling had its disadvantage: wet fingertips are far less sensitive than smooth ones, reducing our sense of touch.

    (1) What does the underlined word "this" in the third paragraph refer to?
    A . Whether fingers have wrinkles after they are put in water. B . Whether wrinkled fingers can hold things more tightly. C . Why keeping things in water makes them wrinkled. D . Why wrinkles help hands hold things more tightly.
    (2) The test shows that _________.
    A . wrinkled hands hold dry things more tightly than dry hands do B . dry hands hold dry things more tightly than wrinkled hands do C . wrinkled hands hold wet things more tightly than dry hands do D . dry hands hold wet things more tightly than wrinkled hands do
    (3) What might be the disadvantage of wrinkled fingers?
    A . They are too sensitive to be touched. B . They might be more likely to get hurt. C . They cannot hold things tightly enough. D . They are not so sensitive as dry fingers.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        To bring the Olympic spirit to developing nations in the late 1990s, the Olympic Committee allowed a small number of "wild card" athletes to join the Games. But because they didn't have to go through any qualifying rounds to compete, when they arrived, not all of the competitors were prepared. One such athlete was a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea named Eric Moussambani. When Moussambani arrived at the 2000 Sydney Games, he'd only been training for the 100-meter freestyle for about eight months. He'd also never been in an Olympic-size pool and had never raced more than 50 meters. Regardless, he was determined to represent his country.

        The three wild-card athletes were given their own race, and Moussambani was next to the other two swimmers from Niger and Tajikistan. When the official called the swimmers to begin the game, both of Moussambani's competitors were disqualified for false starts. Left to swim by himself, Moussambani dove in and dog paddled, breathing for air and moving his arms and legs. Halfway through the race, the situation looked so serious that the audience seriously worried he was drowning.

        When Moussambani finally passed the finish line and pulled himself from the water, the applause thundered. His final time was 1:52.72 - more than twice that of swimmers in the previous race. But Moussambani couldn't have been happier. He told reporters, "I' m going to jump and dance all night long in celebration of my personal success."

        Moussambani's courage and determination made him an Olympic celebrity (名人). He kept training for the 2004 Games and even got his time down to a respectable 57 seconds.

    (1) What can we infer about "wild card" athletes?
    A . They arrive late. B . They are well-prepared. C . They are the best athletes. D . They are from developing countries.
    (2) How did Moussambani do in the race?
    A . He lost in the race. B . He swam unskillfully. C . He failed at the beginning. D . He disappointed everyone.
    (3) How did Moussambani feel after finishing the race?
    A . Extremely excited. B . Quite ashamed. C . Very disappointed. D . Pretty calm.
    (4) Which words can best describe Moussambani?
    A . Smart and flexible. B . Patient and careful. C . Brave and determined. D . Optimistic and modest.


  • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        What if I miss the early bus? Will I succeed in passing the English exam?  Stop! The self-doubt stops right here. Here are some suggestions you can do to solve the negative idea and start believing in yourself.

        Believe in yourself

        The first step to overcome anything is to know about yourself. Once you have some negative ideas, that is to say, you are doubting yourself. You must think you can do it. As you realize your self-doubt, you will get quicker at confirming and stopping it. See? .

        Take a break

        Sometimes it is our mind that goes against us. Wherever you find yourself having doubts, take a break.  Ask yourself what made you get into this situation. It will get you to realize why you started it in the first place.

          Too often we determine how we feel about ourselves according to what other people about us. Our self-worth is just dependent upon what we think of ourselves. So we must break free from the chairs that tell us our self-worth is recognized by other people.

        Find support

          Find support through friends and read inspirational books. Sometimes we all need to hear something that will get us moving again. We also need to communicate with others who understand us.

    A. Take it easy.

    B. Free yourself.

    C. Give yourself time to think.

    D. It's not always easy doing things alone.

    E. This is already a step in the right direction.

    F. What if I never find out my life's purpose?

    G. Because once you give up, no one can help you.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        There was once a little ragged girl who lived with her widowed (丧偶的) mother. She had few clothes to wear and those that she had were old and 1. However, her mother made sure that she was clean and 2. Even though, her schoolmates always 3 her.

        One day before Christmas, she saw two boys 4 on her way home. One of the boys hit the other boy hard, took the coat off his back and ran off with it. The other boy 5 to run after him but fell down. The ragged girl ran up to the boy on the 6. She was surprised to find it was the 7 boy who had always made fun of her at school. 8, she took off her coat and gave it to the boy. Then, she walked the boy to his 9.

        After hearing what had happened, the boy's mother was very 10 to the little girl for her help and gave her a brand new coat. "I had bought that coat for my niece for Christmas, 11 I think you deserve it much more." she said.

        Then the mother drove the little ragged girl to her own front door. The little girl 12 the woman and ran into the house to show her mother the 13 coat. After she had finished telling her story, she saw that her mother was 14.

        "I thought you would be 15, Mama." she said softly. "But if you are not happy, I'll take the coat 16."

        "I' m not unhappy, honey," she wiped her tears. "Instead, I'm filled with 17. I knew that I would never be able to 18 a new coat for you, but you got one because of your 19 deed. I'm proud of you."

        "You know, the little ragged girl said as she wiped her mothe'rs tears," I really am very rich to have a 20 like you."

    A . worn B . dirty C . fitted D . fashionable
    A . pretty B . safe C . healthy D . tidy
    A . laughed at B . looked after C . depended on D . worried about
    A . jumping B . talking C . fighting D . walking
    A . continued B . wanted C . pretended D . stopped
    A . ground B . bed C . grass D . platform
    A . only B . very C . last D . other
    A . Therefore B . Moreover C . However D . Otherwise
    A . school B . class C . house D . camp
    A . polite B . familiar C . useful D . grateful
    A . so B . but C . though D . because
    A . thanked B . welcomed C . helped D . praised
    A . warm B . new C . beautiful D . expensive
    A . thinking B . trembling C . crying D . hesitating
    A . happy B . surprised C . satisfied D . confident
    A . on B . around C . back D . out
    A . relief B . shame C . horror D . joy
    A . make B . buy C . borrow D . choose
    A . brave B . honest C . careful D . good
    A . friend B . model C . supporter D . mother


  • 6. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院) fire

        It feels as though the very heart of France and the soul of Europe have been broken. The fire of Notre Dame in Paris  Monday evening was an act of blind and terrible destruction,  (cause) great emotional pains to us all. We all share France's terrible loss.

        The fire struck  (quick) and uncontrollably. It gathered force with huge power. Much of the roof and the central building caught fire. After an hour or so, the Paris firefighters were able  (get) part of the fire under some degree of control and to protect other  (part) of the building that may survive. As night  (fall), the great west towers still stood against the sky, proud but hurt.

        The Notre Dame is the symbol of the French capital and of France itself. It  (be) in its place since the 12th century. It is world famous not simply as a Parisian building but through the  (write) of Victor Hugo,  made the building itself come alive in his novel Hunchback of Notre Dame.

        We believe the Dame will rise again in time. This terrible fire is not an event that should  (ignore) or quickly forgotten. We stand with France in its hour of heartbreak. We will never, ever, turn away.



  • 12. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


    删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




        On April 5, to celebrate the Qingming Festival, our class organize a trip to the Memorial of Crossing the-Yangtze-River Campaign, that lies on the north bank of the Chaohu Lake in Hefei. The main building of the Memorial looks like a huge warship. How impressively the sight is! At the first, we together presented flowers to honoring those great people. They fought for the free of our country. But then we toured around the Memorial. We viewed the pictures and valuable object of that time and listened the guide's introduction. Only then did we truly began to realize the importance of peace.


  • 13. 假如你是李华。你的英国朋友Jack发来邮件,想了解中国茶文化常识。现在,请你给他回信,内容包括:





    Dear Jack,

        I'm so proud that you are interested in Chinese tea and its culture.

        Looking forward to your reply!


    Li Hua
