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  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) What might the two speakers be?
    A . Journalists. B . Workers. C . Tourists.
    (2) What will the two speakers do?
    A . Help clean the ships. B . Take pictures of the ships. C . Finish their homework.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) What did the man do last Christmas?
    A . He worked as a postman. B . He went fruit-picking. C . He did some babysitting.
    (2) Why does the man choose the flat?
    A . He likes living with others. B . He lacks money. C . It is tidy and large.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
    A . Interviewer and interviewee. B . Co-workers. C . Friends.
    (2) What is the man's major?
    A . Marketing. B . Commerce. C . Management.
    (3) What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
    A . Jobs. B . Majors. C . Habits.
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) Where does the conversation take place?
    A . At the registration office. B . In a drugstore. C . In the consulting room.
    (2) What do we know about the man?
    A . He moved to the city last night. B . He is visiting a friend in hospital. C . He might have a cold.
    (3) Who is the woman probably?
    A . A nurse. B . A doctor. C . The man's friend.
    (4) Which department should the man go?
    A . The internal department B . The surgical department. C . The medical department.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    (1) How should people use the target language according to the speaker?
    A . Read more books. B . Talk with native speakers. C . Listen to the radio.
    (2) What is the speaker's second suggestion?
    A . Watching movies as often as possible. B . Keeping a situational notebook. C . Listening to the target language regularly.
    (3) What does the speaker say about learning abroad?
    A . It helps learners become interested in the language. B . It helps learners form good habits. C . It helps learners learn easier, faster and more enjoyable.
    (4) What can we learn from the passage?
    A . Keeping a situational notebook is helpful to remember particular phrases. B . If you want to learn something, you'd better go abroad. C . Watching TV is of no use to learn a language.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Dear Editor of Macquarie Dictionary,

        My name is Wendy, a second generation Chinese-Australian migrant and a mother of two young children. I'm writing to express my disappointment in one of Macquare Dictionary's entries, namely the definition of the word "monolid".

        In both the paper version (7th edition) and online version of the Dictionary, Macquarie defines "monolid" as: "An upper eyelid(眼睑) without a fold, perceived by some in Asia to give an appearance of laziness. "This definition has disturbed me and many Asians living in Australia. Linguistically(从语言学角度), the term "monolid" is a pretty unbiased description of a physical characteristic that involves no feelings, common to over 50% of people of East Asian origin. It's no different to other terms describing a physical feature including "blonde" or "freckle".

        Take a minute and consider this. Would it be appropriate if the definition of "blonde" became "having fair or light-coloured hair, thought by some in Western countries as possessing little or no intelligence"? Or would it be appropriate if the definition of "freckle" was "a small brownish spot in the skin or face, thought by some as creating an ugly appearance"?

        In addition, it is also inappropriate that Macquarie Dictionary—a dictionary of choice by many Australian schools—defines a term in a way which may create negative racial connection for Australian children of East Asian origin. Both my kids are born with monolids, a constant reminder of their cultural background. It therefore breaks my heart to imagine a scene where they turn to the dictionary to find that their physical feature is associated with "laziness". What if they get teased by their school friends that they are born "lazy"? What if my sensitive older son starts hating himself and his race classification for being associated with something negative?

        For the reasons above, I urge Macquarie Dictionary to adjust the current definition of "monolid". Looking forward to hearing from you

    Regards, Wendy

    (1) What does "unbiased" underlined in paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A . General. B . Precise. C . Subjective. D . Objective.
    (2) What is the function of paragraph 3?
    A . Calling for readers' attention. B . Supporting the author's position. C . Raising the author's concern. D . Introducing two words in the dictionary.
    (3) In what way is the author worried about her children?
    A . They might get into bad habit and be lazy. B . They might choose to use the dictionary. C . They might become victims of the definition. D . They might have monolids.
  • 12. 阅读理解

        A new study suggests household cats can respond to the sound of their own names. No surprise to most cat owners, right? But Japanese scientists said that they've provided the first experimental evidence that cats can distinguish between words we say. So your cats are kind of like dogs, whose communication with people has been studied a lot more, and who've been shown to recognize hundreds of words if they're highly trained.

        Atsuko Saito of Sophia University in Tokyo says there's no evidence cats actually attach meaning to our words, not even their own names. Instead, they've learned that when they hear their names they often get rewards like food or play, or something bad like a trip to the ve(t兽医). And they hear their names a lot. So the sound of it becomes special, even if they don't really understand it refers to their identity.

        Saito and colleagues describe the results of their research in the journal Scientific Reports. In four experiments with 16 to 34 animals, each cat heard a recording of its owner's voice, or another person's voice, which slowly recited a list of four nouns or other cat's names, followed by the cat's own name. Many cats initially reacted— such as by moving their heads, ears or tails—but gradually lost interest as the words were read. The crucial (关键的) question was whether they'd respond more to their name. Sure enough, on average, these cats perked up when they heard their own name as if delicious food would be offered.

        Kristyn Vitale, who studies cat behavior at Oregon State University in Corvallis but didn't participate in the new work, said the results "make complete sense to me.' 'Vitale, who said she has trained cats to respond to verbal commands, agreed that the new results don't mean that cats actually make sense of their names. It's more like being trained to recognize a sound, she said.

    (1) What did Saito and his colleagues find in the research?
    A . Cats may know the meaning of owner's words. B . Cats may not be able to understand people's words. C . Dogs are cleverer than cats in understanding humans. D . Both dogs and cats can recognize sounds after training.
    (2) What does the underlined phrase "perked up" mean in Paragraph 3?
    A . watched out B . waked up C . stood out D . cheered up
    (3) What does Vitale think of Saito's research results?
    A . Doubtful. B . Disapproving. C . Favourable. D . Cautious.
    (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A . What do names mean for cats? B . Cats and Dogs Which is cleverer? C . How do cats respond to their names? D . Can cats react to the sound of their names?
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Understanding what teens are talking about has been a great problem for parents and teachers for ages.

        One high school teacher in Massachusetts found a smart solution.

        James Callahan of Lowell High School created a spreadsheet (电子表格) of all the spoken terms students have used along with his attempt to define them, and people on social media are having a field day. "I often overhear students in the hallways or classrooms using words or slang terms in their personal conversations," Callahan told reporters. "In order to understand them better and form a relationship with them on a personal level, I started asking them what certain words meant."

        He even posted online a photo of a four-page document titled" Callahan's Generation Z Dictionary". In the left column, he typed out vocabularies like "sis" and "snack". In the right column, he attempts to define each vocabulary using a formal interpretation of what the students say. For example, "secure (d) the bag" translates loosely into "money received".

        Some people applauded the professor's interest in teenage culture." The typical teacher-student relationship involves a rigid power structure, but in my experience, I have found that students are more engaged and perform better if I am able to reach where they are," Callahan said. Some students say Callahan showed the document in class so that the class could help him update the definitions of "bops" and "jams". "Mr. Callahan asked if any enjoyable song is a ‘bop' and someone clarified, saying that the song has to be modern with the element of dancing," one of his students said. "Mr. Callahan asked if an old song or a rock &roll piece can be a 'bop' to which a student answered, matter-of-factly: 'No. That is a jam.'"

        Surprised at and excited about the fact that the dictionary went viral online, Callahan said the unofficial guide to teenage breaks up the lesson, gets the students involved and provides them with some ownership of the dictionary. "Language is so flexible, and every generation creates their own vocabulary bank of slang. The students created it and I am sort of just the recorder!"

    (1) Why did Callahan create "Callahan's Generation Z Dictionary"?
    A . To better connect with students. B . To improve students' interest in learning. C . To help parents understand children better. D . To change the traditional teacher-student relationship.
    (2) What does the Paragraph 3 focus on?
    A . The name of the dictionary. B . The phrase of the dictionary collected. C . The structure of the dictionary. D . The photo posted on the Internet.
    (3) Which might be a "bop" according to the Callahan's dictionary?
    A . Modern piano music. B . Pop music with dance. C . Classical jazz music. D . Rock&roll music.


  • 14. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Being content with what you do and your life can be troublesome these days. However, you can start being satisfied with what you have with some steps.

        There are times when some friends simply get too busy and with the passage of time visits and meet-up become less frequent. If there is anything that can help you be more content with your life, social media is certainly not the answer.  That is simply so much better than letting your time just fly by in front of electronic devices.

        Finishing reading a book is also a good idea. We all know reading excites the mind. It can also improve your focus, concentration and communication skills. The reason we did not ask you to start reading a book is that finishing reading a book is far more satisfying than simply reading halfway through it.

        If you are stuck in a 9-to-5 job, then you need to seriously reconsider your physical activity. As time flies by, we all get older. So, exercise or join a sports club if you can. Exercising will not only improve your overall ability but also make you look good and know your true strength.

        However, simply giving your change to a homeless person wouldn't cut it. You need to find a cause that you deeply care about and then commit to it wholeheartedly. This will give you an opportunity to see how your small acts of kindness can bring out the best in you and the society.

    A. Being selfless brings you more satisfaction.

    B. You'd better start reading an interesting book.

    C. Instead, you need to connect with an old friend.

    D. So, pick up a nice book now and make it into a habit.

    E. It is a great way to channel your energy in the right direction.

    F. It works well in reducing stress and increasing your knowledge.

    G. What you do with your body today can help you stay healthy in the future.


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Woody Davis had always been generous and kind. He never earned much money, but always1to everybody and aided others. A local resident said he wouldn't ask for2for the services he provided." I wrote a check to him and3it secretly in his pocket. You can't hand it to him because you will meet with4."

        Folks in town are5for the good deeds he's done over the last 50 years. Last year, they decided to try and return some of that 6. They started by cutting his firewood for winter. A couple of guys7his old and broken truck. Woody's son, Clint Davis, said he didn't know how much the community8his father until now. He said all the work his dad did for people has been9ten times and that anyone can't buy the10that people have poured out for his dad.

        Unfortunately, Woody's days were11. About a year ago, Woody contracted ALS(肌萎缩侧索硬化症).

        When CBS News12him in January, his health was declining rapidly. He was   already   13to lift and talk, but his spirit was completely14. Woody told the reporter that he could hardly15help offered by local people. "I feel lucky that I am dying slowly," Woody said. His words seemed16. Woody explained that he was glad17he got to see how people felt about him and what he18meant to them before he died.

        The funeral was on Tuesday. About 700 people showed up to pay their last19. After the service, people gave Woody the20wave he had given them every day.

    A . waved B . pointed C . apologized D . appealed
    A . advice B . support C . payment D . permission
    A . threw B . stuck C . covered D . folded
    A . anger B . trouble C . sympathy D . resistance
    A . eager B . ready C . grateful D . concerned
    A . mercy B . goodwill C . choice D . reward
    A . fixed up B . turned in C . took apart D . pulled over
    A . made out B . stood by C . took in D . cared about
    A . repeated B . understood C . repaid D . accomplished
    A . love B . hope C . memory D . expectation
    A . concluded B . lengthened C . treasured D . numbered
    A . recognized B . interviewed C . consulted D . comforted
    A . preparing B . attempting C . struggling D . managing
    A . unreasonable B . unmoved C . untouched D . unstable
    A . suspect B . accept C . appreciate D . believe
    A . strange B . powerful C . simple D . awkward
    A . though B . because C . once D . unless
    A . fortunately B . gently C . normally D . actually
    A . greetings B . respects C . sympathies D . regrets
    A . same B . special C . awesome D . classic


  • 16. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        To become an astronaut, for many (enthusiasm) space explorers around the world, is a childhood dream. Have you ever wondered one becomes a NASA astronaut?

        It begins with filling out an application. The US space agency received more than 18,000 applications from when (announce) late last year that it was looking for a new class of astronauts. Selection manager Anne Roemer said the process is not easy task." It's very hard. We should review all the files to make sure they meet the basic (require)," Roemer said.

        Applicants must be a US citizen and have a bachelor's degree in engineering, science, computer or mathematics. They also need at least three years of (relate) experience or to be an experienced pilot. being able to pass a physical test, NASA also likes applicants to have certain personality traits." I think leadership and teamwork are much importance," Roemer said, "Communication certainly plays a role, is pretty common skill even in other professions."

        Since the first group of seven astronauts were selected from the military in 1959, only 338 others (choose) as NASA astronauts.

七、书面表达(共两节,满分 40 分)

  • 17. 假设你是李华,某国际中学学生。你打算高中毕业后到国外留学,但是不知如何申请国外的大学及




    注意:①词数 80 左右;


    Dear Li Yue,



    Li Hua

  • 18. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

        Ally curled(蜷曲) herself up in his father's favorite chair. "Nothing will ever be the same again," she whispered, staring at the small American flag on his desk. It was the flag which Chief Russell had given to her after the funeral last summer, when he hugged her and told her how proud the Police Department was of her dad's work for them. His tears had warmed Ally's cheeks; her own tears were still frozen inside her heart.

        Ally looked at her father's picture on the bookcase. It was one of her favorite shots. Dad was sitting in the middle of a stream, wet through but grinning proudly. "I miss you, Dad," she said softly .By this time last year she had already taken dozens of pictures. Ever since she could remember, she and Dad had been a team, searching the woods behind the house each weekend for a glimpse of the special wood warbler(林中莺).

        Ally reached for the first photo album she and Dad had put together. On the cover a tiny orange bird with blue-gray wings and sharp black eyes peered out of the photo her father had clipped from a local newspaper. Ally smiled, remembering the excited look on his face when he first showed her the pretty bird. "Ally, I bet if we search real hard, we'll see this little guy together some day."

        They'd never spotted the warbler, but her father had an amazing way of making each outing seem special.

        Staying with Dad, Ally felt comfortable, "If only I could get that good feeling back," she thought, sighing.

        Staring at the bird, suddenly, she knew exactly what she had to do. Grabbing the little flag, she placed her camera around her neck and hurried outside. Ally stuck the flag among the flowers in the garden. "Please let me see the warbler," she murmured to herself. She gave her worried Mom a kiss and then set off into the woods.





    Paragraph 1:

        Familiar smells of the earth rose up to greet her.  

    Paragraph 2:

        Determined to start out the next morning, she was about to head home when a ringing birdsong floated down to her.  
