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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Volunteer Day

        What better way is there to enjoy your own hobbies while helping others at the same time? Come to Volunteer Day and choose which activity you'd like to join for the day. See below for a schedule of events on Volunteer Day.

        Volunteer Day schedule:

        7:30a.m.: Meet at the Community (社区) Center for juice and bagels.

        8:00—8:30 a.m.: Choose which activity you'd like to help with for the day.

        8:30 a.m.: Board the bus to your activity site.

        9:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m.: Work as a volunteer.

        3:30 p.m.: Board the bus that will take you back to the Community Center.

        See below for a list of volunteer opportunities for Volunteer Day so you can begin thinking about which activity you might want to join.

        A list of volunteer activities:

        Paint houses: Do you enjoy making art? If so, this volunteer opportunity might be just right for you! Happy Homes is a local organization that provides home repairs for needy people in the form of painting. For elderly or physically disabled people who cannot do repairs to their homes, Happy Homes provides volunteer painters to repaint old homes; outside or in. Happy Homes also provides painters to create beautiful wall paintings inside schools or community centers.

        Plant flowers: Do you enjoy being outside in nature? City Parks Association has many great opportunities for people who love to be outdoors. Help plant flowers and bushes in city parks; help lay paths at Cave Springs Park, or help pick up rubbish around the river banks. These activities are very active, so remember to be prepared with plenty of drinking water!

        Read to children: Do you enjoy working with young children? Do you like books? Love and Learning is an organization that provides volunteers to help children with learning disabilities. Read books out loud to groups of children four to six years old, or read one-on-one with struggling readers seven to eight years old.

        Play with animals: Do you love animals? Lovely Friends is an organization that visits local animal shelters and provides volunteers to spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned. Play with puppies, snuggle with cats, or hand-feed rabbits.

    (1) At what time do volunteers leave for their activity sites?
    A . 7:30 a.m. B . 8:00 a.m. C . 8:30 a.m. D . 9:00 a.m.
    (2) An outdoor lover probably takes part in      .
    A . Plant flowers B . Paint houses C . Read to children D . Play with animals
    (3) What do Lovely Friends volunteers do?
    A . Read books to children. B . Spend time with animals. C . Help plant bushes in parks. D . Pick up garbage along the river.
    (4) The purpose of the passage is to      .
    A . educate children B . attract volunteers C . comfort the elderly D . encourage the disabled
  • 2. 阅读理解

        New England is the six northeastern states of the United States: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The six states were among the first colonies (殖民地) in America. The colonies were ruled by England, and this is how the area became known as New England. After the Revolutionary (革命的) War the colonies became states.

        Many things are similar in the six New England states. For example, there are many stone walls, fishing villages and forests in these states. The houses and buildings are similar, too. People cut down trees from the forests to make space for their farms and villages.

        They then used wood from the trees and stones from the field to build houses, schools, and churches. Even today, most of the houses in New England are made of wood.

        There are big cities in New England, but there are also small cities and farms, especially in the northern part. There is much industry and business and New England is one of the most populous (人口稠密的) parts of the United States. It has many busy seaports on its long coast. There are always many tourists who enjoy the beautiful lakes, beaches, and mountains and who visit the historical places.

    (1) Why are the six states called New England?
    A . They are now ruled by England. B . They were once colonies of England. C . There were people from England. D . The states were near England.
    (2) What did they use to build their houses?
    A . Stones and trees. B . Rocks and wood. C . Stones and wood. D . Stones and forests.
    (3) Which is NOT true according to the passage?
    A . There are six states in New England. B . The states became known as New England after the Revolutionary War. C . Many tourists come and enjoy themselves. D . The six states have many similar things.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Two graduates from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom found themselves about to graduate, yet with loans to pay off. The pair decided to begin a strange, year-long project to battle their debt.

        The men, Ross Harper and Edward Moyse, set up the website BuyMyFace.com last October as a way to get rid of the £50, 000 they shared as student loans. The idea behind the project was to earn money by selling their faces as advertising space every day for a year. Each day, they advertise a different business by painting the brand's name or logo onto their faces and upload the pictures to the homepage of BuyMyFace.com, adding a link to the advertiser's website and including a short piece of text about it. After they paint their faces and publish them on the website, Harper and Moyse go out to highly populated areas such as music festivals and theme parks to maximize their faces' exposure. They hope more people will pay attention to the advertisements on their faces.

        At this time, Harper and Moyse have advertised their faces for over four months without skipping a day and they're more than halfway to their goal. Though they first started charging a minimum of about £1.60 per company, the prices have risen as their popularity increases. For advertising space during the rest of April, they range between £250 and £750. Terri L. Rittenburg, associate professor of marketing at the University of Wyoming, said that she had heard of people tattooing (纹身) logos on themselves before, but this idea is much better. According to her, at first the idea would be new and unusual and attract attention. People are interested in this particular style of advertisement and would like to try what they advertise. But she is unsure how long it would last.

        At least for now, companies that have bought Harper and Moyse's faces have written positive comments on the pair's website. "We had a three percent increase in website traffic on the very day and for two days more afterwards," said one of the companies.

    (1) Harper and Moyse go to highly populated areas to     .
    A . offer their help B . make more friends C . show their faces D . raise more money
    (2) We can infer from the passage that the two young men     .
    A . get on well with their project B . work hard except on holidays C . plan to open their own company D . may close their website in future
    (3) Why does the men's idea of advertising prove to work?
    A . Because an expert has highly praised them. B . Because people find it unique and appealing. C . Because the products they advertise are reliable. D . Because they receive great help from businesses.


  • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Do you enjoy your work? Maybe you do or maybe you don't. Chances are that you fall somewhere in the middle: you have good days and bad days, and you could definitely be happier than you currently are..

        Be Friendly to Your Colleagues

        In some big offices, people might not even say "good morning" to one another. . You might think that you have nothing in common with them, but if you strike up a conversation, you may well find that they share some of your interests, hopes or ambitions.

        Focus on How You're Helping Clients

        Some jobs are pretty tiresome — there's no way round that. Whatever you're doing, though, you're helping someone.

        Perhaps you work in McDonalds, helping customers who want a cheap, quick meal. Perhaps you do data entry, helping a big company to get their records organized so that they can take better care of their clients. In most jobs, you've got the potential to make someone else's day that bit better..

        Do Your Hardest Task First

        Have you ever put off a difficult phone call or a high­pressure task for days and days, only to find it appears larger and larger in your mind? I've read a lot of productivity advice over the past few years, and something that almost all experts seem to agree on is that it's a good idea to get tough tasks out of the way as quickly as possible.. Plus, you'll constantly have that task hanging over you and dragging your mood down.


        Try eating at regular intervals — and go for healthy, tasty foods which make you feel energized rather than sluggish. Fresh fruit is a great snack option, or you can have dried fruit, nuts and/or seeds. Don't forget to drink enough water, too.

        These are all little, but significant, ways to be happier at work today. Put them into practice and you will feel inspired!

    A.Eat Sensibly and Regularly

    B.Eat Outside during Your Lunch Break

    C.Here are several ways to be happier at work

    D.The longer you wait, the more resistant you will feel

    E.Doing that will almost certainly put a smile on your face

    F.It costs nothing to be polite and friendly to your colleagues

    G.Look for some small items to bring a bit of happiness into your day


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        When Mrs Green asked us to discover our professions(职业), the whole class seemed to be greatly surprised. Our professions? We were only 13 and 14 years old! The teacher must be 1. "Yes, you will all be searching for your future 2. Each of you will have to 3 someone in your field and give an oral report."

        Each day in her class, Mrs Green talked about this. Finally, I picked print journalism(新闻业). This 4 I had to go to interview a true newspaper reporter. I was nervous. I sat down in front of him 5 able to speak. He looked at me and said, "Did you bring a pencil or pen?"

        I shook my head.

        "How about some 6?"

        I shook my head again.

        Finally, I thought he 7 I was nervous, and I got my first big tip as a 8:"Never, never go anywhere without a pen and paper. You never know what you'll run into." After a few days, I gave my oral report totally from9in class. I got an A on the project.

        Years later, I was in college looking around for a new career(职业), but with no success. Then I10 Mrs Green and my dream at 13 to be a journalist. And I called my parents. They didn't 11 me. They just reminded(提醒) me how competitive the field was and 12 all my life I had to run away from competition. This was true. But journalism did something to me; it was in my13. It gave me the freedom to go up to total strangers and ask what was 14.

        For the past 12 years, I've had the most satisfying reporting career, 15 stories from Olympic Games to car accidents and 16 choosing my strongest area. 17 I went to pick up my phone one day, an incredible(令人难以置信的)wave of memories hit me and I realized that 18 Mrs Green I was able to be sitting at that desk.

        I get 19 all the time: "How did you pick journalism?"

        "Well, you see, there was a teacher…" I just wish I could 20 her.

    A . embarrassing B . mad C . patient D . enthusiastic
    A . universities B . families C . professions D . lives
    A . interview B . describe C . admire D . face
    A . considered B . ordered C . expected D . meant
    A . hardly B . nearly C . naturally D . completely
    A . preparations B . newspapers C . drink D . paper
    A . realized B . imagined C . impressed D . admitted
    A . student B . journalist C . teacher D . writer
    A . notes B . books C . imagination D . memory
    A . called B . remembered C . recognized D . visited
    A . answer B . laugh C . stop D . promise
    A . how B . whether C . when D . where
    A . life B . body C . blood D . opinion
    A . coming in B . coming out C . going up D . going on
    A . creating B . finding C . covering D . writing
    A . finally B . firstly C . of course D . in all
    A . While B . When C . As long as D . Once
    A . refer to B . thanks to C . up to D . thanks for
    A . hurt B . examined C . tested D . asked
    A . respect B . support C . thank D . favor


  • 6. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Today I will share a true story about an overseas student  studied in Germany.

        After years of hard work, this student graduated with (amaze) achievements. Everyone was sure that he was going to get a good job easily and have a bright future. But to his surprise, he was not even given the chance for  interview! The third time he  (refuse), he couldn't help (telephone) the company to ask why they didn't want him. The answer was simple. "We don't offer jobs to dishonest people in Germany."

        You might wonder what was wrong. The truth is, shortly after he  (arrive) in Germany, this clever student found that  was easy to skip(逃票) buying subway tickets in this country. So in order to save money, he often went in the subway without a ticket. As a result, he had been caught without a ticket many  (time).

        From this story, we learn that we may get short-term benefits(好处)in dishonest ways,  the truth will come out sooner or later and the cost is high. So remember that (honest) is the rule.


  • 7. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Alice 对中国艺术感兴趣,特写信请你向他介绍中国传统艺术。请依据下列要点,给其写封回信。





    提示词:年画Chinese New Year paintings

    Dear Alice,



    Li Hua

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容摘要。

        Most students experience a lot of stress while preparing for exams, as both their parents and teachers expect them to get high scores. Students who feel anxious are likely to experience problems like difficulty in concentrating while studying, confusion, feeling stressed while looking at difficult questions, feeling blank, sweating, sleepless, etc. In this case, they end up scoring less than they could have. Therefore, it's very important for students to learn about how to overcome(克服)fear, so that they can take their examination confidently, finally earning good grades. Here are some advice on ways to overcome exam fear.

        There are many students who take studies lightly, leaving everything to be studied at the last minute. As a result, when exams are coming, they feel scared, as they don't know where to start, and what to study. So the easiest way of overcoming this problem is to start studying much before the exam. Another common mistake is that many students don't make an effort(努力)to understand the subject. When they have remembered things without understanding them, the chances of forgetting are more. Therefore, it is important to understand it before remembering something. In this way, you will never forget any important point. Besides, that the exams are coming does not mean that you have to sit with your books for the whole day, and students should take a rest to relax and refresh their mind. However, they should avoid watching too much TV and addicting themselves to the Internet, in which way, they are more likely to waste time.

        Besides the tips above, here are some points that will help students deal with exam-related anxiety. For example, before the exam, avoid studying anything new or having conversations with your classmates about what they have studied and how much they have studied, both of which will make you more nervous.
