
修改时间:2019-08-13 浏览次数:399 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. —Where can we park        car?

    —Don't worry. There's sure to be        parking lot nearby.

    A . the; the B . the; a C . 不填; a D . 不填; the
  • 2. The foreigners here are greatly impressed by the face that _______ people from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Tianjin.
    A . /; a B . /; the C . a; a D . the; the
  • 3. Ted couldn't remember the exact date of the storm, but he knew it was        Sunday because everybody was at         church.
    A . /, the B . a, / C . /, a D . the, /
  • 4. Take your time it's just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant.
    A . 不填;the B . 不填;a C . the; a D . a; the
  • 5. — Of the two bags, which one do you prefer?

    — __________bigger one. It's_________ most beautiful one, I think.

    A . The; a B . The; the C . A; / D . A; the
  • 6. —It's said John will be in a job paying over $60,000     year.

    —Right, he will also get paid by      week.

    A . the; the B . a; the C . the; a D . a; a
  • 7. —Would you mind giving some advice on how to improve our study?

    —If you make______most of the time,there will be______rise in your study efficiency.

    A . /; / B . the; a C . /; a D . the; /
  • 8. When you visit a museum you must ask for _______ permission before taking _______ photographs inside it.

    A . /; / B . a; the C . a; / D . the; the
  • 9. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ________ discovery which completely changed _________ man's understanding of color.

    A . the; a B . a ; the C . a; 不填 D . 不填;the
  • 10. Without _____thorough understanding of China's specific conditions, you can't have ______ say over the only-child policy.

    A . a; the B . the; a C . a; a; D . the; the
  • 11. A study shows that eating one egg _______ day does not appear to raise ________ risk of heart attack.

    A . the; a B . a; a C . a; / D . a; the
  • 12. Confucius Temple,              world cultural heritage, is about 65 kilometres               south of Mount Tai.

    A . the; the B . a; the C . the;不填 D . a;不填
  • 13. Hunger is _____ number one global health risk, so the WFP has organized a lot of programmes, which helps people most at ________risk.

    A . the; / B . a; / C . the;the D . a;a
  • 14. Why don't you go for ________walk?It'll give you ________appetite for your lunch.

    A . a;/ B . a;an C . /;the D . /;an
  • 15. We urge ________ extreme caution in ________ use of this medicine, which has not been officially approved yet.

    A . an; the B . an; 不填 C . 不填; the D . 不填; 不填
  • 16. Towards ___ evening after school, ___ icy rain began to fall and the road became slippery.

    A . the; an B . /; an C . an; an D . an; the
  • 17. Don't take it seriously, Alice. I wasn't making _____ fun of you — it's nothing but _____ joke.

    A . /; the B . the; the C . the; a D . /; a
  • 18. Panama,____ country in Central America, is the only place in the world ____ someone can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic.

    A . the, in what B . a, where C . /, where D . a, which
  • 19. As is known to all, _______ opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games held on November 12th in   
    Guangzhou was _______ great success.

    A . /; a B . the; a C . the; / D . a; /
  • 20. China is seeing ______ growing trend in the number of people owning pets and ______ recent survey finds that one in 13 Chinese now keep animals.

    A . the; a B . a; the C . a; a D . the; the
