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  • 1. Amazing China, a film about China's achievements, is a great             and makes more people proud of our country.
    A . doubt B . success C . result D . decision
  • 2. Our basketball team won't win the match _______ we work together.
    A . if B . since C . while D . unless
  • 3. I won't _______ working hard on the English test even if I fail it.
    A . enjoy B . regret C . consider D . practice
  • 4. Be confident, everyone. We _______ finish the difficult task on time without other's help.
    A . can B . need C . must D . should
  • 5. —Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now, Tom?

    —No, I _______ TV with my friend in my bedroom.

    A . was watching B . watched C . am watching D . watch
  • 6. Susan _______ her friend's invitation, for she has an important meeting to take part in.
    A . cut down B . pulled down C . turned down D . wrote down
  • 7. He would have to accept it, for there was no _______ way.
    A . one B . other C . another D . each
  • 8. His _______ experience helped him a lot when he met with difficulties.
    A . comfortable B . natural C . valuable D . surprising
  • 9. She is always _______ with his parents, and she even tells her secret to them.
    A . bored B . open C . satisfied D . mad
  • 10. Do you remember the boy _______ your Chinese teacher talked with in the hall this morning?
    A . that B . where C . which D . whose
  • 11. —You hate that TV play, don't you?

    —Not _______. I just think it's a bit boring.

    A . likely B . exactly C . nearly D . carefully
  • 12. All of us are proud that we can live peacefully and happily in China _______ the umbrella of our powerful country.
    A . from B . with C . under D . to
  • 13. —Nowadays, many people call themselves "Buddha-like youngsters(佛系青年)".

    —Yes. But I think we shouldn't just accept life for what it is. _______, we should set a goal and try our best to achieve it.

    A . Instead B . Just C . Once D . Even
  • 14. —Excuse me, I wonder _____ I can pay for the new shoes?

    —You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝).

    A . whether B . when C . how D . why
  • 15. —Shall we finish the task now?


    A . The more, the better B . Easier said than done C . The sooner, the better D . The older, the wiser


  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        It's fun to receive presents. It also feels good to give to others. So what's the best way to budget (预算) your money and shop 1 ? Susan Beacham of Money Savvy Generation, a US company that teaches money management skills to kids,2 some advice." My first tip is to make a list," says Beacham. She suggests that kids talk with their families about to 3 they should give gifts and how much they should spend. Take the4 with you to the store. "Make sure that you do the maths," says Beacham. "If you've just spent $30 (184 yuan)5 someone you were going to spend $25 on, you're going to have to spend $5 less on somebody else." The 6 to budgeting is staying within the boundaries (范围) you've set for yourself. What to do if you just can't7 buying things once you're in a mall? The answer is pretty easy – bring only a small amount of money with you.8 you see an expensive item that you really want to buy, wait a few days and see if you're still9 it. Chances are, you won't even remember it. Do you have enough money? If not, make10 . And don't forget – not everyone needs a store-bought gift. Some of the best presents are free.

    A . badly B . easily C . hardly D . wisely
    A . takes B . follows C . learns D . has
    A . whom B . when C . what D . which
    A . book B . map C . list D . wallet
    A . to B . on C . with D . at
    A . key B . way C . answer D . solution
    A . stop B . wait C . remember D . stand
    A . As B . If C . So D . But
    A . thinking over B . thinking about C . thinking up D . thinking for
    A . mistakes B . decisions C . changes D . suggestions
  • 17. 完形填空

        Prana, our beautiful dog, isn't with us anymore. She died several years ago. But while sharing our home, she brought so much joy and love into our lives that we still 1 her.

        It was an autumn day in Minnesota, US. We were 2 by a big snowfall for which no one was prepared. We have two 3 trees in our backyard. Prana loved apples. When she went outside, she'd catch an apple and sneak (偷偷地放) it into the 4 . The apples had been on the ground and were often muddy (沾满泥的). So I wasn't always 5 that Prana had brought them into the house. Every time, she would turn her head so I wouldn't see her hidden 6. It was our little game.

        One year, it snowed earlier than usual. Prana went outside. I noticed that she was madly digging holes and bringing the apples to the 7so they could be seen above the snow. She seemed busy digging up as many apples as possible during her yard time. I wondered 8 she was doing this.

        When I called her back into the house  she had her usual one apple in her mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The yard was full of birds. Prana had 9 all those apples for her bird and squirrel friends to eat. She knew that they didn't have enough food to 10 such an early winter!

        As I saw this beautiful act, tears filled my eyes. Prana taught us how to live life with love.

    A . think B . recognize C . know D . miss
    A . beaten B . hit C . carried D . buried
    A . pear B . apple C . banana D . strawberry
    A . house B . backyard C . car D . hole
    A . angry B . surprised C . happy D . doubtful
    A . pleasure B . treasure C . pressure D . measure
    A . front B . surface C . hole D . yard
    A . what B . why C . when D . where
    A . covered up B . dug up C . used up D . eaten up
    A . see through B . work through C . get through D . walk through


  • 18. 根据对话内容,从方框内 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    (Frank is calling Louisa)

    A: Hello, this is Frank.

    B: Hi, Frank. This is Louisa speaking. What's up?


    B: Me, too! That was a really great show! Thanks for inviting me.

    A: My pleasure. And I'm thinking that maybe you want to join us in climbing Mount Huang this Saturday.

    B: That sounds great! What would you like to have?

    A: How kind of you, Louisa! It's up to you!

    B: OK. I'll take care of the lunch then.

    A: I plan to leave early at about 7 o'clock so that it won't be too hot.

    B: I'll see you then!

    A: See you.

    A. I'll prepare for a picnic lunch.

    B. I don't want to have anything.

    C. May I speak to Louisa?

    D. By the way, what time would you like to pick me up?

    E. I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed our time together yesterday.

    F. That's all right with me.

    G. You must have the wrong number.


  • 19. 阅读理解

        A girl was walking in the woods when she found two weak birds. She took them home and put them in a small cage (鸟笼). She took good care of them. The birds grew strong. Every morning, they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted them to sing for her forever.

        One day, the girl left their cage door open. The bigger of the two birds flew out. The girl watched as he rose high into the sky. She was afraid that he would fly away and she would never see him again. As he flew close, she caught him in her hand and held him tightly. She was happy. Suddenly, she felt the bird go limp (无力 ). She opened her hand. The bird was dead! Her love had stolen life from the beautiful songbird.

        The other bird was pushing against the bars (条) of the cage. She could see how much he wanted to be free. She took him out of the cage and gently tossed him into the air. Would the bird fly away? She could hardly bear to watch. But the bird just wanted to stretch its wings. He flew around the girl twice and then came to rest on her shoulder.

        The girl watched the bird with joy in her heart. She wasn't worried anymore. She wanted the bird to be happy. The bird sat by the girl's ear and sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.

        The best way to keep love is to give it wings.

    (1) What was the girl afraid of when the bigger bird flew out of the cage?
    A . She would never see him again. B . The bird would grow strong. C . The bird would go limp. D . The bird would die.
    (2) The other bird pushed against the bars of the cage because _____.
    A . he wanted to greet the girl B . he wanted to sing a song for the girl C . he wanted to be free D . he wanted to rest on the girl's shoulder
    (3) The girl stopped worrying because _____.
    A . the bird could bring happiness to her    B . she wanted the bird to live a happy life C . the bird lost the ability to fly high    D . the bird enjoyed his life in the cage
    (4) What does the story mainly tell us?
    A . How to take care of birds.    B . Never put birds in small cages. C . We should love birds.    D . The best way to keep someone's love is to let them be free.
  • 20. 阅读理解

        Most kids in Britain have pet bears. This animal is both furry (毛茸茸的) and friendly. But it cannot move or make any noise. That's because it is a teddy bear. Most teddies are in the shape of a small bear. They are usually brown and stuffed (填充) with cotton. Kids love them very much.

        Paddington bear is one of the most famous teddy bears in the world. Yet there are many types. Do you know Winnie the Pooh? He's another popular bear!

    Cute, soft teddy bears were born in the 20th century. However, they don't have just one place of birth. Both American and German toymakers made the teddy bear at the same time!

        Teddy bears have long been a popular kids' toy. They are in songs, stories and films. There are even teddy bear museums around the world. And it's not even just kids who hold teddy bears. It's a popular present for lovers, usually on Valentine's Day.

        In the UK it is popular for a newborn baby to get a teddy bear as their first gift. The day I was born, my grandmother handed me a teddy bear. She made it herself. That makes him the same age as me! I took him everywhere I went, holding his arm at nighttime and falling asleep with him. And I still have that bear with me today. It is the best gift I have ever gotten.

    (1) What do we know about teddy bears from the story?
    A . They are small and black.    B . They are filled with wool. C . They can move or make noise.    D . They are very popular in Britain.
    (2) What's the correct Chinese translation of the underlined word "present" in Paragraph 4 ?
    A . 物品 B . 玩具 C . 礼物 D . 现在
    (3) Which fact is NOT mentioned about the writer's teddy bear?
    A . He got his teddy bear at birth.    B . His grandma made a teddy bear for him. C . His teddy is as old as he is.    D . His teddy bear looked like a big bear.
    (4) The story mainly talks about _____.
    A . how to make a teddy bear    B . the history of the teddy bear C . the popularity of the teddy bear    D . the introduction of teddy bears
  • 21. 阅读理解

        Thousands of years ago, people didn't know that the Earth moved. They thought the sun really did move across the sky. The Greek god Helios was said to drive the sun across the sky with his chariot (战车). But now, the way people think has changed. Nowadays, it is the sun that drives a "chariot" around the sky.

        What do I mean by this? Well, quite simply, there is now a plane (or "chariot") that is powered by the sun. It has special parts on its wings. These parts absorb (吸收) power from the sun. They absorb so much power that the plane can still fly even at night. In Greek mythology (神话), Helios had to take a break at night. It seems we're finally even more powerful than the gods themselves.

        This plane is called Solar Impulse. It will fly across the US in May. This is very important for the future of the world.

        Why is solar energy (太阳能) important? Well, other kinds of energy are known to cause problems. If you live in China, you've probably noticed the pollution. This is caused by burning coal and gas to make energy. The heat and chemicals created by burning these things give us power. But if we use power from the sun, we don't have to burn anything and there will not be any pollution.

        Solar energy is not entirely ready yet. It needs to be improved. But the best thing about it is that, unlike coal and gas, it doesn't run out. The Solar Impulse plane could pretty much keep flying forever. Of course, the sun's light will eventually run out too one day, but not for another 5 billion years. That's a pretty long flight.

    (1) The plane Solar Impulse ______.
    A . cannot fly at night B . is powered by chemicals C . is driven by solar energy D . was made in the US
    (2) Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that ______.
    A . using solar energy causes less pollution B . solar energy is the best kind of energy C . creating energy by burning things causes pollution D . burning things will not be allowed in China
    (3) Which is the story probably taken from?
    A . A science magazine. B . A history textbook. C . A Greek myth. D . A storybook.
    (4) What's the story mainly about?
    A . The story of the Greek god Helios. B . How China makes use of energy. C . The uses and advantages of solar energy. D . The disadvantages of burning coal and gas.
  • 22. 阅读理解

        We go to school every day to become better people. How can we start to make big changes in our lives? Perhaps we can get tips from former US First Lady Michelle Obama. During a visit to China from March 20 to 26 in 2015, Obama shared her views on education and youth empowerment with students.

        The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education. At Chengdu No 7 High School, she told students that having humble roots doesn't matter as long as you have perseverance (毅力). Obama said her family was not rich. Like many Chinese students, her parents had big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents' sacrifices (牺牲) on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud. Persevering was not easy, though. Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 am and study late into the night. "But whenever I got tired or discouraged… I would remember something my mother always told me. She said: A good education is something that no one can take away from you.'"

        Mrs Obama also encouraged Chinese students to study abroad to broaden their horizons (开阔视野) in a speech at Peking University. "As the Chinese saying goes: It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books," she said. It's not enough to get good grades in school. It's also important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies that are different from your own, she noted. Studying overseas can also benefit future international relations. It can help young people from different countries work together to deal with shared problems like climate change, Obama said.

    (1) Who did Michelle Obama share her views with?
    A . Students in the US. B . Students in China. C . Her family members. D . Students who visited the White House.
    (2) What can we learn from her experience?
    A . She studied abroad before. B . She was born into a rich family. C . She studied long into the night. D . She often felt tired and discouraged.
    (3) What does the Chinese saying underlined in the last paragraph mean?
    A . Getting good grades in school is good enough B . Real life experience is important. C . Traveling is not as beneficial as studying at home. D . Studying far away from home is necessary for success.
    (4) What's the story mainly about?
    A . Michelle Obama's family life. B . Michelle Obama's experience of studying abroad. C . The importance of studying abroad and broadening one's horizons. D . Michelle Obama's views on education and youth empowerment.
  • 23. 任务型阅读

        How would you persuade (劝说) your parents to support your dream? American actress Emma Stone created a PowerPoint presentation (陈述) to get her argument across.

        Stone is a rising star in Hollywood. She has played the role of Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man's high school love interest, in two Spider-Man movies.

    The actress said she has something in common with her character in the film. "Gwen is clear on what she wants to do with her life... I think I am in the same ballpark (同一范围) there."

        Stone made up her mind to become an actress at the age of 15. But would her parents agree to her leaving school early and pursuing (追求) her dream? The young girl decided to think outside of the box.

        "I used a lot of computers when I was younger, and my dad's a businessman, so I just thought a presentation is the way to get my point across," she said.

    She titled the presentation Project Hollywood and used pop singer Madonna's classic song Hollywood as the soundtrack, saying "just please let me move to LA to be an actress."

        Her tactic (策略) proved to be a success. In 2004, Stone dropped out of high school and moved with her mother to Los Angeles. She was homeschooled after that.

    Now Stone is a successful actress with many films to her name. Her next step is to try different things like "bizarre (奇怪的)" characters or comedy. Will she persuade directors with PowerPoint presentations too?

        Answer the following questions:

    (1) Does Emma Stone play Spider-Man?
    (2) What did Stone do to persuade her parents to let her pursue her dream?
    (3) How did Stone continue to study after dropping out of high school?
    (4) What will Stone do in the future?



  • 29. 为感受母爱情深,弘扬知恩图报,某英语网站正在举办以"My Mother"为主题的征文活动,请根据下列思维导图所提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍你的母亲和你之间的故事。

    参考词汇:give much to…,It's my turn to…,try my best to…






    My Mother

        We need love.We also need to show love.The person I love most is my

    mother …
