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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Best Southern winter Beer Festivals to Challenge Your Taste

        Bluffton International Craft Beer Festival

        This festival is considered to be "The Best Little Beer Fest in the US". This festival shows over 125 beers from more than 40 breweries (啤酒厂) across the US and focuses on unique and new beers that you usually can't find in a grocery store. The festival even has hourly surprises of a limited quantity of rare beers as well as food for those who can arrive in time.

        Bayou Beer Fest

        The Bayou Beer Fest is the premier beer festival in the Bayou Region of southern Louisiana and is held at the historic 19th century sugar farm, making it a truly memorable beer festival. The festival will provide hundreds of beers from state-based, national, and even international breweries, of course, there will also be food to purchase, and several Louisiana-style musical acts to keep the festival alive.

        Key Largo Brew on the Bay

        It's actually winter at this beer festival held in the largest section of the Florida Keys. The festival covers two days, and will feature at least 40 different breweries, including local breweries. Besides, because it does harm to your health to enjoy beer on an empty stomach, Brew on the Bay will feature a food court, with fresh Florida lionfish, fish sandwiches and shellfish.

        Yaga's Chili (辣椒) Quest& Beer Fest

        Beer and chili go together like peas and carrots, so you will not want to miss the annual Yaga's Chili Quest Beer Fest. The festival will feature over 100 import beers, including rare finds and a few surprises prepared for all people present. Of course, there will also be a variety of tasty chili for you to try.

    (1) What can you enjoy on the Bayou Beer Fest?
    A . Local music. B . Sugar juice. C . Free beers. D . Delicious food.
    (2) Which festival could offer you some seafood?
    A . Bluffton International Craft Beer festival. B . Bayou Beer Fest. C . Key Largo Brew on the Bay. D . Yaga's Chili Quest& Beer Fest.
    (3) What makes Yaga's Chili Quest Beer Fest special?
    A . Surprises for people. B . The most import beers. C . Various vegetables. D . Hot-taste food.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        When I was a very little child, I remember watching TV and seeing other children suffer in other parts of the world. I would talk to myself, "when I grow up, when I can become rich, I'll save kids all over the world."

        At the age of 17, I began my career here in America, and by 18, I started my first charity organization. I went on to team up with other organizations in the following years, and met, helped, and even lost some of the most beautiful souls, from six-year-old Jasmina Anema who passed away in 2010 from leukemia (白血病)—her story inspired thousands to volunteer as donors, to 2012 when my grandmother lost her battle with cancer, which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF). We're all human. And we all just want a chance: a chance at life, a chance in education, a chance at a future, really. And at CLF, our mission is to impact as many lives as possible, but it starts with just one.

        People make it seem too hard to do charity work. The truth is, you don't have to be rich to help others. You don't need to be famous. You don't even have to be college-educated. But it starts with your neighbor, the person right next to you, the person sitting next to you in class, the kid down the block in your neighborhood. You just do whatever you can to help in any way that you can. And today, I want to challenge each of you to make a commitment to help one person, one organization, one situation that touches your heart. My grandmother always used to say, "If you've got a dollar, there's plenty to share."

    (1) What did the author want to do at a young age?
    A . Watch TV. B . Grow up quickly. C . Become wealthy. D . Help other children.
    (2) Which of the following directly caused the author to create and develop the CLF?
    A . A six-year-old kid's request. B . Her grandmother's death of cancer. C . Many volunteers' inspiration for it. D . Other organizations' encouragement.
    (3) What does the underlined word "one" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A . A chance. B . A life. C . A task. D . An organization.
    (4) What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraph?
    A . Do little things to help those around them. B . Work very hard to get a college education. C . Challenge their friends to offer help. D . Do charity work when you are rich.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        A group of scientists is gathering today in the U. K. to discuss a thick piece of ice that's cracking in Antarctica, which is of the size of Delaware.

        The ice shelf is called Larsen C, and it now has a 90-mile crack running through it. The big rift (裂缝) is slicing the ice shelf from top to bottom. But this is not just another sad climate change story. It's more complicated. "A lot of things are going on deep inside the ice," says Adrian Luckman, a glaciologist.

        Luckman says climate change is certainly influencing this region. Larsen C used to have two neighbors to the north, Larsen A and Larsen B. As the air and water warmed, those ice shelves started melting and then disappeared in 1995 and 2002. But the crack in Larsen C seems to have happened on its own, for different reasons.

        Larsen C has many cracks. All ice shelves do. This particular crack has been around since at least the 1960s. The unusual part is that in 2014, this crack — and only this crack — started growing quickly. Why?

        "Well, that is a little bit of a mystery and that's why it drew itself to our attention," says Luckman. One puzzling aspect is how it managed to cut through areas of softer ice that bind (连接) the ice from neighboring glaciers into one giant sheet. Starting in 2014, that soft ice did very little to slow down this rift.

        Scientists are split on how important this crack is for the stability of the whole ice shelf. Some say if this giant section breaks off, it won't make a difference. Others disagree.

        "Ice shelves are the gates of Antarctica in a way, and the gatekeepers of Antarctica. The ice shelves are already floating, so if they fall apart it does not immediately affect sea levels. It's what they hold back -water from all the inland glaciers — that could be problematic. If all the water packed in those glaciers made their way to the sea, it could significantly raise global sea levels," says Ala Khazendar, a geophysicist.

    (1) Larsen C's two neighbors disappeared mainly because of ________.
    A . climate change B . human behavior C . the crack in Larsen C D . some unknown reasons
    (2) Why is Larsen C special?
    A . Because it still exists. B . Because it has many cracks. C . Because one of its cracks is growing rapidly. D . Because it is getting bigger and bigger quickly.
    (3) Which one is true of soft ice?
    A . It is easy to cut through. B . Its forming is still a mystery. C . It can prevent cracking to a degree. D . It exists mainly in small pieces of ice.
    (4) How does Ala Khazendar feel about the influence of the crack?
    A . He is very curious. B . He is unconcerned. C . He is pretty optimistic. D . He is cautiously worried.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        The Japanese have always been at the forefront at deploying (利用) robots to perform jobs that are traditionally done by humans. Over the past year, humanoid robots have been seen helping customers at the Mitsubishi Bank and even filling in for human science communicators at museums. Therefore, it is not surprising to hear that the country has the world's first hotel that is staffed almost entirely by the Androids!

        The aptly (巧妙地) named Henn-na ("strange" in Japanese) Hotel which opened its doors on July 17 is located at Nagasaki's Huis Ten Bosch theme park. It is the idea of Hideo Sawada, a Japanese businessman who is fascinated by the possibility of replacing humans with robots. His aim is to have this futuristic hotel be run mainly by the intelligent humanoids.

        Guests checking-in are welcomed by a family friendly English-speaking robot wearing a bow tie and bell-hop (侍者) hat. Though experienced at his job, he does request guests not to ask him "a difficult question" since he is after all, "just a robot!" Those seeking a more "regular" experience, can approach the human-like Japanese-speaking robot.

        When ready, visitors can request the robot "porters" to help carry belongings to their room. Those that need to stow away valuables can hand them to a helpful robot who will place them inside an individual safe box in exchange for a small fee. A one-foot-high concierge (管理人) is available to provide information about the hotel's amenities (便利设施), nearby attractions, and even order a taxi if needed.

        So how much does it cost to live in this crazy cool hotel? It depends on when you decide to go. During the low season, guests can get away with paying as little $60 a night for a basic room. However, during the peak season when rates, are determined by an online auction, the price can get as high as $153.

    (1) What is Hideo Sawada interested in?
    A . Making different kinds of robots. B . Taking the place of humans with robots. C . Setting up more hotels run by robots. D . Making robots more intelligent.
    (2) From the third paragraph we can know that ________.
    A . the Japanese-speaking robot welcomes the guests. B . the human like robot can speak Japanese and English. C . the human-like robot is better skilled at its job than the other robots. D . the English-speaking robot can answer simple questions.
    (3) The underlined phrase "stow away" most probably means "________".
    A . purchase B . change C . store D . replace
    (4) What could be the best title for the passage?
    A . World's first robot-staffed hotel is open for business. B . Japanese tops the first in making robots. C . Robots can replace humans in Japanese hotels. D . The aptly named Henn-na Hotel at a theme park.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Organize a Music Festival

        You love music and you always have. You want to carry out a music festival designed to attract music fans of all ages. Follow the steps and you'll organize a successful one.

        Start by making a list of the local bands and artists that you like. You've taken this job because you love music, so put your taste to work for you. If you like these musicians, many of the local residents will also like them. You need to have many kinds of music for all age groups.

        Find a great location that has much open space for outdoor festivals. You need to build a stage so the musicians can be seen from distances. Not all towns need such license but it is a good idea to check before you start building. For an indoor location, you need to find a theater that is willing to give you enough space.

        Hire sound and engineering people to give the musicians all the help they need. You can't expect the musicians to handle these problems because they are playing. Your sound and engineering experts will allow your stars to keep the music playing.

         If you are planning your festival for families, the last thing you want is a beer-swilling crowd starting a huge brawl (斗殴). Security people need to be present to make sure that nobody gets the idea that they want to start any kind of ruckus(骚乱).

    A. You need to find security people.

    B. Bigger sports stadiums will be perfect as well.

    C. We can find enough songs to get a lot of money.

    D. People should have practiced many different songs.

    E. But remember, you are trying to attract fans of all ages.

    F. The last thing you want is that a group is on the stage but the speakers don't work.

    G. You can find a location by going to the local government and asking for permission.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I believe that life's toughest lessons are best learned through personal experience. Throughout my childhood, my grandmother 1 me with unconditional love but always stressed, "You're not 2 than anyone else, but you're just as good as anyone. Treat others with 3, and you would earn respect 4.

        However, I never really 5 it until I was seventeen and got a summer job as a janitor. As I 6 floors and toilets, I watched people walk right by me and ignore my 7. This made me feel angry and wonder why they treated me so poorly.

        When I 8 to my grandmother, she offered me some words of 9 and reminded me never to forget the feeling of being "10" and to do the best job, because it was still my work, 11 which I should take pride. She added that it would make me a better man someday.

        Make me a better man someday? She must be 12, I thought to myself. But I needed the job to 13 college and there were few other jobs available, 14 I bit my tongue and kept on working as best as I could for the 15 of the summer.

        Today, when asked what job helped prepare me to gain the 16 of a key university, I tell people it was my summer job cleaning restrooms that 17 me as a man and, down the road, as an educator.

        As you can see, 18 can only be understood by walking in a lot of different shoes. So I suggest students 19 of their comfort zones and get deeply involved in different work and community experience. It's essential for people to find 20 in every person, no matter who they are or what they do for a living.

    A . afforded B . offered C . gave D . provided
    A . better B . more C . higher D . lower
    A . care B . anger C . dignity D . age
    A . in order B . in need C . in advance D . in return
    A . worried B . understood C . admitted D . appreciated
    A . cleaned B . repaired C . swept D . mopped
    A . glance B . presence C . instruction D . commitment
    A . attended B . suggested C . explained D . complained
    A . belief B . surprise C . comfort D . excitement
    A . horrible B . invisible C . angry D . poor
    A . in B . for C . on D . to
    A . promising B . joking C . misleading D . outstanding
    A . pay for B . go for C . look for D . send for
    A . or B . however C . but D . so
    A . heat B . time C . rest D . hope
    A . friendship B . relationship C . leadership D . hardship
    A . served B . shaped C . viewed D . treated
    A . facts B . method C . lessons D . theories
    A . get out B . drop out C . give out D . run out
    A . secret B . fault C . way D . value


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        It's no surprise that smartwatches are so popular nowadays— seems that everyone wants to buy one! There's just one big problem: smartwatches are unprotected and can (damage) easily. Since you are wearing it on your wrist there's no room (place) a shatterproof protective case on your smartwatch like you would on your mobile phone. In the course of (live) your life and wearing a smartwatch it's only a matter of time before it gets bumped, cracked, or smashed. That means paying a high fee to get your smartwatch (repair).

        Owing the new breakthrough military technology, there's a new type of smartwatch that's super robust (nearly shatterproof) and yet very stylish!

    The T-Watch Tactical Watch (be) ready for the "combat" of (day) life. Demanding physical job? Extreme workouts and outdoor sports? No problem, this smartwatch can get through without so many as nicks (刻痕) or (scratch). What's more, this smartwatch, can withstand the toughest situations with no problems at all, is also dust and waterproof.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        One day, my little brother bought an ice cream in the street, enjoying to eating it. Unexpected, he saw his friend coming towards him, so he hurriedly hid the ice creams behind him. After he greeted his friend, they begin to talk. His friend had the dog with him. When he stopped to talk with his brother, his dog moved around. The dog was such glad to find the ice cream in my brother's hand and it began to eat it with greater pleasure. My brother felt embarrassed that he hadn't shared the ice cream for his friend, he gave the ice cream to the dog. Then he bought another two for his friend and himself.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,最近你的美国笔友Jack发来邮件说这个暑假他想来中国旅游。请用英语给他回一封邮件,主要内容如下:





    Dear Jack,



    Li Hua
