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  • 1. What impressed the man?
    A . The fresh air. B . The heavy rain. C . The kind woman.
  • 2. What does the man think of the jacket?
    A . It has too many pockets. B . It's great for everyday use. C . It is suitable for outdoor activities.
  • 3. What is the woman going to do?
    A . Pray for good luck. B . Prepare for a debate. C . Study for the final exam.
  • 4. What does the man think Michael has been doing this week?
    A . Going to class. B . Resting at home. C . Looking for a job.
  • 5. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Husband and wife. B . Doctor and patient. C . Teacher and student.


  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A . An interview. B . The woman's boss. C . Sex discrimination.
    (2) How long had the woman waited for a raise?
    A . For 8 years. B . For 5 years. C . For 3 years.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What was wrong with Jack Paulson's previous job?
    A . He didn't like the atmosphere. B . His employer treated him badly. C . He was too busy to have a holiday.
    (2) What do the speakers decide to do?
    A . Try to know about Jack's opinion first. B . Let Jack have lunch with others by turns. C . Get Jack to start working in the evening.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What are the speakers discussing?
    A . When to move. B . Where to live. C . How to study better.
    (2) When does this conversation take place?
    A . In March. B . In April. C . In May.
    (3) Why does the woman object to living on campus?
    A . It's too noisy. B . It costs too much. C . The dorms are too small.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where does the conversation take place?
    A . Ina restaurant. B . On a train. C . On a plane.
    (2) What can the man get if he wants to have something to eat immediately?
    A . Salad. B . Fish. C . Cakes.
    (3) When does the bar open?
    A . At 5:00. B . At 5:30. C . At 9:00.
    (4) What should the man do to make sure he getsa seat for dinner?
    A . Get there by 7:00 p.m. B . Arrive there after 7:00 p.m. C . Make a reservation.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What should the students bring with them on the bus to Camp Cazadero?
    A . Their permission slips. B . Their lunch. C . Food and drinks.
    (2) When will the students go hiking in the forest?
    A . After lunch on Friday. B . After breakfast on Saturday. C . Before the dance on Saturday.
    (3) What will the students do at the campfire?
    A . Have a barbecue. B . Dance. C . Tell stories.
    (4) What do we know about the field trip?
    A . The students will get back on Sunday moming. B . The students will spend three nights in the open air. C . The school organized Camp Cazadero last year.


  • 11. 阅读理解

        Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. There were events around the world in memory of those who died in the conflict. We have picked out three of them inEuropean countries. Let's take a look.


        In a park, the famous Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen had an exhibition called Coming World, Remember Me. The work consisted of 600,000 individual(个别的) clay sculptures, one for each person killed during the World War. In the center of the exhibition was a big egg made of clay, symbolizing a new world.


        In a small town called Aldridge, almost 100 houses in one street were covered with 24,000 poppies and statues of soldiers. They stood for the men from the area who had been' killed in the war. The flowers were chosen because of a poem written by the Canadian doctor John McCrea in 1915. They made people think of fields of blood.


        The British artist Guy Denning arrived in La Feuille, a small town in the northwest of France, to stick life-size drawings of soldiers who never came back home. Armed with glue and a brush, Denning stuck his drawings carefully on walls. Before long 112 men, mainly young adults, were brought back to mind, if not to life.

    (1) What do we know about Coming World, Remember Me?
    A . It's the name of an exhibition. B . It's a film about World War I. C . It's a work standing for peace. D . It's a sculpture made of clay.
    (2) Why were poppies chosen to symbolize the dead soldiers?
    A . The British people preferred them. B . They showed the cruelty of war. C . A Canadian doctor suggested them. D . The fields were filled with them.
    (3) How was the end of World War I marked in France?
    A . A memorial to the dead soldiers was built. B . 112 wounded soldiers in the war were helped. C . Drawings of some dead soldiers were put up. D . Young adults were encouraged to join the army.
  • 12. 阅读理解

        The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing as Melinda sits in the rose garden of the nursing home. She is recalling old times as she waits for her family's arrival. The nursing home has been Melinda's new settlement ever since Thomas passed away a week ago. Thomas had fought a long and hard battle against lung cancer for three years. Unfortunately, he has broken the promise that he and Melinda had made: to be with each other for every birthday. Melinda knew this was unrealistic (不现实的) but agreed to the promise for Thomas's sake.

        "Thomas, you are completely a dreamerl" Melinda shouted to Thomas as he dragged on about living on an island with his beautiful wife. That's what she loved about him most-he had a vivid imagination. They got married at age eighteen and began having children right away. Mary came within the year, followed by Thomas Benjamin II, Lilly-Ann, and Joseph "Little Joey" George. The family lived an exultant life filled with laughter and love.

        "Mom!" Lilly shouted, but it really sounded like a howl. Melinda had lost herself in thinking about the life she had shared with her late husband. Lilly pushed her down the long dark halls of the nursing home until they arrived at the recreational room.

        When the doors opened, Melinda put her hand over her mouth and was completely speechless. The room was crowded with the people nearest and dearest to her and the warmth and love was felt instantly. The night went on; stories and cocktails were shared and everything was perfect.

        However, when Melinda caught a moment to herself she looked around at her family. With a smile on her face, she raised her Manhattan and called out for a toast. "This one is for you, Thomas, though you are not here."

    (1) Why did Thomas break his promise?
    A . He was busy with his work. B . He died of lung cancer. C . He had to serve in the army. D . He stopped loving Melinda.
    (2) Which of the following best explains "exultant" underlined in Paragraph 2?
    A . Peaceful. B . Simple. C . Stressful. D . Happy.
    (3) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
    A . Melinda' children forgot their father. B . Melinda was tired of noise. C . Melinda missed her husband badly. D . Melinda liked to drink alcohol.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . A Particular Birthday B . A Woman at a Nursing Home C . Memories of Old Days D . A Big Surprise for Melinda
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Spotify can tell if you're sad. Here's why that should scare you. Want to figure out if someone is a patient with a mental disability: Ask them what their favorite song is. A New York University study last year found that people who loved Eminem's Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean? were more likely to have trouble with mental disabilities than people who were into Dire Straits.

        Over the past few years, Spotify has been improving the ability to analyze information to help businessmen target consumers with advertisements made specially for their needs. They conclude this from the sort of music you're listening to, combined with where and when you're listening to it, along with third-party data that might be available.

        Now, to be clear, there's nothing significantly illegal about what Spotify is doing with your information. I certainly don't think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads selling a culture struggle while you're listening to music that suggests you might be in a terrible situation. However, I find it disappointing that our personal, private moments with music are increasingly being turned into information points and offered to advertisers.

        You can see where this could go, can't you? As ad targeting gets ever more accurate, businessmen will have the ability to target our feelings in potentially improper ways. According to one study, you are more likely to spend more on a product if you're feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take advantage of that. And on that note, I'm feeling a little down about all this. Head off to treat myself to something expensive.

    (1) What's the purpose of the first paragraph?
    A . To introduce a new song. B . To draw readers' attention. C . To help more patients. D . To promote a new medium.
    (2) Spotify improves its ability to analyze information to      .
    A . provide services for the government B . work with shadowy consulting firms C . get listeners' personal information D . help businessmen attract consumers
    (3) What's the author's attitude towards Spotify?
    A . Uncertain. B . Supportive. C . Positive. D . Dissatisfied.
    (4) Who is the text probably designed for?
    A . Internet users. B . Officials. C . Researchers. D . Managers.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        An exciting landing process of Chang'e-4 lunar probe (月球探测器 ) was seen through the monitor at Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing, Jan. 3, 2019. It touched down on the far side of the moon at 10:26 a.m. Beijing Time, becoming the first spacecraft soft-landing on the moon's unknown side never visible from Earth.

        China's Chang'e-4 probe has started the exploration on the far side of the moon thanks to the relay satellite that provides a communication link with ground control. The relay satellite, named Queqiao, meaning Magpie Bridge, after a Chinese legend (传说) , was launched on May 21, 2018, and became the first communication satellite operating in the halo orbit, nearly 500,000 km from the earth. It can also provide communication for probes from other countries. The relay satellite will also be used for scientific and technological experiments. The maximum distance between the satellite and the Chang'e-4 probe on the far side of the moon is 79,000 km. The satellite processes data from the probe and sends it to Earth.

        The satellite can stay in its orbit for a long time due to its relatively low fuel consumption, as the earth's and moon's gravity balances its orbital moving. While in orbit, it can "see" both the earth and the far side of the moon.

        The concept of using a relay satellite in the halo orbit was first put forward by U.S. space experts in the 1960s, but was realized by Chinese space engineers.

        Researchers hope to use the cameras on the satellite to record asteroids (小行星 ) hitting the far side of the moon. To control the cost of the Chang'e-4 probe, the relay satellite was designed to be relatively small, weighing about 400 kg.

        Researchers had just 30 months to develop the satellite, putting them under high pressure. To promote public interest in space exploration, the China National Space Administration invited people to write down their wishes for lunar and space exploration, and the relay satellite carries the names of tens of thousands of participants and their messages.

    (1) What do we learn from the second paragraph?
    A . The relay satellite was launched on Jan. 3, 2019. B . Chang'e-4 probe was the first communication satellite. C . The relay satellite only explores the far side of the moon. D . The relay satellite can handle data from Chang'e-4 probe.
    (2) Why was the size of the relay satellite relatively small?
    A . To reduce the cost as much as possible. B . To make it circle Moon for a longer time. C . To avoid being crashed by other satellites. D . To follow American space experts' advice.
    (3) What made researchers suffer from great stress?
    A . Few people interested in the exploration on the moon. B . The relay satellite carrying too much equipment. C . Their lacking enough time to develop the relay satellite. D . People's never being optimistic about the relay satellite.
    (4) What is the main idea of the text?
    A . China is a new space power after the USA B . Chang'e-4 probe lands on Moon's far side. C . Chinese space engineers make much progress. D . Space exploration is a dangerous challenge.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

        Choosing a major is a very important thing in our life. However, at the same time, it can be extremely challenging. So it's necessary to learn some simple tips that will make your decision much easier. . And how does that choice affect your future career? We can help guide you in choosing a major.

        Your major is your primary field of study in your undergraduate (大学的 ) program. It is the subject in which you earn your bachelor's degree. After completing a list of general education courses, you spend the rest of the time studying one subject of your choice. .

        For many students, it's best to try out different classes to figure out a major you'll like, but you need to have a couple of solid choices. , you should begin taking courses you are required to complete before graduation, so it will decrease your chances of needing to switch majors later because you already know what to expect.

        , you should begin thinking about how your field will lead to a job as soon as possible. Consider clubs, research programs and part-time jobs related to potential career choices for your major.

        For more career-specific majors like nursing and engineering, the majority of your studies will include skills that can be used in a future job. The sooner you begin working in a lab, on research projects or helping as a teaching assistant for a professor, the better you'II be able to figure out your career.

    A. You have to think of ways to choose a major

    B. Be sure that you choose a major that suits your interests

    C. Once you have a better idea of which major you like best

    D. While your major may or may not lead directly to a career

    E. Do some research to find out which majors can help you get that job

    F. Roughly one-third to one-half of your courses will be related to your major

    G. However, you should still consider doing activities outside of the classroom to better prepare you


  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给A. B. C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 。

        When Charles Barkley's mother passed away, Barkley's hometown came to the funeral. But a(n) 1 guest also came. He wasn't a basketball player or from Barkley's hometown. More 2, he was my dad-a scientist.

        My dad said he3 about Barkley long before he met him. Whenever we 4 dinner parties, he would talk about Barkley. Basketball has never been my thing. I 5some key words into a search engine to6something about Barkley. He seemed pretty famous and 7not like anyone who would be friends with my dad.

        But the friendship was real.

        My dad 8 made a slide of photos of him and Barkley together for our community's Chinese New Year party- totally irrelevant to the 9. I asked him what made them become friends.

        "As an Asian in the U.S., we had a good 10," he said. "We agree on many views."

        They believed the color of their skin didn't 11 .

        But on a Sunday afternoon my dad passed away. Everyone was 12 as Barkley attended the funeral. "It gives me great 13and joy to know I was a friend of his," Barkley said. "Just hearing about him at the 14 -what he had achieved and what he was trying to help others 15, touched me I 16he would be known to many people."

        At the funeral, people 17 memories of my dad. I realize that even after he passed away, I would continue to 18things about him.

        The story of his friendship with Barkley was not just a 19with a famous person-it threw light on the 20 of this world.

    A . frequent B . unexpected C . average D . unwelcome
    A . specifically B . importantly C . carefully D . strictly
    A . cared B . worried C . thought D . knew
    A . held B . organized C . attended D . arranged
    A . read B . forgot C . sent D . typed
    A . find out B . apply for C . talk about D . pick up
    A . potentially B . accidentally C . deliberately D . certainly
    A . still B . also C . even D . already
    A . experience B . holiday C . player D . friendship
    A . chance B . conversation C . argument D . choice
    A . bum B . differ C . matter D . shine
    A . astonished B . thrilled C . annoyed D . disappointed
    A . moments B . memories C . relief D . comfort
    A . meeting B . hometown C . party D . funeral
    A . accomplish B . contribute C . develop D . gain
    A . wished B . declared C . suspected D . confirmed
    A . improved B . refreshed C . shared D . lost
    A . spread B . learn C . obtain D . mourn
    A . connection B . coincidence C . phenomenon D . relationship
    A . benefits B . responsibilities C . possibilities D . varieties


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        New Year in Chinese eyes is a family reunion. However, in foreigners' eyes, it is not only a kind of homesickness, but a spring migration(迁徙).Every year  (see) the largest annual mass migration on the planet one sixth of the world's population travel home to celebrate  their families. That is around a billion people  (make) 3.5 billion journeys in a 40-day period. Meanwhile, over 250 million rail journeys are made across China during the festival.

        Last year, 5.6 million rail tickets (sell) in a single day. Every new year in the heartland of industrial China thousands upon thousands of motorcyclists brave the weather and hit the road, determined to make home.

        The Chinese New Year  (celebrate) is also known as the Spring Festival. It lasts 15 days. It is the main holiday of the Chinese calendar. In modem China,  (search) for work, many people have to move away from home. And they will travel home to be with the loved ones during the Spring Festival. In Chinese New Year, modem and  (tradition) customs are brought together when the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival. Nowadays, not only does China have the  (fast) growing modem cities in the world, but the landscapes are also truly diverse.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Last weekend l went fishing with my cousins by a river, where was two miles away from my home by bike. When we were about to return for home, we found one of our bike lost. We were really nervous then. Asking about the lost bike, nobody told the truth except me. And to my surprise, my parents don't scold me. Instead, they said I was a honest boy. I have benefited great from my family rules. I'm not the best at school work, but classmates trust me and nearly everyone is willing to making friends with me. It helps me know better about "Honesty is the best policy."


  • 19. 假定你是李华,你的家乡将举行庆祝首个“中国农民丰收节”( Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival)活动,请你写封邮件,邀请你的新西兰朋友Eric来参加,内容包括:





