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  • 1. 阅读理解

        It is quite natural for all of us to want to preserve and protect the foods we purchase. With that in mind, we always think that the best way to do that is by putting them in our refrigerators. However, the following foods should never be placed in the fridge.


        Bananas should never be placed inside the refrigerator because they keep nutrients better outside the fridge. Bananas are better kept on the counter until they ripen. The cold temperatures actually slow down the ripening process of the bananas, while the wetness and darkness of the fridge will only lead to rotting.


        Potatoes should be placed in a cool, dry and dark space. The cold temperature of the fridge can turn starch (淀粉) into sugar more rapidly. It is also recommended that potatoes be removed from plastic or paper bags they may have been placed in. Also, keep them unwashed, as well in an uncovered cardboard box.


        Placing garlic in your refrigerator will actually cause it to shoot. The garlic will also rotten and even rubbery. Moreover, inside your fridge, the look of the garlic will rarely change. This means you won't be able to tell if it's any good until you finally slice it open.


        Placing your onions inside your refrigerator will eventually end up turning them rotten and soft. Unpeeled onions should be kept out of plastic bags and fridge. One of the reasons for this is because unpeeled onions require and need air exposure for maximum life. If you have peeled (剥皮) an onion though, then you should keep it in the fridge, in a covered container.

    (1) Why should bananas be kept at normal temperature?
    A . They can keep fresh long. B . They can remain their hardness. C . They can keep their normal colour. D . They can grow delicious to eat.
    (2) What should you do to keep potatoes well?
    A . Wrap them in paper bags. B . Put them in open containers. C . Keep them in airtight cardboard boxes. D . Store them in a cool, wet and dark space.
    (3) Which of the following can be stored in the fridge under certain condition?
    A . Bananas. B . Potatoes. C . Onions. D . Garlic.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Today, I made the time to listen to a person new to me, who I met was parking my car, “Perfect”, he said as he walked by me as I checked how considerately I parked. He was a clean cut gentleman sharing his feelings about his grown kids, parenting mistakes he is aware of, while expressing a realization to slay clear of destructive addictions.

        I listened patiently and kindly. He seemed quite comfortable with me, in need of some treatment letting go of his thoughts and emotions. After talking for a while, I had to go inside, and I asked him to wait on the sidewalk and I'd be right back with some gifts for him. He was so receptive all along, and I could feel the desires of his heart. I returned to him with bookmarks. I encouraged him, also, with a couple of inspirational thoughts to live by: To focus on what you want — how you want to feel and how you want to live and experience life.

        This experience is a good thing to me, meeting this gentleman as I am experiencing the challenges of trying to be a positive encouragement to my daughter Angel in fighting her illness. I know Angel has the desire too, although in a different way and at a different level in her growth.

        I've received little to no reaction from Angel about the positive encouragement of the family. On the other hand, this gentleman paid attention. Some of this, of course, is the big age difference, I imagine. Anyhow, I extended myself in friendship to have a walk and talk with my daughter early tomorrow morning, so as to be a curing support, and it feels good for me, too — although far outside my usual comfort zone.

    (1) What did the author react to the man's talk?
    A . She showed great pity to him. B . She chatted with him warmly. C . She left him to go shopping. D . She tried to be a good listener.
    (2) Which of the following matches the author's advice to the man?
    A . Follow your own will to live. B . Do your best to change your life. C . Live a meaningful life of your own. D . Gather your bravery to pull through.
    (3) What did the man and the author's daughter have in common?
    A . They had unique characters. B . They accepted advice easily. C . They faced personal problems. D . They were strong-will persons.
    (4) What would the author do the next day?
    A . Get in touch with the man. B . Take her daughter to hospital. C . Communicate with her daughter. D . Tell her daughter to learn from the man.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Climate change has had a number of effects on cities around the world, including rising see levels. And, this has become an especially big problem for coastal cities. City officials must now prepare for higher tides on their coasts. The American city of Miami is one example. Located in South Florida, Miami is home to nearly 3 million people and billions of dollars in land and buildings.

        Miami is one of the cities in America most at risk for rising sea levels. The waterfront is central to Miami's culture and economy. But as the seas rise with climate change .the water will not stay put. Large parts of South Florida are in danger of being under water in the coming years. Across Biscayne Bay, the City of Miami Beach is making improvements - raising streets, adding water pumps and more.

        It is costing the city a lot of money. Local communities will spend 500 million dollars for the improvements. Thankfully, the residents, the folks that are paying the bill for this work, realize that the cost of doing nothing is much greater. A possibility officials are discussing with residents is for city to buy homes in some places where flooding has been a problem. The city would then turn that land into parks of grassland that could hold the water.

        Over time, the city may need to take bigger risks. Miami's future depends largely on how much, and how fast, the oceans rise.

        Caroline Lewis leads the climate activism group, the CLEO Institute. She says cities cannot avoid the need to move inland. But, she says,a well-planned withdrawal (撤退) could include measures to keep people safely in place for as long as possible. And, she says, the world could learn from such a model. In these two Florida cities built on wetlands, there remains a lot of hopefulness.

    (1) What threat does the city of Miami face?
    A . It needs people's support to keep safe. B . It will be flooded with rising sea water. C . It doesn't know how to get out of trouble. D . It needs much money to slop rising water.
    (2) What does the underlined part “stay put” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A . Keep rising. B . Make trouble. C . Remain still. D . Spread in one direction.
    (3) What do the people there agree to do with their problem?
    A . Leave as it is. B . Get ready to flee. C . Donate money for it. D . Take action against it.
    (4) Which of the following best matches Caroline Lewis' opinion?
    A . Making coastal cities exist as long as possible. B . Warning the world of such a natural disaster. C . Ensuring people to live there safely forever. D . Moving coastal cities to safe places soon.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Gravity signals that race through the ground at the speed of light could help seismologists(地震学家) get a better handle on the size of large, destructive quakes soon after they hit,a study suggests. The tiny changes in Earth's gravitational field, created when the ground shifts, arrive at earthquake monitoring stations well before earthquake waves.

        “The good thing we can do with these signals is have quick information on the magnitude (震级) of the quake,” says Martin Vaillée, a seismologist at the Paris Institute of Earth Physics.

        Earthquake equipment in China and South Korea picked up gravity signals immediately after the magnitude-9. 1 Tohoku earthquake that destroyed parts of Japan in 2011. The signals appear as tiny accelerations on earthquake-recording equipment, more than a minute before the seismic waves show up.

        “We can look before the earthquake waves arrive,” says Vallée. “If we see nothing, we can say that the quake that made these was maybe large, but not huge. If we see the signals, it means we really have a very big quake. ”

        Had seismologists been monitoring for gravity changes, they might have realized sooner just how big the Tohoku earthquake was. A small increase in an earthquake's magnitude means a large change in the energy released by the quake-and the destruction expected. That information is important for emergency responders as they decide what resources to arrange.

        It'll be a major contribution if gravitational waves can beat down the time needed to know that a big earthquake is big. But much work remains before gravity signals can be considered a reliable tool in the vital minutes after a big quake. A few extra minutes of warning can save lives, particularly in coastal areas where people can flee ahead of an incoming tsunami.

    (1) What can be judged if gravity signals appear on the equipment?
    A . When earthquakes will take place. B . When a terrible tsunami is coming C . What degree an earthquake reaches. D . How quickly a huge earthquake spreads.
    (2) How is the study of gravity signals progressing?
    A . It's already been used to predict quakes. B . It is not getting along quite well. C . It is gating on smoothly. D . It needs further research,
    (3) What is the practical benefit of this discovery?
    A . Predicting earthquakes successfully. B . Offering a longer time to save lives. C . Letting scientists better know earthquakes. D . Replacing the present earthquake prediction.
    (4) Which of following can be the best title for the text?
    A . Gravity signals could speedily warn of huge quakes B . Scientists have more than one way to forecast quakes. C . Human beings are no longer afraid of huge quakes. D . Advanced technology could prevent huge quakes.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Helpful Pet Tips

        Selecting the Right Pet

        Keep the following questions in mind before bringing home a new companion:

         A large dog will need lots of room to exercise, so if you live in a small apartment, you may prefer the company of a cat.

        How much attention can you give? You don't want your new pet to be lonely if you frequently work late or travel. A fish is a wise choice.

        Do you have children or will children frequently visit your home? Some animals are just better with kids due to their nature.

        Are there any tasks you would like the animal to perform? If you're looking for a guard dog, you'll want different qualities than if you're purely seeking companionship.

    Keeping Pets Healthy and Happy

        One of the top pet lips for potential owners is making .sure you're feeding your new friend properly. Ask your veterinarian about the nutritional needs of an animal of its age, size and breeding, In addition, owners must safeguard the health of their pets. This means staying up-to-date on immunizations(防疫针) and check-ups.  In this way, you can help you notice the first signs of potential illness. Timely treatment can prevent any unnecessary suffering or ill effects.

         This helps keep animals at a healthy weight while also providing opportunities for pets and owners to bond. In the end, attention and affection will go a long way toward keeping your new family member happy and contented.

    A. How much space do you have?

    B. Some families want a puppy for hours of play.

    C. Buy top-quality food or seek out natural food.

    D. How much energy do you expect from your pet?

    E. Keep an eye out for changes in appearance or behavior.

    F. Make sure you're also devoting proper time to your companion's exercise.

    G. You want a pet that will accept your child's attention, not get nervous or bite.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I volunteer some of my time in order to give back just a little of what I am so blessed to have. This month. I had an unbelievable opportunity to 1 my dream, and step out of my 2 surroundings. I volunteered to go to Guatemale (危地马拉) with an eyeglass.

        Our 3 went to a small town in Guatemala. San Augustin. We 4 our tables and packages of pre-made 5in the dirt courtyard of a clinic, get up the Snellen chart on a wall, and began 6 people. Young and old, they came from many of the 7 town. Most had never had an eye exam before.

        They waited for hours8 in the sun, never complaining. If we could help them out with a 9 pair of glasses they would feel deeply 10. Some only left with eye drops or sunglasses, and 11 these people were grateful.

        We saw over a hundred 12 a day and a good part of those we saw got glasses. We 13over and over from people who knew their eyes 14help that they had not gone to a doctor because it was too 15, or had not got the glasses they needed for the same reason. We saw children who were16 out of school because they could not see the17, and we met women who could not see to thread needles, drivers with 18 seeing road signs.

          We are not doctors, and there were several people we could not help. But for those we could, we watched with pleasure as their lives19. What a gift sight is and what a difference it 20to see clearly.

    A . find B . realize C . forget D . break
    A . strange B . hard C . comfortable D . tiresome
    A . team B . family C . friends D . patients
    A . watched over B . set up C . picked up D . carried away
    A . clothes B . gifts C . medicine D . glasses
    A . examining B . greeting C . calming D . feeding
    A . dangerous B . beautiful C . suffering D . surrounding
    A . anxiously B . honestly C . patiently D . curiously
    A . wonderful B . simple C . cheap D . unique
    A . grateful B . upset C . reliable D . generous
    A . ever B . then C . rather D . even
    A . children B . people C . woman D . volunteers
    A . heard B . admitted C . ignored D . explored
    A . limited B . offered C . missed D . needed
    A . unbelievable B . useless C . expensive D . generous
    A . forced B . taken C . kept D . persuaded
    A . teacher B . board C . book D . subject
    A . suffering B . transport C . care D . difficuly
    A . changed B . succeeded C . remained D . recovered
    A . proves B . decides C . makes D . provides


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Sheryl dropped the heart-painted rock into my bag,  (say), “There's no charge for this. I want to give it you! ”

        Her loving energy had attracted me  her display at the artisan's PopLocal party like a bee to a flower. We had  heart-to-heart chat about  she began painting rocks because of the white feather symbolism shared as (inspire) between her and an uncle and how it (eventual) developed into her “bee kind” mission.

        From her pocket she pulled a sweet little rock.  (paint) like a bee, with the words “bee kind” on the back. “I paint and give these! ” she shared. “They are in so many  (country) now, even one at the Great Wall of China! ”

        I asked if I could take some photos. I saw Sheryl's smile, and it just lit  (she) whole fact. It just occurred to me that earlier in the day I gave away a heart-shaped “worry stone” and now I  (give) a rock with a heart painted lovingly on it.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







        I'm glad that I'm getting more interested in English than ever. However, in the past I think learning English was to learn grammar rules or words by heart. I didn't like to read or speak English, nor I willing to talk with my classmates in English. Now with your English teacher's help. I have realized what the skills in learning English are in fact habits. I have begun to enjoy speaking English and communicate with my classmates. I often read some new article or look for some information on the Internet. For a result, I have become more and more interesting in English. And I made a great progress in English.


  • 9. 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Terry要来北京一所高中任教,请你介绍城市交通情况,以便来时出行,请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:


    2) 比较利弊。

    注意:1) 词数100左右;

