
修改时间:2021-05-20 浏览次数:369 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 1. 阅读理解

        There was a boy and his family was very rich. One day his father took him on a trip to a place. He wanted to show his son how poor people were there. They spent several days on a farm. There were many poor families living on the farm.

        On their way home, the father asked the son, “How was the trip?” “It was great, Dad,” the son answered. “Did you notice how poor people were there?” asked his father. “Oh, yes.” said the son. “So, tell me,” said his father. The son said, “Well, we have one dog and they have four. We have a pool in our garden, while they have a river that has no end. We have expensive lanterns, but they have stars above their heads at night. We have only a small piece of land to live on, while they have the endless fields. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have high walls around our houses to protect us, but they don't need walls, because their friends will protect them.”

        The father had nothing to say. Then the boy added, “Thank you, Dad, for letting me see how poor we are.”

    (1) The father wanted to show his son ________.
    A . how people on the farm worked B . how poor people were on the farm C . how beautiful the farm was D . how far it was from the city to the farm
    (2) When the father asked the son how the trip was, the son thought it ________.
    A . great B . tiring C . terrible D . boring
    (3) Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
    A . The boy was from a very poor family. B . The father and the son spent several weeks. C . People on the farm have high walls around their houses. D . The boy thought that people on the farm lived a happy life.
    (4) What is the main idea of this passage?
    A . Happiness depends on the way you look at things. B . The poorer, the happier. C . The richer, the happier. D . The famers are richer than the citizens.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        When life takes you away from home, take technology to help guide and entertain you. APPs can help make your trip easier and more fun.

        Trip It

        Trip It is a helpful APP to organize travel plans. Sign up for a free account at the Trip It website and download the APP to have all of your travel plans handy in one place.

        Google Translate

        When traveling outside your home country, you may need some language assistance. Google Translate is an APP that can help you understand a language other than your native tongue. The Google Translate APP translates between 103 different languages. Copy and paste text into the APP to see a translation. You can also handwrite text onto the screen.


        The Fotor APP lets you edit your photos and add filers for special effects. The APP has been updated recently with new editing features so users can edit their photos more easily. Fotor has added a slider to give users greater control of the edits. Editing effets can be saved as favorites to use them easily later.

       Offline APPs

        Traveling often means you are offline and away from the Internet. When camping in the wild, flying on a plane, sailing on a boat or riding in the car, you may not have an Internet connection. If you are traveling outside your home country and away from Wi-Fi, you should use Offline APPs to avoid large bills for using international data.

    (1) Which of the flowing can help you plan a trip?
    A . Trip It. B . Google Translate. C . Fotor. D . Offline APPs.
    (2) What does Google Translate mainly do?
    A . It can help you travel around your home country. B . It can help you understand the language used in the country you're visiting. C . It can help you take photos and send messages everywhere you go. D . It can help you copy and paste text into the APP to see a message in the English language only.
    (3) Fotor can help people do the following except ________.
    A . edit your photos B . add filters for special effects C . update automatically D . save editing effects as favorites
    (4) If you like travelling and want to avoid large bills for international data, which of the following will you use?
    A . Trip It. B . Google Translate. C . Fotor. D . Offline APPs.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Have you ever trained your brain? Now there are some new suggestions, such as eating dark chocolate and having cold meat for breakfast. You should also avoid watching soap operas, spending time with people who complain or follow fat-free diets, according to a new book on getting “brain-fit”.

        Many of the suggestions in Teach Yourself Training Your Brain are surprising. The book says to read out loud while holding a baby. Writers Terry Horne and Simon Wotton say their advice is from the latest research by experts around the world.

        “For years we have thought our brain capability is decided by our genes. But it's now clear that it depends on our lifestyle. What we eat and drink, how we learn at school and what type of feelings we have are all important,” said Horne.

        The book talks about the most up-to -date thinking in science about how diet, the environment, stress and other sides of modern life affect our brain capacity. It also offers advice and exercises. The book comes as more and more people are spending money on books, DVDs and computer games, which can improve their brain's capability.

        Horne believes that people need to make changes to their lifestyles to increase their brain capacity. Happiness, confidence and an optimistic nature help the brain, he added.

        “So mix with people who make you laugh, or share the same interests as you. And avoid people who complain,” said Horne. “People who are negative will make you sad, which means you won't achieve things.”

    (1) According to the book, which of the following isn't good for training your brain?
    A . Doing some brain games. B . Eating dark chocolate. C . Having cold meat for breakfast. D . Watching soap operas.
    (2) What's Horne's attitude toward the brain capability?
    A . It depends on what our genes are like. B . It's decided by our lifestyle. C . It has nothing to do with schools. D . It should follow the type of our feelings.
    (3) What's the book Teach Yourself Training Your Brain mainly about?
    A . How people's brain capability works. B . Exercises to improve brain capability. C . Some scientific and healthy diets. D . How to improve people's brain capability.
    (4) From the underlined sentence, we can learn that ________.
    A . more and more people are interested in reading B . books can help people improve their brain capability C . people are paying more attention to training their brain D . there are many ways to train people's brain
  • 4. 阅读理解

        It is a cold and dry winter morning. When you wake up, you feel that your throat hurts. You begin to sneeze and later you may cough. You must have a cold! Wait a moment. Could it just be a common cold or the flu that's been going around?

        A cold gives you a runny nose and cough. But it's usually easy to deal with. Some take medicine while others drink herbal tea or chicken soup. Usually you feel better after a week.

        On the other hand, the flu can be much more dangerous. It usually gives you fever.

        Sometimes it can cause death. According to an American magazine, the worst flu killed about 50 million people from 1918 to 1919.

        Don't worry. If you get a flu vaccine(疫苗), it can stop you from getting the virus. Flu vaccines work by giving the body a small amount of flu viruses. This causes your body to develop antibodies. So next time you get the flu, the antibodies should help you.

        The flu virus changes every few years. Therefore, there are so many types of flu, such as H1N1 and H5N1. The antibodies for one type of flu can't help us against all types of flu. That's why we need to get vaccine every year.

        However, good health habits may also help stop you developing a cold or flu. Washing your hands often helps stop you from getting viruses. It is also important to get regular exercise and eat healthy food. All these can help you strengthen your immune system.

    (1) According to the passage, which is TRUE of the flu?
    A . It first happened in 1919. B . It usually doesn't give you fever. C . It is easy to deal with. D . It can kill people sometimes.
    (2) If you get a flu vaccine, ________.
    A . it can't stop you from getting the flu virus B . it won't cause your body to develop antibodies C . your body will develop antibodies D . your body will get a large amount of flu viruses
    (3) We need to get a flu vaccine every year because ________.
    A . we probably have a cold in winter B . the flu virus changes every few years C . the flu is very dangerous D . you don't need to take any medicine after that


  • 5. 任务型阅读

        When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, having more influence on others and getting more chances to live a happier life.

        Be confident. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world. Spend some time thinking about your strong points.  You won't have much difficulty fitting in.

        Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. When people notice your kindness, they will return it one day. Always give more than you receive, and think more of others than of yourself.

         Various activities like playing football can help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, you'll be amazed to see how much they like you. Instead of wasting time being alone, go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship.

        Do smile to everyone every day. It makes both you and others feel happy.  Humor catches others' attention as well. People will like you for making them live happily.

        If you follow what is mentioned above, you will be accepted by people around you. As a result, you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.

    A. Be active in group activities.

    B. A pleasant smile costs the least and does the most.

    C. Here is some advice that can help you.

    D. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step.

    E. A person who cares for others is popular everywhere.

    F. However, everybody needs friends.

    G. Even so, it often leaves one to wonder if we fit in well.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

        It is a story that happened several years ago but it has always stayed with me since then. On my way back home from work every day, there was 1 a homeless man standing by the road. His 2 had a sparkle and they were what struck me the most about him. His eyes, I thought, 3 the man in general. He always waved at every 4, and he was smiling and even dancing sometimes. It seemed that he was always 5.

    Every day after work I would 6 to gather any spare change to give to him 7 I saw him. I'd quickly 8 my car window and give him the coins. 9 the red light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our day. His 10 would be always the same, "I'm blessed!"

        It amazed me that even in his situation of being 11 he was so positive, and his answer would always12 me of my happiness.

        Then one day I 13 my job. How could I continue my life? I was 14 on my way home. I didn't remember to look for my spare change and keep it 15 like I usually did.

    When I saw the homeless man that day, he set his eyes on me while still 16 and waving at others. When I was waiting for the red light to 17, the man walked to my car and said with a big smile, "Today I will 18 you a dollar." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. I was moved and burst into tears.

        That day, I 19 that no matter what material things are taken from you, 20 can take away your choice to be joyful. So every time I'm faced with challenges, I think of the homeless man's valuable lesson and remember that I am blessed.

    A . still B . once C . already D . usually
    A . clothes B . eyes C . cigarettes D . glasses
    A . perfected B . proved C . protected D . represented
    A . tree B . car C . light D . bird
    A . simple B . normal C . happy D . pretty
    A . agree B . remember C . choose D . demand
    A . if B . so C . though D . unless
    A . knocked down B . rolled down C . shook down D . tore down
    A . Suddenly B . Sometimes C . Unfortunately D . Seldom
    A . wish B . idea C . answer D . request
    A . abandoned B . homeless C . sick D . hungry
    A . accuse B . persuade C . warn D . remind
    A . changed B . quitted C . hated D . lost
    A . nervous B . upset C . disappointed D . angry
    A . reliable B . suitable C . ready D . steady
    A . begging B . singing C . talking D . smiling
    A . fall B . appear C . turn D . move
    A . give B . lend C . show D . promise
    A . accepted B . learned C . imagined D . expected
    A . anybody B . everybody C . nobody D . somebody


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        The earth was just  cloud of dust after the “Big Bang”. The earth exploded (loud) with fire and rock. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were (make) the earth's atmosphere. As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. It allowed the earth to dissolve (harm) gases. Then life began to develop.

        Small plants multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. This encouraged the (develop) of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects, reptiles and dinosaurs (appear) after green plants came into being. Small clever animals spread all  the earth. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,  prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.  life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can (solve).


  • 8. 下面短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Simon's father bought him the new bike the day before yesterday, which made him very exciting. Then he began to ride it fast on the road. Seeing a man getting closely to him, Simon couldn't stop it and as a result, he knocked onto the man. Being very kind, so the man didn't scold him at all. Instead, he told him how dangerously it was to ride a bike so fast. He asked him to keep the lesson in mind. Simon felt regretful but ashamed. He promised keep the lesson in mind forever. Then, the man bend down and began to repair his bike. After a while, he got them repaired. Simon was greatly moved. He thanked the man and left happily.


  • 9. 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:






    Dear Tom,


    Li Hua
