
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Have you ever trained your brain? Now there are some new suggestions, such as eating dark chocolate and having cold meat for breakfast. You should also avoid watching soap operas, spending time with people who complain or follow fat-free diets, according to a new book on getting “brain-fit”.

    Many of the suggestions in Teach Yourself Training Your Brain are surprising. The book says to read out loud while holding a baby. Writers Terry Horne and Simon Wotton say their advice is from the latest research by experts around the world.

    “For years we have thought our brain capability is decided by our genes. But it's now clear that it depends on our lifestyle. What we eat and drink, how we learn at school and what type of feelings we have are all important,” said Horne.

    The book talks about the most up-to -date thinking in science about how diet, the environment, stress and other sides of modern life affect our brain capacity. It also offers advice and exercises. The book comes as more and more people are spending money on books, DVDs and computer games, which can improve their brain's capability.

    Horne believes that people need to make changes to their lifestyles to increase their brain capacity. Happiness, confidence and an optimistic nature help the brain, he added.

    “So mix with people who make you laugh, or share the same interests as you. And avoid people who complain,” said Horne. “People who are negative will make you sad, which means you won't achieve things.”

(1)、According to the book, which of the following isn't good for training your brain?
A、Doing some brain games. B、Eating dark chocolate. C、Having cold meat for breakfast. D、Watching soap operas.
(2)、What's Horne's attitude toward the brain capability?
A、It depends on what our genes are like. B、It's decided by our lifestyle. C、It has nothing to do with schools. D、It should follow the type of our feelings.
(3)、What's the book Teach Yourself Training Your Brain mainly about?
A、How people's brain capability works. B、Exercises to improve brain capability. C、Some scientific and healthy diets. D、How to improve people's brain capability.
(4)、From the underlined sentence, we can learn that ________.
A、more and more people are interested in reading B、books can help people improve their brain capability C、people are paying more attention to training their brain D、there are many ways to train people's brain

    The Bristol International Balloon Festival is a world-class hot air ballooning festival and is recognized as one of the UK's top five outdoor events. Founded in 1978, the Festival has become a symbol for Bristol, the same as Brunel's famous Suspension Bridge.

    Held in the rolling hills of Ashton Court on the edge of Bristol, the Festival is hugely popular and completely free, attracting around half a million people from across the country and beyond. This year, for the first time, visitors will get to see how a hot air balloon is made. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the world's largest hot air balloon producer, Cameron Balloons, will take on the challenge of constructing a passenger-carrying balloon, on site, in about four days.

    Other events to look forward to at the Bristol International Balloon Festival include daredevil stunts(冒险特技表演) from the Red Arrows, over 250 trade stalls, local and international food stalls, and a funfair(露天游艺集市). Here's what's on in detail:

    Thursday 11th August:

    12 pm Gates Open and Trade Village open

    6 pm Special Shapes Ascent — a number of hot air balloons will take to the sky

    9:30 pm Nightglow and Firework Finale — 30 or more balloons will glow in time to music

    10:30 pm Gates Close

    Friday 12th August:

    6 am Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9 am Trade and Entertainment Village open

    12 pm Arena(竞技) Entertainment and Tethered Balloons

    6 pm Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    Saturday 13th August:

    6 am Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9 am Trade and Entertainment Village open

    12 pm Arena Entertainment and Tethered Balloons

    6 pm Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9:30 pm Nightglow and Firework Finale

    10:30 pm Gates Close

    Sunday 14th August:

    6 am Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9 am Trade and Entertainment Village open

    12 pm Arena Entertainment and Tethered Balloons

    6 pm Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent


    An autonomous vehicle designed for making local commerce deliveries was uncovered by Nuro. The vehicle is about the height of an SW but far narrower than a typical car. The electric car features four outside compartments(暗格)—two on each side -to hold separate deliveries. Each compartment can be tailored to a specific use, such as cooking a pizza or refrigerating a package.

    “We can use self-driving technology to deliver anything, anytime, anywhere for basically all local goods and services,” Nuro co-founder Dave Ferguson said. “Consumers used to be okay with two-week paid shipping. It became two-week free delivery, followed by one week, two days, and the same day. Now same-day delivery isn't fast enough for some customers.”

    Nuro isn't alone in building robots for local commerce deliveries. Earlier this month, Toyota, a Japanese car company, uncovered a concept vehicle that could be used for package delivery. A handful of startups—including Starship Technologies, Marble and Dispatch—are testing small robots for deliveries on sidewalks.

    Nuro's vehicle will likely face legal hurdles. Fully autonomous vehicles without a test diver aren't legal in California today, and many companies have shifted testing o states where regulators are more welcoming of autonomous vehicles, such as Arizona.

    Nuro expects to face fewer challenges because it doesn't carry passengers. Nuro's narrow size may also be helpful when navigating streets and avoiding pedestrians. The vehicle isn't equipped with any special features to communicate with pedestrians or other road users. Some companies have tested and patented solutions such as digital screens that signal the car's next move. Ferguson said his team conducted studies and found that such techniques could confuse people. Nuro believes it's better to make sure the car performs predictably, so that human drivers know what to expect from it.

    “We feel by creating this new technology that's going to enable this last mile delivery, we're going to be creating new markets and doing things that previously weren't possible,” Ferguson said. “This is not swapping out jobs with robots. It's creating new markets. There will definitely be new employment opportunities.”

Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Scholarship Application Tips in 2013 for college students

    Before you apply

    ⒈Work hard to get good grades. Don't sweat about one bad grade, but always strive(力求)to do your best.

    ⒉Get involved, and stay involved, in extracurricular(课外的)activities. Sports, clubs, drama, bands and orchestras-these often count toward a student's overall scholarship application evaluation. The same goes for paid (or unpaid) work experience.

    ⒊Begin your scholarship research early-by your sophomore(大学二年级)or junior year of high school, if possible. Make special note of application deadlines, as they can vary from late summer to late spring.

    ⒋Apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible(符合条件的)for-several smaller scholarships can add up to a lot of money.

    During the application process

    ⒈Read the supplementary materials that come with scholarship application forms to better understand the program's focus (community service, subject interest). Try to answer the questions with the focus area in mind.

    ⒉Answer questions as they are asked. Don't got off topic.

    ⒊If there is a financial component to the application, make sure you get accurate and complete information from all appropriate sources to ensure your eligibility.

    ⒋Take your time. Write down everything you can think of for each question, then set the application aside for a day so you can look everything over again before you send it off.

    ⒌Don't wait until the last minute to complete your application, especially if you are applying online. Computer systems can get clogged(阻塞的)with the large volume of applicants hoping to submit their qualifications during the last few days and hours before a deadline.

    ⒍If a third party has to complete part of your application, such as providing a letter of recommendation, make sure you ask them early on and remind them as often as necessary to ensure they provide you with the necessary materials.

    ⒎Last but not least, review your application with your parents to make sure you haven't left out any important details.

Good luck to the students applying for the 2013 scholarship programs!


    D. Mike Miles hadn't had a stable job in years. He bounced around from temporary agency to temporary agency, never sure when his last day would be. Sometimes, he lost a job with less than a day's notice. This was not due to a poor work ethic (职业道德) - from arriving early to staying late, Miles said he did everything he could to leave good impressions on employers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in the US. But because Miles had a criminal record, he was always cut loose when it was time to let staff go.

    "It was like walking on eggshells. You just never knew when you'd be gone," he said.

    After his release from prison in 2007, Miles struggled to find stability – both mentally and financially. During this time, he lived in his mother's house and she helped him raise his daughter. When his mom passed away two years later, Miles said he became more determined than ever to create a healthy environment for his family.

    "I'm all she has, and she's all I have," he said. "I had to build a whole new relationship with my daughter, while building a whole new life for myself."

    It wasn't until October 2015, nearly a decade after he got out of prison, that a cousin told Miles about a food company that hires people who have difficulty finding jobs.

    Hoping this would clear up what felt like a thick cloud of uncertainty over his future, Miles submitted an application. He got an interview and soon after that, began his new job. His work involves everything from food production to maintenance (保存), not to mention it pays a livable wage of $15 an hour. He said it's the best job he's ever had.

    Miles' story is rare in Lancaster, where the poverty rate is around 30 percent – about double the national average. This figure annoyed Charlie Crystle, the co-founder and CEO of the company that gave Miles his job.

    Crystle said he wanted to inspire other companies and entrepreneurs (企业家) to rethink their current practices and ignite(引发)conversations about minimum wage and employment opportunities for everyone, including ex-offenders (有犯罪前科的人).

    Beyond providing employment and livable wages, the company also helps employees deal with the many challenges of reentry into society. This means anything from helping them find housing and health benefits to changing their schedules.

    Miles is now saving for a house. "It doesn't have to be a big house," he said. "I just want to be stable."


    A butterfly's wings can have many jobs besides keeping the insect in the air. They may be called on to attract mates, to warn potential enemies to stay away, to do other animals or even to provide disguise(伪装).

    All of these roles, though, depend on their colouration-which is unchanging. This plays into the idea that butterfly wings are dead tissue, like a bird's feathers or a mammal's hair. In fact, that is not true. For example, in some species males' wings harbour special cells that release chemicals which attract females.

    Nanfang Yu, a physicist at Columbia University, in New York, has been looking into the matter. One of his interests is the optical (光学的) properties of biological materials. That has led him to study butterfly wings in more detail. And, in cooperation with Naomi Pierce, a butterfly specialist at Harvard University, he has now shown, in a paper published this week in Nature Communications, that butterfly wings are, indeed, very much alive.

    Initially, Dr Yu and Dr Pierce wanted to know how the insects keep their body temperatures up without their wings overheating. Unlike birds and mammals, butterflies do not produce enough internal heat to metabolize(新陈代谢). Instead, they rely on outside heat sources-usually the sun-to bring their bodies up to speed. But their wings, being thin protein membranes (膜), have a limited thermal capacity. Those wings can therefore overheat quickly if the insects are exposed to the sunlight too long, or, oppositely, can cool down too rapidly if they are flying through cold air.

In their experiments, the two researchers used a laser (激光) to heat up spots on the wings of dozens of butterfly species. When the temperature of the area under the laser reached 40℃ or so, the insects responded within seconds by doing things that stopped their wings heating up further. These actions included a butterfly turning around to minimize its exposure to the laser, beating its wings or simply walking away.

