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  • 1. 完形填空

    A Little Girl's Dream

        My father was a lawyer. One day he told me to wait for him in the back of the courtroom until he finished trying his case. But I was only nine years old and got 1 easily. So I wandered the shiny floors of the courthouse lobby until finally ending up in the back of another courtroom not too far from the first. I could not stop 2 at a man, wondering why he was crying. I could tell that he was trying to speak but his words were being suffocated (压制)by all of his 3. He remained in the arms of someone who was dressed just like my father always was—white shirt, suit and tie. They held on to each other lor quite some time. Then the man who was crying wiped his eyes, and 4 spoke. “Thank you,” he said to the man in the fancy blue suit. “Thank you for saving my life.”

        As I watched the human drama unfold before my young eyes, only realizing the full extent of what had happened after my father 5all of the details to me, I discovered what I would do with my future. “I want to save people's lives, Daddy,” I said with great determination. “Just like you and the man in the blue suit. ”

        The 6 in that courtroom that day became a window into my future. I knew instantly that I would be an attorney who helped protect the innocent from injustice. The only issue remained these years was that I'd have to wait7getting that opportunity. Again, I was only nine years old.

        So I filled my days with other ways to assist those in need. Beginning that year, I spent every Thanksgiving at the local soup kitchen cooking and serving those who couldn't 8 a Thanksgiving meal. As a student, I have also had the opportunity to help ESL children learn how to read and write properly and I've spent many days volunteering at the local hospital where I help9. And, of course, as I wait for the fulfillment (实现)of my ultimate goal, my participation in Law Club continues to 10me that this is the profession for me. I am exactly where I belong.

        The next chapter of my life is 11, for I am finally bringing my nine-year-old vision t life. I have grown a lot since then, taking countless opportunities to help others while continuing to learn more about the 12that I am so passionate about. And13 all of it, my goal has remained steadfast. My undergraduate studies and post graduate work are the final steps I will take, helping me to finally 14my childhood dream—the dream of finally being the on standing in a courtroom wearing the fancy 15 while saving lives.

    A . bored B . encouraged C . puzzled D . delighted
    A . shouting B . staring C . laughing D . pointing
    A . imagination B . emotion C . attention D . passion
    A . hardly B . gradually C . finally D . immediately
    A . emphasized B . complained C . summarized D . explained
    A . dialogue B . case C . event D . scene
    A . before B . while C . when D . after
    A . prepare B . offer C . afford D . provide
    A . patients B . professors C . families D . workers
    A . inform B . remind C . warn D . advise
    A . annoying B . exciting C . amusing D . depressing
    A . topic B . toward C . field D . trade
    A . in B . science C . by D . through
    A . achieve B . show C . match D . complete
    A . cloth B . shirt C . tie D . suit


  • 2. 阅读理解

    Holidays are the main times to see both sides of my family.

        At Thanksgiving, my mom, dad, brother and I go to my dad's side of the family, my grandpa's. When I was in 2nd grade, my grandma got in a car accident only miles from their house. At the time, I was in school. I was checked out and brought to church. Since then, holidays have never been the same. However, Thanksgiving is still good, although it would be better with grandma. At my grandpa's house, my uncle, aunt, dad and mom all get the dishes prepared for the feast. When the final family members arrive, and the food is downstairs, we dig in, the little ones first.

        Christmas is a little different. We have Christmas with my mom's side at my uncle's house, usually on Christmas Eve. We have dinner with homemade cupcakes for dessert, and relax until it is time to open presents. The kids get the most and we usually take a family photo. After everybody's gifts have been opened, my family say goodbye and go home.

        Easter has been a little different in the past few years. It started 3 years ago, when my family hosted my mom's side of the family. We put our dishes we made for the day on the counter. We kids go downstairs and play ping-pong or football. We are called up when everything is ready and begin eating. The kids go to a table in the living room, and the adults use the kitchen table. That is usually the Easter day for us.

        Each tradition gets better and better each year for some reason. I wonder what new traditions my family might come up with in the coming years.

    (1) What happened to the writer when he was in 2nd grade?
    A . He lost his grandma. B . He dropped out of school. C . He felt Thanksgiving was not as good as before. D . He didn't like going to his mum's side of the family.
    (2) We can learn from the passage that on Christmas,     .
    A . a family photo is usually taken B . presents are only given to the kids C . the kids play ping-pong or football D . the adults have dinner in the kitchen
    (3) How does the writer feel about future holidays with his family?
    A . Patient and encouraged. B . Curious and eager. C . Worried but grateful. D . Tired but hopeful.
  • 3. 阅读理解


        FROM : John Keating

        SUBJECT : Academic Honesty Policy

        As we start a new semester at City College, I would like to remind everyone of our commitment to academic honesty.

        Today, all students received a copy of our Academic Honesty Policy. I know everyone's mailbox can get very full at this time of year. However, this document is very important. It explains the rules that we expect all members of our academic community to follow. You are responsible for reading and understanding these rules. If you have any questions about the policy, please make an appointment to speak with your academic advisor.

        What is academic dishonesty?

        Often students can be unsure what we mean by academic dishonesty. The Academic Honesty Policy explains the types of behavior that are not allowed. Here are two examples of academic dishonesty:

        Cheating is breaking a rule to get a higher grade. Some examples of cheating include:

        Copying a classmate's answers during an exam.

        Looking at notes during an exam.

        Submitting homework that you borrowed from another student.

        Taking an exam for another student.

        Plagiarism is submitting the words or ideas of other people as your own work. Some examples of plagiarism include:

        Copying text from the Internet and submitting it as your own work.

        Copying text from a book, changing some of the words, and submitting it as your own work.

        Using another person's ideas and not giving that person credit.

        What happens if you are found guilty of academic dishonesty?

        If you are accused of academic dishonesty, the Student Honor Office will investigate your case. If you are found guilty of breaking the rules, the college will take disciplinary action. In serious cases, students can receive a failing grade. They may also be asked to leave school for good. For less serious cases, students could have to revise their work and receive a lower grade.

        Academic work can be difficult. At times, you may be tempted to use dishonesty to make the work easier. As you gather the knowledge and skills that will prepare you for your future career, remember this: It is our values that will help us achieve these goals. With every action, always remember to be honest, responsible and fair.

        Good luck with the new semester.

    John Keating


    City College

    (1) A student is considered cheating when    .
    A . looking at other students' notes after class B . submitting homework that is two weeks late C . remembering sentences from the Internet and writing them on a test D . making people believe he/she is another student while taking an exam
    (2) Which is an example of plagiarism?
    A . Copying text from a book and learning it by heart. B . Bringing secret notes and using them while taking a test. C . Asking the professor a question in the middle of an exam. D . Pretending that someone else's ideas are yours in an essay.
    (3) In all cases when a student is accused of academic dishonesty,     .
    A . he/she will be punished B . he/she will fail the exam C . he/she will get a lower grade D . he/she will be dismissed from school
    (4) The purpose of writing this letter is    .
    A . to make all the school rules clear B . to encourage students to work hard C . to urge students to be honest in academics D . to prevent students' dishonesty in communication
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Gesture is the use of such movements to express thought, emotion, etc. A gesture can be many things. Slamming a book shut shows anger and frustration. Opening a door lor someone shows kindness. Gestures go much beyond small actions.

        My friend once told me a story in high school. One day he met a girl who was on the girls' basketball team. He said hello, gave her a hard handshake and wished her good luck as she had a game later. He came to find out he saved that girl's life. She had planned on committing suicide and by shaking her hand and saying good luck, he made her realize someone really cared about her. I'm not saying all actions are going to change someone else's life that much, but it may make their day better.

        Gestures can be negative too. In my senior year of high school, a guy on my football team was late and was walking down the field to practice. Everyone on the team knows our coach hates it when people are late and walk on the field. He was walking in as if he owned the place and had no care of what his teammates were thinking. His body language had never been good. The other players on the team had never liked him because of his body language.

        Gestures can often say more than a person wants. One day I was mad at my parents for some pointless reason. All day I stayed downstairs. When one of them walked by, I would just stare at the TV or my phone and hope they wouldn't try to start a conversation. When they tried to talk to me, I would give one-word answers. Sitting on the couch and watching TV by myself all day was not my intent but that was what my gestures told my parents.

        One simple gesture can change a person's thoughts, day or maybe even save their lives. If everyone made a nice gesture to someone else every day, our school, town, and world would become a better place. One single act of random kindness at a time or a kind gesture can change the world.

    (1) The story in Paragraph 2 shows    .
    A . gestures are more important than words B . the girl made the writer's friend feel warm C . the writer's friend had affection for the girl D . gestures may help people be positive about life
    (2) How is the passage mainly developed?
    A . By making comparisons. B . By following the order of time. C . By giving examples. D . By analyzing cause and effect.
    (3) Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

    CP: Central Point P : Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion

    A . B . C . D .
    (4) Which is the best title for this passage?
    A . Words Count B . Actions Speak C . Kindness Shines D . Behavior Changes




  • 20. 用方框中单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每个单词只能使用一次。

    doubt  fluent  donate  large  sincere  absence  instruct

    (1) Speaking English can smooth one's path to success.
    (2) With so many people, we had to put off the meeting till next week.
    (3) Tom didn't believe me and looked at me with eyes.
    (4) This App is designed for elderly people, so there should be simple to follow.
    (5) You should often watch English programs so that you can your vocabulary.
    (6) Since the summer holiday is drawing near, I invite you to join us in the camp.
    (7) Frank, a generous man, a lot of money to the victims of the earthquake last year.


  • 21. 阅读下面的短文和问题,根据短文内容,在相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整。

        When you're sitting at your computer, do you work all day without a break? Or do you allow yourself to become distracted (分心)now and again ... to open a few extra tabs, check social media, read a bit of news, keep up with the latest fashion trends, and maybe catch up on some celebrity gossip.

        Stop! You're 'cyberloafing'. This word is a combination of cyber which means 'related to computers', and 'loafing', which means ' relaxing in a lazy way ' .We do it, and we do it a lot. A study from the University of Texas suggests we are guilty of this form of procrastination (拖延)for 14% of our working day. On a Friday afternoon, I expect it's more than that.

        I'll admit to losing myself in cyberloafing. In fact, I've already done it in the course of writing this story. Okay, more than once. It can damage your productivity and even your career because according to the University of Texas research, each time a worker gets distracted by the Internet, it takes an average of 23 minutes to get back to work.

        More than that, cyberloafing has a dark side, according to a report published in The Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace. It argues that cyberloafing is connected to several negative personality qualities. People who cyberloaf are more likely to be selfish and tricky.

        Why do we do it? For some, it's most likely an escape from what they're supposed to be doing. Others might get a feeling of satisfaction from finding a great deal online.

        When you have the whole world of the Internet at your fingertips, it's hard to resist.

        How do we solve this problem? If you can truly ask yourself why you are cyberloafing, then that can help identify the base problem. And if that sounds like too much hard work, you could just switch off the Internet for a couple of hours!

        So, in the meantime, let me just close those extra tabs.

    (1) How is the word "cyberloafing" formed?(不多于8个单词)
    (2) What can cyberloafing damage?(不多于6个单词)
    (3) Why do people do "cyberloafing"?(不多于13个单词)


  • 22. 阅读理解

    Let E-bikes Power New York's Transit Future

        Providence, R. I., just became the 13th city to develop an electric-assisted bike-share system, which runs or is developing bike-share networks in cities across the United States. Ironically, the Brooklyn-based company cannot operate in its hometown of New York City,due to the wrongheaded ban on electric bicycles.

        In many major cities in the U. S. and abroad, e-bikes are flourishing and helping to solve major urban challenges. Stockholm is adding 5, 000 e-bikes to its bike-share system. UPS is delivering packages in Hamburg using electrically-assisted cargo tricycles. And San Francisco's DoorDash food delivery service has found e-bikes to be the best mode to navigate heavy traffic and limited parking.

        In striking contrast, New York City insists e-bikes are banned under law. More than 900 e- bikes were seized and more than 1, 800 summonses(召回)were issued by the New York Police Department in 2017,following Mayor de Blasio's decision to limit e-bike usage, despite the fact that no data or records exist to show e-bike-related safety incidents.

        Who does the e-bike restriction hurt? The e-bikes seized in 2017 primarily belonged to food delivery workers, who are immigrants from Asia and Latin America. New Yorkers love their delivery: A new study from the New York City Department of Transportation found that more than half of city residents receive food deliveries at least a few times per month."

        In fact, the top three neighborhoods for e-bike summonses-the Upper East and West Sides and East Midtown-also consisted of more than 70% white residents. It's difficult to divorce the penalty of workers of color from the predominantly white, rich neighborhoods to whom the meals are delivered.

        It is true that the rush to maximize delivery numbers leads to higher speeds and potentially dangerous biking. To that end, the city should improve and enforce safe cycling and expand bicycling infrastructure to ensure safe passage for cyclists and pedestrians.

        Outside New York, cities and companies are finding that e-bikes are convenient, have low carbon footprints and require less space than cars on city streets. As New York City seeks to improve traffic, better air quality and encourage active modes of transportation, it is confusing that a mode that checks all of those boxes would be outlawed.

        The city must stop pedaling backwards on both workable transportation modes and the racially-charged policies surrounding them. It is time for New York City to embrace e-bikes as the very useful, worker-enabling, convenient and environmentally-forward mode that they are.

    (1) Why are e-bike usage situations in major cities in the U. S. and abroad mentioned?
    A . To compare the differences of e-bike development in major cities. B . To describe the advantages of e-bike systems around the world. C . To arouse attention on the popularity of e-bikes from readers. D . To question the policy on e-bike usage in New York City.
    (2) We can learn from the passage that     
    A . e-bikes failed to solve major urban challenges B . data and records showed e-bikes caused traffic accidents C . only the immigrants needed the e-bikes for food delivery D . there have been strict regulations banning the e-bikes on road
    (3) The underlined phrase "checks all of those boxes" in paragraph 7 means      .
    A . meets the requirements B . unlocks the boxes C . includes the requirements D . examines the boxes
    (4) What is the writer's attitude towards using e-bikes in New York City?
    A . Skeptical. B . Supportive. C . Objective. D . Negative.


  • 23. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。近期你们班组织了志愿者活动和春游。你在跟美国 朋友Jeff的邮件交流中,向他介绍你参加其中一项活动的情况,内容包括:






    提示词:志愿者活动volunteer activity 春游spring outing

    Dear Jeff,


     Li Hua
