When asked about honesty, many people will surely say that honesty
is very importance or it's basic to a person. I think it's great that every one
of us has realized its importance.
However, it seemed that there are still some people not full
aware of it. Once I went to the market with my mum for a big dinner in Saturday.
When we were walking past the stalls, a loud noise was caught my attention. It came
from a butcher's stand, where a lady accused him of inject water(注水) into the pork and asked for the money
back. And the butcher refused and even argued that it wouldn't do harm her health.
We can also see being honest are easier said than done. I think
we should plant honesty like a tree in our heart so that we won't hesitate to be
honest when they are in society. With it, we will be fully trusted and popular with