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Join the Great Wall Marathon Autumn 2024Beijing, China 27 Oct 2024 (Sun) Marathon, Half marathon, 10 km, 5 km

Welcome to the Great Wall of China Marathon! Autumn is the most beautiful season of a year in Beijing. For the runners who do not like to run the Great Wall of China Marathon in May at the temperature of around 25℃, autumn is a perfect choice with the temperature of around 10℃.

Ticket: $150Included in the fee:

the light breakfast and light lunch

the T-shirt

the number cloth

the transportation

the mobile toilets and drinks service along the way

AgeLimitOver age of 13 and under age of 70.


We have buses for all runners to the Great Wall, and runners should not worry about parking.

Registration (报名) closes on 15 October.

You can, within 24 hours after your registration, get all your money back if you change your mind.

(1)、When is the Great Wall Marathon Autumn 2024?
A、In May. B、In October. C、In April. D、In November.
(2)、If you take part in the race, ____.
A、you should spend 70 dollars B、you can register at any time before the competition. C、you can have something to drink while running D、you have to drive to the Great Wall on your own.
(3)、On which of the following websites can we most probably read the text?
A、http://healthyfood.com B、https://worldmarathons.com C、https://freemovieswatch.net D、http://travelzoo.com/cn

Ireland,Japan,Chinascientists share the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine.WilliamCampbell,Satoshi Omuraand Tu Youyou jointly won the prize for their work against diseases,theaward-giving body said on Monday.

Tu Youyou, a scientist at the China Academy of Chinese MedicalSciences, has no postgraduate degree. She has never studied or done researchabroad. She is neither a member of the Chi­nese Academy of Sciences nor theChinese Academy of Engineering. However, the 81-year-old phar­macologist hasbecome the first scientist on the Chinese mainland to win a Lasker Award, themedical prize of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation.

The Lasker Awards have existed since 1945. Tu was presented the2011 Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award on September 23. She discovered adrug called artemisinin . The drug is now widely used against malaria .

Tu and her colleagues joined a government project to find a newmalaria drug in the late 1960s during the "cultural revolution"(1966-76).  They made 380 herbal extractsfrom 200 potential recipes. The recipes came from traditional Chinese medicalbooks. The team then tested them on malaria-infected mice.  Finally Tu became interested in an extract ofthe plant qinghao, or sweet wormwood .

According to an ancient Chinese medicine book, qinghao was onceused to treat malaria. However, the extract they made in the lab didn't workwell. Maybe, thought Tu, the effective ingredient in qinghao was destroyed byhigh temperatures. Therefore, Tu tried to make the extract with an ether whichhas a much lower boiling point than water.

In 1971, after more than 190 failures, Tu finally got an extractthat was 100 percent effective against the malaria para­sites .The extract wascalled qinghaosu, later renamed artemisinin.

According to a statement on the Lasker Foundation website,during the past four decades, Tu's drug has saved millions of lives. It isespecially important for children in the poorest and least developed parts ofthe world. However, not many people knew of the scientist until she won theLasker Award this month.

Lasker Awards are known as "America's Nobels" for thereason that in the last two decades, 28 Lasker Prize winners have gone on toreceive the Nobel Prize, and 80 since 1945, according to Xinhua News Agency.

" The discovery of artemisinin is a gift to mankind fromtraditional Chinese medicine," Tu said when she received the a-ward."Continuous exploration and development of traditional medicine will,without doubt, bring more medicines to the world.


    Blowing bubbles is fun! The best thing about bubbles is that it's easy to make your own bubble solution(溶液). You can make as much as you want and blow as many bubbles as you'd like. If you add a "secret" ingredient(配料), you'll get bigger and stronger bubbles! Do just as follows:

    Measure 6 cups of water into one container, then pour 1 cup of dish soap into the water and slowly stir it until the soap is mixed in. Try not to let bubbles form while you stir.

    Measure 1 tablespoon of glycerin(甘油) or 1/4 cup of corn syrup(玉米淀粉) and add it to the container. Stir the solution until it is mixed together.

    You can use the solution right away, but to make even better bubbles, put the lid on the container and let your super bubble solution sit overnight. The soap mixture on the outside of a bubble is actually made of three very thin layers: soap, water, and another layer of soap. A bubble pops when the water that is trapped between the layers of soap evaporates(蒸发). The glycerin or corn syrup mixes with the soap to make it thicker. The thicker skin of the bubbles keeps the water from evaporating as quickly, so they last longer. It also makes them stronger, so you can blow bigger bubbles.

    Dip a bubble wand or straw into the mixture, slowly pull it out, wait a few seconds, and then blow. If you don't have a ready-made "bubble wand", you can make your own by cutting off the end of the bulb of a plastic pipet. Dip the cut end in solution and blow through the narrow end. You can also make a loop out of thin wire or pipe cleaner. Just twist a round end on your wire to blow the bubbles through. You can even make it heart-shaped, square or use other shapes if you're clever enough to bend it well.


    I began cycling in 2004 when I was a poor student. It was dangerous, sure, but cycling is the fastest, cheapest point-to-point form of transport in Melbourne. I own a car now, but that's just for transporting the baby or groceries.

    I hate driving. So it's been quite encouraging watching the growth in cyclist numbers over the past decade. It is estimated 10,000-plus cyclists enter the CBD (Central Business District) each day, taking pressure off public transport. But as more people take to cycling as a mode of transport, the number of cyclists seriously injured or killed keeps climbing. And that is a sign that our infrastructure (基础设施) is still not good enough.

    Melbourne was once a dream for cyclists-flat, long, wide roads, with plenty of paths along rivers. Now, cycling can be deadly, with roads dominated by cars. I have a friend who broke her back and was lucky to escape paralysis, and others with broken bones. In my time riding, I've been forced off the road by a truck, cut off by four-wheel drives, and told to get off the road.

    These things don't exactly happen to trams and buses, those other slowcoaches on Melbourne's roads. No—drivers reserve a particular savagery (残暴行为) for cyclists. And that's a sign of exactly one thing: inadequate infrastructure.

    We shouldn't need to be taught how to coexist in the same narrow space. Drivers and cyclists should be kept apart. The present debate over how to minimize “dooring” is a distraction.

    Dooring is not a legal problem. You cannot legislate (制定法律) it away. Designing bike paths so riders are channelled between moving cars and parked cars is deadly. All it takes is one daydreaming driver to fling open the door and you are gone. That's what happened to the young university student James Cross.

    This year, there are to be new anti-dooring lanes (车道) built on Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, where Cross died in 2010. But these lanes are not safe. Cyclists must still pass between two rows of cars.


Hazel Mayfield usually cooks the Thanksgiving meal for her extended family in Houston, Texas. She usually welcomes friends and neighbors who are eager to taste her fried turkey, green bean casserole, candied yams, homemade cornbread dressing, and dirty rice-just a few of her signature dishes. Known as Sugar Mama, because her grandchildren think she's so sweet, the 91-year-old typically likes to do her own shopping for the ingredients to make her special dishes.

"My mother is the head cook of the family," said Panulette Mouton, Mayfield's daughter. "Because of her reputation, you know, there're people in and out all day and every family comes through. They want to get some of Sugar Mama's cooking, and some of them would like to learn from her how to cook the food."

But Mayfield hasn't been to the grocery store since March. And there is little about Thanksgiving in 2020 that's usual. Because of Covid-19, the deadly virus that has killed millions in the U.S. and spoiled life around the world, everything is different. Since limiting close face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce its spread, hundreds of thousands of American families have re-imagined the holiday with virtual celebrations and canceled or delayed travel plans. There can only be small gatherings with people in their households in response to COVID-19.

This year, Mayfield's family members, without exception, are lamenting the absence of a big gathering. They've explained to their young children and grandchildren why this year's Thanksgiving is different. Mayfield's youngest daughter, Michelle Sanders, says it's tough to help her grandchildren understand why they can't see some of their other family members and why they have to stay at home, celebrating Thanksgiving all by themselves.

"It's really hard, trying to explain to them," Sanders said. "When-you're talking to them and they want to come over, you have to tell them no. They really don't know how to be careful." Sanders added, "And, they don't understand that, being three, four, and six, you know they don't really understand that. So, it's...it's really, really hard, and heartbreaking."

