妙妙将手抄报上的藏头诗读给弟弟听,弟弟也创作了一首。朗读弟弟的节日计划藏头诗,发现其中的特点与乐趣,并尝试着自己写一写吧!D is for dragon. Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.
R is for race. We have dragon-boat races during this festival.
A is for all. We all like this festival.
G is for go. Some families go hiking during this festival.
O is for our. Our custom(习俗) is eating zongzi.
N is for national. It is a national festival to remember Qu Yuan.

温馨提示:藏头诗(acrostic poem)是诗歌的一种,创作时需在诗的开头暗设一个字母或单词,创作完毕后,开头的字母或单词组成一个单词或一句话,以此传达作者的想法或祝福。
Now, let's have a try to write an acrostic poem on a paper!