Siblings refer to one's brothers and sisters. We're attached
to siblings as adults far longer than we are as children. Our sibling
relationships, in fact, are the longest-lasting family ties we have.
“Paul, my younger brother, and I, kind of annoyed each other
when we were kids,” said Anna, an interviewee, “But as adults, we've always had
each other's back, especially when dealing with our mother's health crisis.
Paul is the first person I want to talk to when something worries me.”
There's probably a biological explanation for the close bond
of the sibling relationship. Siblings share half their genes, which biologists
say should be motivation enough for each other's devotion.
One thing that can weaken closeness in adulthood is a parent
who played favorites in childhood; this sense of hatred can last a lifetime.
The simple concept of parental favoritism was enough to shake their
“What Paul and I are pretty sure is our parents treated us
the same when we were growing up. Yet we're very different people,” Anna said,“
Paul is outgoing while I'm shy. Paul is an amateur pianist while I can't read
music or carry a tune. In families with more than one child, every sibling
seems to get a label in contrast to every other sibling.”
The very presence of siblings in the household can be an
education. When a new baby is born, the older sibling gains social skills by
interacting with the younger, and the younger gains cognitively(认知角度地)by imitating the older. They learn from
the friction between them, too, as they fight for their parents' attention.
Mild conflict between brothers and sisters teaches them how to interact with
friends and co-workers for the rest of their lives.
It's so sad when things between siblings fall apart, which
happens when aging parents need care or die — old feelings of contradiction and
jealousy erupt all over again. Many families get through their parents' illnesses
just fine, establishing networks where the workload is divided pretty much
equally. But about 40 percent of the time there is a single primary caregiver
who feels like she is not getting any help from her brothers and sisters, which
can lead to serious conflicts.
Throughout adulthood, the sibling relationship “is powerful
and unchanged,” said Jane Mersky Leder, author of the new e-book The Sibling
Connection. Whether we are close to our siblings or distant, she writes, they
remain our brothers and sisters — for better or for worse.
So remember the immortal(永恒的)words of folksinger Loudon Wainwright Ⅲ, in a song called Thanksgiving.“ On
this brilliant occasion, this special family dinner, if I argue with a loved
one, please make me…”