
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Japan's youth are losing interest in science and as a result, threatening the nation's industrial progress. According to Japan Science and Technology Agency, young Japanese are surrounded by high-tech devices(设备), but are not interested in how they work.

    Japanese businesses have succeeded partly because they've a great many engineers. A drop in interest could lead to a decline(减少) in their numbers and quality. "In the past, the young had a big interest in science and technology," said Hirano, director of the agency's policy department.

    There are two main reasons for the problem. The first is known as "black box syndrome" of modern technology.

    Electronic devices depend on tiny silicon chips(芯片), which can only be made in big factories, whose workings can't be seen by the eyes. The devices, unlike machines of the past driven by gears and wheels, are simply boxes.

    Young Japanese, brought up on video games and at home with computers, enjoy using modern technology, but this is a passive interest and different from the interest in how things work. "You need an active interest to get interested in science. This is declining in the young," said Hirano.

    About two-thirds of Japanese in their 20s use PCs, twice the number of those in their 50s. But only 40% of those in their 20s say they are interested in news about science and technology, compared to 60% of the 50 to 60 year olds.

    "Another reason for it is that life in modern Japan is too comfortable," he said. "A wealthy society reduces people's desire to modernize and develop their country. To a degree, you can't avoid this when the fruits of science and technology are fully developed." Similarly, science in Europe and the US has also suffered a lack of interest.

(1)、Japanese youth's interest in science is dropping probably because ________.

A、scientists don't make much money in Japan B、there are too many scientists in Japan already C、they're not interested in how high-tech devices work D、science is more difficult for young people to learn
(2)、The underlined word "their" (in Para. 2) refers to ________.

A、Japanese engineers' B、Japanese businesses' C、Japan's young people's D、high-tech devices'
(3)、Why does science meet the same problem in Japan, the US and Europe?

A、People believe they don't need to develop their science any more. B、People are satisfied with the comfortable life high-tech devices bring to them. C、People think high-tech devices destroy the environment. D、People don't want to live the modernized life.
(4)、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A、Older people are probably more interested in science in Japan. B、About one-third of Japanese people in their 50s use computers. C、Japan's youth live too comfortably to take interest in science. D、Electronic devices are made of parts that can not be seen at all.

    With freezing temperatures on the way, now it is the time to take steps to protect your four-legged family members from the cold, wet weather San Antonio winters often bring. With a few simple measures, you can ensure your pets stay happy and healthy throughout winter.

    What is the best way to protect your pets during freezing cold weather? Bring them inside. Pets (especially cats) are safer indoors. Can't have your pets inside the house? Purchase a dog house or give your pet a safe, warm place to rest.

    Certain pets are more vulnerable (易受伤害的) to cold temperatures than others. Short-haired dogs, very young or old dogs and all cats should not be left outside during winter months. Short-haired dogs may benefit from a sweater while outside.

    Pets that spend much of their day outdoors will need some extra food throughout the winter months. That's because they use up more energy trying to stay warm. A few extra kibbles probably won't hurt but make sure your pets are getting daily exercise if they're easy to gain weight. Always provide fresh, clean water regardless of the season. Check water daily and clean bowls regularly.

    Be mindful of your pets while winterizing your car. Antifreeze (防冻剂) is deadly to pets that are attracted to its sweet taste. Store all chemicals out of reach, especially if are going to bring your pets into the garage on cold nights. It is necessary to warm up the car before you head out with your pet. A warm engine can be a welcome spot for a cold cat and the noise should scare them away before your start the engine.

    San Antonio's Animal Care Services wants to remind people that the City of San Antonio has laws that protect pets from neglect, including exposure to freezing weather conditions. Animal Care Service warns that if you find any pet around being left in the freezing cold weather, you can call the City's 311 Customer Service line.


    T-shirts out; uniforms in

    School uniforms are becoming more and more popular across the U.S.A. That's no surprise, because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记) that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way, they will not pay too much attention to their clothing, and some of them will not be laughed at for wearing the “wrong” clothes.

    Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms, but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule — wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers; school uniforms tear those barriers down.

    As in other places, uniforms remind the wearers of their purposes and duties. For example, when a man or woman puts on a police uniform, he or she becomes, for a time, the symbol of law and order. The uniform means to the wearer his or her special duties and sends the same message to everyone the wearer meets. People with different jobs wear uniforms of one kind or another. For students, the school uniform reminds them that their task for the six or seven hours they are in school is to get an education.

    Some parents are unhappy about uniforms, saying that school uniforms will affect their children's “creativity.” First, the clothes students choose to wear do not necessarily express the individuality. They just copy their classmates. Second, students have the rest of the day to be as creative as they like. While they're in school, their job is to master reading, writing, and math; this should take up all the creativity they have. Mastery of those skills will be good for the students to build up their creativity in every way.


    It was only after her death from Bright's disease on May 15, 1886 that Emily Dickinson enjoyed recognition for her poetic accomplishment. A limited volume of her works appeared in1890, but it was Thomas H. Johnson's release of her complete body of poetry that made her works receive real acclaim. He published 1,775 of her poems in 1955 in a volume entitled The Poems of Emily Dickinson.

    Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, MA in 1830. The Dickinson family was well known in the community for their contribution to politics and education. Dickinson lived most of her life with her grandfather who was famous for having founded the Amherst Academy in1814 and later Amherst College in 1821.

    Emily Dickinson led a reclusive life, but her childhood was a happy one. She had the privilege of being educated at some of the most outstanding women schools in her time and devoted herself to reading all kinds of books.

    It was during her college years that Emily started writing. Some of her poems were published with the help of her female friends. However, the first serious attempt at having her poems published failed for her being rejected by The Atlantic magazine. This led the selfconscious poetess to believe that the public would never care for her works, and thus she never attempted to have any of her works published again. After the Civil War, Dickinson withdrew from society and had little contact outside of Amherst.

    Dickinson was very concerned with the subject of nature. Her writings are complex, and for many years scholars have searched for romantic inspiration, but have not yet understood her works. What is clear, however, is that her works can't just simply describe something in terms of a narrative style.

    Without doubt, Dickinson's works have greatly influenced and continue to influence modern poetry. In her time, her writing style was unique given that it included the use of dashes and capitalized nouns. None of her works rhymed, and she used unusual comparisons when referring to events and situations. This unconventional method of writing has made her one of the most innovative poets of the 19th century.


    We've all had cases where we've waited just a bit too long to pay an electric bill or speeding ticket. But one man, from California by reasonable assumption, who goes by "Dave", recently took procrastination (拖延) one step further, by paying a parking ticket almost a half-century after it was given.

    In December 2018, the Minersville Police Department in Pennsylvania received a letter in the mail. Whoever wrote the letter decided it was best to keep his name somewhat unknown, so he put the return address as "Wayward Road, Anytown California" under the name "Feeling guilty".

    When the officers opened the envelope, they found a brief letter, along with a $5 bill, and a parking ticket dating all the way back to 1974. The note read, "Dear PD, I've been carrying this ticket around for 40 plus years always intending to pay. Forgive me if I don't give you my info. With respect, Dave."

    Even though the initial parking ticket was only for $2, "Dave" must have felt awfully guilty because he left 150 percent, or $3, in interest.

    Michael Combs, the Police Chief of the Minersville Police Department, stated in an interview that the same ticket would cost about $20 if it were given today. Combs went on to share that the original ticket from 1974 was given to a vehicle that had an Ohio license plate.

    Because there was no system for tracking tickets given to out-of-state cars back then, "Dave" could have gotten away with never paying the $2 fine. But apparently, guilt got the best of him, and he decided to finally cough up the money more than 40 years past its due date.


Best Ways to Quit Smoking

    Not sure how to quit smoking cigarettes? Try the following ways to stop smoking and start your path towards a healthier, smoke-free life.

    Post this list in a visible location in your house.

    Whenever you're tempted to light up, take a look at all the ways smoking can damage your health:

    Increases risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure.

    Reduces levels of folate, low levels of which can increase the risk of heart disease, depression, and Alzheimer's disease.

    Affects mental capacity and memory.

    Contributes to thin bones.

    Affects ability to smell and taste.

    Increases risk of depression in adolescents.

    To minimize cravings (欲望), change your routine.

    Sit in a different chair at breakfast or take a different route to work. If you usually have a drink and cigarette after work, change that to a walk. If you're used to a smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java—the chain is smoke-free. You might even work better in coffee shops!

    Tell your friends, coworkers, boss, partner, and kids how you feel.

    Don't bottle up your emotions. If something makes you angry, express it instead of hiding it with cigarette smoke. If you're bored, admit to yourself that you're bored and find something energetic to do instead of lighting up.

    Make an appointment with an acupuncturist (针灸师).

    There's some evidence that auricular acupuncture (i. e., needles in the ears) controls cigarette cravings quite successfully. You can even do it yourself by taping "seeds" (small beads) onto the acupuncture points and squeezing them whenever cravings arise. Acupuncture can treat these other conditions, too.


    South Africa is the water-lovers' paradise. Whether you want to be by the sea, on the sea or even under it, there are countless ways to get your ocean experience. Almost all of them are located on South Africa's east coast, where the Indian Ocean keeps water warm.

    Thompson's Bay, Ballito

Drive 40 minutes north of Durban to reach the unique coastal town of Ballito. Popular with holidaymakers, Ballito has a choice of pretty beaches—- and the best for swimming is

    Thompson's Bay. This scenic cove (小海湾)is sheltered from the wind and characterized by its calm waters, interesting rocky outcrops and a fascinating geological hole-in-the-wall. There's a walled tidal pool for those who are nervous to swim in the open ocean, making this spot a particularly good choice for families.

    Umhlanga Rocks, Durban

    Located a 20-minute drive from central Durban, the resort town of Umhlanga is an upmarket getaway for vacationing South Africans and visitors in the know. The main Umhlanga Rocks beach boasts safe swimming waters and endless golden sands, again protected by lifeguards and shark nets. A paved walkway provides direct access to the town's beachfront shops, restaurants and bars.

    Gonubie Beach, East London

    The coastal town of Gonubie is seen by many as a suburb of East London, one of the largest cities of the Eastern Cape. Its picture-perfect beach offers great swimming areas in the open sea. The Gonubie River reaches the sea at this point, too, and offers an alternative bathingspot on days when the surf is bigger than usual. All along the river's green banks, you'll find a series of shaded spots perfect for summer picnics and barbecues.

