
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Livingand dealing with kids can be a tough job these days, but living and dealing withparents can be even1 .Since I was a teenager, I2 thatcommunication is very important, both when you disagree and when you get along.With any relationship, you need to let3 people know your feelings. If you are not ableto communicate, things4 becomebad. When you are mad at your parents, not talking to them doesn't solve anything.If you look5 theword "communication" in a dictionary, it will say "the exchange ofideas and information."6 agood relationship, you must keep communication strong. Let people know how you feel,even if it's just by7 anote. You have to make your parents8 good about how they are doing as a parent. If youare trying to make them see something as you see it, tell them that you'll listento what they say, but ask them9 tolisten to you. 10 away only makes the situation worse.

    This is11 example. One night, Sophie wentto a street party with her friends. She knew she had to be home by midnight afterthe fireworks, but she felt12 wouldbe rude of her to ask to go home first. As a result, she was late getting home.Her parents were angry at first, but when Sophie explained13 she was late, they weren't so mad. Communicationis the key factor here.

    Problemscan only14 withcommunication. Just remember,15 youget into a situation like Sophie's, tell your parents how you feel.

A、tough B、tougher C、toughest D、too tough
A、have learnt B、learnt C、learn D、will learn
A、the others B、another C、other D、others
A、must B、will C、need to D、ought to
A、in B、to C、up D、at
A、Kept B、Keep C、Keeps D、To keep
A、writing B、to write C、write D、writes
A、felt B、feel C、feels D、to feel
A、polite B、politeness C、politely D、impolite
A、Walk B、Walks C、Walked D、Walking
A、a B、the C、an D、/
A、they B、it C、this D、she
A、when B、why C、where D、what
A、be solved B、be solving C、solve D、solved
A、because B、before C、unless D、if

A student walks into the teacher's office with his heavy schoolbag slowly and looks worried. "What's happening?" the teacher asks. He tells a lot of small things that make him really unhappy. Then the teacher stops working and decides to do something to help the little boy.

He asks the student to get a glass of water and some salt* from a box. The teacher asks the student to put the salt into the glass of water and drink it.

"How does it taste*?"the teacher asks.

"It doesn't taste good."the student answers.

The teacher doesn't say anything else, but asks the student to get the same amount* of salt and go with the teacher to a nearby lake.

"Put the salt into the lake,"the teacher says. The student does what the teacher says.

"Now, taste the water from the lake,"the teacher says.

The student gets some water from the lake with his hands and tastes, the teacher asks,"How does it taste?"

"Fresh and a bit sweet,"the student answers quickly.

"Do you taste the salt?"the teacher asks.

"No,"the student shakes his head.

The teacher sits beside the student,"The pain* of life is just like salt—no more, no less.

However, how salty it tastes depends* on the container* you put the pain in."

"How do you feel now?"asks the teacher.

The student looks at the teacher with a big smile. He feels much better now.

"Thank you for giving me such a lesson. I think I will never forget the taste of them and learn to be a lake."

