
试题 试卷

  • 阅读理解

    A hungry fox was looking for food. He saw a frog in front of him,and thought," Ah ha! A frog! My dinner!" So he rushed at the frog.

    Behind the fox was a turtle. The turtle saw what the fox was doing, andbit the fox's tail. "Ouch!" cried the fox, and looked back to see theturtle.

    The frog heard the fox's voice, and jumped into the water. "Thankyou, little turtle." said the frog. But the fox was angry at the turtle.

    "I'll throw you into the sky!" said the fox. "Thankyou! I like flying in the sky." said the turtle. "Then I'll throw youinto the river." said the fox. "Oh, no! Not the river. I'm afraid ofthe water." said the turtle. The fox quickly threw the turtle into theriver.

    The turtle looked back, and said, "Thank you, Mr Fox! Byebye!" And the turtle and the frog swam away together.

    (1)The fox wanted to catch the frog for ___________________.
    A . fun B . work C . lunch D . dinner
    (2)After reading the story, we can know that ___________________.
    A . the turtle helped the frog B . the fox got the frog and ate it C . the turtle liked flying in the sky D . the turtle couldn't swim in the river
    (3)Which is the best title?
    A . A strong frog B . A smart turtle C . A nice fox D . A hungry fox

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    组卷次数:80次 +选题

  • 举一反三
     B. Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage

    The Letter That Changed a Life

    A letter changed Levi Strauss's life. In 1849 gold was discovered in California. Thousands of people rushed to California in 1 of finding gold and becoming wealthy. The people hoping to find gold were foolish and greedy. One of those who headed for California was Levi Strauss. Strauss was different. Strauss was a clever, hard-working man. He was 2 a new start in life. Up to this time, Strauss had worked for his two brothers in New York City. The brothers sold clothes and blankets and other goods. Strauss planned to set up a 3 business to his brothers' in California.

    Over the years, Strauss's business grew. In 1872 he got a letter from one of his customers, a tailor (裁缝) in Nevada. The tailor, Jacob Davis, had an idea for making better work pants. The pockets on work pants often tore. Jacob Davis 4 metal rivets (铆钉) to the pockets. Rivets are pieces of metal used to join things together. The rivets worked well, and the miners liked them. Davis didn't have enough money to get a patent for his invention. He also needed help making the pants. In his 5 Davis said that if they worked together, the two of them ‘‘could make a very large amount of money.''

    Strauss could see that riveted work pants were a good idea. He agreed to help Davis. The two decided to make the pants. They decided to use denim cloth because it is a strong cloth that doesn't tear easily and is long lasting. 6 , the riveted denims were called ‘‘dungarees.'' Dungarees is a word from the Hindi language of India that means "rough cloth". Because they were tough and durable, dungarees were worn by thousands of farmers, miners, builders, and other workers. Later, dungarees came to be called "jeans". "Jeans" is a better name for the pants than "dungarees".


