
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    We assume exercise improves our mental health. But what kind of exercise works best? Researchers analyzed the effect of different types of exercise. They looked at the link between physical activities and mental health and found team sports were the best, followed by cycling, either on the road or a stationary bike. Physical activities typically performed in groups, such as team sports and gym classes, provided greater benefits than running or walking.

    Researchers rated mental health based on a survey. It asked respondents how many days in the previous month their mental health was “not good” due to stress, depression or problems withemotions. People who played team sports like soccer and basketball reported 22.3% fewer poor mental-health days than those who didn't exercise. Those who ran or jogged fared 19% better, while those who did household chores 11.8% better.

    They found team sports may have an extra benefit because of the social component, and yoga or tai chi can promote mindfulness, which is often touted as beneficial for mental health.

    The researchers also found that those who exercise between 30 and 60 minutes had the best mental health  with 45 minutes the optimal duration. Exercising three to five times a week correlated with fewer dark days. “Over 90 minutes of exercise and there isn't an extra benefit,” Dr. Chekroud said.

    The study analyzed the exercise habits and mental health of 1.2 million US adults, based on self-reported answers to survey questions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It wasn't a randomized controlled study and just an association between exercise and better mental health. It can't explain if poor mental health causes people to exercise less or exercise causes people to have better mental health.

(1)、Which exercise will best help to cheer up the depressed?
A、Running and jogging outdoors. B、Playing soccer and basketball. C、Doing some household chores. D、Cycling or riding a stationary bike.
(2)、What do the researchers say about team sports?
A、They boost self-esteem. B、They offer inner peace. C、They involve interaction. D、They help achieve goals.
(3)、What Dr. Chekroud said means that_______.
A、more exercise isn't always better B、exercise habits decide mental health C、exercise leads to better mental health D、mental health causes people to exercise
(4)、What can be a suitable title for the text?
A、What sports work best for mental health? B、More exercise, better mental health! C、Less exercise, poor mental health! D、What is the good effect of exercise?

    Life can be so wonderful, full of adventure and joy. It can also be full of challenges, setbacks and heartbreaks. Whatever our circumstances, we generally still have dreams, hopes and desires—that little something more we want for ourselves and our loved ones. Yet knowing we can have more can also create a problem, because when we go to change the way we do things, up come the old patterns and pitfalls  that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the first place.

    This tension between what we feel we can have and "what were seemingly able to have is the niggling  suffering, the anxiety we feel. This is where we usually think it's easier to just give up. But we're never meant to let go of the part of us that knows we can have more. The intelligence behind that knowing is us—the real us. It's the part that believes in life and its possibilities. If you drop that, you begin to feel a little "dead" inside because you're dropping "you".

    So, if we have this capability but somehow life seems to keep us stuck, how do we break these patterns?

    Decide on a new course and make one decision at a time. This is good advice for a new adventure or just getting through today's challenges.

While, deep down, we know we can do it, our mind—or the minds of those close to us—usually says we can't.

    That isn't a reason to stop, it's just the mind, that little man or woman on your shoulder, trying to talk you out of something again. It has done it many times before. It's all about starting simple and doing it now.

    Decide and act before overthinking. When you do this you may feel a little, or large, release from the jail of your mind and you'll be on your way.


    Cheating is nothing new. But it's becoming a lot more sophisticated. Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was caught out once. A photo taken after the speech she'd given on a "return to conservative principles" showed her left hand covered with crib notes. These included the words "energy, budget cuts, tax" and "lift Americans' spirits". The word "budget" had been crossed out. Video footage also showed her reading from her hand when asked what top three things a conservative-led congress should do. Writing notes on your hand is one way to cheat in an exam. But these days, it's a lot easier ... especially with the Internet.

    Anyone who wants to cheat in an exam can probably find the answers online. There are hundreds of sites offering solutions to all sorts of tests. And it's a lucrative business. One operator in Oregon made $700,000 in about nine months before his arrest. The owner of a website in Ohio pocketed more than $300,000. And a famous overseas site is estimated to sell about 146,000 sets of answers and take in about $10 million per year. Actually, getting hold of the exam answers isn't that hard. Some do the exam themselves and use button cameras or document-scanning pens to copy the tests. Others organize for a group to take tests repeatedly until they can memorize the entire exam between them. Others simply bribe exam administrators.

    At the moment, such business is booming. More and more companies now require their employees to take professional exams. And hundreds of businesses and trade organizations have introduced formal certification programs to measure employee skills. In the US alone, at least 2 million exams are taken every year for information technology certification. But employees also have to take exams for all sorts of professions from crane operators to court reporters to school bus drivers and financial planners. Test officials estimate that hundreds of thousands of test-takers have used the Internet to buy answers for professional tests. And a recent survey found that 28 percent of test centres had at least one cheating incident over the last five years. In one incident, tens of thousands of soldiers obtained answers to tests in a range of military skills.

    Many see this as a cause for concern. Many tests are for work in sensitive areas such as defence installations and hospitals. Now, how would you feel if you knew that the people in charge of the computers controlling nuclear weapons might have cheated in their tests, and may not really know what they're doing?


    The UK government has announced plans to tackle sources of air pollution, including popular wood-burning stoves, but its Clean Air Strategy, which was unveiled last week, fails to address the real problem.

    Although pollution from woodburning stoves is a relatively new problem for the UK, it has long been a major one in countries such as Canada and New Zealand. And the take-home message from them as to controlling the release of harmful particulates in the air is simple: ban wood burning.

    "There does not seem to be a limit below which there is no impact on health," says Gary Fuller at King's College London, whose team has shown that wood burning is now the source of a third of particulate pollution in UK cities.

    As New Scientist reported last year, families with wood burners are likely to be exposed to the highest levels of pollution and their neighbours are next in the firing line, given that the particulates produced can easily escape from homes. Despite this, the UK government isn't planning a ban. Instead, it wants "to prohibit the sale of the most polluting fuels", such as wet wood. What's more, lots of people with wood burners don't buy wood from shops. Instead, they scrounge it from wherever they can, with building waste one popular source. This is a disaster in pollution terms as treated or painted wood can release highly toxic chemicals when burned. The plan is also to "ensure that only the cleanest stoves are available for sale by 2022". But even the cleanest stove produces eight times as much pollution as a diesel truck, says Fuller.

    Some cities actually required old wood stoves to be replaced with cleaner new ones. That has helped, but wood burning remains a major source of pollution, says Fuller. In most cases, conventional gas central heating plus properly insulating (使隔热) your home is less harmful in global-warming terms than switching to a wood burner.

    Finally, there are separate but related EU laws that set limits on the maximum allowable concentrations of specific pollutants in the air at individual locations. The UK frequently breaches these: London's Oxford Street often hits its annual limit within the first weeks of each year. As a result, the UK government has lost a series of court cases brought by the environmental organization ClientEarth. Separately, on 17 May, the UK and five other countries were referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union for their repeated failures to keep to these limits. If the government really wants to clean up the UK's air, it has a lot more work to do.


    “Sesame Street” has been called “the longest street in the world”. That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of American's exports soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969.

    In the United States more than six million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half the nation's pre-school children, from every kind of economic, racial, and geographical group.

    Although some educators object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from “Sesame Street” are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.

    Tests have shown that children from all racial, geographical, and economic backgrounds have benefited from watching it. Those who watch it five times a week learn more than occasional(偶然的)viewers. In the US the program is shown at different hours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.

    The programs all use songs, stories, jokes, and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. But there are some differences. For example, the Spanish program, produced in Mexico City, devotes more time to teaching whole words than to teaching separate letters.

    Why has “Sesame Street” been so much more successful than other children's shows? Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories(理论)of its creators, the support by the government and private(私人的)businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch it along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on it. But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and he wants to learn more.

Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    I had a teacher who used to wake up in class by shouting: "The early bird gets the worm!" I say "let him have the worm". I hate food that doesn't stay still, and avoid Japanese restaurants for that very reason. Anyway, I stopped eating worms at the age of three, switching to regular breakfasts of cereal(谷物), to which I would add extra sugar.

    Recently I was thinking about early birds and the competitive spirit after receiving a letter from a reader in Malaysia: "My son deliberately throws away marks because he doesn't like to be top of the class. What shall I do?" Give him a round of "applause" for being smart! Actually many children in Asia tend to be the focus by performing better.

    Placed into a very competitive class when I was 11, I quickly learned the ideal position was second to last. The top three performers and the very last person are highlighted; the second-to-last contestant is INVISIBLE. And it's an easy position to get—just deliberately underperform at every test. I could do that. I once came second to last in eight straight sports day races. No one suspected anything. I was so invisible that I could have robbed a bank in my street and no one would have noticed.

    At the London Olympics a few months ago, badminton pairs from three Asian countries deliberately tried to lost matches to draw good lots in later rounds. It was funny to watch, but they were all thrown out for poor sportsmanship. What they really needed were acting lessons, their moves were so unconvincing. "Oops, I hit the ball in entirely the wrong direction."

    The other day, I took the children out and they raced for the car. "I'm first," said one. The second said: "First is worst, second is best." Together they sang at the last one: "And third's the one with a hairy chest."

    It struck me that the organizers of sports matches could use this song when people deliberately lost matches. "I lost," the delighted loser will say. The judges could still declare them winners, pointing to a new, optional regulation: "First is worst, second is best, third's the one with a hairy chest."


    Edward Latter, five, thought his dog Morse was gone for ever after cruel thieves took him away when the dog escaped from his home.

    The 10-month-old dog had been missing since December and the broken-hearted boy even wrote a heartbreaking letter to Santa and posted it to Lapland asking for his pal back for Christmas.

    A £10,000 reward was offered by millionaire Simon Cowell after he read about the horrific theft. Cowell said: "It's heartbreaking to see a little boy's Christmas ruined. Dogs are so important to many of us. We just hope it helps lead to the safe return of Morse."

    His parents, Amanda Hopkins and Richard Latter, had given up hope of ever seeing their pet again, until they got a call on Friday night. A couple 20 miles away from their home in Marden, Kent, had found a muddy dog walking through their street and thought it could be missing Morse. They brought the Morse in, washed him, and then called Mr Latter who was unsure until he was sent a photo, and then drove the family to the village of Meopham.

    The theatre carpenter, 40, said: "Amanda and I were still quite sceptical, but Edward saw him and recognised him straight away. He was absolutely over the moon. He said: 'I can't believe it, I have my best friend back. It's too late for Christmas but this is the best present ever.' We were still unsure if it was him though—as he wasn't responding to his name or coming to us."

    "We spent about an hour and half over there and we still were not sure, so we took him home to get his chip scanned. It was only when we took him to the vets on Saturday morning and got his chip scanned that we found out for sure. We instantly broke down in tears. We were just hugging each other, hugging Edward and hugging the dog." Added Richard.

    The family who found missing Morse said they hadn't yet heard from Simon Cowell about the £10,000 reward hut were happy to get him home.

