阅读短文,回答问题①While dogs cannot speak, they do show their feelings with body language and voices. Watch a dog's actions, you'll see how it uses ears, eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose, mouth and tail to express its feelings.
②Happy: A dog that is happy and excited to see you will look at you and wag its tail, or it will run around quickly in circles. Some happy dogs will jump up on you.
③Scared: A scared dog acts differently from a happy one. A frightened dog puts its tail down between its legs. Or it lays its ears back to head. Some dogs growl(咆哮)to show they are afraid. Others try to hide.
④Submissive(顺从的): Rolling over generally means the dog is happy and being submissive. In fact, the dog is saying, "You're the boss." It taps you with a paw or places its head on your leg.
⑤ ▲ : A dog who stands still facing another dog or a person with direct eye contact and with ears and tail up is warning of a coming attack. Dogs show one of these behaviours when they want to be left alone, too. A dog that is not feeling good will open its mouth and show its teeth, or it will growl.
⑥Alert(警觉的): The dog is alert for some reason. If you are training it and its ears raise up, it means the dog is paying attention to you and waiting for your orders.
⑦Dogs like being with people, so they try to get your attention. Dogs also know your body language. If you learn a dog's body language, you'll improve the relationship with the dog.