阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。![](http://tikupic.21cnjy.com/2024/12/24/d5/66/d5663249b65fa1ef00a47066d58f6146.png)
Like many inventions, language translators(翻译器) were imagined by writers long before they became real. In Hugo Gernsback's 1911 novel A Romance of the Year 2660, characters use a video telephone that can translate from one language to another. A language translator also appears in Murray Leinster's1945 science fiction. In that story, humans and lives from another plane made a translation machine together after making first contact with one another.
In 1954, the first real language translator was invented by engineers from the IBM company and Georgetown University, which could translate Russian sentences into English. However, the idea of the language translator didn't become truly popular until a special translator appeared in the TV show in the 1970. The translator was powerful, because it could translate any language that it met.
Today, language translators are so pervasive that it's hard to imagine a time without it, especially for many young working or studying in other countries. Most of them can be reached easily online at no cost to users. With translation apps like Google Translate or iTranslate, users sometimes don't even have to look things up. All they need to do is pointing their phone's camera at some writing, and a translation appears at once. If users want to translate something being said aloud, they just turn on their phone's microphone. All of these save our time and effort.
Translation apps make foreign travel much easier than before. They are important when it comes to communicating with taxi drivers or hotel managers who don't speak a traveler's native language. But these apps are far from perfect. Sometimes a translation makes mistakes, making the user guess what the translation means. At other times, the user might not know that the translation has failed until he or she shows it to a native speaker.