Tom sat at his desk, looking out of the window for a long time. He had to finish his class project (课题) tomorrow. Everyone in his class had to write about their own special talent(才能). His friends finished 1 , but Tom still had a problem with what to write about. Earlier that month, Tom helped his2 with their projects.
Betty came to ask for help and enjoyed Tom's wonderful 3 . Tom advised that she should write about drawing because Betty drew wonderful pictures. Betty went home 4 .
A few days ago when Tom5 with Scott in the library, Scott was worried about his project. Tom advised him to write about swimming because he was a very good 6 . Scott hurried home to work on his project.
Tom still couldn't 7 what his special talent was. He thought about his friend Ellie. Last week when they were 8 their way to school, she danced along beside him. Suddenly, Ellie stopped9 she was worried about her project. Tom told her to write about dancing. Ellie was so happy that she jumped into the air and danced the rest(剩余的) of the10 .
However, Tom still couldn't decide on his special talent. 11 , he had an idea. The next day, everyone including Tom presented(呈现) their projects. "It 12 me a long time to decide, so I started to think I didn't have one. But… I do have a special talent. "
"I'm good at 13 my friends, " he said, "All of the things I do are great fun because I do them with my friends. "
The whole class clapped (鼓掌). His friends clapped14 than everyone else.
"You forgot something15 , Tom, " said Betty, "You make the best drinks. "
"Thank you, " said Tom.