阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Early in May, a man took me to a new home at Birtwick Park. The owner called mc"Black Beauty". Here I met my friend, another horse, Ginger. One day, my owner decided to visit some friends. His groom(马夫), James, drove him.
As evening fell, we stopped at a large hotel. A stableman brought us into the stable(马厩) and two grooms looked after us. One groom, Towler, had a pipc(烟斗) in his mouth.
"Towler, get these horses something to eat. Put your pipe down first!" said the stableman.
"All right," said Towler.
At night, I felt uncomfortable and woke up. Ginger was coughing. It was dark, and I could see nothing.____ . It was full of smoke(烟) and hard to breathe. I was very afraid.
The stableman came in and wanted to lead the horses out but they were in fear. Then he tried to pull me out, but I did not want to go. Finally, he left the stable alone.
Certainly, we were very silly, but danger seemed to be all round and there was nobody we could trust. All was strange and unsure.
"Black Beauty, come with me!" James ran to me and said. He always gave us hope. His voice made me calm(镇静的). He put his scarf over my eyes and led me out of the stable. Then, he ran back inside. I shouted at him worriedly when I saw him go. Ginger told me later that she heard my voice and became brave enough to come out. Then I saw James coming out with Ginger.
The next morning, we felt sad when hearing that two horses died in the stable. Towler was responsible(担责任的) for the fire. The night before,a man saw him in the stable with a pipe in his mouth. At Birtwick Park, the rule was"no pipes in the stable" and it was a very good rule.
(Adapted(改编) From Black Beauty by Anna Sewell)