
试题 试卷


题型:书面表达 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


    Bullying isn't just confined to the real world. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, almost half of all young people have been bullied online. Cyberbullying is a form in which people harm other people online deliberately. And unlike the traditional bully, the electronic bully can remain anonymous, so we often don't know who they are. Cyberbullying includes things like spreading lies and rumors online, sending or forwarding unpleasant message via instant messaging, text or on social networks. It's becoming very common among teenagers these days. They are campaigns against cyberbullying and some places have adopted laws to prevent it.

    Kate is a victim of cyberbully. It's so bad that she doesn't want to leave the house. Someone from school has put message on social media saying she's ugly and she should die. It's terrible.













    An old proverb says, "Overcome evil by doing good." I read the news and see people who behead(将……斩首)others in the Middle East, abuse maids and domestic workers in Hong Kong, steal money and misuse power in government (not only in China but in the U.S. and every other part of the world), those who claim certain social ideals while privately practicing greed and living lifestyles that totally contradict their so-called 'ideals.' I only see the headlines and rarely read the stories. It is too depressing.

    So, what do you do when there is so much evil in the world? What can YOU do about it?

    There's only one thing that I know to do. I know (and feel it deep in my heart) to do good.

    My way of overcoming evil in the world is to invest in the lives of Chinese children. I do this every day. I love 'giving back'. I love taking the money I earn and investing back into the lives of children. I will create a language learning lab in a public high school's international department (I already bought four new computers for it this week). The students need the tools to work on their English exams and prepare for TOEFL, IELTS and the SAT. There's no provision for them to have such a resource right now, so, rather than complain about it not being done, I decided, 'why don't I do something about it.' I know that I can and just decided to do it. It isn't anything great, but it will make a difference in the lives of some.




⑴你是否赞成行善?人为什么需要行善? ⑵谈谈你今后打算如何行善;





    What is eco-fashion? Eco-fashion is about making clothes that considers the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry.

    A closer look at the fashion industry points out many problems that are common practices in the creation of our fashions from the field to the factory. Firstly, the production of textiles pollutes the environment heavily. Cotton-planting uses pesticides; sheep-farming and wool-cleaning bring about global warming. Secondly, every stage of clothing production consumes a great deal of energy and some also involve chemicals which obviously do harm to the surroundings. In addition, there is a lot of waste produced in the process, especially in the form of polluted water. Thirdly, growing purchasing power and our shopping habits further worsen the bad effects. We are now buying clothes in increasing quantities and we are also quick to throw away clothes that have been worn only a couple of times.

    Then, how to solve the problem? To a large degree, it is the fashion producers that really have the power and the responsibility to shape our future. There are a great many ways these producers can reduce their ecological footprint, from switching to green energy and reducing energy use, through selecting sustainable materials and choosing local suppliers, to recycling and minimizing waste. On the other hand, as consumers we can all play our part by selecting environmentally friendly clothing and reducing clothing buying.

    There is some concern that eco-friendly fashions are just a trend that we will eventually grow tired of but we can make sure that doesn't happen. Now many people are beginning to shop for organic food products because the benefits of eating food free of chemicals are immediate. They relate directly to our personal health. In fact, choosing eco-fashion can also do good to our personal health, though it is mostly done by way of keeping the health of the planet.



    Once there was an emperor(皇帝)in the Far East who was growing old and knew it was coming time to choose his successor (继承者). Instead of choosing one of his own children, he decided to do something different.

    He called all the young people together one day. He said, "It's time for me to step down and to choose the next emperor. I've decided to choose one of you. "The kids were shocked! But the emperor continued, "I'm going to give each of you a special seed(种子). I want you to go home, plant the seed, water and come back here one year from today with what you've grown from this one seed. I will then judge the plants you bring, and the one I choose will be the next emperor!"

One boy named Ling was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. Back home, he planted the seed in a pot and watered it carefully. Every day he would watch to see if it had grown.

    After three weeks, some of the other youths began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Ling kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks went by. Still nothing. He felt like a failure.

    Six months went by, everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Ling didn't say anything to his friends. However, he just kept waiting for his seed to grow.

    A year finally went by and all the youths brought their plants to the emperor for inspection. Ling didn't want to go, but his mother encouraged him to go and to be honest about what happened. Ling knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace.

    When Ling arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by all the other youths. He put his empty pot on the floor and many of the other kids laughed at him. A few felt sorry for him and just said, "Hey, nice try."






Paragraph 1:

    When the emperor arrived, he surveyed and greeted the young people.

Paragraph 2:

    When Ling got to the front, the emperor asked his name.



    Have you heard an old saying "The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence"? It means other places often look better, more interesting than the place where you live. "Let's go to KFC for dinner and then watch some Japanese cartoons!" We all know it: more and more Chinese kids love American and Japanese food and movies. Some people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel that way. They see young Chinese ignoring(忽视)Chinese culture and, instead, buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating western holidays.

    Foreign books and soap operas are good, but Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can never have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with the Mid-Autumn Festival. China has lots of cool things in its culture: calligraphy, Beijing Opera, quick meals on the streets, and even Jay Chou! And let's not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best: its friendliness. Not all countries are as warm as China.

    It's good to enjoy other cultures and learn from them, but they can never replace your own culture. It's good to look on the other side of the fence, but make sure you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isn't always greener.

    Although some people become worried about that, I don't think they should. Will we get more powerful without learning from other countries? Will Chinese people live more happily without American fast food? Besides, it's fun to learn about different cultures. Chinese kids can learn about other cultures and have fun, but they also need to learn more about their own culture. Be proud of Chinese culture and of being Chinese!

