
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Some Steps for Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone

    A comfort zone is a self-­imposed boundary where a person will refuse to push past. Doing so usually fills him or her with nervousness and anxiety. So let's talk about breaking out of this comfort zone.

    Get information. To break through your comfort zone you need to first educate yourself. Your goal here is to find out about whatever skill you're pursuing. You'll talk to people who have done the same thing. And you'll check out articles on the Internet about this subject.

    Have a plan. After educating yourself it's important to create a plan of action. With this step you're going to write down a step ­by­ step blueprint for how you're going to break through your comfort zone. Then you create a plan to get to each level. In this plan you need to create benchmarks. These are mini ­goals that put you one step close to pushing past your comfort zone.

     This is an important step because the people in your life will keep you on track. You want them to give you that "push" as you're pushing your boundaries. They will make it hard for you to quit because you know you'll look foolish if you did.

    Remain positive. There will be times when you experience a negative outcome, something that shakes your confidence and makes you feel scared. The trick is to not let anything prevent you from blasting past the point of comfort. Recognize that you will have negative outcomes.

    Keep expanding your comfort zone Find stuff that you never imagined you would do. Like teaching a class on the subject that once filled you with fear. Or you could work on a related skill.

A. Look for new challenges.

B. You can't become an overnight success.

C. Have people around you know of your plan.

D. You start with the easiest thing to do.

E. It's a natural part of the process.

F. You won't have time to think about your fear.

G. You'll read books on the subject.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The first time I went abroad was when I went to London. It was in the summer holidays about five or six years ago and I went with my friends. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, so we decided to travel by coach. We left at five in the morning and the journey to London took about sixteen hours.

    We stayed in London for three days, in a youth hotel not far from the centre. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. the beds were not very comfortable and the bedroom was very small but it had a wonderful view overlooking the Thames.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. First, we went to see all the famous sites: Big Ben, Piccadilly Circus, and Buckingham Palace. Then we went shopping in Oxford Street. On the last day my friends and I went to Camden market. You can buy all kinds of jewelry and clothes there.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. it was really sunny in the afternoon, so we went to watch a football game. Unfortunately, I think the ring fell out of my pocket during the game, and I had to buy another one.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} although the youth hotel was not perfect. Next time, I will stay at the Ritz but I will never feel as excited as I did that first time.

A. I really enjoyed visiting London

B. I bought a silver ring for my sister

C. We were all very excited on the coach

D. The plane and train were quite expensive

E. While we were in London we walked a lot

F. My friends and I had a big room on the top floor

G. I've been back to London several times since then


A. Be a good listener.  B. Care about the details.

C. Strike up a conversation. D. Make time for friendships.

E. Reach out to the newcomers.    F. Avoid causing inconveniences

    Develop Better Relationships with Neighbors

    Good neighbors are a lot like electricity or running water:we don't know how much we depend on them until we don't have them. They make our lives more pleasant and give us a sense of who we wrte, both as an individual and as a member of the community. Here is how to develop your relationships with these very important people in your life.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Often neighbors don't even know each other's names. But it's okay to be the one to break the ice , even if you've lived next door for years.Most neighbors enjoy making small talk with the folks on the other side of the fence. So as you see them at work in their yards, smile, wave, and say hello. Ask how their kids are (whether they're babies or in college), whether they could use an extra cucumber from your garden, or what they think of the price at the local supermarket.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} These days, the old Welcome Wagon is a thing of the past. But your new neighbors may be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if they're far from home, and might appreciate a friendly face bearing fresh-baked chocolate cakes. If they have kids, tell them where the children in the neighborhood live. Recommend the best places to eat and sleep. Invite them over for coffee or tea when they get settled, give them your number, and point to your house as you say good-bye.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Return anything that you borrow from a neighbor, such as tools, in good repair and as soon as you've finished with them. Replace anything that belongs to your neighbor that you, your children, or your pets break or soil. Make sure that your car is not blocking their doorway. Such random acts of consideration will have your neighbors talking—and the talk will be good.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you value a friendship with your neighbors, spend time with them. What better way to meet your neighbors than to invite them to an informal barbecue, pool party, or holiday open house? Better yet, you might even consider throwing a get-together in their honor. Deliver the invitations in person to everyone who lives on your street and chat with each for five minutes before moving on to the next house. This way, you will get an idea of what your neighbors are like so that you can plan for appropriate food and music.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} In a good relationship, it's really the little things that count. Help to bring in the mail for the elderly neighbor when there is a heavy rain. When your neighbor gorgets to take in his rubbish cans, roll them back into his yard. If you're truly concerned, you'll know when your neighbor needs some cheering up—a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when it's needed. All it takes to develop your relationship with neighbors is the respect for their feelings.


    Nothing succeeding lacks(缺乏) confidence. When you are truly confident, it attracts success to you. It's important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it under any circumstance(情况), because if you believe you can, then you really will. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Some people say confidence is just an attitude. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with confidence. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It comes from a strong commitment(承诺) to take responsibility, rather than just letting life happen.

    One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Confidence is knowing you can do it. Know that you are able to accomplish(完成) anything you want, and live your life with confidence.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If your life is not what you want it to be, you have the power to change it, and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live with your goals and your plans of action. Act with your own purposes, and you will have the life you want.

A. Actually, it is more than an attitude.

B. It comes from a strong sense of purpose.

C. Confidence is not just believing you can do it.

D. The belief keeps you searching for answers.

E. Confidence is understanding and comes from strength.

F. Live each moment with your plans in mind.

G. Anything can be achieved through self-confidence.


    Whether you've been in college or you're looking forward to going to university in the future, you and your family likely spend some time worrying about the cost of your college education.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} However, that will pay off for years to come. Earning scholarships is a great way to help you. The Financial Aid Office at Illinois State helps students identify scholarship opportunities every day. Here is some advice to help you.


    Have you asked your high school or community college financial aid office about scholarships at your school? Many schools have a list of several scholarships right there.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Check with community organizations, banks and credit unions, and large employers who may offer scholarship opportunities in your area.

    Find your “hook”

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Your unique characteristics can help your scholarship applications stand out. Pay special attention to awards that mention your best qualities, whether that's academic achievements, leadership, community service, or something less common. Think about why a donor wants to assist you in paying for your education. Most scholarship providers want to encourage a particular behavior. Companies may want to attract future employees.

    Develop a routine

    Every scholarship is different in terms of when you can apply, what you need to turn in, when the winner is announced, and how the money is given to you.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} There isn't a single application or search engine that allows you to find and apply for everything. Visit the website for the Office of Student Financial Aid for lists of scholarship opportunities. Go through the lists to find the ones that match you best and keep track of when you can apply for them.

A. While you're searching, consider what makes you special as a student.

B. Typically, scholarship applications open in the late fall or early spring for the next school year's awards, but that also varies depending on the donors.

C. There is no doubt that college education is a necessary step to get yourselves prepared for the future.

D. Local awards can often be easier to get as the application pools are smaller and less competitive.

E. Begin in your own backyard

F. It's no secret that college is one of the biggest investments.

G. Believe in yourselves


    "Post-truth" was chosen by Oxford Dictionaries as the Word of the Year 2016. Indeed, digital misinformation is on the rise and it is hard for people to distinguish. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Before the dawn of the Internet, Canadians regularly turned to trusting their preferred newspapers or radio stations for the latest news. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's now coming at you from so many different sources that you need to take responsibility for what you're seeing.

    Experts recommend relying on a range of sources instead of just one, but looking into them first. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} For example, the people connected where they're based, and their intention. A lack of information is certainly a warning.

    Next, learning to recognize misinformation is important. False news spreads mostly through social media. So if you're looking at news on Facebook, you have to handle it in a wiser way.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Is it from a well-informed relative or a friend who regularly expresses extreme views? And whatever you do, only by clicking through can you see whether the information is accurate.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It has no limits in achieving that goal, so it plays on feelings and uses improper language. Therefore, if you feel excited to share something immediately, that's the time you should stop and ask, "Is it accurate?" If we all take that extra little pause, we'll be able to stop this false thing from spreading.

A. Sources that are reliable tell you about themselves.

B. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to tell facts from fiction.

C. Consider who's sharing it if it's not posted directly from the source.

D. Today 42% of them use social media at least once a day to get their news.

E. Someone sets up "Hot Global News", hoping the ad dollars would pour in.

F. False news is designed to seek attention in order to sell ads or make an idea public.

G. Evaluating sources and getting reliable news is important in the age of misinformation.


    Trophies( 奖 杯 ) were once rare things.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Trophies and prizes are almost a given. One Maryland summer program gives awards every day and each player gets one. Trophy sales are now a $3 billion-a-year industry in the United States and Canada.

    Some research has been done on the effects of praise and awards on kids. Although kids can be highly driven by awards, nonstop recognition does not inspire children to succeed.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University, found that kids respond positively to praise; they enjoy hearing that they're talented, smart and so on. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Disappointed by their failure, they say they'd rather cheat than risk failing again.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, even if they are good at something; they've got to get used to that to keep going. When children make mistakes, our job should not be to make up those losses into decorated victories. Instead, our job is to help kids overcome failures, to help them see that progress over time is more important than a particular win or loss.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. We also have to stop letting the Trophy Industry run our children's lives.

A. Let's fight for a kid's right to lose

B. Instead, it can cause them to underachieve

C. To do that, we need to refuse all the meaningless prizes

D. Kids are going to lose more often than they win in life

E. But today they began to be mass-produced, marketed and sold in stores

F. They will know improvement, character and hard work are to be valued

G. But after such praise, they break down at the first experience of difficulty

