
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    If you want to convince the boss you deserve a pay rise or promotion, the solution could be simple — eat the same food as they do. Psychologists have discovered managers are much more likely to instantly trust us if we choose the same dishes as them.

    During experiments, discussions over wages and work conditions were much more successful if both sides chose to snack on the same treats. And shoppers were much more likely to buy a product advertised on TV by someone eating a similar food to them at the time.

    The reason is thought to be so-called similarity attraction theory — where people tend to like others who have similar tastes or habits to themselves. But this is believed to be one of the first studies highlighting the role of food in this relationship. Researchers at Chicago University in the US conducted a series of experiments to examine food's role in earning trust.

    In a test, participants were told to watch TV — where someone pretending to be a member of the public praised a certain product. The volunteers were given Kit Kat bars to nibble (咬), while the TV people ate either a Kit Kat or grapes as they talked.

    The results showed viewers were much more likely to express an interest in buying the product if the TV showed the other person eating a Kit Kat too.

    The researchers added, “Although similarity in food consumption is not a sign of whether two people will get along, we find consumers treat this as such. They feel more trusting of those who consume as they do. It means people can immediately begin to feel friendship and develop a bond, leading to smoother transactions (交易) from the start.”

    Harley Street psychologist Dr. Lucy Atcheson said it was already known that wearing similar clothes could instantly create trust. But this was the first report that food had the same effect. She said, “This is really interesting. It makes sense as people feel they have common ground and can trust the other person. That means negotiations are more likely to be successful.”

(1)、According to the passage, customers are likely to buy a product from a dealer who ______.
A、has the same taste as them B、advertises his products on TV C、reduces the price of his products D、pays attention to the quality of his products
(2)、The experiments conducted by researchers at Chicago University show that ______.
A、food plays an important role in earning people's trust B、bosses like employees that have the same taste as them C、people who have similar tastes to their boss's earn more D、people have less interest in buying products advertised on TV
(3)、What can be inferred from the passage?
A、People who eat similar food are more likely to trust each other. B、People will get along with each other if they like to eat similar things. C、The effect of wearing similar clothes hasn't been proved by researchers. D、People are more likely to make friends with those wearing the same clothes as them.
(4)、Which of the following sayings can be an example of the similarity attraction theory?
A、Honesty is the best policy. B、All good things come to an end. C、Birds of a feather flock together. D、Where there is a will, there is a way.

    We can have conflicts with our important persons like friends, relatives, workmates, etc. But the conflicts doesn't necessarily mean that the relationship will be destroyed. In fact, sometimes conflict helps people to let out their silent feelings, allowing them to free their suppressed emotions. However, when in a conflict, we usually get angry and say or do things which aren't linked to the problem at hand. Therefore, it is important that we should try to avoid conflicts through effective communication.

    In a heated argument, we usually say things that aren't related to the real problem, and even use rude words to make sure we gain an advantage over the other person. Then the whole situation goes badly. So we should separate(隔离) the root cause of the problem and build our discussion around it. This ensures that there are no rude remarks and the situation moves in a positive direction.

It's easy for us to think we're right and if something isn't working out, it surely must be someone else's fault. However, if you aim to solve a conflict, first of all, you should show some respect and allow the other party to express themselves. Using remarks like, "I understand your concern on this" or "I know you're right at your end", would make the other person feel more appreciated.

    Sometimes some people get too excited and may behave in the wrong way or say something others may not appreciate. This can cause a worse situation. Actually, they should control their emotions and keep calm. This has to be learned through self-control and observing behavior of other people.

The tips mentioned above are useful for most situations. However, we don't rule out the possibility that there are some people always want to create some sort of trouble for others. You can tell them from others, and putting in an effort to resolve a conflict with them may just not be a wise idea. The best way to deal with these people is to forget them. A famous saying can help you and that is: "You should never fight with a pig; you both get dirty and only the pig likes it."


    Some years ago, writing in my diary used to be a usual activity. I would return from school and spend the expected half hour recording the day's events, feelings, and impressions in my little blue diary. I did not really need to express my emotions by way of words, but I gained a certain satisfaction from seeing my experiences forever recorded on paper. After all, isn't accumulating memories a way of preserving the past?

    When I was thirteen years old, I went on a long journey on foot in a great valley, well-equipped with pens, a diary, and a camera. During the trip, I was busy recording every incident, name and place I came across. I felt proud to be spending my time productively, dutifully preserving for future generations a detailed description of my travels. On my last night there, I wandered out of my tent, diary in hand. The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows. I automatically took out my pen…

    At that point, I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds I allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley. All I remembered of the previous few days were the dull characterizations I had set down in my diary.

    Now, I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling. I still love to record ideas and quotations that strike me in books, or observations that are particularly meaningful. I take pictures, but not very often—only of objects I find really beautiful. I'm no longer blindly satisfied with having something to remember when I grow old. I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera, busy preserving the present so as to live it in the future.

    I don't want to wake up one day and have nothing but a pile of pictures and notes. Maybe I won't have as many exact representations of people and places; maybe I'll forget certain facts, but at least the experiences will always remain inside me. I don't live to make memories—I just live, and the memories form themselves.


    Zhang Kui first learned he could perfectly mimic(模仿)the sounds of animals when he was a child. The 29-year-old, who grew up in a poor family in Qiyang, Human province, today is a full-time performer of kouji.

    Zhang was 15 when his father died in 2003. He dropped out of school and joined his uncle's theater. Zhang bought CDs to study how to mimic the sounds of musical instruments and animals. He performed shortly afterward at a small theatre. “Although I wasn't that skilled, I got a lot applause(掌声). It was my first time on the stage. And then more and more audience came to watch my performances.” he said.

    He moved to Guilin in 2004, where he found work as a waiter at a karaoke bar. In 2005, Zhang went to Guangdong province and performed outside supermarkets to sell shampoo. “They paid me less, so I had to perform at bars at night.” said Zhang. He also worked as a condtruction worker. In 2007, he went to Beijing to learn from Niu Yuliang, a Beijing Kouji master. He worked as a gatekeeper to pay his way. He went to Niu on weekends and during the holidays to learn.

    Zhang's skills improved and he has since performed on more than 20 television programs. In September 2013, he was invited to Switzerland, in 2004, he performed in Africa, Europe and North America.

    Last year, he made a short film about the art and said it was the first film on the subject. The film will be on this year, and he said he hoped to draw more attention to the art. He also plans to give lectures on this traditional art at universities.


    In the near future, we may be using our eyes to operate our smart-phones and tablets, even when it comes to playing popular games like Fruit Ninja.

    The Gaze Group has been developing eye-controlled computer technology for nearly 20years. But those devices have been firstly designed to help those with disabilities, and are very expensive.

    “After a while, we figured out that probably the best way is to go for a mass-market way,”says Gaze's Sune Alstrup Johansen. “Where everybody would have this available.”

    Johansen and some of his colleagues have formed a new company, the Eye Tribe, which is hoping to develop the technology on a mass commercial level.

    The technology works when combined with the computing device toward the user's face. After making sure of the user's eye movements, the technology is then able to easily find where a person's eyes are moving, and then allow the eyes to control a cursor (光标)

    “Our software can then determine the location of the eyes and know where you're looking on the screen to make sure what you're looking at, ”reads an explanation on the Eye Tribe site.

    There has been a gradual change toward hands-free technology in recent years, particularly in the gaming world. Recently Xbox released the Kinect device, which lets users control their Xbox and play certain games using only their hands, legs and voices. But still, most of these devices have been more of a gimmick than a practical way to use one's hands to control a mobile device. Johansen said a replaceable filter (滤光器) would be a cheap, convenient way for most consumers.

    And even as companies like The Eye Tribe work to create such a product for the average user, making the eye-controlled technology more accessible and less expensive will have similar benefits for physically disabled users.

    For more articles on modem science, please CLICK here.


    If you want to visit only the sights that you think are most interesting, you should definitely book one of the many private tours in NYC.

    Landmark Private New York Tours: The best way to make the most of your visit to the top NYC landmarks is to use one of the private tours in NYC.

    NY See It All: From traveling through Manhattan to getting onto a boat to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, this private NYC tour delivers superior service. Customize(定制) your stops and see why this tour is one of the best private tours in NYC.

    NY Limo Tour: After choosing what you want to see, this private tour in NYC lets you write the route of your day. Whether you want to see historical NYC sights, movie sights, or cultural sights, it will help make your visit memorable.

    Aerial Landmark Tour: This is a fun and exciting way to explore New York City. On this 20-minute helicopter tour, you'll see the very best landmarks in Manhattan and the Bronx.

    Family-Friendly Private New York Tours: NYC isn't just a playground of adults; these family-friendly private New York City tours are ideal for people traveling with kids.

    Revolutionary Era Walking Tour: When you book this informative NYC walking tour, you and your kids will wander around Manhattan's Financial District and hear all about the American Revolution.With knowledgeable guides, your kids will love the tour too.

    Kids Greenwich Village Tour: This fun NYC walking tour is specifically created for children. You and your kids will visit some famous Greenwich Village sights, while the children, led by friendly guides,play games that relate to math, science, foreign language, and the arts.


    I decided to ski to the North Pole. It was after I saw an advertisement in a newspaper looking for people to join a team to ski 350 miles to the North Pole. Back in 1996, there had never been a woman from the UK who had accomplished this challenge. I wondered what it would be like to survive in temperatures cold enough to freeze your flesh in seconds, so I sent off for the application form.

    The application form full of pictures of male explores arrived. The words “Are you man enough for the ultimate(极限的)challenge?” made me angry and even more determined to get on the team.

    Over 500 individuals applied for a place in the team, and the selection process included physical and psychological tests designed to pick the best group. In one test, there was a huge rope ladder we had to climb, and I froze at the top because I have a fear of heights. I thought my hopes were fading as most other applicants sailed past, leaving me behind. But two others helped me over, and later I found out that the organizers were not looking for amazing individuals, but great team players, and this moment had shown them who would take care of others in the team.

    I had revealed(显示)my weakness, and in a place like the Arctic, you have to be yourself, as there is nowhere to hide. These personalities of asking for help and showing weakness are necessary for women to master.

    I realized that by being myself, I could succeed. I was selected for the team. I realized that I could achieve more than I ever imagined — more importantly, by sharing my story with others, I could inspire them to take a step into the new world and reveal more of their abilities.

